HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-06-03, Page 1The Official organ of Zurich and Hay Township. Vol. X. FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 3, 1910.,.. �{'�£3�#�E�3'�i3st�F3�3>t�£3t3�ii>t�3s�E��e133t�i a `1iN1 I� � TiW 'WIW t Warmer weather will soon 11 be with us. Have you prepared yourself with lighter materials for clothing. We are p;re pgree 0 0 with a complete line in all sum= § neer needs. Call and look throe= § gh our large stock. § MILLINERY OPENING 0 Our second millinery opening will take }dace on May 0 21st and 22nd. All ladies are cordially invited. ShIIRT wAIS'rs We have just received a large shipment of ladies white and fancy shirt waists. These goods are all latest styles and good quality. EMB OWER!E5 Six Ifunclied yards embroideries and insertions. special at 10 cents, 12 • cents and 1.5 cents a yard. Extra Y8 WHIP! EWEAR Special sale of Ladies' whitewear now • on. stock of corset covers, skirts, guwu,, etc., to choose A large from. SPECIALS FE NET 2 IN E 8 Two Pairs Ladies' 131aak Hose for Two Men's Four•in-hand Neck Tie's for 25C° 25C. COLLARS AND BELTS Ladies' wash 4.:o1lars and white wash belts. variety. f,e sure and see this line. A complete Parasols aid Umbrellas We have never had a more complete range of ladies' parasols and gentlemen's umbrellas. Fancy handles and best quality. Lace Curtains and Rugs We take special pride in our display of lace curtains and rugs. We cordially invite you to look through our range. 0 Washing Machines and Wringers 'We 'handle only satisfactory washing machines. • They are the most popular lines on the market. Strongly built and easy running. Oa wringers have given the best of service. . Building Supplies We keep a full line of building supplies, such as nails, hinges, bangers, track, etc., Let as figure on your eavetroubing, roofing, repairing or furnace jab. IFRES....GEMENT always on hand PF1 DUCE OF ALL KINDS TAKEN o 1, , . Vii+ .!siittr,; ,t . ,r. , 1 Telephone 9 � z iJ rz 1 C 11 Sb No. 44' L O G.A.I., E. / 0% S. ? error-,0Adeaar'asi enwize And A new line of rnens' ties, at D. S. Faust. - Mrs. Bell of Lon?lon,,is visiting with Mrs. .D. S. Faust, Watch for Hoffman's add in this week's issue. Mr.:and Mrs, G. Fritz ere visiting relatives in. f3a,irz.ilton, this 'is *eek. Nicholas Deiobert of be. troit, visited relaat;ives in town recently. . Miss Aima Fisher of London, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs Oswald Fisher, over Suuday, Mrs. Lydia. Boseenberry of 13er. lin, formerly of Zurioh is visiting old acquaintances' here. D. S. Faust has a flue Iine of summer underwear in pink and blue, for men. Inspector Eilbet will make his annual inspection of the town, next week. Olean up at once. We have sometiling special in youths' and girls' fine shppers for santner wear, at P. Benderls. Mr John Sohiibo took suddenly ill last week but this week he is reported some better, Messzs. Ezra and E. Webb of B. Line Stephen, visited at Mr. and Mrs. C. Colosky's, on Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Edwin and Miss Emma Zoel- ler of New Hamburg, visited at the home of Mr. Thos. Johnson, last week. Messrs. J. T. i4ierner, R. Lcarni- onr, H. Yunghlnt • and E. Witten drove to Goderick on Wednesday, to attend the Gundry livery sale. Mr, Sam Hey who has been working at hi.n'trale in Exeter for some time, e,ziplored at Mr. Louis Prang's ,lanksrnith. shop. Mr. William V . Walper was elecl'ed comae t1 , for Exeter; on lea r:a L,s° last, yr i •,. it of this old members who left that town, Mrs. Isaiah Witmer of the Zurich Road had the misfortune to break her ankle recently, while working around the house. She will he laid up for some weeks. Wanted—Good General Servant .in as small family. ;One accustom. Pct to dorm; all kinds of ordinary housework and, plain cooking. Re- ferences required, .Address Mrs. 0, M Walker, Wittf h'ani, Ontario. 42-4 Pd. A mission will •be opened at 13t. Boniface church, Zurich, June 5-12. by a Redeutptorist Father, of Toronto. Service will be held morning and evening. The pre- cise hour will be announced by the Missionary himself. All are cordial ly invited to attend. The W. 0. T. LT. met on Wed- nesday afternoon, May 25th, at the home of Mrs. C. Fritz. Mrs. J. Geiger conducted the devotional exercises, after which the' Educe,. tiotial BAIR hour was taken by Mrs. Cr Heyrook, the . subject being -The White Ribbon Tidings." The business followed and the meeting was dismissed,. Arrange your work to take an occassional holiday, It need not. be an expensive one but the daily service on life's treadmill requires a spell of rest, change and freedom. from sometimes exhaustive tasks. An enjoyable outing will promote health, broaden your horizon end tend to the sweetening of life Some so•called vacations are mis called as they occaasion more wo k and worry than t+"' stay at yonr regular job, Take a holiday and prolong your life. HAY COUNCIL. • Council met as a court of Revis- ion, on Wednesday. A number