The Herald, 1910-05-13, Page 3QUEEN OF ACTRESSES PRAISES PE -RU -NA. Rel lsS Julia lalarIowe ' "6 am glad to write eery endorse. mord of the great remedy, Peruna. 1 do so most keartily. "--.lulia Marlowe. Any remedy that benefits digestion strengthens the nerves. The nervo canters require nutrition. Tf the digestion is impaired, the nerve centers become anomia, and nervous debility is the result. Sill/day? , eI001. LESSON V11. -MAY 15, 1910. Growing Hatred to Jesus. -Matt. 12: 22-23, 38-42. Commentary. --1. The Pharisees' ac- cusation refuted (vs. 22-30). 22. Then was brought. -His condition was such that he could not come unassisted. One possessed with tt deviI, blind and dumb: -The demoniacal possession had produc- ed three things: 1. Loss of self-control, so that the victim could not restrain himself from acts of wicked violence. 2. He was rendered blind. 3. He healed him. --The friends of the afflicted man made no mistake in bringing him to Jesus, A three -fold miracle was wrought the evidence being that, "the blind and dumb both spake and saw." 23, All the people were amazed. -A miracle of such magnitude and definiteness could not fail to appeal to all who witnessed it. There was not only a manifestation of power, but also of mercy and love. The son of »avidj.-"They no doubt were aware that he was reputed to be of the royal line; and these miracles, coming thus from Him, awakened a presentiment that he might indeed he the illustrious Pon of David, predicted in the prophets as the coining Messiah." 24. When the Pharisees heard it. - They had come from Jerusalem (Mark 3:2.2) for the purpose, no doubt, of in- vestigating the reports of the miracles wrought by this Galilean, and felt them- eelves under the necessity of turning popular sentiment against him. other- wise their influence was gone. By Beel- zebub the prince of the devils-Beelze- ' '4l+ ' on its . derivation means "the Lord Ac Apaxn, .a,yho has power ji,gg pro- �ta'. esseThis was a gocl"wor- ,d my +tlte Philistines, at Ekren. By any it is thought the better form of the word is Beezebul, "prince of the devils." They believed that the world 'of evil spirits, like that of the angels, formed a great army, in various divis- ions, each with its head and subordin- ates, its rank and file; the whole under the command of Satan. To Beelzebub was assigned the •control of that divis- ion which inflicted disease of all kinds on man.-G'eikie. Because of the con- viction of "all the people," the Pharisees could not deny that a great miracle had been wrought, hence, to save themselves, they declared that Jesus was working under the power of Satan. This weak and unreasonable statement of the Pharisees shows to what an extremity they were driven in their efforts to coun- teract the influence and popularity of Jesus. Wiliam their thoughts. -The Phari- sees had not spoken directly to Jesus, yet he had discerned their very thoughts. Said-oThe argument used by our Lord appeals forcibly to every intelligent mind. A kingdom attacked by an ene- my must fall if there are contending factions in that kingdon. The illus - traction of the "house divided against itself" is equally forceful. 2f. If Satan cast out Satan -As is actually the case, provided the malicious imputation of the scribes be well founded. It is a most graphic picture. Satan rises up in all the panoply of his might to put himself downl-Morison. The fallacy of the Pharisees' declaration is apparent. Cares Sprung Tendon, Collar and Saddle Galls 210 xanitoba Ave.. Winn peg. October 111.11. 1900. "I bate used your spavin Curs on a sprung Tendon with good results and 1 can recontntond 19 for Collar and Saddle Galls." .1, 11. Ilaateta H9 Spavin Cure is a blessing to farmers and stockmen. ha the pert a0 Year-. Kandall's Spavin One bas literally eared atllliana otdoilars tor horse oxaora IC 11 the ono remedy that eon always be depended upon to absolutely ouro Bravia, ILLsgboao. Curb, gpltat, Swellings and 'antimafia. Never biratel'e, eons or tarns the hair white. Ae goad for lean as for beast. Seep Kendall's ahraya bandy, *1, *bottle- d tor 15. When you buy at rum dealer's. get copy of our book "A Treatise On Tho norso"-1t's free .