HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-06-17, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Townships
Vol. X.
IJU • .
Our annual June Sale is
now on. You will find every
de arta hent of our large store
filled with seasonable oods at §
prices that will sell the 0
. Our
§ motto is not how cheap we can §
sell, but how good we can buy.
Honest treatment to one and all.
New Whitewear
You'll appreciate the neat fit, quality and value of our 0
whitewear. We are showing all new goods for our June sale.
See our special values in white waists. These goods are very
pretty. See window for display.
New Summer Dress Goods
Our June sale of summer Dress Goods promises to be a
record -breaker. We have never had such a complete variety of
muslins, silks, etc.. • suitable fol summer wear. 'We cordially
invite your inspection of these goods.
Gloves and Hosiery
. We carry a full >.ssortment of all shades in summer gloves
and. beeiery. Lisle thread and in many different designs.
We have a splendid line of ready-to-wear two and three
piece snits. They are smart. looking and serviceable. The
two piece snits are jest the thing fur summer wear. S peoiel
prices during our Jane sale.
Men's Furnishings
We bake special pride in calling attention to our
display of new shirts, neck -ties and braces. A large new
shipment just in.
Ladies' Vests, extra
V special, 2 for
Bedroom Lamps, all
At 2
All our' millinery marked down to cost and under.
Don't miss tbi,.
A new and large stook of silo°erw'are for
June weddings, such as butter dishes, pickle,
sugar and fruit dishes, knives and forks, spoons,
etc. i�
Telephone. 9
reete r
Z I R 1 C l
4,7 ertra•eraa r 4-1,4)31�
S. ]I
411 64-70
Mr. -Harold Appel and Mr.
Connor of Seaforih, spent Sunday
in town.
Mrs. Kaiser. of London is visiting
at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Axti:
Miss Dianna Rickheil of Buffalo,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Rickbeil..
Remember the .Lilian social at the
Presbyterian oh reh, Hillsgreen,
this (Friday) evening,
Miss Errna Geiger played a violin
solo in the Evangelical church, at
Sunday evening's service.
Mrs. .Joseph Basins and Mrs
Godfrey Nicholson, of Orediton,
visited friends here, on Tuesday.
The W. U. T.1, U. will meet on
Wednesday afternoon, June 22nd ,
at the home of )Xi.rs. E. Zeller.
The police trustees are getting
ready to put down a number of
stretches of cement walk.
The Jubilee Silver Band will
furnish music tat the Hillsgreen
Lawn Social, this (Friday) evening.
A knife for the Township grader
has been nislaid+�nd anyone know-
ing where it int be found will
please notify C. fiber.
Men's brown *dives shoes for
81.00 a pair. Bos' canvas shoes
for 80 cents and 94 <;ents. P. Ben.
der, Zurich.
Mr. T. L. Wuriu was in Dash-
wood for a few" days this, week
managing one, oE,tthe big general
stores there,
The Misses ; :;." rcher, who has
been working at'. arnia for some
months, have rt lurnerd to their
home at the 14th.
Mrs. E. Zeller rnl children re•
turned on Mone r,' from .a three
weeks' Vi itr` to ; 4.' ell tivett tit'
Merlin and Tiltry. ;
Mr. and. Mrs. ,T, Preeter attended
the wedding of' Mrs Preeter's
sister, ~Mics A. Moyer, which took
plaoe at Berlin. on Tuesday
Mr. F. Hess Sr., is attending the
Lutheran synod being held et
Pearl Lake, Bruce County, as
delegate frorr. the Zurich church.
• Mr. John Hey Jr., Goshen Line,
has added a neat verandah to his
dwelling and is leaving it all nicely
painted which adds greatly to the
appoarrnoe of his farm.
Bargains at P Bender's, women's
low patent leather pumps fy r
$1.90, kid pumps for $i 75, clime.
late pumps $1 75. Don't miss our
June sale commencing this week
Zurich annual school picnic and
civic holiday will be held at Grand
Bend on Wednesday 29th inst. All
desiring room in carryalls are
requested to see Principal Beaton,
at enc.
Our St. Joseph correspondent
this week devotes some space to
the autos, Some of the words used
would scare a domestricated equine
quadruped, and has our corn posit•
ors rattled. Will he please tor -
ward a dictionary with his next.
Mr. George Fassold a former
resident of this section died last,
week at an advanced age Thi
funeral took place on Satin -de' ,
from the residence of Isis eon
Philip, at Dashwood, to the Lathe
ran cemetery here, the service
being conducted by Rev. Thnn, cit
Dash wood .
.A number of places in this conn.
ty are taking a WFekly half hnlidav
during the mond s of July and
August and there eeins no reason
why the business men in town
could not adopt a teta,iu r , len.