of minor changes were made. The assessmert of Duncan Stewart's buildings was reduced $700,00. Three dogs were added to •Dash- wood, At the council meeting, the following business Was transacted Accounts passed --J.. Wright & Co X99",12; Municipal World $3,69; E vVunit, hauling grader, $1.60 ; 3 Laporte, grading &o $3:1 00; 01 Either working grader, 1"a8Ota; A I Guenther, work S. B., $16 20. The petition of a number of ratepayers of the 2nd and 3rd Concessions to grant them the privilege' of using' the road tor a telephone, line wat+ passed. The council then adjourn. ed to rraeet on Wednesday July 60, at 2. o'cioclz, . I", ;Fess Sr., .Clerk, .....,.....,/ ew��`. ay.rvN 11� .r1 � µ_.r ��' +�' � � �� iii. I I, �1� a Now is the season for a general cleaning- Tac up. We have a large stock of handsome Wall Papers for. bedrooms, halls, dining rooms and parlors. Call and see Sample Books 1 • New Spring, Dress Goods We have a good range of the very newest in Dress Goous. New Linen Suitings We show the best Linens for the money, in colors, Tan, Elu', Pink, and stripe. Loi.iisin.e Novelty For Dresses We are the only ones that show this Louisine Novelty. Its next to a silk dress for only 95 cents a yard. In colors, Rose, Beside, New Blue, and Chane. Mnslius Etc. New Dress Maslins, Lac- es, Embroidery, Dress Trim- mings, Dress Buttons, Belts. Madrass Curtains We show a good ranee of 1tilcdrass Curtains. Ladies Waists In White, Black and Ecru Prices from 65 cents to (54.00 each. Call and see these lovely waists. Ladies fancy parasols, and children parasols. Men's Tailor Made Suits New Men's Hats and Caps Millinery Iep9t • We have a large range of the latest hats. If :you cannot be suited with the hats we have, j e will make upfor you the kind you like. ie cordially adnate you to call and leek Orme this Dept -tool. Ail Farm Produce taken in exchange D. a FAUST PHONE 17 Z:(' I. I C"WANWVVVYMWAMMWARNARAMWARM 1_I •a - For a fine unto date stray.- hat, call at D. S Faust. Mr. Herman Bender Sr., spent three weeks, on a business trip, in Detroit and arrived home, Friday evening. Don't forget to call in and see our ladies' pat. kid shoo. pumps. They are all the go. At P. Bender's. Strayed from E. Erratt Stanley, (Varna P. 0.) on or about the 19th inst.. 7 yearling calves, dehorned, mostly red. If found please notify The Ladies Aid of the Eva gelical churoh. will meet on Tuesday the 7th in the church, at 2.30 p. m. All are invited to be present. Dr. Oven's Surgeon, Oculist specialist will be at Commercial E3otel, Zurich, on Friday, June 24th. Hours all day. Glasses properly fitted, Catarrh, deafness, failing eyesight and throat troubles treated. ._ ..... TELL PHONE MEETING A meeting, with the object of for wing a municipal telephone system. will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock, Subscribers of L. Zeller's lines and all others inter. ested are requested to attend. P. Lamont, Reeve. A woman sued her husband at Clerkenwell county court, and Judge Edge, asked the attention of the pair and said. I will tell you a little story. There was once a king of France who was very fond of clock•making. He tried to get half a dozen clocks to go together, but be could never get them to go exactly to than same time. That is illustrative of husband and wife. It is'hardly possible that they can always live together without some little difference. You Can hardly expect to always be of the same mind, Yon shonl.i try' and bear with ono acother P S Faust has a full supply of tomato and celery plants On: hand every week, from this out. 1rlr. Philip Rauch, who was quite ill for some weeks, is slo cvly recovering. D. S. Faust is getting a large shipment of pineapples' to sell at 10 cents each. Now is yonr time. Mr. John Witmer and wife, of New Hambnrtr visited. with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Witmer, last week. Mr. Ernst Gies visited last week with his brother, Mr, Henry Gies at St. Jacobs, and with his son Albert and other relatives and friends, at Berlin. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is sold on a guarantee that if von are not satisfied after using two thirds of a bottle according to directions, your money will be refunded. It is up to you to try. Sold by J. J. MYlerner. MEETING OI' TEE HURON COUNTY COVN CIL. The council of the County of Huron will meet in the council chamber, in the Town of Goderiob. on Tuesday the 7th day of June next, at 3 o'clock. 'Accounts against the county must be placed with thn Clerk before the above date. Dated, May 23rd, 1910, W. Lane, Clerk, There are over a trillion more women than men in Great.' Britain and an energetic effort is being made by people high in authority to arrange for a more even. bat- ance. Emigration to the Western hemisphere, notably to Canada and the United States is one of the planks, in the platform. The local bachelors should gat busy and searrre• an imported housewife if they etre poaiiive the youth and beauty of this land Will not snit them.