The Herald, 1910-05-27, Page 6Mrs, John Pettigrew, of CentralEcon- saw N.S., was practically helpless from rheumatism. She could not 'stoop, and her limbs ach- ed so that it was torture for her to be uta and around the house, Aq Mrs. Pettigrew put it, "I was all elienled up. I saw Gin Pills advertised and sent for some, and after taking only two boxes, am a different woman. Gia Pills are the only thing that helped me, and I cannot say too much for them." If You have that dreadful pain in the back— if you are tortured with rheuma- tism --get Gin Pills at onoe. (Dept. teH National Drug for feel sample. Regular size at dealers, 20e a, box, G for 821x0, A Legend of February,. Here is the pretty legend which telis why February has only twenty-eight er twenty-nine days. Long ago, they sat-, February was a gambler, and he was so unlucky that he soon lost all his mon- ey. Like other gamblers, he tried to recover it, and he said to his companions that if they would lend him some money he would give them as security one of his days. January and March, svho were naturally associated with him more often than any of the other months, accepted his offer, and as poor February soon lost the money which he had borrowed each of thein acquired one of his days. That is why January and March have each thirty-one days and February has only twenty-eight in ordinary and twenty-nine in leap years. o Minard's Liniment used by Physicians "I Love" in 27 Tongues. (By Wardlaw Taylor) Here is the translation of "I love„ 111 e, different languages. English—I love. Orman—Ich Liebe. Italian, Spanish and Portuguese—Arno. Greek—Agapo. Russian—Ljublju- Dutch—I3c bemin. Breton—Karan. Japanese—Watakusi wasuki masu. Cambodgese—Khuhom sreland. Danish— Jeg elsker. Swedish—Jan alskar. Palish—Koeham. Basque—Maitatzendent, Ill n n gars a n—'tri roti. French—J'alme- ' Turkish—Sereporoum. �^ Algerian Arabic-4\enabb. Egyptian Arabic-1ef'al. Persian—Doust darem. Armenian—Gesirem. Hindustani—Main bolta. Annamite--Tol tha on'g. Cbinese—Oui hi bouan- Malayan—Sahyasuka. volarruk--torob, Dr.. Morse's Indian Root Pills owe their singular effectiveness in curing Rheumatism, Lumbago and Sciatica to their power of stimulat- ing and strengthening the kidneys. They enable these organs to thor- oughly filter from the blood the uric acid (the product of waste matter) which gets into the joints and nnls- eles and causes these painful dis- eases. Over half a century of con- stant use has proved conclusively that Dr. Morse's Indian Rpot Pills strengthen weak kidneys and Cure Rheumatism Toy Spaniel an Old Breed. The English toy spaniel is undoubted- ly one of the oldest and most popular breeds of pet dogs known. As hr back as the days of Charles the Martyr this breed was much prized by the ladies of the court. In the narrative of the execu- tion of Mary, Queen o: Scots, indorsed in Lord Burghley's hand and forwarded to the court, it was recorded that one of the executioners found her little pet (a spaniel of practically the same type as those afterward known in the reign of Cherie II,), which had crept under the folds of her garments to be "'ar her, .and which would not bo a ., tQ away.—From Bit and Spur. e_o BETTER THAN SPANKING. Spanking does not cure children of bed-wetting. There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Sum- mers, Box W. 8, Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her successful home treatment, with full instrutions. • Send no money, but write her to -day if your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child, the chances are it can't help it. This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine dif- ficulties by day or night. --e-as HAPPILY MARRIED, (Exchange.) "Abe they happily married?' "Yes. indeed, They've been married four years now, and she never has to ask hint to take her to the theatre." fu Keep Minard's Liniment in the house 0. WHAT DID HE MEAN? (Exchange.) Tiggwhat's the matter, old mani' You"re looking wretched. Fogg—I'm not myself at all to -day, Figg—Oh. come! that's nothing to feel 'wretched about. FRIEND OF KINGS. P BACK -WEARY MEN Sir Ernest Cassel, Once a Poor Boy Now Entertains Royalty, Sir Ernest Cassel, one of the late King Edward's hosts at Biarritz, has had a career full of mistime, the romance full. of the self-made man, It seems like a fairy tale that the unknown lad of the '70s should have been the friend and eounsellor of the King of England and