The Herald, 1910-05-20, Page 2NORTH CAROLINA SNA-K.E. a10RY.
Farmer Tells the Resttit of x Fight
Between ging Snake and Rattle.
\1„bile la 11'itdesboro ti few days ago J,
Drank Rauclall, of Aasonviille township,
gave a gr•apliie deseription of a f st uict
stew the day-bd:fore t:etween a kir
and a big rattler. The rattlesnake wee:
coneiderahly lar„ er than tele kingsuake
acid to look at them orto would not tltiltk
it lossible for the entailer reptile to
swellow the 1ai'ger one, but this, Mr.
Randall states, is just what utile road
The fight, which tock place in
ewe' Mr. Mandel l's home,
by all the members of his family as well
ars himself. After the battle lead beets in
progress for Borne time the kingsnteke
teenaged. to tic himself around the botiy
of the rettler about ten incbes from. the
ratter's head.
The rattles, after this feat had been
aceeraplished, made several eitt'autpea to
strike its anta:luuist but withnnt sue -
cess, The Icingeneke slowly \sulked. its
way up the body of the ratteer aatis sud-
denly it opened wide its mouth aced iuvnl-
lowed the head of the rattler Just as
the swallowing fast wee accoutpll ne d
the kingtsnake squeezed it, prey
Air. Randall s9.1a, its torics could be
heard to creek for some distance. 'rite
lcingeneke then a ttial ascii .from the
rattler and d tdowly the. til OW
ins the metier. the rhtt.ierna l ct [ e.
making fissure arr,•• rattler'
After several inches of the,
a.•nata•my bad disappeared into the sing-
snake the former managed to tie its tee
around a small bush, ti%'Own ',boe was
th rep-
mighty pull on the 1
tiles, which condoned until Mr. 1' this
untied the tail -tussie rattler. s o! swallowing eon -
.time ori the p'
tinned until et lest every vt' tlee of the
big rattler disal•pd.-reci into the stomach
of the icingsltake,
It was a painting
the h Baton the
tile Baptist's
rather of
charger, which Bellini had almost com-
pleted that drew the monarch's atten-
tion, and he objected to the neck. "A
decapitated head,” he said—and quite
right—"hes uo neek," and noticing a
faint smile of what he took to be in-
credulity on the face of the artist, he
had a slave who happened to be stand-
ing by decapitated on the spot by one
of the guard. Bellini was, of course,
horrified; but the critic was triumphant,
and pointed out with delight bow com-
pletely the demonstration made good his
Rea,Rea,'SV chis, 'Weary, 1t"etc: 9 Byes.
Relieved By Murine Eye Remedy.
Murine For Your klye Seo ubses. GOcYou
W111 Like Murillo. It
Your Druggists. Write FoCo./lye o 000ko.
Free. Murine Eye Remedy
(Dundas Advertiser.)
The inspector was examining Standard
I, and all the classtheir had been specially `Don't
told beforehand by
answer unless you are almost certain
your answer is correct."
History was the subject.
"Now, tell me," said the inspector,
"who was the mother of our great Scot-
tish hero, Robert Bruce?"
He pointed to the top boy, then round
the class. There was no answer. Then
.at last the heart of the teacher of that
does leaped with joy. The boy who was
standing at the very foot had held up
his hand.
"Well, my boy," said the inspector, en-
,couragitlgly, "who was she?
"Please, sir, Mrs. 1io- 3 ins."
Yourh . es Health
HER 131.`leellIN-•YOUR BURDEN.
This is it',rt e- siclen•ess not only
wrings the le
that in mo
minds. and
of the rami
c`My daul
Sadder, "g
rt, but adds burdensamines bear u
Scats of eltehn
r, » writes Mrs. FL B.
into weakness instead
of that full ii easuxe of strength that
is the desir of every pareet•t's heart,
Clever at s►ol, she loved study, yet
her strength• vas tco slight. Because
tiOW3, she eves always
ver oto heartily, was
except when striving
s was listless of the
she was ai
tired. She.