-or Write its ,9y DN. E. 3. NENDALL CO., Enashnrj Palls, Vt. 27. your children ---If it is true that I cast out devils by Beelzebub, you are Under obligation to tell me by what pow- er those exorcists among you, who pro- fess to cast out devils, accomplish their work. If they east out devils by divine power, then you must admit that these clear and undeniable zeiraelee, so gra- cious and merciful in their operation, must proceed from the same source. they shall be your judges -You cannot in reason ascribe a different power to Christ from that ascribed to the Jewish exorcists. "Judging our Savior as they judged their own sons, they were bound to attribute his miracles to a gracious power." Whedon. 28. if....by the Spirit of God -This marks another step in the argument. The Pharisees were unable to disprove what Jesus had said. His mighty works were wrought by the Spir- it of God. the kingdom of God is come unto you -The very \vorks of Jesus were conclusive proofs that he was the Mes- siah and that his kingdom was being es- tablished, 29. bind the strong man -The "strong man" is Satan; his hoose or palace is this lower world; the stronger than the strong is Christ, who first bound the evil one when he triumphed over temp- tations. Cam, Bib. The Lord uses an- other illustration to show the falsity of the Pharisees' position. The illustration applied shows Jesus defeating Satan and robbing him of his prey by casting out evil spirits. 30. gathereth-As to ae- cepting,Jesus, there are but two classes, one arrayed on his side, in harmony with him, and the other opposed to hien. T le one class gathers with him, as those who work together in harvest to care for the grain, the other scatters and de- stroys. II. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (vs. 31, 32). 31. wherefore -the word "therefore" (R. V.) indicates the logical relation existing between the foregoing words and the discussion of "blasphemy against the Hloly Ghost." all manner of son.... forgiven-LTpon repentance and faith forgiveness is granted for all sin except the one specially mentioned. blas- phemy against the Iioly Ghost -To blas- pheme is to revile, to offer "presumptu- ous insult to God." The Pharisees had either actually committed this sin or were ),n danger of it. They had ascribed to Satan that which -was the work of Christ through the Spirit of God, the third Person of the Trinity. That person who wilfully and persistently attributes to Satan that which is manifestly the work of the Holy Spirit is guilty of the unpardonable sin. It is the office of the Holy Spirit to convict, to draw, to regenerate, to sanctify, and one who blasphemes against 111101 cuts off from approach to himself the only agency of human .salvation. When this insult to the Holy Spirit has been offered with full knowledge of what was being done, and has been offered as a finality. the Holy Spirit resents the insult with a jus- tice that knows no mercy. The person "is left with a hardness of heart that will never relent." From him . the Holy Spirit dt Lv bdraws forever. a rd leaves him in ti t'iv"5r complete "t indifference. Wherever there is penitence, or sorrow for sin; wherever there is a desire for salvation; wherever there is sadness lest the Holy Spirit has finally withdrawn, there is sure evidence that the unpale donable sin has not been coinneitted. 32, &pcaketh agains t--lilasphemese against. Neither in this world, neither in the world to come -A strong expres- sion declaring emphatically that such sin shall never be forgiven. There is no suggestion here that forgiveness can be found in the future world. III. Seeking a sign (vs. 39-4.2). 