HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-06-10, Page 1T14
The Official Organ of
Vol. X.
Zlz .431.1 and Hay Township
10, 1310,
No, 45
3cii3 F 3r 3E:30 >E3£3 3»C3KDtinkACKer-ARE3s 3>reN3�
Our annual June Sale is
now on. You will find every
department of our large store
filled with seasonable goods at
prices that will sell thee. Our
motto is not how cheap we can
sell, but how good we can buy.
Honest treatment to ore, and all.
New Whitewear
3 ou'll appreciate the neat fit, quality and value• of our
whitewear. We are showing all new goons for our June sale.
See our special values in white waists. These goods are very
pretty. See window for display.
I Neve Summer Dress Goods
i Our Jue sale of summer Dress Goody promises to be a
cif record-breaker.n‘Ve have never had such a complete variety of
ruuslins, silks, etc.. suitable fol summer wear. We cordially
invite your inspection of these goods.
Gloves and Hosiery
We tarry a full assortment of all shades in summer gloves
and hosiery..: Lisle thread and in many dif}erent designs:
We have a splendid line of ready -to wear two and three
piece suits. They are smart looking and serviceable. The
two piece snits are just the thing for summer wear. Special
prices during our June sale.
Men's Furnishings
• We take special pride in calling attention to
0 display of new shirts, neck -ties and braces. A large
shipment just in.
o n r
a -n nr--,pro,--_ .• -•..%
.Lollies' Vests, extra
special, 2 for
Bedroom Lamps, all
111,1•11•4.4111111 1111101•MONN10511,011.1.M.11611401.
M I L.L, I N
All our millinery marker( down to cost and under.
Don't rings thi ..
A new and large stock of silverware for
June weddings, such as butter dishes, pickle, fi
sugar and fruit dishes, knives and forks, spoons,
J. Preeter,
Telephone 9 w e Z Ll 1' - 1 C l-1
3 x )QE # 3r 1 3f=3 x0143 4111 3 3
atoara>r-Arar. 4n
Mr. P. Lamont iat in Goderich
this weekattendin i':'ounty Council
100 tubs uhotee butter wanted,
at ilartieih's.
Miss drepeel,' Darst of Benmi.11er
Ont., is the'guest of Rev. and Mrs
A. D. Gischler.
Dr. Goldwin Smith, the noted
scholar and writer, died at Torento,
on Tuesday. in his -88th year,
Misses Lydia and lova. Brown
returned on Wednesday, from a
sh.ort visit with Ailsa Craig friends
The best It inti... of washing
maobines can be • bad, at Hart.
leib's. Call and see it.
Dr Wilson has disposed of his
practice and property to Dr. Aic•
Kinnon, of Toronto.'
The frnit and : poultry meeting
Was not very well attended here
last Thuesday evening, owing now
doubt to the rainy weather.
See us about. your roofing and
eavetroughing. We can give yon
lowest prices, on best material, at
Hartl Bib's.
'Strayed from H. Erste Stanley,
(Varna. P. 0.) on or about the 19th
inst.. 7 yearling °elves, dehorned,
mostly rets. If found please notify.
A garden social will be held in
connection with the Hillsgreen
ohnrch next Friday. evening, Jnne
17th. An enjoyable time is looked
Do 'not place your orders for
binder twine with Hucksters. We
are going to sell cheaper than ante
one walking in shoes Watch our
smoke this season, at Hartleib's
Mr. J. H. Sohuettler wee, married
last week to a young lady from
Cleveland. They returned to town
on Wedneslay evening. THE Hxit
ALI) wishes therm happiness and
prosperity. •
Wan ted—G n Oat n f i -Mc< , .tot
in a small family 'On ticonstom-
ed to doing all (rinds f ordinary
housework and plain coking Re
ferences required, Adiress Mrs.
0. M Walker, Winghani Ontario.
4?. -4 Pcl.
Miss Florence Laporte of Provid-
ence Hospital, Detroit and Miss
Blanehe Laporte, who has been at
Ursnline Academy, Chatham, for
some months, are visiting their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John La.
porte, Sauble Line.
About seventy.five attended the.
municipal telephone meeting nn
Tuesday evening and it was clecicl.
ed to make a canvas for subscribers
and have the matter pushed throe•
Leh tat an early date. P. Lamont
rt -eve of the Township, acted as
chairman of the meeting.
A nnmher of residents have pur-
chased lets on Bissonnette Avenue,
St Joseph, from Ir.:P. Lamont
wlio bought them at a tax sale
sonic time ago. He has disposed of
font. and still has about 19 to • sell,
They are going at $16 00 each gond
will snake nice sites for summer
The Young Peoples Alliance of
the Evangelical ohurcii:niet nn
Tuesday evening for semi anneal
elections of .)dicers. The following
were appointers. President, Henry
i'file, 1st 'fire Pres, (Miss Lydia
Faust, 2nd Miss IdaOrtwein. 3rd
Miss Lillie Panst, 4th Miss Melville
Koehler, Treasurer Roland. Geiger,
Organist Miss Elia Rennie. Assist
ant Organist, miss D. Geiger,
Ltbrarnia.ns Miss Eva >filiiaarns,
Miss Lortnda Dows'an, •
SEPT. 9th to 17th, London, Cent.
The Management of the Western
Fair, London, Oiatau•io. have been
snaking active preparations for
months for their Exhibition which
takes place this year September
:9th to 17th. The Prize List is
printed and ready for distributinu.
