HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-06-10, Page 8tl know the necessity of having good quality. in goods in order to seen re the longest service. The careless and wasteful buy 2nd and 3rd class goods because they seem cheap. We do not cater to that class, but carry Gods that you will not be afraid to look at when you get home. Ladies White Wear A choice line of waists. Ranging from 75 cents to 63.50. Nut patterns in underskirts, new goods just in. From 75 cents up. Dunt forget to examine the summer underwear Fancy Belts and Collars Some regi new things are being shown in .li1ancy .Neckwear, Wash Belts, in abundance. W AS We are showing :tn exceptionally assort- ment of Wash goods, for this season. Every ;:e1J Call .Pave met to her taste from our :I my line:, Plain colored Limens, fancy stripped .intens. plain 1 epp, Ginghams, Chambray s, and � a r1<'lf S LK PARASOLS A beautiful line of Silk Parasols are shown ',ere for S 1.00 to $3.00 Straw Hats Just arrived a complete variety of Straw ats, suitable for nen boys and iris. Men's arc Boys' Underwear We ave showing a line of Underwear, • i' II is second to none for style, quality and Prices 35 cts to $1.25 NOT HAIL To see our new Bai kooinhs, Side Combs Barrettes to match. \i'e also have a complete line of Turbans .and Hair lolls. Something New For The by \Ye have a fine line of babies' fancy color- ed laee hose, also a lige, line of fancy bibs. . ,,,a tea.,,,,-...-- ..,.., ./00 5.,=. .. .. krtmo, t 0 11 We have decided to clear our Millinery stock early giving our numerous customers a chance of securing some splendid Bargains. If you aro in need of a good hat at a reduced. price come early, we do not wish to carry over a single flat. GENERAL MERCHANT Zurkh, nt+`o111110-4111110. aliZo4a101111110411110.i Hemlock & Cedar Cut to Order The undersigned, having ti, glarge stookof prime flea loch and Cedar, is prepared to cut to order any bill up to 3E feet,iong in Hemlock and up to 20 feet long in Cedar at the LOWEST MARKET PRICE w 13 A. MUSTARD 1 A Y P I E L 1) ess s The Young Men Of this town have fairlyswoop- ed down upon us this spring and ordered suits to such an extent that we thought no other Tailor wasdoing Business And No Wonder No other store in town have the right goods at the right price. So if you want your suit to wear well and fit well have it tailored with us.' Suits from $12. to $24. Laundry in Connection W. Hr HO 'FMAN Tailor, - ZURICH For every fly killed today there will be 1,728,000 fewer flies in July sti;gs an authority. Artu the daughter of the household with a rolled up newspaper and set her after them. Not only.is it a good and useful exercise, hut the cal- culation of July fly savings is line exercise in mathematics. HuIESKES' EXaLJ{SIONS vi TO WESTERN au iA v.71• price ;V:'. A A 1.A LOW ROUND TRIP RATES GOING ATS Apr. 5,19 June 14, 28 Aq. 9, 23 May 3, 17, 31 Jaly 12, 26 Supt. 6, 20 TfROLJG!`1 SPECIAL TRAINS TORONTO TO WINNIPEG AND WEST Leave Toronto 2.00 p.m. ou above days Through First and Second Class Coaches, Colonia and Tourist Sleepers. Apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent or write R. L. '1bompson. D.P.A., Toronto. A.S8 FOR I10:ESEF3ERS' PAMPHLET MARKET REPORT —The fol lowing is the report . of Zurich market corrected up tc. Thnrsdav, Barley 40 to 42 Peps 75 ]3ran 20.00 Shorts 32.00 22.00 Oats .. 33 34 '(Wheat .. , , 30 02 Has .. 32.00 Dried apples 5 5 Clover seed S.(0 9.00 Potatoes 25 •5 Butter 17 17 Eggs..;,,.. 18 18 Hogs liveweiget 5.90 HENSALL 14LARiR.ETS Cook's Best Flour.. Wheat . Oats Burley, Pray I3n.g livoweight IiiiituoiiiDaGr.kr.30UMEK P6111311043 2.75 1.(.8 38 88 lh 52 40 80 9.15 WANTED (irlswanted for newest brightest, Cleanest and most up.to-date blouse and white - wear factory in Canada. Work consists of sewing, Ladies' waists, Girls ex. perienei'd on ;power Sewing machines • preferred, but beginners will be taught. Comfortable quarters., Steady work. Good wages. C7 L TBI; ,TAR Wfi.ITEWEAR a YF(. CO: Berlin; ' - - Ontario. aDt2M(iD01111003lDl i)ilD is toe of Shoes You will be surprisod at our large stock of Shoes for men, women and children, but as leaders in the trade we have to keep the very best. Our turn—over is so large that we can and do give you better prices than you are accustomed to get. OUT Spring Stock will be found right. Call and examine it. Zurich The only exclusive Shoe Dealer in Town •Q4:24 oo • 000 00i�4 An Ontario Paint for Ontario Homes you are not askeii to try 6°a new discovery” nor to make an experiment when you paint with ROBERTSON'S PARE PREPARED PAINT It has been made, sold and used in Ontario for many, many years, and from the beginning has led the mar- ket as an absolutely dependable product. It is made especially to meet and withstand the par- ticular climatic conditions of this Province—not made to be sold on the Pacific Slope, the Middle Western States or the Atlantic Seaboard, but for Ontario —an Ontario Paint for Ontario Homes. This is one of the reasons it gives such good service. It will pay you to come in for a color card and special prices. TLEI PHONE 13 ZURICH. HURON'S LARC ST COMBINATION STORE les New stock of Pine and Hem= lock Lumber, and the Best Hastings Brand Shingles, big Shipments just to hand. Bring in your rder Now PHONE In stuatamesmacusaiso ATARI% iRciFT _ _ ."1"1- ZURICI-t plueT1 Or General Merchandise at Exeter, Ont, 1 Door North of Post Office Every evening this week and next week, at 8 i rn., also Saturday afternoon, June it, and Wednesday afternoon, June t5th at 3 p. m., Lnd A Final Sale on Saturday, June E, at 3 and 8 p. Positively No Reserve as the bni'ding is beim; vacated. ROW'a Q.1.D_TAND 1 B. Carling, Auctioneer