3;:. We would see a sign from then --Thin de- mand was again and again repeated, but was (refused because abundant signs bad already been given, because the de- mand was insincere, and because they intended, it as a reflection upon him. A miracle had just been wrought in the healing of the blind and crumb demonise, 39. Adulterous generation -The es- trangement of the heart from (god wee understood by the writers of the Old Testament as spiritual adultery. Questions. ---Who was brought to Jesus and with what result,? What was the effect upon the people? What is meant by the expression, "Son of David"? ltow dict the Pharisees attempt to explain the miracle? Give the argument by which Jesus disproved their eharge. 'What is meant by gathering with Jesus? By scattering nbroad? What sin cannot b" forgiven? For what did the scribes and Pharisees tisk Jesus? What was our Lord's reply? Why would the Ninevites condemn that generation? PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS. False conclusion (v. 24). Bate and prejudice have strong bnegmations Thee largely disregard reason, and draw their conclusion,; from their feelings, rather than from sound judgments. Beeson would, have told the enemies of Jesus, as well as His friends, that the works lie wrought were only possible because He was divine; but hate and prejudice de- clared that Christ was in league with Satan, Calling an object by a new. name will not chane: he nature. Those works of Jesus were merciful and mighty even though the Jewish leaders wickedly attributed them to the prince of dark- ness. Hate will drive people to most absurd eontradictions. Men have need to guard carefully agaisnst being influ- enced by low and base motives, and they must accept others for what they are, rather than for what they might falsely accuse them, of being. Oa.thering and scattering (v. 30.) The unbeliever, the careless, the hypocrite, the lover of the world and the violent opposer of the gospel are all scattering abroad. They not only dissipate their own prospeets of heaven, but influence others against the Christian life. Those who accept his Messiahship, and in heart receive hint as their personal Svaiour, and follow hini in newness of life, gather With him. By a living' faith and 'a holy STOMACH MISERY BANISHED BY "FRUIT-A-TIYI:S° 1177.7" MR. ALC1DE life ERT Stratford Centre, WO fe Co., Que. "I have been completely cured of a frightful condition of $Jiy Stomach through the wonderful fruit medicine 'Fruit-a-tives'. I could not eat anything but what I suffered awful pain from Indigestion. My head ached incessantly. I was told to try 'T' t-a-tives' and sent for six boxes. No�r•II)t am entirely .well, can eat any orll( sry food and never have a Headache. A ,Cil B BBRT. sc. a box, 6 for $2.r•'^+' or trial box, 250. At all dealers of loo P'euit-a- tives Limited, Ottawa. life they lay up treasure heaven. They gather jewels •• for the•i aster through their labor and influence, Note how 'pos- itively Jesus states the proposition: "1 -le that gathereth not with me rscattereth abroad" (v, 30.) There as no possibility of our taking a neutral position, one where we shall neither gather nor scat- ter. We are either' "with" Jesus or "against" him (v. 30.) The fruits of our Fives declare whether eve are Christ's friends or his enemies. Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost v. 31.) Whoever determinedly andper- manently rejects the 'Holy Spirit, ftri- buting his works to Sa&tn, shuts him- self away from the only hope of salva- tion. Inn Southey's poem, "The lncheape Hock," is a striking illuoitration of one's accomplishing his own destruetion. A bell had been placed over this dangerous rock in such a way that the motion of the waves would ring out a warning of the danger. A sailor, in sport, cut the bell loose from its fastenings and Nailed away. Returning after he had been a- long time on the sea, he was wreektad on tate very rock from which he had cut away the warning bell. 1114 folly is ap- parent to all, but what of the person whr> rejects the only age. c; of salve - toe O Seeking a sign (v. 38.) It P. a com- 111011 occurrence for those who hive a disposition to reject divine truth to ask for some sign that it is truth. It is not because they do not ketosye� it as truth, but because thoa Ili; nre011ling to live according to the truth. One says, "!f 1 only knew that there is a hell, 1 would repent and believe the gospel.' All the rea'so'ning that amen employ to evade the truth is false. God's word, the polys Spirit and conscience combine to con- vince us of the great truth, of the gos- pel: Men w110 make great e.t\-iliugs over non -essentials are not willing to practise the plain and essential prccepta.eof the word. Seeking a sign does not relieve one of responsibility; it rather inereases the responsibility, for he who Creeks to evade responsibility is in a position ELL STR L By Lyda E. Pinkhd gi's Vegetable Compound Dovedale, Sask.-" 1 was a sufferer from female weakness - monthly periods irregular and painful and a bad discharge, backache and wretched head- ache, and had felt weak ever since the birth of my twins. 1 tried doctors but got no relief. 1 be- gan to take Lydia E. Pinkbam's Veg- etable e - etable Compound, and after three weekslwas feeling much better, and now 1 am well again," -Mrs. 13Essl>; Bay, Dovedale, cask., Canada. Another Woman Cured. Christiana, Tenn. -"1 suffered from the worst form of female trouble so that at tithes I thought I could not live, and my nerves were in a dreadful condition. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound cured me and made me feel like a different woman. Lydia, E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is worth its weight in gold to suffering women."-Mrs.M.nn.X•'44 ool? X.F.1D 3. If you belong to that countless army of women who suffer from sotne form of female ills, don't hesitate to try Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable .Com- psimd, made from roots and herbs. For thirty years this famous remedy has been the standard for all forms of female ills, and has cured thousands of women who have been troubled with such ailments as displacements, fibroid tremors, ulceration, irregularities, backache, and nervous prostration. where be knows what duty is and at- tempts to excuse himself from its de- xnan(ls. Instead of arcking t.1 excuse one's self from obeying the plain corn - mantis of God, and from doing the dut- ies that clearly rest upon him, one shuttle: desire to reap the benefits that come from closely following God. YA-1,ZEr 11@� ,(tuff 11 it TORONTO MARKETS. LIVE STOCK. aelse raiep .d Ilvtoeir, lwaatys tht:rt;ityr.od .,tai k.t1d t forcarloa. tvs 0ofU- ne.sday told 1.'huisd;ty, consisting of .t,-178 02tth:, :1,lhli) Stege, 4.41 13-1et'12 and 1at.wa. e77 eaiv.s aIld e .ae Yo', l'he (palmy of cattle generally was only Sli.ur.ttha, but there N'. : a I,.v 1%11,8 01 good 10 coulee cestie U11 I911,0. .11(5(19 was uui5, Wtlu rndfKet for :.tttle barely steady a. ltirdaay•, dummies in fae't, ale d: ()Vena dtatcet tont they cettis1 n0s see toter comae w,t.liil 2523 per est. short ut luesUay's quo.a:.,ut1s, .iuU (la,,,a 11 UUdlp(:1• 1111011kv(t site press Wattt 23(1231(5 011 yell their. cattle tar what tney Coat iii the eoauoi - At the close 01 the market there were severai luta unsaid, bo. w' are 2ncl,atd to think that these w.rc time by dr.." t , and dealers, woo hast pale Leu mutat 10, their a h,s.te. 11utetlers-t4eorge Rowe tree }rough fur the Harris ..o,ltto,r L...alpa:iy -id0 fat eaLtle on the lava days lutehtra, $d to $3.,e; eon's, $4.50 t.. i'f.8O; bulls, at $f.oU to $5.20. attackers aed kertlers-11. 1iurhy re- ports tee demand fur stocks -re anu fast/ - tea nut quite a5 strong, with ptiezi 111- elinell to 00 a ehade o...,trr. A,,. 