The Herald, 1910-05-13, Page 5FIRST CLASS TILE I have a large supply of the very best tile on hand, from 2S in. to six inch. If you need any call, write or telephone to John Foster, Zur- ich, Brick and Tile yards. 11 tf 7 M d! Movedl SHOP AND STOCK MAIN SYRE +'T. direotly West of Dominion House Ready to supply you with just et —little bit tiro Nicest— JEWELLERY for HOLIDAY GILTS. rings, Silver Thimbles, Fobs, N ecklets, Watches Brooches, Bracelets, Veil Pins, Collar Pins. Everything in this Line. COME ALONG, Wo will try to PLEASE YOU. F. W. HESS, LJEWELLER G. R. HESS, Assistant. „ D EGD GEM GrAD=DO CC:taDGD®mGD ffiiLD (::,Gyp UTE TAKE this opportu- I ALM nity of wishing our Customers a i Happy i and Prosperous New Yoar, k, and thank each and all for .0 1 having made the past year t? our most prosperous year eg since we have been in busi- ness. We ask you again 5 for your hearty support for 1910, and we will do 9 our best to merit it, bar giving you value for your s money. A po R° tih 1 gGeneral Merchant, B L A K E. ' e DGD MEW 60 D GAM GDCVM 4 D=TOG D C•4D4„{, .Y tae For fnnrioh and surrounding district an energetic reliable agent to take order for nursery stook. GOOD PAY WEEKLY, OUTFIT FREE, EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY 000 cres under cultivation. We guarantee to deliver stock in good condition and up to contract grade. We can show yon that there is good money in representing a well known re- liable firth. Established over 30 years. Write for particulars. i PRIMP > P - U SERV CO TORONTO, — ONT. See our lawn mowers at each, at Hartleib's. HELP YOUR HOME TOWN The funeral of the late ling wz take • place on Friday. May' 90th, from St. (George Chapel, Windsor. There will be a public lying in state in London before removal of the remains to. Wiz+dsor. The casket will be made of oak grown in the Royal forest and the body will be placed in the Albert Mernorie,l chapel, neer that of ins eldest son. The German Emperor, the Kings Of Belgium, Spain and holland incl probably KinVtotor Enrnran- eel of Italy will be: present, at the funeral, It is quite probable that Ex President Roosevelt .will re present the United States, Car load fresh Dement arrived at liar tleib's. DASA 0' Mr. Mellviil, of Exeter hes been in the village several days trying to place an Aoeteline gas plant here for the village.. We don't know how successful he has been. $3.0o Mr. Joseph Arny took in a fine lot of cattle here, on Monday' Mr. Joseph Routledgehas had his office moved. to his prc;)erty, on main street. Mr George Edighoffer delivered bis driver to Mr. 'Douglas,' of Blake, on Monday afterneare The Y. P. A ladies are busy these days with their name quilt. We have much pleasure in repro- ducing and endorsing the following wholeenme sentiments from the Municipal World; and have no oc- casion to comment upon the article further : The reason why some towns grow is because there are men of push and energy in it, who are not afraid to spend their time and money to boom their town. They erect substantial buildings, organ- ize stock companies, and establish factories, secure railroads, work for public improvements and use every means in their power to in- duce people to locate in their town. Wherever they go they tell of the advantages of their town, they write about them in every letter, they send circulars and newspapers to all whom they can get to visit the place, and when anvone visits tbe[n they treat him so kindly that be falls in love with them and their town at onoe. It is enterprise and everyone pulling together that makes a progressive town, and don't let the fact escape your memory. ZURICH . ■ EAT MARKET tuE keep in stock a full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. riNfiniff I[sE EE RT. s r art HUHU (G7:`A CURED UED At your home, without pain, danger or operation, or loss of time. • This is not a Truss Oure. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless ceased. Why wear 'ill-fitting trus- ses all your life, when you can be cured for all time to oorn.e? .Lill in coupon : Age Time Rup What side Rep Name Address Rotern to 3. S. Serrrn, S$ Caledonia St. Stratford Dept. R. Ont. On Sunday next Ree. A Y. Heist, of Berlin will coaiiuct the sacrament of the Lords Supper to Highest the members and friends of the Evangelical church. The children and friends of Lur. All kinds of Mange], Turnip and Carrot Seeds on hand. ALL NEW SEEDS Also all good varieties of tested Seed Corn , 4 Lowest Prices FLOUP Royal Household, Milverton, Parkhill, Exeter and .Heusall Flours on hand. SALT==2ooll Bag= 95cts Chatham Incubator== a rgair Telephone to 23 for prompt deliveryl • (US( ZURIe sot 09e3ID41D612=OUDCMD4 DQ dDCSYIMMIND D®DDrSZDGDG%f®GDCZN GDOISICZ IDeaMaDG9IDGD®0E,C=0DCffi2)GD6SI)GO Tho general public will take notice that I am doing business in Exeter in tae line of purchasing all kinds of scrap. Market Prices Paid for Scrap Iron, Rags, Rubbers, ,i orae= and Mrs. Tobias Guenther met at Hair Copper, their home, on Monday evening and had a friendly time together, it being fiftyone years ago that they were married. SCHOOL REPORT, Never besitato about giving Chamberlain's (lough Remedy to ohildren. It contains no opium or other narcotics and can be given with implicit confidence. As a quiok cure for coughs and colds to which children are susceptible, it is unsurpassed. Sold by 3. J. Merner. ; Specialfor next two -weeks, 2 pair hose for 25 cents. 3. k'reeter. -m. REAM FOR Bill N3 P, E LAVAL 1)(. Laval r,el arators save enoll(_h -f IP' of milk over Any ! rilvtl\ et( Ul1I in l,. -,. r t l y ,, ra t tAii ' +t'2, t 1 r i rix mot .. nlci hl het kpllrate[ 1n L.1C. Ci ration, tanning heavier and sn2ur2- ther cec[:n1, likilntning cool milk, greater cal deity, easier t letutit i. easier running and less repa tr to pay for themselves every year. improved De Laval' separators save enough. over lt,, Laval mtc:in. es of tivo or twenty-five years ago in more absolutely thorough sl pin't1- tion under all conditions, .greater capacity, easier running, and greater simplicity to pay for tlictn- selves every two years Ile Laval separators( are not only supetier to othet's brit tit 11t11t' time cheapest in proportion to actual ca.pleit, , and they hast from five to ten ti'ite5lon„ei•• These n the reasons 111)' tate world's q>, Y,t iC)1(2e1 separator users itu lntlim::)". per 0 .I! of all eream- erAtntu, rye 11111 endorse the 1)o LiL .,1 3cj. z hors. 44 ?, $.d �� 1, I I SALES AGENT Blake Pe 0., Ont. Etc. All purchases to be delivered to J. PREETER'S HARDWARE, ZURICH, where the cash will bo paid or trade given Orders for collection of scrap may be loft at the same store, prompt attention willSbe given. The following is the report of S. art WEt L R a U S DEAD ER : EXETER S. No. 6. Hay, for „the month of tel,s April. The names are in order of — ---- merit : i r IV Lizzie Eisenbach, Laurette TEXT OF THE NEW KING 8 their prayers. that God will grant Decher, Ii oletta Foster, Cora Rau- SPEEi Ii, me strength and guidance I am gli, Beatrice Rennie, Adlebert --- encouraged bi the knowledge that I have in me dear wife one will be Smith, •"My Lords and Gentlemen : My tt, constant helptnate in every en- jr IV E (ingerich, Eddie Heart is too full for the •to address deavor for onr people's good." Hey, Robert EfaSta 7011 to -day in more than a few Sr III Garfield. 5tauhns, Leila .tri 8s It is my sorrowful duty ,1 to i13oFalls, Christian Baechler, Herly announce to you the death of my now FARMERS. CAN PRACT10E dearly laved. father, the king In CONSERVATION. this irreparable loss, which has so suddenly fallen upon me and upon the whole Empire, I am comforted by the feeling that • I have 'the sympathy of my future subjects, who will -mourn with the f t,)r:s their beloved sovereign, whose owe happiness was found in sharing and promoting theirs. I have ost not only a father's love, hut 1the affectionate and intimatr+ re Jettisons of a dear friend and adviser. No less confident am 1 in tin universal loving sympathy which i; fissured to MY densest mother it her everlasting ;grief. "Standing here a little mon Boweld. Jr I11 Theela Smith, Louise Re- gier, Isidore Smith, Sr 1I Silas McFalls, Clanton Wildfong, Pearl Witmer. Herbert Dabus. Pt II Willie Wit se', Sr pt I Tena Reg.er.1» is Retiier Tador Smith Rosetta Dabus, Rhine - man Howald. Jr pt I Garnet Wildfong, Wesley Witmer, Class A Lila Gingericli, Herbert Neeb, Alex Dalms, Sinton Smith, Luella Baeohler. Miss Sparks, Teacher. BLAKE Canada, being a nation of farm- ers, has to pay a very large seed bill each year. Last year our crops called for 33,000,000 bushels If seed grain—wheat, oats and barley, and we are constantly in- 't'ettsin_ aur agricultural acreage. Tbis being so, the economy of +owing gaud clean seed ie at once tpparent. The advantages to be clorived from it are like the . bre- weds of a stun at' ntnney laid out at compound interest—they are cumulative in their effect and Grow n ever increasing ratio, Some :ears ago a competition was carried than nine yeasts ago onr belnrt'a ,,n it, simu. 4<.0 places in c,'a.nack tl) '1.0 j'.iq whi.tt.. tha t:t•ttt•J r„rt,tlt-+ of t[:un:* ele'tu pure seed \.1,01.1 be it we rwa:tum from the r(•sn1t;,. (1'tain1.1 from it, vt1 find that our %...