pale, thin
for school
interests and feeling natural to young
girls. The lifsrdens of ill -health she
carried were My burdens, too, because
1 fretted lest some serious malady
er and take her from
niigh.t seize,'
the first g]e
that girl did
first week .ry
pale thin
glimpse of T. -,
proved. I think she could have gam-
ed note, but I was afraid that she
might over -The more she did the
stronger an
Perozone re
her ' musele
nerves '
There i
vitalize sta.-
brought to her and xis
of satisfaction. How
.n1oy herr
used P errozone. Flex
eke began to show a
and her, strength itn»
Its Adoption by Bank With Many
Foreigners as Depositors,
Martin S. Steele, of Cheyenne, \VyO•,
said last night that the old Chinese sy:t-
tern o£ identification by thutii, marks
has been adapted to modern banking,
and the method is now ie practical use
in the First National Bank of Cheyenne
as a means of identifying the signatures
of the many foreigners who carry depos-
its at that institution.
"In fact, the thumb mark has be-
come as necessary on cheques drawn by
xtaby's Own Tablets are good for ell
eltildren, £rein the feeble baby whose life
seems to bang by a thread to the
well -grown child whose dig
occasionally get out of order. These
Tablets promptly cure all stomach stand
bowl troubles and make Green-
well and strong. The. H. G -
field, Entbro, Ont., says: "Baby'; Own
Tablets are a wondel•fnl medicine for
children. I have used then for several
hyears ouse for tmy little ones always �goinjg to school.em in "
.old by medicine dealers or by trail at
3.; cent+ a box from dm Dr, Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
• To Make Hair Glossy.
ruddier she got, ,,or
'wed her blood and gave
flesh, strength and
tonic that will uplift,
�then and rebuild young
girls and women like Forrozoiie;
thousands say so—try it—the benefit
it will do. tau in many ways is be-
yond teilin A11 dealers, 50c pera
.,.50 or The
.'x bo as
� ,
box, 52
tarrhozone 0.., Kingston, Canada.
lame of Human' Vision.
What is the farthest limit to which
the human vision can reach? asks tile
Strand Milne. Power, in his book,
To M1 women: 1 bogiewill send free treatment i which
Instructions, ne, Lenoorrhooa, Ulceration,
gostivelY curet
Displacements, Failing of the Womb, Pain-
ful or irregular periods. Uterine and Over -
Ian Tumors or Growths, also clot Flushes,
Nervousness, Melancholy, Pains to the Head
Back er Bowels, Kidney and Bladder troubles,
where caused by weakness peculiar to out
sex. You can continue treatment at home al
cost 01 only 12 cents e. week. y book,
"Woman's Own Medical ?Adviser," Address,
tree oa request Write to -day.
Mrs. M. Summers. Boz 11.
this class of the bank depositors as is
the written signature of the drawer of
the cheque," said Mr. Steele. "The sys-
tem has been in use almost two years
now, and in that time the bank has not
had. -the least trouble with its foreign
depositors, but instead leas found that
the arrangement works to perfection.
"There ore probably more nationali-
. -,,.,,a i., »»I nrn1lr.;i Cheyenne
than in almost any other city of the
.., .•,�-J, •,,._„ �xca� utlillll�, meta
State have drawn every nationality of
Europe to themselves, while the Union
Pacific and Burlington railroads have
brought hundreds of railroad laborers
from Asiatic" countries. Comae ditch-
ers, Japanese section men, Chinese work-
nsen, Mexicans, Indians, Lithuanians,
Czechs, Poles, Hungarians, Bohemians,
Ii-cls111en, Irishmen, Greeks, Italians,
and about every ,other n ,tionality Can
he fatind around' Cheyenne in the course
of tt day's search. Many of these per-
sons' deposit their savings in Cheyenne
banks, and very few of them, eompara•
Lively speaking, can write their own
n'itr,es especially in letters which can be
"The Eye t e Sight," gives the ability
to see the star Alcor, situated at the tail
of the Great Bear, as the. test. Indeed,
the 4.rabsit the test star. It is moot
exceptional be able to e,ee Jupiter's
satellites with the naked eye, thoagn
one or two cases are recorded, rho
third satelliies being the most. distinct.