the German Emperor, It is rumored that he is one, of the six men who .move in the mysterious back ground of the Government' of England, says the (gentlewoman. He has been the builder of his' own fortune. Money has grown under his hands, and banks and railways have made his vast riches. One of the most drainatie moments in his career was a Boer war incident. The. British Government stood in need of a big sum at short notice, It was obtained by Sir Ernest in three hours. Luck seems not to attend him on the turf, although he once won the Two Thousand. Much has been written on Brook House, his Park Lane residence, but there has been scant mention of the Turkish baths which occupy part of the ground floor, nor of the marvellous range of kitchens. There are six of these, with znarble_floors and walls, and they include pastry kitchens, grilling, roasting and boiling kitchens, a vegetable kitchen and a room for fruit and flowers, HELPLESS LITTLE BABIES. Ask any mother who has used lhery's Own Tablets and she will tell you they are the best thing in the world for cur- ing stolnach and bowel trouble, and making teething easy. 'i'h;s is tee high- est praise a 'medicine can gat. And we .give you the guarantee u° a Government analyst that this medicine is absolutely safe. No other nledieine intended for young children give mothers such a guar- antee. Mrs. IRobt.:tiieth, Dothan, Ont., says: "I cannot tell you how much good Baby's Own Tablets have done my baby. -I am sorry I did not know of them ear- lier." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A Spring Parable. The wind is blowing, The sower is sowing„ The seed is flowing; The sun is shining; The clouds inclining Their silver lining. This is the seed -time, The hope -time, the heed. time; Soon eones the need -time. Laughing or weeping, 'Waking or sleeping, "rix, worth the knowing That God is keeping For future reaping " • The sower's sowing. —Ida W. Benham, in Farm. Journal. ,finard':t Liniment Co., Limited: I was very sick with Quinsy, and thought I would strangle. i used MIN - ARDS LINIMENT and it cured me at Once. I am never without it now. Yours gratefully, IdBS. C. D. PRINCE. \auwigewauk, Oet. 21. British Crown Jewels. The Wakefield Tower, in which, the Crown jewels are usually kept at the Tower of London, is undergoing repairs and the regalia have been removed while the work is in progress. Owing to the enormous value of the jewels the authorities are naturally anx- ious that their present whereabouts shall not become generally known, but they -are being well guarded, Several weeks must elapse before the jewels can again be on view to the public.—London Even- ing Standard. <r_p Red, Weak, Weary, Watory Eyes. Relieved By Murine Eye Remedy. Try Murine For Your Eye Troubles, You Will Like !Murine, it Soothes, 50c At Your Druggists. Write For !:Eye Books. 1!'ree, Murine Eye Remedy Co., Toronto, a -e Higher Criticism. Georgiana was making preparations for her doll's birthday party and her brother stood by helplessly, receiving in- structions. "Oh, Palmer,' she exclaimed suddenly, "first we must take this child over to church and have her criticised." —Success Magazine: Mi nerd's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. New Field for American Engineers. Russia is becoming interested in hydro- electric power' plants, and is examining into the matter of electrifying suburban divisions of its State railroads. An in- vestigation is being made of our high- tension transmission systems, and, says the Scientific American, it is probable that a new field will be opened for Am- erican engineers. An Elevated for Tokyo. A scheme for the construction Of an elevated electric railway at Tokio is at present under. consideration. It is pro- posed that there shell be two lines, one running from the east to the west of the city, e# the other from the north to the saut,i. The cost of construction of the reejeeted linea is estimated at $19,000.100, The Helping Hand of Dr, Hamilton's Pills Will Cure in a Few Weeks., oundry work compels men to work in the winter in very .cold. shops," writes Tullis T. Bolter, a well known mechanic ilia Hamilton, "I contracted a very se- vere cold a few months ago which set- tled in my back and kidneys. I suffered constntlt pain, and in bending over my work, and ire heavy lifting, the pain at times was excruciating- My digestion got all out of order, doubtless because the kidneys didn't work right. My wife had used. Dr. Hamilton's Pills as a fam- ily Mnedicine and 1 took her advice and started them also. To my great delight a few .doses helped me so much it was proof 1 was using a true remedy. Nat- ural action of the kidneys was brought about, burning and aching ceased, and the bark -lameness gradually disappeared. 