[iyield :'tst year would Mint' been increased 1'y 1110.0,+).`..)t#'•: h'Lal)els bad etea.n vigorous >.t'ed been slowed on r'vt---y acre rncler cultivation. Now, tiOo hush - (it grain w 'Ul,l fill ,i..,('ii miles Of ra..itwur ::rata clrs. it is such a Mr, and Mrs. Walter .Arness of 1. itlg c1e:,l;ittai th'ct•, u4 itlr,s, as tit(,:rc• Ingersoll paid our burg -a Visit San- Nvo h:c+atl2 in his b.'dy ho tv.)uld day, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A mork for. ti:r, g:!utl „itd amelir+ra Efigboffer. tion of his )I:')n'n, 1 ao11 warp th'[t Meso1's. S�)tlrlie arid Douglas, the opinion o: rho 1.,,b li,' mai, ,r, is local horse buyers, left Clinton on that 1111• (toev.,i00 lrts 1,('7(11 ttir.il Wednesday with two car of horses, carred nut. T,) t'n•ivav;n' t'} fol At a meeting of the Presbytery low his tu, tet",2 ([ 1 cit the sane held in Brucefield on Tuesday last, time t!2 1 , t(l 1 tee r,.nstitutin=ltal Rev, Mr. Davitlsoa deniiiect for ;.•nyel•nt+IF1,T 11f ri_t',' 001,11214 wits to certain to leave the ,Varna and the ea. "i a of,:. , (11 1)mv life ” Bi:tke GQngri [`tions. R ' 11 "r. r.+ ), sensible I+(, at the 1[ti'�;,' tt , 7[Lrit 1C .1. leen,,.01:this leave about June 14t. very lir•' 1.1 , i ,3 1oiilt0' .:hie.lr 11(71111 1%.1 t'nu)t)iHl 0ntl licit. at any have fallen et), t inc. T know that rate, it goes to shorn that• it v.oul 1. Mr. ,T, A. lwituison delivered a ,i r , , +, , ,'., , fine bunch of cattle to Mr. Me• l can rely n;2"n 1 trt)n.t.t ut• ar-1 its.y our ii[rm. r: to , [ pta�ti alar' Arthur of 13.ensall, on Thursday, [tpuu Vie 1)('(?1)1"' of these tsln:l(ls [ +;:,,;t the l:incl of s( erl ti1tsy so;v. 21"rU Cit [)1 t• ('r+'t'itnion� bF?C'onCl 1i)(' For next wt week t'•tll5'•, bed ;:pringfi Miss E. D. Slterritt, who.has re. 1'4;11,1: t,1 s fol' ii;tnr lu ii) in +b r• Cli Cbtarlt[' method on the farm here attending tit tii't' Eti'(la tit" Cl1,. )., ttnll .or • J�v :n 1i2r :�1, i( at 1 urtleib'M, to the stook since the family left ter 43crisall s•,•t;e time ago, tarn:ul „� ,,,� ,_ _„„,,,,. .,.,.,,..n...rr.w...... ,.o-- -�^ the bovines to grass and left on ` *r its('+ ;•• ' NI, ,r, ri( lr ilri! t 1 i , Iiliril! i111,II' I i11 , i I {,1 . 6 I IF , l E �: Pill 111 ;• i;i,f..1° �i� L' I1 tl� q i, it iir,il +� ` 1 �11 I a15111 4li , ,1 I' i �Ilti GMIi i -......— Commenting on the existing 1)0 l• {( IIII f � � �I 'IE' r '1lI �'ii{Ii11111111f. 11l+ . r1 situation in Great Britain, be - tore l II t) fl, ell -b '� 1:��... , vre..1J[,,.lt I% house. is I k `liil t� 11i,1i'1° Vac neces- + ii,, sary protect- r I ive coating of 1'} good paint. SIEIFIl`'1. gi!LIMEd,""` PA INT is the safest, best, and most eco- yiomtcal good paint made. It's best because made from best muter - IP A 1,1 -J` ,E..,... Co:1 t. teal r h had tore newU of the King'S cleat In.'c1t1 received. rIhe Springfield. Penublieati said that "the moment the hereditary principle is swept away in the Lord:: the Hereditary kingship must be deprived of one of ito firinest prons. For .years it has been supposed that republican- ism was dead. in great Britain, but within the next two decades the situation in this t'eyl)eet may pro - foetidly change." The Now York Outlook, also writing before the Ding's death, and merely with. the general pelit.• cal situation in mind, :+ttid that re - 1 fusnl by. the Lords to he share of 'their power of legislation, drily Pre cfl)ltatn "a crisis whith inay add a new and perhaps 1'0Volutionar, hrtpter to the constitutional .his tory or England." Bora Tu.t.;FR—At th' Parr Line Stanley, on the 11 th inst.,' to Mr )ird 1 s, Webster Turner, a •Vit ii fats— pure lead, pure zinc, and pure r linseed oil. It's safest, because these n. materials are all carefully tested for purity before being used. It's most economical because it covers most surface to the gallon, and wears longest. Color Cards and Color sues gestion i free,