HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-06-03, Page 88 The Zurich Herald know the necessity of having good quality in goods in order to secs re the longest service. The careless and Wasteful buy 2nd and 3rd class goods because they sceui cheap. We do not cater to that class, but carry Goods that you will not be afraid to - look at when you get home. Ladies White Wear A choice line of waists. Ranging from 75 cents to $3.50. Neat patterns in underskirts, new goods just in. From 75 cents up. Dont forget to examine the summer underwear Fancy Belts and Cs.lcars • Some real new things are being shown in Faney Neckwear, Wash Belts, in abundance. S '• } R 9 • AP , GOODS We aro showing an exceptionally assort- ment of Wash Goods, for this season. Every lady can have something to her taste from our many lines, 'lain colored Linens, fancy stripped Linens. plain Rep}), tlingha ms, (ihambrays, and Ducks. ILK PARASOLS A. beautiful line or Siik Parasols are shown her, for LOO to $3.0o Fancy Straw Hats Jest arrived a con1111e1e variety toff Straw Hafts. suitable for men boys and girls. Men's 's an Boys' Underwear \Y t' aro silo iilg a line of. Underwear, which 1s eeoi:d ie) none for style, finality and fit• Prices 35 cts to $x.25 Do NOT FAIL. r, ..eta 0111' new Backcombs, Side Combs anti F?anette};a to mate h. GVe also have a complete line of Turbans a.nd Hai, Rolls. Something New For The Baby We have a fine line of babies' fancy color- ed lace hose, also a nice line of fanny bibs. ery uction We have decided to clear our'Millinery stoek early giving our numerous customers `a chance or securing some splendid Bargains. if you are in need of a good hat at a reduced price come early, we do not wish to Barry over a single hat. GENERAL MERCHANT sa Zu rata .0159* enalock St Cedar Cut to Order The undersigned, having a (large stook of prime Hemlock and Cedar, is prepared to out to • order any bill. up to 36 feet long in Hemlock. and' up to 20 feet long in Cedar at the LOWEST MARKET PRICE W. A. MUSTARD BAXF'IELD essuishi ! The Young Men Of this town have fairlyswoop. ed down upon us this spring and ordered snits to Such an extent that we thought no other Tailor wasdoing Business And No Wonder No other store in town have the right goods at the right price. So if you want your suit to wear well and fit well have it tailored with us. Suits iron' $12. to $24. Laundry in Connection W. H. HO FMAN Tailor, - ZURICH SCHOOL REPORT. The following is the report of S. S. No. 6 Hay, for the month of MSr• IV. Lizlie Eisenbach 381 ; Beatrice Rennie . 315; Lauren 1 Moller 294; Kolette Foster 279; Cora Baugh. 278. Jr IV Jacob Gingerich 299 ; Ed- die Hey 293; Robert Eisenbach 266. Sr III Christopher Baechler 237 Leila Maas 228 Berry Bowald .00. Jr.III 't'hecla, Smith 322 ; Loniee Regier 22£86; Isidore Smith 256. Sr II Philip Eisenbach 211 ; Clnytn'n.:�V dfong 160; Pearl Wit- mer , lee; • ', rbert Dabus 164; Silas McFalli .no: I't, 11 Willie Witmer 178. Pt 1 Sr, Tena Regier 128 ; Irene Regier 12'7; Rosetta Dabn9 i v. ; Tudor Smith 112 ; Rhin.etnan How add 109. .Pt 1 .Tr Garnet WVildfong 133; Wesley Witmer 110. Pt I bila Gingerich 112; Herbert Neeb 104 I.Alex Dabus 108; Luella Buechler 105: Sinton Smith 104. Miss Sparks, Teacher. 'WESTERN N FAIR.. SEPT. 9th to 1 7th, London, Ont. The T5ity and varied uses i o which t`einent is applied at tb e present time, and the many differ- ent kinds of anaaohiaery used in its manufacture and construction work, haasproven to the manage- ment of the Western Fair the necessity raf providing suitable accommodation for such exhibits. They. have therefore erected this vear a. neve building, 44x120 feet, for this purpose. It is a roomy structure, well lighted and ventilated, with Dement floor, and everything adapted for the purpose for which it; was erected. This building will