1 no longer fear my work, I feel strong and robust, and with such a remedy las Dr. Hamilton's Pills at hand. I will pro- bably Hover again be sick. I advise every working man to use Dr. flarnilton's P111s"' No other medicine will regulate the system and -maintain health like IIr. Hamilton's Palls—beware of the deader who tries to induce you to take some- thing else on which he makes more pro- fit. Sold in yellow boxes 25c. Prepared by the Catarrlaozone Co., Kingston, On- tario. Travelled as Merchandise. A novel charge of fraud has been be- fore the Italian courts recently. A deal- er had four eases of liqueur which he was sending, or rather taking, from Naples to Milan. To save part of his railway . lire he etowed himself in an- other packing case, which was carried as merchandise, At an intermediate station the man desired some fresh air and took a stroll on the platform. Then he was discov- ered and prosecuted. In default of a fine a term of imprisonment was passed. The enterprising dealer, it may be as- snmed, had a fight over the decision, and it has been reversed on appeal.—From the London Globe. A PIANO F i ; 50 GENTS A WEEK This is a golden opportunity for any- one to own an. instrument. We have a large stock of used pianos, taken ail ex- change on Heinteman & Co. pianos. These instruments are such *ell -known makes as Weber, Chickering, Haines Bros., Thomas and Duntinion, and the price its from ,$60 to $125. Bath one guaranteed for five years, and will be, taken back in exchange with full am- ount alloaveLanys, time in three years. Do not let this chance slip by you. A post carol will bring full particulars,-- Heintzman & Oo., 71 King street east, Hamilton, Ont. Who Shall Do the Proposing? (Chicago Sunday Tribune). There has been much discussion of late over the comparative value of the old method of the man as the wooer and the newer one of woman as pursuer in affairs of the heart. And after the cloud of talk has blown over its silver lining apparently bears on its shiny sur- face the conclusion, "it all depends." This is a serious question and one wor- thy of settlement now and for all time. The average woman has about as little use for a timid man as the average man has for a forward woman, but one of the standing family jokes to be perpe- trated at regular intervals by all hus- bands until the end of time is "when my wife proposed to me, etc., etc-" So, perhaps he might enjoy the real sensa- tion. Or perhaps he might not consider an appeal, "please be nine," from be- witching femininity in the light of for- wardness. But all feminines are not bewitching, and more's the pity, only the other class need pursue. It were better for man to cling to the past, or he may find a peck of trouble a mere trifle. And what if two timid ones ch0;need to get together? Horrors, what a tragedy! Of course, the phonograph ever may be relied upon as an emergency- friend. A curtained cor- ner, behind which rests the hidden voice. Suddenly there falls upon the par- lor air in dulcet (or bass, as preferred) tones "Do you love me?" Both answer in unison, if desire, thereby eliminat- ing any embarrassment to be felt in be- ing the fi.;ast to speak. Or mayhap this attcieut fable may be of assistance: Mary and John had been sweethearts for many years. Mary had waited long for John to set his sighs to words, but persistently John's vocal cords refused to work. John came to call one evening and wrote upon the stone mantelpiece:. "If it wasn't for hope a heart would break." SVlten lxi:ar,y entered and read she spunked up "It it wasn't for bashfulneee a fool would speak," she wrote beneath. She emulated John's grammar and she broke the meter, but John spoke. n And always th.ere'sthe model of Pris- cilla and the, other John. Ask for Minard's and take no other. LEARN TO SMIM. (Toronto News.) Summer is marred by the number of drowning accidents which occur. Year afler year young men and women, bright-a•nd full of promise, are swept Into en eddy or sepset from a canoe. Many of these accidents might be pre - Vented if swimmingwas an art more goaoraliy acquired. HOUSES IN