;1000.00 has been added to the
list this yearin the Live Stook
breeders ante dealers )every effort
will be made on the part of the
rna.nagement to provide suitable
accommodation for Exhibits in all
departments It space is requ'red
in any of the buildings, other
than for Live.Stoek, the Secretaa;ry
should be communicatted with at
onto in order that satisfactory
arrangements may be merle.
Prize Lists, Entry Forms:ra/id all
information promptly given cis
application to A. M. Bunt, Scote•
tart', London, Ontario.
e' all ar r: s
Now is the season for a eneral cleanin -
up. We have a lare stock of handsome . Wall
Papers for bedrooms, halls, dinin rooms and
parlors. Call and see Sample Books
New Spring
_kgDress Goods
We have a good range of
the very newest in Dress
New Linen Sititivas.
We show the best Linens
for the money, in colors, Tan,
Diu,' Pink, and stripe.
Louisiue Novelty
For Dresses
We are the only ones that
show this Louisine Novelty.
Its next to a silk dress for
only 25 cents a yard. In
colors, Rose, Reside, New
Blue, and Chane.
Muslins Etc.
New Dress Muslins, Lac-
es, Embroidery, Dress Trini-
mings, Dress Buttons, Belts.
Diad t'a. ss Curtains
We show a good range
of Medrass Curtains.
Ladies Waists
In White, 131ack and Ecru
Prices from 05 cents lo. ,t 4.00
each. Call and -see these
lovely waists.
Ladies fancy parasols,
and children parasols.
Men's Tailor Made
New Men's Hats and
i Milli ery e 9t
Do e
We have a large range of the latest hats. r'c
If you eaunot be suited with the hats we have,
ire will make up for you t],le kind you like.
we cordially invite you to call and look through this Department.
All Fares Produce taken in exchange
See us about paint and oil, we f
sell at old prices, at Eartleib's.
Mr. Alphon Foster, moved this
week to the dwelling jtmt vacated
by Dr. Wilson.
Mr. Henry Gellman and sister
Miss Mary, spent Saturday and
Sunday at .Exeter.
Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets will •brace up the
nerves, banish sick headache
prevent despondency and navigor-
'te the whole system. Sola( by
i. J. Merner.
Dr. Oven's . Surgeon. ()culiat
specialist will be at ('nrnnaeroiatl
Flotel, 7ni.ioh; nn Friday. .Trine
24th. Moores all day. !lasses
properly fitted, Catarrh. deafness
failing eyesight and throat
troubles treated
The Ministerial Association and
S. Selesol convention of the C.'redi-
t.nn :District of the Evangelical As•
sovietian, will he held in Zion
Evangelical church, Crediton, Ont
,lune 14th, lith and ICth. Many
interesting* addresses and tomes
bearing on Sunday School work
will be delivered.
The-tattement of iron and steel
hem -ties paid by the federal
gevernuia•nt in the fiscal year end.
ed March 31 shows a total pig
iron production of 740,244 tons,
upon which the bounty amounted
to $573.06$ Of this total. 547,063
tons were trade from Canadian
ore. on which a bounty of 70 cents
a ton, or $480.733, was paid ; and
193,181 tons from foreign ore. the
bounty being $93,205. The pro
duction of steel was 740,:390 tons
and the bounty ;690,762. On wire
rods $538,812 was _paid for an
outpnt of $31,802 tons. Elm total
bounties paid were $1.808.533, The
Dominion Steel Company got the
biggest share, and the balarkev
went to the Hamilton, Nova Scotan.
nd A`goniat Companies. The steel
:. rid trtt iron honnt it s e) Aire on
1 ec. ;t'st of this
I Bad nee of tolled wire and
fencing at reduced prices to clear
balance of stock. at Iiartleib's.
Mr. Frank Bassow of the Bronson
'Line, brought in some stalks of
irye measuring nearly 6! feet in
• length,
M. Y. McLeatn M. P.. of ;;eaforth
called on friends hero last Friday.
He is looking well and his many
friends were pleased to see him.
The Blake Presbyterian congre-
gation will holai their annual gar-
den pasty, on Tuesday evening
July 5th Farther particulars will
be given later.
Mr. and Mrs. David (3erontetto,
of Hensall, mourn the death of
their ten -year-old dattiglicr, which
said event took place on Monday.
The (hoose of death was pneumonia.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is
sold on a. gnarantee that if you are
not satisfied after using two-thirds
of a bottle atccorciing to directions,
your money will he refnnded. It
is up to you to try. Sold by J. J.
It is hard to believe that, with
the enormous increase in the
nnmber of automobiles, the horse
is still sc splendidly holding his
own. According to a report lying
before its the number of horses
in the United St>ttes to•duy is over
21,000,000. This is 400,000 inure
than the prevons ;pear. It is
claimeid that they are worth, on
an !average, ten dollars more per
head than a year ago.
ANNUAL vllraETINt.4.
'l.'ini entitutl meeting of Sontb.
Huron farmer's institute will be
belt( in i1r,Dorald's Hall, Hensall,
nn Wednesday, Joon 15th at 2 p. m.
Business of meeting. Reading of
the Amine.' Report and election of
officers for the ensuing year. A
frill attendance is requested as
business of importance Will coma
un before the meeting.
Alex Mustard D. S. Phillips
President. Senretarji`a,