1luibw buu;n. 300 eatt,e Luis week as f,il ,>u .: titeet5, till;! to 1,050 ,1,_• ettoa, at `i:>,,J to :Kau per ic.\\t : stems, 8tai to 923(! u,.. :Lt $5.2.•1 t0 5 20: steers, t ((90 to Si(i1lbs., at 9104000 to 410.115; 1.',11.,123.1 11(5231 .stoes.- ei•1?, $3.a(3 to $4..4;,i l:o-r cwt.. dli:k,.is and 810..nge.is-DeIlerries of milkers and springer- \„' :re iaaati this week, with prin.'s ruling ab.tut se.•a(tw, at $,35 to $0e." each. with two or tltleo.rtt.t quality (ecus at 9'70 to $31, \ ear (ial\•(s:---'\-4'101 t,a.P(+ dnritl;; t}lh \week got n:ore k,aul,'s 111 piiee3 loan:try other e:.: of 1,\r,, nn. Price, ranged from 3f'J to atain 11:1 (eel..., and \\1 323_' Uanu. the "king of ,11,• abets said ed. 1 1rclrkc1, quotas the Ile e1- oge l.ri(•e far cure, at eS.:d) }'('= ('at. taheep and Lo:nlos-- 1 h( tc•n(}t'u; ; ut 11) market fur sheep an(1 t'tnlh. 13.5 1> .'n doe:r:war(ls ra1lged a, feliow,,: Ewes. $5 to $:1.30; lulus. al 10 $:1; yearling. ;+7 to :;;a per cat.; spring lambs. 911 -:, $13.50 each. ricin --The bogs were selling at higher prices 'Lu f dtowe: Nei -sets, Ceti and wat- ered, $9.1:2 and $S.i111, f.o.b.0.11., at ..o,rrt try points. FARMERS' 11,S' MARKET. The offerings c.f grain to -day were a 11'.010 larger 111an of late. oat., \veal("r. witt Riles of 5010 bushels at 3.) to 4(lc, \\'heat steady, MO bushels of whit,' see - leg 1t $1.05. Clay in fair oupp'tsa with prices stead;' 30 loads sold. at $18 to $21 a ton for 1:110• othy. and at X12 to $15 for mixed and clover. Straw cold at 518 to $10 to tun � for kindled, Otero being roar loads. 1)1.0'4'•(4 hogs are (1 11(111( rigiti, with quo-{= tuli(n:,, riling at til:: to $12.5k1. 191'heat, white. new .. . 1 tlr 1 (35 Ino., red, neer .. ... .. 1 04 1 (-> 11o.. hoose .. . , .... 1 10( 1 1/1 Oat,. bushel ... ... ... l: 30 9 4(1 Pette. but:llcl .. .... 0 72. a 0.11 Roney. bushel .. ...... II 7a (1 75 Rye, bushel ... .. .... 10 .94 (r 19 tiny. tim(r:,h\-. ton .. .... 1 i {dl 21 C".. I:c., mixed. ton ... ... 1.2 (11 21 ('9 3 r.00v. per toll ..... .... 111 (1:1 14 00 l;rer.se(1 hug .. . ...... 12 90 12 en tea ter, deity n '27 f) e.3 10 i : f,rio'r .. .. tr 22 (d 25 aease dcr.'n .. ..... 1) ':) (l •_':3 1 1,ic.k(tiw. ib. ., U l!) it lreset'v. lb, ,. .-10 ::3 t) '24 Fowl. 11 .. . .. .... n 14 1(1 Apples, 1'b1 1 (1(1 Poi:,I ons. bag, try load . , (s 40 Onions. L 1 311 ('clerw. p11' dozen .. 0 :;n 13rrf. 1!inr,qu:rr tyre .. 11 20 1)o,, 1, teptartere .. . , 8. 00 11o.. ('19Oirt', (1010(ls' 110 5t) Do.. medium. citrase 4 50 :Hotton, per c'8''.. ... ., 11 0') \-etrl. prime, per r\\•1, 11 010 Lan'1: '1( . . ... .. , 0 10 1 11 11'1' ;ef 1 T1 R, :'l'. One assee fee foreign fruits (rapt' fruit. 'Plot loin .. 54 50 Lemont:, 5(e'o.s}r.n ,2 2e. Let i nee„ Beal on head, lianlp. 2 50 ()ranges, Cele Navel. ., 3 00 Oranges, \' a vera 1. 714'5 4 00 T)o.. 420' .. 3 7.5 Phccapplee. 24's., , 4 50 Tomatoes, 6 -bask., csr:i: r 2 25 Potatoes, new, bbl.„ . , 7 80 PPG AR MARKET. Crranulated. gc .20 per cwt., in bar- rels: No. 1 golden. 84.411 per cwt., in barrels Beavrl 84.50 per en'; f.. in bags. These' prices are for d live r} here. Car lots 5c less. In 100-:b b lge, prices are 5o less. 0 (0 ::?'410334rse. or tti MITTO PHON /245 SEND FOR THIS FREE ^, D:' R E E BOOK ON TELEPHONES Irma is a boot: that orght to be -that we want to place FREE -into the hands of every farmer --every dwel- ler i:1 small towns arid pillages. 15112 '1CU send for your copy? Send for this book -get theinforma- tiun that will enable you to answer your own questioningscn the telephonesub- ject-learn about our newly designed lio. 1317 Type Telephone Set -find out its ad- vantages over 'phones of other makes- and have at your finger ends every detail in Ole organization of a rural telephone company. It doesn't cost you: anything to know - merely the cue single cent a post card costs3'ou. Isn't i t wer th that? Send t:s the No. 3133 aal nd you'll -tell get it by returu 'sant nunialll.. ISTAIC ?is3gsv''v' nutsMIME/ Manufacturer: cud oopplrara of all apparatus sad cgniymr„t used in the ecnatruetir a and minim - once cf 7dr:thc,:e and Power Plana. masa your nearest office. 