Peruvians are said to be the longest -
sighted race cm earth. Humboldt re-
cords a case where these Indians eer-
ceived a 1iun1a.1 figure 18 miles away,
being able o recognize that it was haln-
an and cl tin white. This is probably
the record r far sight.
1,;ar, ese'
BR ` j'C IT IS
if Pleglected, it soon reaches the Lnegs
and may Prove Fatal,
Mr. G. L . Garrow of 116 Millicent St.,
Toronto, writes under date of September
13, 1908, "One year ago this sppringl con-
tracted a severe cold in the chest, which
developed into Bronchitis, 1 took three
kinds of mediciee and Bound no improve -
went. A friond of mine advised me to try
PSYCHINE and in three days I felt like n
new man again. 1 desire to let othersknow
what a valuable cure you have in PSY
CHINEfor it cured me where all other mei
icineshadfailed. 1 am more than thankful to
be well ain,anti fo t css sake
t momf others s! o
may beiilyaumaep
Stop that cold or the results will be
serious. You can do this by toning up the
system with PSYCHINE.
ror Sale by all Marxists, SOc. & $1 per bears.
'deer dressing the hair, af velvet it mer
smoothie- with a piece
into a little pad or cushion, with a
centre stuffing . of cotton -wool. 9. silk
handkerchief or a piece of clean ehar
mois can be used in the same way.
Push the hair up off the forehead and
the nape of the neck, and back from
the ears, slid you will make it smooth
and glossy and well-groomed looking,
and do away with short, uutitdy ends.
French women nearly always finish the
herr-dressln ; rn this way. put a few
If the hair is very dry, p
drops of brilliantine or a little vaselitle
on the pad. .......W--�.__.
Vil, r
Every seador, the 'Pari; embroiderers
adopt one particular kaf for their de-
eigns, and. according; to the xray the foil -
age is reorn.tuced, the leaf is enlarged
or reduced far bevoud its natural dinten-
There was once a vogue for poppy
foilage and flowers, followed later on
by another ler tulips. The art nouveau
'cra7/1a brought irises and orchids into
fashion. There was a period also when
ivy and wocdivine were mixed.
This year, when so many of the gowns
are First Empire, our artists have drawn
chiefly laurel leaves intermingled at
times with various t.reek designs and
the traditional key pattern. A lovely
scarf, speially made for an American
Mende, was in pale green net inernsted
with long satin laurel ietwee of a numb
darker shade delicately entlined with
black: -Froin the Gentlewoman.
Minard's «- Liniment Lumberman's
A Plant Warring Scheme.
rt,,Dv ...�.-.vrM..o.0'
Is "seta one of thsi most dis-
agreeable ailments which flesh is
heir t,,• Coated tongue -bitter
taste •u: tete mouth--nauseit•:-=dizzi-
nese--tl, a combine to melee :life a
s burel ; e aati;e „is a rltat:rtiererl
liver ---.he cure 1)r.Morse's Indian
Root Pilin They go straight to the
root rkf t x;' trouble, put the liver
right, eta nee the stomach and bow-
els, eh':ar site tongue and take away
the hitt , taste front the mouth.
At the -st sign of biliousness take
fee •-.. r1E4ca, ^.,."CZi
{ Il asra 4,41:)t !PififIls
(iiwlt Reformer.)
nnd tiTor
a C1ten,faaltoCpen'1'•
oren o" Na
Patti a Fair Substitute,
The Baroness Cosl'rrstroln, perhaps bet-
read by all ordinary American business
man." -Washington Herald._
,••.,.,,.,,..W, ,..-,.,.....--•.,.,,,..,.....-..,..
Means -
DYE FUR' �t'.111D5 OF GOODS.
You don't even have to know what kind of cloth
your goods are mode of, SAME P7e for ALL.
Mistakes are IMPOSSIBLE. Fast and nest,S Uak
Cotes. 19 cents. Don't fall to try it. ScrapleCa d
and Booklet Free.
The Joksemo-nlehardacn Co., IAmhed, htonrcaai.
mitten t�rctuytfi%
c. ntl�tt B sari,. V''t F �4,ar '
t'Ir'.lit•'tr' #�
ties for the new "ParkYte Sanitary
in sanitation
for privatearesid nces,Invetschools and hotels.