THE HERALD would sn gesr; Friday
afternoons. es about the most euit-
able time of the week,
When the spider's web on tii`e
grass can be seen thickly* rnverr•c1
with morning dew, and the dandel•
ions open fully their golden petals
before eight o'clock in the morn•
ing, it is a very sure sign that the
clay will be fair; but it the dandel•
inns remain 'closed until rine
o'clock, rain may be expected, '
Through the collapse of the
water tank on the Herald building
in , Montreal, on Monday, abort.
fifty peeple were killed and nearly
one bundle cl injure ti. The big
tank craeln d through five floors
and caused a motley' ogs of half a
Trillion dollto s. The ruing tater
mediately caught' fire .and the
whole hn lAing and plant is a
io5al lass:
NO. 46
ew 11 pers I
Now is the season for a general cleaning •-
up. We have a large stock of handsome Wall
Papers for bedrooms, halls, dining rooms and
parlors. call and see Sample Books
New Spring
Dress Goods
We have a good range of
the very newest in Dress
New Linen Suitings
We show the best Linens
for the money, in colors, Tan,
Blue, Pink, and stripe.
L.ouisine Novelty
For Dresses
We are the only ones that
show this Lonisine Novelty.
Its next to a silk dress for
only 25 cents a yard, In
colors, Rose, Reside, New
Blue, and Chane.
Mnslins Etc.
New Dress Muslins, Lac-
es, Embroidery, Dress Trim-
mings, Dregs Buttons, Belts.
Madtass Curtains
We show a good range
of Mcdrass Curtains.
Ladies Waists
In «'Bite, Black and Ecru
Price:; from 05 cents to $4.00
each. Call and see these
lovely waists.
Ladies fancy parasols,
and Children parasols.
Men's Tailor Made
Hats and
New Men'
ry et.
We have a large range of the latest hats.
If you eaunnt be suited with the hats we have,
we will make up for you the kind you like.
we cordially invite you to call and look through this Department.
All Farah Prod./Ace taken in exchange
Now that the weather has be- Call at P. Bender's for anything
come warns, it is time to talk civic in the line of canvas shoes.
holiday. Seafortic races will be held this
Mr. Daviel Bock returned to year on the 21st and 22ed of this
Windsor on Monday, to work at [ month.
the M. U. R. tunnel.
Come and see our children's `vine
colored shoes. They look cute. P.
Bender, Zurich.
Quite a number from this section
attended the S. S. Convention at
Orediton, this week.
Oats and buckwheat wanted at
feed store, for which highest
market price will be paid.
Mr. John Schafer and sister Mrs,
Shoemaker of Parkhill visited their
mother, Mrs. F. Demuth, this
We handle the famous New
Perfection coal oil stove._ None
better Made, See one in our store
J. Preeter,
Our baseball boys are not prase
tieing as they ought and unless
some ginger is put into the game
soon, we will havr very little of
this exeel]ent sport, this season,
SVake up buys.
Wa.uted—Good General Servant
in a small fancily. One accustom•
ed to dating all kinds of ordinary
housework and plain cooking, Re.
ferences required, Address Mrs,
C. M. Walker, 1'Vingham, Ontario.
40-4 Pd.
The members of the Mennonite
con;r•egation desire to thane til:
those:whn have so generously con.
tribnted to their building fund ,
The canvasser, ,ir, Joseph Gascho
informs Tnei H,ERAL..n that about
$400.00 has been subscribed by the
citizens of Zurich.
Nine thousand men will be re
quired.to take the census. of next
year. l'be West will probably
receive.au increased representation
in the Hoose of ()onrtuets after
the ()inane has b ken taken, but
this 011 depend upon the relative
increase in Quebec ani the East.
Try Wondershine for cleaning
brass, silver, or gold. It removes
all tarnish instantly, J, Preeter.
Mrs. Christina Voliand has the
excavation done for her new house,
at the South end.
Mrs, Fred Demuth continues in
very poor health, and her condition
shows no signs of improvement,
Dr. Oven's Surgeon, Oculist
specialist will be at Commercial
Hotel, Zurich, on Friday. June
24th. Hnnrs all day. Glasses
properly fitted, Catarrh, deafness,
failing eyesight and throat
troubles treated.
In answer to a number of en-
quiries, regarding the method of
oreating and installing the propoe-
ed municipal telephone system,
Tent Hica ar v will give u short ex-
planation. On petition of the
necessary number of subscribers,
the municipal council may proceed
to build lines and charge the con-
struction, maintenance and opera-
tion to the suoscribers. The cost
will be spread over a period of ten
years, at the end of which time the
lines will. he paid and the only ex-
pense thereafter will be for main-
tenance and cnsr. of nperating,
which will amount to $5.0e or $ii.00
per year. The rate for the deben-
tures will depend on the number of
subscribers;ecured, the larger the
number per mile the lower the
vearly'obarge will be. it en aver-
.tge of four to the rnile (a reasonab-
le eetimate) ean be • connected the
,gust, per year Would ba about
ill 00 per year. This •ston tr oulrl
nr.ltide construction, tnaaotei allot
ncl opetetb.:n.