1VIONTRIEAL TORO? i'.TC3 Car. Notre Dame & Gay Ste. Ell trent So, W. _REGINA VANCOUVER WINNIPEG CALGARY 2i8I- end= l;_t'i. 599Henri Sum 213 Mill. M. to t:• ii dareessonal ketenuwaisenseaeoesasuansassenareeraeresertes to -day, the offerings were 1008 white: ad, Joie eulored ; taise evert.. 1:.15 white and 239 colored, at IO?oc. WINNIPEG WHEAT MARKET.. Wheat -May 991,.,e, Ju y $100Ya.. Oats -flay 3214c, Jvly 203%(1. • MUNTI1EAL LIVE STOCK. Montreal. --About 700 bead of buteln-, crs' eatfle, 110 nrilch (roves and spring- ers, 2,200 calves. 150 sheep and la_nbsr and 570 hogs were offered for yair at the East End Abattoir this .1m -enema. There was a 1110011 larger proportion ot<' prince cattle on the market than i:3 saw 11:1113. 1 b (•(959 here, and this causal 1a•: decline in the miffs of geed steel;. huts 11te• common stark held their price. Primo beeves sold at from 0 1-2(' to nrlr 7 Il431- per pound ; pretty good examine, u 1_2..e, 10 9 1.44. and the ('pooch stork. 4r tea' 5 1•2e per pound. There were a number of Eli peri m' elfish cow- on time ril:lrkcl wheat Sohl at from 855 to 9115 050h: Mg, other rar,s s.o'.1 at from 1F39) to $50 erwh- (.'alves soli at from 52.2.5 to $1 each, .tag - 3 to 5 1.223 per paun'i. Shrcp sold at; 1ro1:r Sc- 10 M. par pc end: lamas at from $4 to f(7 envie (tool lots of Lae- suits; at sin ut 1fl' per mend. o -a• MISTER WHO TESTED Z4M. -BUK. 1'ead H s Deliberate Opinion Rev. P, F. i.anella -The Manse." Corp ('bit, \rr•itl, -Sonne (4011 iti(' ib;,' delict 50 0 age I began ming annelluls with a vane- ee of to -tins; it th"r(•u_hly. 1 aril troubled. 1 ee with ceeente. which is Muer, W11750 i:3• 4,) lee early part of winter. end 11001115 tit. 13 ;n I leave nu' (:bout spring. 1 trie.l real• 10 00I Palk i91(11(1(11(14Oly my hands st(1'tetl tai* 1,, till brtalt out. and am phased to say that.. OD j it cheekcd the (ll,eu,r', which i, more 13 5(1 i than 1 am say fur anyohieg I have evre• 1' ee before tried. \\r tow have %am alta"1;. fl 1,in 11(9 10011sc continuous!), and 1 csrrrya a small sample box in 101,' poured. Ouse evening I happened (o look in where art•\ are .as , 19141 man hall mt0 wah an accident ax: 85 00 ; W0(!3 hefore. and had lost a 'finesse nail. 2 50 3 75 4 75 4 25 75 OTHER MARKETS BPITT .II CATTLI: MARKETS. London -London and Liverpool cables quoted live cattle (American) firm. at 14c to 15c. dressed weight: refrigerator beef, steady at 11c to 1 twee. pre ib. BRR•OCKVILLE CHEESE MARKET. Brockville --Thr fir';.: ro; 11(52' meeting of the Brockville (al Kee 11054•d eat held I dies(ci tht' wcn:i I with, ZOIn-eine and l( fir. the little sample 19 x with them. 11,r0e Seen 1110? ( 1.} g('ntic(011(1 since, anal the injnry is cured.', "00 number "•casaon a farmer caller: at 'The pause.' end 1 netir041 a rug "1. hie finger. Enquiring about the injury, I lcaree,l that be had somehow taken a„ piece of flesh off, and. the wound heal. started to fester, lie wee efrai.) 1x12 would tern to blood poisoning, 1 gave him about a third c£ a box of Y.am-r trf and he applied it. A few days Inter ni': saw him, and he said 'That's• great ashes of yours: toy finger is now doing films." '1'11}4 is exactly the 1.in.l of teetimorz;l• we most apprecintr. 'rest %a10-13ask.i" Don't go ley hearsay! Yon Will find fst gives the best result% in all caeca Mil (weenie, ritlg\wnt'tr1, festering Sores, pilelt,'. cuts; burns, face sore's, cruili10115, r2e7tl' ell sicin injeries end (1 5031ses., Ail drug- gists and (areas. ens boy, or front Zane - 131116 Co.. 'To*Oil t0, for 111'}(4', hitt retaliate cheap and harmful se as:iint(s end hail:- tations. A man's worse atilt r( a^ ',e teal$ ,," other people 111 ^its