Liberal commissions. Address H. M.
Suckling & Co., 408 St. :�icilolas Bldg.,
Alontreal, Que.
GLi postal
postal for circulars, or 10c for sam-
ples and terms. Alfred Tyler, London,
An Open Air Wedding.
A quiet, grassy slope among the hilts,
on the borderland of England and Scot-
land was the scene of au open air wed-
ding one night this week. The bride's
home waa on the Cumberland side about
fifty yards tip the hillside from the
stream which divides the two coitntries.
The bridegrooiti is a shepherd belonging
to the Teviotbead district of the Scottish
border county of Roxburgh.
It was desired that the ceremony
shout be performed at the bride's home,
but as the English marriage laws do not
allow weddings in private houses a Soot -
tisk minister was obtained and the mar-
riage was performed on the hillside on
the Scottish side of the border. The
bridegroom's party travelled five miles
over the hillside from the railway sta-
tion and was joined by the bride's party,
which walked down from her house. The
customary young men's race was run af-
ter the ceremony, and then the two par-
ties- erossed the stream into England anti
climbed the hill to the bride's house.—
Loudon Evening Standard.
Dr. M el's Female Pills
Prescribed and recommended for wo-
pared remedy of proven worth. pre,‘
result from their use is quick and per.
manent. For sale at all drug stores:
From time to time new ideas with
regard ,to coin:Corti and conveniences ap-
peal to the people and at present it is
the large parch. The majority of people
who are erecting new residences want
a large verandah where they eau spend
their afternoon* and evenings in comfort
during the summer months. It not only
makes the home more af:tractive, but it jf
is beneficial to the health of the occu-
pants. as the air on the north is purer
and more refreshing, than in the house.
Where there is available ground space
around. a house. a porch should be bulit,
tit far ex-
ceedtlth benefits
vlue additional from
cost of the
around and structure,
ter known as lime. Patti, ;:ells an amus,
ins; incident that: happened to her on
one occasion in as isolated village in the
north nixie of Yorkshire, says the Wash-
I'areon:t engaged ia e •at:.te a:us:A:hen tiid [u�onoPo't vas got up in aid of the
plants ars Often d ��
ne leave the swatst" ,�rl;kur;tt i1Y tookge tickcts institetioa fuel
went. the
Buttnot halftl duly'
ivlthaA an:ertin tit. pian ;incl Thee. Patti—
t i rgrc, performer!! tit tttrnecl up, the
An nOM1..� inept t i 11 the, difficulty of
...•� u.•r „ :it .,.i .•r will lei incng;,litd seeing
tk i7 po l h:t 1 Y .
snppliett tot the Buil ter u:n-r.,! t'. 'l:ul:e chairman, offered to oblige them with a
a 'bowl of water anti 19.',...: 11. c .i 4.111.1tie song.
illi: let o;l Of o r pile
hr b mice. idyl t mostttr 51151 popnlertatl ballads rendered.
own per-
It:datu of J.r mie or a a oft way the
several et ramie of x,nm..:dtt ;taming wool fceWeil,. n1a'nm,"rhe isataanlyou �erdone
together to form a lona; ibt- e l anti seal:
thele in Lite wt:tet'. I1 r;n.• en.l l) 'song or.eoni:nou weir, sed although 'Arry
over the bo,vl and the other end tuft in Ock, the ,ieggier. who thinks nowt of
the a teran a on titiyetlun+.:!lrthti 30r•1wlll tre 'e n' needles,of 'ot cotltlltarnsand ip, yes yotoi'VO
empt and stk the
t ........
empty.- -Front th^ T, mine t`}obe• nleasad nq very considerable, nnirn•" I .
Viirdlu S e'rarr .;aZg `'"'t""fir" SZfai i - lP c" 'ERn'rl" ACIMEVI
i rli il TS "SltitiT"• MATCHES
Minarde Liniment, Co., Limited.
Dear same -Your M1\AR1)'S
M1 heT is oar remedy for sore
eolils and all ordinary ailments.
It never fails to relieve and cure
pronllatly. ' CHARLES WliOOTE.N.
Port Mulgrave.