A CIRCLE. A Buenos Ayres Architect';, New Idea in Building. Buenos.Ayres has an architect in Prof, Pierre Pooveda who • has devised a special plan for building whole. districts of houses for the workingman,' Instead of erecting the houses on the ordinary square block Prof, Roveda has used a circle, which has a diameter of from 100 to 130 yards, This circle of ground is divided into ninety-nine radial lots eonverging to a centre. The eircle is eoneentriea.11y di- vided to form an interior avenue—four yards broad --to allow communication with the centre of .the;.oircle. Each ave- nue leads. to external sidewalks and to longitudinal and transverse streets In the centre of the circle is a plot of forty yards in diameter where chil- dren may be ltft to themselves without their parents' care, in charge of a spe- cially designated person. In this garden a -playroom, a• school, a hospital,• a fire station and an administration room are to be found, Naturally this eireular plot of ground !eaves four corners. In' each of these four corners the professor proposes to build four chalets. such as grecery shops, dairies, haberdasheries and the like, which are intended to be carried on in a en -operative way. In each of the ninety- nine radial plots a workingman's !louse he to be erected on the English plan. Prof. Roveda arguer for his circular ar• rangement" that it will give continuous sunshine at all hours of the day and plenty of light and air.—From the Chi- cago Tribune. ONE.yEFORALLKIAMS OF GOODS. You don't even have to know what hind of cloth your goods are made of, SAME Dye for ALL. Mistakes are IMPOSSIOLE. Fast and Beautiful Colors, 10 cents. Don't fail to try It. Sample Card and Booklet Free, fr, 'rhe Johnson -Richardson Co., Limited, Montreni,, The Deacon's Philosuphy. I remember when a boy Iiow I used to just enjoy Riding with old Deacon Hill When he used to drive to the mill. Skittieh nag the deacon druv, Ivor he had a kind of love For a good, free -actin' colt; And he'd keep an easy holt On the reins and when she'd shy He'd Just drawl. so kind of dry, "There, there, colt! Now, now, no tearin'! No use cuttin' up and rarin'. Just keen right down in the road. No use fretting at the load, Steady pull's .not half so wearin', There, there, colt: Now, now, no tearin'!" 'Years ago that boyhood day: Colt and deacon's passed away. I ain't.young's I used to be, By a good deal, no sirree! Coltish then, I must allow, Well broke into harness now, 'Cent when things go wrong, then I Want to rip and tear and shy. Then inside me kind of stili, Seem to hear old Deacon Hill: 'There, there, boy! Now, now, no tearin'! No use cuttin' up and rarin'. Just keep cool and peg away Do the best you can each day; ,lust keen patient and forbealin', There, there, boy! Now, now, no tearin'!' —Robert Seaver, in Youth's Companion. INVIGORATING TONIC FOR RUN-DOWN PEOPLE Your blood has become thin and weak. The drain upon your system the past few months has been very great. You are con- sequently feeling Your out of sons" and run down." Your appetite is bad and you hardly have enough energy left to do your daily duties, You should take PSYCHINE, the greatest of Tonics, with. out delay. This will put you on your feet at once, Gentlemen: --"I have used PSYCHINE and i( do think it is the greatest tonic and system builder known, I would adv all who are run-down or physically weak to use PSYCHINE."„ Yours truly, Mrs. Jas. Bertrand, West Toronto. If you ace weak PSYCHINE will make you strolls. For Sale by all Druggists & Dealers, Sir. & $1 per bottle. Dr. T. A. SLOCUM LIMITED, TORONTO ISSUIE NU. 21. 1910 AGENTS WANTED. TART A TEA ROUTE TO -DAY, SEND Li postal for cireulars, or 10c for sam- ples and terms. Alfred Tyler, London, Ont. Dr.Mattel's Fe i ale Pills SEVENTEEN YEARS THE STANDARD Prescribed and recommended for wo- men's ailments, a scientifically pre. pared remedy of proven worth. 1 he result from their use is quick and per- manent. For sale at all drug stores. ....rte -.,r _ .._ .__ _ ____ .�.7.1 `ft ii.i80 ni `L. PYs.,4°...,1,;t51F.4�'rxi}itr°ct`"Sdw.00 , Veld.,:,. C. Dt SHELDON invrolernt A. specialty made of investments in Standard Railroad and Indus - trial Stocks. ;c Call or write for full particulars regarding plan of investment. Room 101, 180 St. James St, • Montreal Retir,VO4,. .? H.>. o-'4,ir„4%c`� xtta•RYtitrtPi+ •i•.i+ :S0i1P"J:yJ ..;'!1,'tN.'S.Fn '`.S+1k�tS3Xs tAf7i'4 u :r¢ .,,Yp",. 0U6d 44is: