HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-06-10, Page 5FIRST CLASS TILE
I have a .large supply of the 'very
hest tile on hand, from'2; in. to six
inoh. If you need any call, write
or telephone to John Foster,
ich, Brick and. Tile yards. 11 tf.
directly West o£ Dominion House
Ready to supply you with just it
• —little bit the Nicest—
Rings, Silver
Thimbles, Fobs,
N ecklets, Watches
Brooches, Bracelets,
• Veil Pins, Collar
Pins. Everything
in this Line,
COME. ALONG, Wo will
try to PLEASE YOU.
F. W. R 'ESS,
G. R. HESS, Assistant.
„2.VEZAVGDtlIIS7GrE06 1)4D32=DODO D4D®4D=94,g
WE TAKE this opportu-
nity of wishing our
Customers a 1 Happy
and Prosperous New Year,
and thank each and all for
having mode the past year
our most prosperous year
since we have been in busi-
ness. We ask you again
for your hearty support
for 1010, and we will do
our best to merit it, by
giving you value for your
Cxeneriil Merchant, BL AK E.
to ascDemeDee DOMDDez>aGDm,ra¢Oa1nsG;g
e e m ZUR I CH
e e a
WE keep in stock a
full line of fresh
meats, hams, etc. etc
Our Cuts are noted
for their tenderness
and wholesomeness.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but the Test.
We make our own
Give us a call.
1C.3,==.1 o lonoa:cx:cxM.macxww R=a Ti
At your home, without
pain, danger or operation,
or loss of time. This is
not a Truss Cure.
My method will cure ap.
parently hopeless ceased.
'Why wear ill-fitting trus-
ses all your life, when you
can be cured for all time
to twine? Fill in coupon :
Age Time Rup
What side Rup • • • • •
Reborn to
88 Caledonia Se.
Dept. R. Ont.
2tx3000 .:30`'0=B=OOT ag A=0C141.,WI 1, 3CSYwS
eep' rt of Zerieb P S for 'the
menthe of April clad May. The
r epor•t i!A 1111S ed upon examination
tests. ,ati,>ncla.noe and class pro-
ficiency. Parents are urged to keep
pupils at echtu)1 rt rolterly other,
wise their names cannot appear be
snceeeding reports.
Room 1
3r V Ada Wnrrn, Marshall
Zeller, Rrnemen Kaibiieisch,
Entrance Flora Hess Freda
Kaalbfleiseh, George Deichert.
Earl Weido, Clive O'Brien, Eldon
Howald, Mur el Proeter,
Sr IV, Esther Leibold. Selina
Weseloh, Arnold Leibold. Herbert
Wurui, Ferdinand Howald, Clay-
ton Hoffman, Fred Thiel, Pearl
Sohilbe, Clarence Hoffman, Orland
Jr IV. Laura Schilbo, Alma Axt,
Eva Weber, Karl Schnell, Gertie
4'1-ese1o11, Russell Zeller, Violet
Fuss, Elva kieyrock, John
McCormick, Louis Zettel, !della
Brenner, Leonard Davidson,
Sr III. Lloyd Kaibfieidh, Ht!zen
Zeller, Earl Rau Arnold Hilde-
brandt, Theodore Mitt1eholtz,
Gertio Weber, , Roy Appel, Erna
Uttley, Ferdinand Raberer•, Veda
Fritz, Ada Braun, Erna Fritz,
Barry Rosa, Melvin Braun, Clara
Thiel. Bernard Hildebrandt, Elvin
Bock, Charlie Weber.
W. G. Beaton, Prin.
Unprecedented' for its cosrnopolit_
anism, unequaled in the intigntude
of its constituency, end unsurpuss. 6
ed as it spectacle, the World's
Sixth Sunday School Oonventian a
in Washington, D C., May 19-24,
'Marks an event in • religious his.
President Taft was• not alone in.
expressing , atuttzernent over the
size and eletracter of the Convene
tion. Ho looked out over .a.see, of
six thousand faces on the opening
night, while outside , the Con-
vention Hall a still larger number o
of persons congregated, t'atlable to
enter. Nearly twenty -ave hand- e
red of the offtoial delegates wore
red ribbon badges with the legend
"North America.'' Sotne five
hundred others wore • blue badges e
bearing the names of nitro than
fifty different nations, as remote e
as China and South America,
Turkey and Anstraha. In addition a
to these three thousand official and
representative delegates from every e
State and province in the United
States and Canada and from foreign
lauds, there were about seven
thousand nnd:tieial delegates or
visitors. Sometimes three and
four simultaneous Convention
sessions were inadequate to hold
the throngs. '
It was a spectacular Convention:
The great Men's Bible Glass Parade
on the afternoon of May 20 opened
the eyes of Washington to the
virility and masculinity of modern
religion. In order that some mem-
bers of Congress might march in
the pairacle, as they did. and that
others might witness it, Congress
adj ourned early on the day of the
demonstration. Torrential rains
immediately preceded and followed
the parade, largely reducing the,All purchases to be delivered to J. PREETER'S HARDWARE.
ranks ; nevertheless five thousand! ZURICH, where the cash will be paid or trade given Orders for
men in a bannered procession a 1 collection of scrap may be left at the same store, prompt attention
mite long marched down Pennsy-' will bo given.
Ivania Avenue, and wore reviewed+
et the Capitol by r� throng of ten i i,EXLE� DEA
Taft. Dr. S. Parkes (.adman, of Born.
Brooklyn ; Hon.John Wanamaker, 1SMITai—At Blake, on Friday, 3rd
Rev. S. M. Zwemer, of Arabia: inst., to Mr, and Mrs, Gus Smith,
Bishop J C Hartzell, of Africa; Mr. I u daughter.
R E Speer, and Dr. t. '+Y ilbur (I•c713;,t•,su—At the Pa: r Line, Haag,
Cli:aptnan, Rev. Dr. F 13 Meyer •of nr1 th? tli int.. to tdr, laud. Mrh.
London, who presided, hard a pro J)?lir 13, s+arrest, a sn :,
found influence upr
vention. The retiring Chairman of
the Executive Committee, Dr. G.
W. Bailey. was elected President
for the next three years, and Mr.
E. K. Warren, of Three Oaks,
Mich., Executive Chairman.
Because of its size and represent:,
ative capacity, and because the
delegates were for the - most part
Room II.
Jr - M. Harry Hess, eaamuel
Fisher, Perot' Weide, Mary Jeffrey,
Robert Clansius.
Sr I1 Genevieve Zettel, Charlie
Davidson, Roy - Weber, Lloyd
O'Brien, Walter Bender.- Mary
Zettel, Minnie Merner. Carrie
Brenner, Clara Weber, Wesley
Bock, Luella Bender, Melvin Book,
Jr II Alberta Mittelholtz, Albert
Hess, Cealieat Disjardine, Lennis
Calfas, Lawrence Jeffrey, Leo
Uittelholtz, Sinton `Thiel, Laura
Sararas, Pearl Siemon, Maggie
Deichert, Ward Fritz.
Sr Pb II Leroy O'Brien, Rose
Hess, Russell Preeter.
Jr Pt II Theodore Leibold,
allaggie Siemon, Clarence Foster,
Alma Uttley.
Sr Pt I Olive Zettel, Celia Hilde-
brandt, Arming Brenner
Jr Pt I Hazel Foster, Susie
Deichert. Leonard Ran.
First—Clara Sara.ras, Mabel
Bender, Julian Davidson, J oe Jeffrey,
Laura Dieterich, Nelson Jeffrey,
Minnie Uttley. 11. J. Keys.
. Teacher.
'Room III.
Jr. III. Verde, Fuss, Milton
Heyrock, Helnia Schiibe, Arnold
Scbilbe, Mary Price, Teodoro
Howald, Gertie Bock, Willie
Olausius. •
Sr I1 Albert .McCormick, Gilbert
Jeffrey. •
Jr II Ada Howald, Gladys Fisher,
Hazel Fritz, Roy Foster, Garfield
Witmer. Reinhold Koob, Maggie
Fuss, Elmore elite sine, Edgar
Schnell, Jaanette, Thiel, Ernie
Bender, Earl Zettel.
Average attendance 46.
M. R. Jackson, Teacher.
Mr. Lniselle and H. Moro. Gude-
rich 'spent Sunday at :Foe Mero's.
h1r�s.King. Chicago. is visiting
at her sister's, Mrs. R. Penuntie.
Miss Blanche Laporte. rlat'tghter
of ai Laporte, who has been taking
an extensive music 0onl'e et the
Ursnline Convent, Chatham, re.
turned home this week, having.
successfully completed her course
She wits accompanied by her sister
Miss Florence, nurse in training. at
The House of Providence, Detroit.
The latter will sx,eed a few holi-
days with her friends here.
Mr. Talbot just completed a nice
piece of grading north of the vil-
lage this week. It greatly improv-
es the road.
We understand that some dog
owners on than Saetilile Line. were
fiLrd last week, owing to
i, regulations r of till.;
t 'n the a t..l.ratioza'3 t u
c i stands t
by laws. it sesta that the -•' to
ship should be earefnl to a �.el..
copies of any- new• byiawv before
tb'e people. "Collie Trust ]earn to
Net with his nuzzle on."