Satisfy the moat particular people. They are the most perfect
made, noiseless as their name implies, no sputter, no smelt or
sulphur, are quicker, and safe.
All first-class dealers keep them.
The E B. EDDY COMPANY, Ui it 1, .I II • Cada
ralE SEE 1854.
SW..4 re eAke tis e
Cs ,AiLLUtJld IraBro erns
A specialty made of investments
in Standard Railroad and Indue-
trial Stocks.
Call plaie n of for
inVest Hent l ,liars
Room 101, 180 St, James st.,
'eettetterstegerestereetere . ?wt,`uy,i•. Rio 'YJvi ,Q.Se; l,•
One Thousand Agents
Wanted to sell t h e
Authentic Biogra ph Y.
Write or wire us for
Minarrl•'s 1. -raiment used by Physicians
,�,v' •�v�ts; set; t+
The first steamboat to ply regularly
between ports on the: great lakes as a�(zio�,q„�y ONTARIO.
the entenl and paying.
dividends" to its , to I�9PLtt'
the extent of p' yi ARTS
owner, was the 'Wall:.-ut-the Water. This
singular name was suggested by an in-
cidentld navigator of
1e a MIDI r
When Fulton first steamed itis boat
the Clermont up the Ilttdson in 1807 an r
I dean stending on the river bank e:t- dI�51-- Lle (!ncluding Engineering)
;e1 rji i �NThi.,,r6Ti1tima'i tiiy�}t-7k`l0.' •
Menem this Paper
"How diel the street car company come
to fire that old conductor? 1: thought
he had n, pull.
"He did, but he didn't use it on the
"sett registi::'
the related by an o I THEOLOGY
t1 lakes. �WF
claimed "Welke in Nater!"
The plan of the forest saw the paddle
wheels revolving and comprehended that
when it paddle struck the water there
was 5step forward.. The name Walk-
in-theWater, however, being so long, was
not generally used. Being the only boat
of her class on Lake Erie, where she
plied regularly, thenewvessel was usu-
ally designated as the Sterunboat"
'1tlst historic vessel;
well earned
the title of pioneer onthe
great lakes, was built early in 1818 at
the mouth of Soajeguada; Creek, in the
village of Black Rock. On her first trip,
says Ceesier s Magazine, the Walk -in -
the -Water stopped at Dunkirk end brie.
and arrived off Cleveland about Moon
the following day.
"On August 2t, 1518," says an eye-
witness, "an entire novelty—the like of
which not one in five hundred of the in-
habitants had ever seen presented it-
self before the people of Cuyahoga Coun-
ty. On that day the residents along the
lake shore of Euclid saw upon the lake
a curious kind of vessel making what
was considered very rapid progress west-
ward. without the aid of saile,'while from
a pipe bear its middle rolled forth a dark
cloud of smoke, which trailed its gloomy
lenth far into the refer of the swift glid-
ing, mystorioite 'trevoiler over the deep.
"They watched its westward course
boriloit row toward the har-
f Cler T nd d its andtthen. returned to
their labors. Many of them doubtless
ktiew what it was, but some shook their
heads in sad surmise as to whether some
evil powers were not at work in produc-
ing 811015 a strange phenomenon aS that
on tho' bosom of their beloved Lake
Ask lot Minard's and take no other.
(Buffalo Express.)
xtsae, (led, teacher. says I'm descend-
ed from a ,monkey. Is that so?" asked
the young hopeful.
"Ztlell, ' answered his father, "not
on my hide.
Little Brother --I min sure that if 1
were not in the room the lieutenant
would •ki✓e you.
Sieter-You mitis^ter 1(1373t pintoni vhe
yen 58v such u t�
room at onset
For ono who can stand prosperity,
there are a hundred that will stand an,
vereity.---C:ari vie.
The Arts course may be taken without
attendance, but students desiring to grad-
uate must attend one session. There
were 1517 students registered session
For Calendars, write the Registrar,
ea Kingston, Ontario
Keep Minattd'5 liniment In the hOuse
Best Yeast
the World
Sold and
C. W. Cider! Co., Led,
Tr> itn, Unit.
A man never learns much eviett he le
afraid of his mistakes.