HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-05-13, Page 8The Zurich Her°aId. 0 r PHONE 28 s 5 ireatest thiug S ITIISC13.0111001b1•119 OWL WI This spring we are showing a very specially fine line of fancy colored Worsted Suits for men of middle age. The cloths hi these suits are equal hi quality to the 2o. and $25. ordered units. Colors Bronze, Brow, Fawn, Blue, Black, er friers to $10.5 ace eurtdn .fust large line of Lace Curtains of finest designs aud patterns. PriCe==3 5c. to 5eOO Tub Goods For Spring Fancy Gingharns In all the latest pattern,, and shades, in plaids and stripes are Shown in abundance io and I2Y2,c. per yard. Plan Repp One if the most popular Wash Goods for Spring Suits or Dresses. All the ne�v shades are shown. x8 cents per yard Linen S& itings Very much in demand for Wash Suits. We dart'• showing a full range of thein in good shades and patterns. SEE 5 We have all kinds of garden seeds. Also a good variety of Mangold, Turnip, Sugar beet, Turnip and Carrott seed. • We handle all kinds of Farm Produce. iZ7 GENERAL MERC1AN`,41T He,,=dquarters for the Celebrated ay elothin r a Hemlock & Cedar Cut to Order The undersigned, having a,Ilarge stock of prime Hemlock and Cedar, is prepared to cut to order any bill up to 36 feet long in Hernlook and up to 20 feet ..long in Cedar at the LOWEST MARKET PRICE W. A. MUSTARD B.AYPIEL1) Cheap Suits I'O R Spring and Summer ! Thoreeis nothing like being .well dressed at all times especially in Spring and Summer. We are doing botteie work every day and the suits we are turning out give good satisfaction. Order your Spring snit .I-iere and you will always be dressed up to date, Laundry in Connection W. HOF 9 AN Tailor, - ZURICH Galvanizedfenos staples 3 cents per ib, at Hartleib's. Carpenters are busy erecting a fine verandah at Mr. Jacob Weido's residence. Just received a complete assort. went of lisle thread gloves. Very popular, 25ets a pair. J. Preeter Dr. Smith. reeve, and H. Erwin, clerk, of Bayfield,, were in town. on Friday. We do all kind picture framing, at lowest prices, at Hartleib's. Mise Maggie Shheinneher of Parkhill; formerly of Zurich, is vi•:itin?s'`• relatives in Dash wood, this week, • See beer new stock of whitewear. eneh a.'s'white waists, enrset cciVera, Sze Our stock is very complete. 1. Preeter. Why 'lo not the business hien do something in connection with the proposed extension of the (J, P li truth .lt. Marys to (xo ierich? This is sorely a vital question. A party from near Kippen was a,bnsin•g his horse on the streets here en Tuesday, while under the influence of liquor, wits threatened witlt.a prosecution fur cruelty to animals. TO CONTRACTORS. Tenders for building four eemoont culverts with steel beams and cement floors, +rill be received by the council of Hay, up to 7 o'clock • p. in., Saturday May 21st. Plans incl specifications obtain- ed from the undersigned. The lowest or any tender not necessarily incepted. Zurich, May 5, 1910.' Fred Hess, Sr. Clerk. OVER GS YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARIc DESSGIVE COPVRIGHTC &Q. Anyone sending a stretch and description may gnlekly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Cornmuulen- tlons strictly confidential. i)A;(9%•liS;K on Putouts sent free. oldest ne:ncy for seen rina patents. s''atents taken through Damm ,Ss Co. recelvo special *Otte, without charge, in tho � ��Gl •��i,� � fpm A 'handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest ,•ir- cuirtion of any scientific Journal. Tereus fur 1Canada, aa adA $i.16 ap year, postage prepaid. :told by alltlY8E9�' ell & C0 36f0ro dwny, NewYork Branch ollle-e, 65173' 9t., Washington. S). C. Mattress at :;;3 50 each, at Stir l•'ib'a• WANTED 0 Girls wanted for newest a brightest. cleanest and most np to -date blouse and white - wear faotot'y in Canada. Work consists of sewing ce ' Ladies' Waists. Girls ex- 1perieneed on power sexing . ginaohines preferred, but a beginners will be taught. O Con7fortttble quarters. 1 Steady work. Good wages. THE STAR'WHITF.WEAI:. , MFG-, CO. Berlin,. �- ' Ontario, eerfereecDOMMADMIDCITectaso,,Q!,1_ 7 �Gj''���'ca`w"1..•V�`'C`^�•O'��•'C:�t�j°�,•Ca••G7rl✓• •�'•C?'• � eh 0 �p� ''° Y >A 1 S�• kala v D '°� aoa t ek li 1 il. 0 • You will be surprisod at our lame stock D D 4. of Shoes for men, women and children, but ''A' D 0 as leaders in the trade we have to keep the very best. Our turn—over is so large that 9nwe can and do give you better prices than Q k you aro accustomed:to get. Our Spring Stock A will be found right. Call and examine it. 0 D. i U4 leo P. 'EN 1 ER, r:uri.ch X10 o0 8 QP The only exclusive Shoe Dealer in Town g An noire Paint for ntari Homes \/OU are not asked to try"a new discovery" nor to make an experiment when you paint with HERMITS PUKE PREPARED RIF It has been made, sold and used in Ontario for many, many years, and from the beginning has led the mar- ket as an absolutely dependable product. It is made especially to meet and withstand the par- ticular climatic conditions of this Province—not made to be sold on the Pacific Slope, the Middle Western States or the Atlantic Seaboard, but for Ontario —an Ontario Paint for Ontario Homes. This is one of the reasons it gives such good service. It will pay you to come in for a color card and special prices. Pi R 9 HURON'S LARGEST CQitfisiNATIO!?d STORE bet' Ca New stock of Pine and Hem= lock Lumber, and. the Best Hastings ►:'rand Shingles, big shipments just to hand. Briiicr Now your PHONE HTZURICH' See our extension tables for 15 50,. at Elartleib's. VI pti„ .r.ivitiketaitt,,, TO rc J d"i iS . wb LLS Sa 4 CANADA LOW ROUND Tal' RATES COINQ DATE Apr. 5, 19 June 14, 28 And, 9, 23 May 3, 17, 31 July 12, 26 Sept. 6, 20 THROUGH SPECIAL TRAINS TORONTO TO WINNIPEG AND WEST Leave Toronto 2.00 p.m. on above darn Through First sod Second Class Coaches, Colonist and Tourist Sleepers. Apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent or write R. L. Thompson, it.P.A., Toronto. ASK FOR ROtdESISERERS' fAMPIILET Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv.e, er Tablets will clear the your stomach, sweeten the breath and create a healthy appetite. They promote the flow of gastric juice, thereby inrluotng good digestion. Sold by J. j. Merner. MARKET REPORT. --The fol. lowing is the report of Zurich markets corrected up to Thursday, Barley Peas..,... 75 Bran 22.00 Shorts .. 23 00 223.00 Oats.. ....•.. .. 3i 32 Meat .... 03 94 Hay .. 12.00 Dried apples 5 v Clover seed.. ..... 8.00 9,00 Potatoes.... 25 25 Butter .. 19 i9 Eggs. ......... :• .. 10 19 Hogs liveweiget8.80 HENSALTJ MARKETS • Cook's Best Flour ..... , . .2 75 Wheat LOS' Oats 38 36. Barley • 4o 5e Peaty .. 80 80 Hogs liveweight .. 8 ,'i' 40 to 45