Mr. F. Dueharme returned home
last week from . Canard, where he
had been employed for some time.
4"� . Jeffrey, who bus spent the
past ''Week here, returned home to
Chatham on Monday.
A small quantity of White Cap Yellow Dent
and :MSS Corn left. Best brands of Millet
and Hun avian Grass Seed at lowest prices.
TURNIP NEEDS: Canadian Gem, Excelsior,
Elephant, Jumbo and Greystone. .Also the
Famous Aberdeen, for early. winter feeding.
International Stock Food. : International Poultry
Food : Pratt's Animal Regulator ; Hackney
Heave Powder ; Hahn's Celebrated Hog Cholera
A Full 1, tock of flesh grocerie�i, Royal House-
hold,' Milverton, Exeter, Parkhill, and Hensall Flours
always on hand.
SALT 200LB FOR 9li CEls;ITS.
& J. 6ASCflO9
The general public will take notice that I am
Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap.
Scrap I von,
doing businees
Wrarket Prices Paid for
Rags, Rubbers, !orse=
Hair, Copper, Etc.
thousand persons.
All these Marching men belong
to the Sunday School, and the
thought uppermost in the minds of
many of the spectators who lined
tho sidewalks was expressed on one
banner, "When the men lead the
boys will follow." A huge mass
meeting, for men, with ringing
speeches by Rev, Dr. Reiner, C..
Stuntz and Rev. Dr. S. Parkes
Cadman. followed the parade. At
the same time two big it eetings of
women delegates were in session.
Another spectacular feetere of
the Convention wos tik ,.T; c at open
air gathering on the ea' -.t seeps of
the Capitol, when a ni iltittde of
people joined in the singing of
Christian hymns.
'lhe demonstration accorded
President and Mrs. Taft -vermin the
former introduced to the oheering
throng as "the real President -
stirred the nation's Chief Executive
greatly. He declared his belief in
the fundarrental importance of
religions training of the Youth of
the nation through the Sunday
lam UNDER art A 'WouLD MAP.
The Convention sat with is mon-
ster neap of the world before its
eyes. The official button showed
the glebe with a red arose super-
imposed thereupon. Part of each
day eves given to a "Roll Call of
Nations." The; ends of the earth
cane together at Washington.
Strikingly, the note of international
•peaoe resounded from session to
session ; the depth of conviction
upon this subject. which possessed
the delegates made the gathering
worthy to rank auaong the great
pence conferences. On 'ishe closing
night of the Convention there was
a tableau of seventy-five children
reproducing the plotter() which this
Convention has 'inade factious:
•"The Twentieth 'Century Crused.-
Jee.". 1'h' children of many
w„ 11
( 1 the arxnda
icirl. H tlrtcl0
.] +t lteret.
;School :lie g. .ht the sone time
dole gates from 'sunny lands—l!orea,
°kine,, India, Japan, Mexico,
Brazil, Tarkey, ete.—gathered en
the front of the platform and st41
sasag together to the one . tune; bat
earth in his own tongue, one of the
Christian hymns that i`s
sung the world around.
• *175,0011. rw A Irs TiOiisS.
F&r the first tiate in its history
the Wor1d'e Association tried tq
raise a budget for the expenees of;
the ensuing triennium. The sum.'
asked 1tor, t7v,o0o 00, was all se-
E'PE �`Er
;n the C,rn
middle-aged leaders in Christian
work, and also because of the nc'cv .
notes of world peace, w1,r 11
Christianization, and virile al:e t
Unice to the Bible, the Convention
will donbtless exert an extroardin-
ary iniinence over the immediate 1
future of all the churches.
ilio Yonne People's Alliance
of the Evangeli"cal e:itsch.
have their etrc::vberrc social o',i
Friday evening, tilt 24th of June
The -festival last year vias is grand'
success, and we may this year lone
forward to a good program. Tlet
quilt winch has :13:33 names on. it
will also be on Kale at the social.
1 The Council of the Township to
!Stephen convened in the Town
Han, Crediton, on Monday, the tith
day -of June 1:)10 at 1 p. In. All
members were present. The mine -
tee of the previous meeting were
read and adopted.
Love -Anderson "That Joseph
Lawson he awarded the contract
for the construction of as et meat
n:evert on the ere side •rtlud air
posite lots 15 et- 1i1'Oon 30 far the
sunt of 5 13 nu." Ceittried.
at was resolved 1-)4 diff Council
thtrlt: the resnintions passed on r.in.
uary 10th and May 2,5th, 1 91 up.
pointing .l mall Si ins, Charles ;Teich-
ner, Richard \ elohsni .1ohn Law-
son, in>ilteetta s to enforce By-i(aw
No fr 7 b1, rescinded and that .fuhn !
Dili'ef the V t loge of Exeter 1)e 1
and ns hereby appointed inspector
to maforce the: provisions of said
13y-lr�ay. Th: -t duties of the said
John Gill to cclTnrr7,tnm on Monday,
the '1 th inst. The following order.
were passed:
MuniiePal World D & 1V Drainage
blk.s lr > w; r \V Wein, breaking
brick bats, $1 t)o; C4 Hepburn. reit
bridge, 75cts; W IIeald,=.n brick. bat,:
3rd side -road, 'l:) t)c) ; 14' 17 t c acv r,,p I
M 0 13 ;ii/ .50 ; J (itiii,or the acro ss rd
3 rig, ,T I ntle ra.It rile aert)8A road,
,11.80 ; A Ha v ter s(,t.tnte labor %r,,` bO.
Coutier! x111 jinn -Wit t+) Meet ngllt 7
in the• Tem, 1G)li, (`rr'ditt)n.. (re
Mise B. Mosseau spent Sunday cured in aa, few hours. This will be
with friends, at Port Frank. used hir,i: ely in placing field work -
Mrs. R. Wilson having spent aI ers in foreign lands to develop the
few weeks with her parents, Mr. Sunday School idea and • org•aniza-
and Mrs. Masse, has re,,,arned tial,
home on Tuesday, The Convention sessions were too
Mrs. R, Jeffrey kit for Cenard numerous . to bo rrlentiofned in
Ont., where she intends staying detail. On Sundac*afternoon'there
were t
with her husband, who Is engaged vseaty five, and on Sunday
there. night over a hundred, °all with
Mr. Clayton Smith took advaiit- regularly appointed speakers from
age of the excursion to the G. A, a wide area. Conception Hall
0„ on Monday.
A. Granville of Port Franks, i4
engaged in constructing a new
boat, w=hich will be a Mre+at addition
,)t;r'it. in triutl`a
holds six thousand persons and it
was packed mornings as well as i Monday, t'ir ,;tl•t )tat et •ttag lift
at 1 I) m. II. Eilber, Gan 1;
evenings, and the s,itnulta;rleotis, •
sessions often overflowed also.. �• >
Especially notable a'nnng tlie,' a a4'' •' ^rig a nr10
l y i�;�1s,41a1�'BC°A°� � 1 u
speeches s were . t110813 of 'r esit.Ir: it l 1 I.va'. ,a, ,,. .. •a 71 '..70 A.,:..u, ave a,..,-.
Any farmer wishing
favorite fruit tree from
the, .Tune bugcando so
to tub of water near
hnn�ring a lantern r,v
The light soon rant �c.ts
and when they strike
hey tell into the tub,
10 try it.
r t,) save his
ravages of
by placing
the tree and
over the tab.
s the inseots
the lantern
It will pay
, g,1
`�:lt t(iU b l: B BUN A
l ( L(IVal4r�•7't. tri•. a:ve
ever 7:1-y �.r:rcil\'etc cowing of wok s. . .;1t.r,"
S\VC(t. rt, ans711k,• .r 17'bl:. 6100
trotai,le lay for et. v .r
/now .lri.
:!e 1.0 tl .epott,t J";a p. ;1-,a ;,)i, It _
ever other vcoaratorstt 7, s • >,,Ij+:r•
ration, attt'r1 t]g itcav '••L':441' 9Y.<'d-
taeT' t'eE 0 +.0 tt21 I: Z, 1 -
,seater cat•scity, eiar 1 `;
r'r ilei , r. :t tt1 .is , ep) ' . 1.0
o v forthet)r,•eleve:i �.t¢.rr !tar,
• 14.1 1 N i ell T")e l.t „v t e, i 4t:4t,)i
enough a:,+at 13� l.1 ,al 1l1 .0
,9:+ of five t1 • 1tlee )i\ tivt', y ear reb-,
7 mote n1 Ynlntaaa 1.62 [)uON
I1112 It mkt. :an
alarctty. ra�1 JlI )', 1t",1
,,,tater !1n7,1 •: 5 to f,;; fel• t (0.r-
1,e.-evvvly. telt;,
..'La, 1 1t tit,...•
e air,,l trt a, t;t -- 41111. ' . „ p.1;
. l,t` ))) f in)) YC. pt.•,;
i 7avt '.,.% 'i,'L•bn ti-,' '. t
r lil,.' 1 t or' 1Y (tl
iaa,-lucl.7t rr,, .7(111 ()! 1.
Leyte sea+,st:n+4t'..
V i F 9
P'4 O.. Ont.
% l ggivez:f 3;1'a'1'�irT � °'"'