ease the onngestion there has been in the Machinery Hall in she past, and Exhibitors may be assured that everything possible will be done for their comfort. Any firms wishing space should communicate with the Secretary at once in order that arrangements may be made. The exhibits in the Main Building will be changed somewhat this year and made if possible more at tractive. Any space required there should be applied for soon as it is being allotted fast. All inform,. tion will be given by A. M. Hunt, Secretary, London, Ontario, WANTED ': Girls wanted for newest brightest, cleanest and: most up to -date blouse and white - wear factory in Canada. al Work consists of sewing ve Ladies' 'waists. Girls ex- perienea;d on power sewing machines preferred, but • beginners swill be taught. Comfortable quarters. Steady work. (lord wages. Berlin, MFG, CO. - Ontario, ?) we can and. do give you better prices than D you are accustomed:to get. Our Spring Stock will be found right. Call and exarnin.e it. T 09� 000 P. -' N a, The only exclusis'.e , Shoe Dealer in Town �Q4 01. You will be surprised at our large stook QI of Shoes for men, women and children, but as leaders in the trade we have to keep the D very best. Our turn -over is so large that wa a`p•0 �+,,,pP. .rT.4 ,-J.,e�'.G:p'.P• �. O.O 4, cti•�P.P.Ii. c. An Ontario Paint for Ontario Homes YOU are not asked to try °'a new discovery" nor to make an experiment when you. paint with ROBERTSON'S PUh PREPARED PAINT It has been made, sold and used in Ontario for many, many years, and from the beginning has led the mar- ket as an absolutely dependable product. It is made especially to meet and withstand the par- ticular climatic conditions of this Province—not made to be sold on the Pacific Slope, the Middle Western States or the Atlantic Seaboard, but for Ontario —an Ontario Paint for Ontario Homes. This is one of the reasons it gives such good service. It will pay you to come in for a color card and special prices, HURON'S RI -q, L -r l b 't� PH O�� NTTE l3 C ;��;��-�--�rlr�7 ��tJ4���An LARGEST COM3lNaA•8'3ON STORE Shi s New stock of Pine and Hem= lock Luber, and the Best. Hastings Brand Shingles, bid s ipments just to hand. Bring in your rder Now K PHONE IQ ZURICH "I have merle it u. rule never to Smoke more than one Cigar at a time," said Mark Twain. "I have no other restriction as regards smoking. AS an example to others, and not that I ot,,re for moderation myself, it has aiwsys been my rule never to smoke when asleep and never to refrain when awake. It is a, good rule T mean for ;me ; but some of you know ache well that it wouldn't anaawer for every- body that's trying to get to be seventy." "As for drinking, I have no rale about that, -When the others drink I like to help ; otherwise I remain dry, by habit and prefer. once. This dryness does not hurt me, but it could easily hurt you, because ;von are different. 'You Tet it alone." When Mark Twain began to lee. tura, a friend nrged hire to begin boldly ; he took the largest theatre in town,' and charged a dollar a seat. The bill, which he put about the streets took the ;public ftan0y, It read :-•- "Door Open at 7,30. The,TrolibleWill Begin. at Eight Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will brace up the nerves, banish sick headache, prevent despondency and invigor- ate the whole system. Sold by J, J. Merrier. MART ET REPORT.—The fol- lowing is the report of Zurich market corrected up to Thursday, Ba.r ley' ................ 40 to 42 Peas 75 Braii. 20.00 Shorts 32 00 22,00 Oats ............ 31 33 Wheat...... 91 92 Hay .. 12.0.0 Dried apples 5. 5 Clover seed....,....... 8.00 9.00 Potatoes .. 25 25,. Butter ...... 17 17 Moos .,• 18 18 Hogs liv©weiget. • V • 9.30 HENSALL MARKETS Crash's Best Pious . 2.73' Wiles t 1,08 38 38 harley. •4y 52 . Peas. . , . 80 9 TTNa;:; 11v, weight, 9.15