The Herald, 1910-05-06, Page 8OCoocxx rxccooc0000cx oQ News In Brief C G0c oxlcl00000QQ Subscriptions to the :Toronto South ;Wean Memorial now total $34,431. Blackburn and Tones were committed t Cobalt for trial for perjuryand false pretences in connection with the late ittribou rush. Bali was arranged. The West Zorra Council has appointed ero constables to patrol the roads and hoot all unn uzzled doge running at trge. A mad dog was killed there the tiler day after biting a couple of dogs. The contract for a new Methodist i nn- • ayschool building at Willie has been warded to Wm. Switzer, at $15,700, ex- 1uaive of heating, plumbing and electric cork. The building will be 62 by 02, and ontain fifteen class -rooms. The Canadian Associated Press undex- tands that a duty will be impceed on alonial flour. The Tariff Reform teapot welcomes immunity from taxa - fon of coronial wheat, and has pledged (self to support this policy. Yesterday. He ran out and attempted to board au eastbound Bloor and Me - Caul avenue street ear at the corner of Concord avenue and Bloor street. lie jumped for the rear platform, but his foot slipped and he fell beneath the trailer •and was dragged for nep,rly half a block. Elis feet were badly injured. Trouble on the water front at Mont- real has been averted, both the men and the• steamship companies having agreed to accept the report of the Board of Conciliation and Investigation. As a result of the agreement, the rate in fu- ture will be 30 and 35 cents an hour, and the bonus system, which has been the cause of much strife will be abolish. .ed, 'lien hours will constitute a day's work, and double time will be paid for Sunday work. This year for the first time since Mas- sey Hall was opened the Toronto Orange Order will attend divine service, .not in that hall, but in Cooke's church, en Sunday. July 10, and for the first tirne in about seventeen years Rev. Canon Dixon will not conduct these services. The Twelfth of July demonstration will muster as usual in Queen's Park. and proceed via Grosvenor, Yonge, James, Albert, Queen and l)ufferin streets to Exhibition Park. Last year's demon- stration netted about $1,200. FE IS AFRAU1 Her Husband Shot .and Killed His First Wife, Has Threatened This One.—He May be Sent Back to Penitentiary.. Toronto despatch: A mann who shot and killed his first wife over fourteen ago cameup in the police court yester- day, and was convicted -of assaulting his present wife, Samuel Rowatt, an tntde'r-sized, xaw-boned ar:an laboring intin, attempted to commit murder in the spring of lEtaa, when he shot his wife three times with a revolver. She did not die 'immediately, but one of the bullets, lodged in her spine, and after living for a little over 13 months in terrible agony, she passed away in the hospital. As over a year had slap - between the shooting and the wom- 's death, a charge of murder could not pressed, and Rowatt was convicted of nslaughter. He was sentenced on y 1st, 1807, to. 20 years in the Pena ntiary. and after serving nine years the term' he got out on parole on ey 12th, 10113. IIe married his present fe on May 4, of last year, and they ve one little by. Mrs. Elizabeth watt clainis tit she bore the span's use as long a.t possible, and the arge of assault was laid because he e home drum one day ]as week, d after breaking the furniture of the use, he proceeded to bent ber. Mrs. Rowatt told her story to the .gistrate in 'a leery frightened man - r. She said that just after her mer- ge, her husband informed her that he d killed his first wife. "Be had been reatening to take my life ever since were two weeks married, every time diad anything to displease him," de - red the witness. atlas ;prisoner wanted to say a word. He advanced as an excuse for his eon - duct that his wife had been in the habit of telling neighbors that she was mar- ried to a murderer. TIe adde,l that she called after him on the street about his threats to take her life, Crown Attorney Corley corroborated the statements about Rowatt's former crime. and added that he hacl been par- oled when there were still 11 years of his term to serve. so that he could be sent back to the Penitentiary. "I suppose that this woman did not know site was marrying a man who killed his first wife," said the magis- tra "te.1\o. indecaz,' ex ciaimed Mss. Row- att. "Do yot mina would ha\'e taken such a chance..' Col. Denison expressed the opinion that the woman would be a great deal safer if Rowatt went back to the penitent- iary. It was dangerous for such a man to be at large. After convicting the prisoner of assault, his worship gave a week's remand, and the authorities at Ottawa will be notified about the ease immediately. so that R:owntt will prob- ably go back and finish out his term. -ter+-e---� ertaining the delegates. Orer 600 dele- lates are expected 'The C. N. Yt. mechanic, at Winnipeg, rho have asked for an increase in wages tont forty to forty-five cents per hour, *ave been notified that their demand is refused. The C. P. In men are getting :wo and one-half cents more, and the N. R. men declare they must be on level with other roads. Premier Murray, of Nova Scotia, who tan been ill with 13. grippe far a fort - tight, developed congestion of the lungs, end his condition becomee so serious that t was found necessary to reinove Ian to dalifax General Hospital, where a min- d operation was performed for the re- noval of a. clot of blood in an artery of the leg. Thomas J. Donnas was sentenced at 'menden to the Central Priso'x for six nonths for stealing a diamond pin which to had made into a ring for his sweet- teart. He had also'confessed to stealing ether jeweIlry, valved at $130. Douglas' mother, who was in court, fell on the aver in a swoon when Magistrate Love pronounced sentence. Did $10,00 Damage to Houses, Etc. —Persons Hurt, Danville. Ills., May 2. — Several persons were injured and xauch pro- perty was damaged to -day by nine elephants which stampeded just after they had been unloaded from a car after several hours' ride from Chicago. A. large hull elephant made a break for liberty, bowling over the keeper and escnpoing. The animal was fol- lowed by seven other hul:e, which bellowing throuo,l the streets Labrador timber lands covering an area of 13,580 squa_e miles have been transferred by three St. John's men for s quarter of a million dollars and 49 per cent. of the eroceejis of the f.ttt_ae levelopment to a syndicate of jmeri- sans, most of whom are New Yorkers. Pulp mills will be erected at various points by a $25,000,000 corporation. Leo. Kelly, an assistant in St. Sanwa' Bros.' butcher shop, Smith's Falls, Ont., :an against the blade of a knife which was .ro.ruding over the edge of a block and received a frightful gash in the fleshy tart of his leg. The knife pen- etrated through the muscle to the depth sf fully three ineb•es. It regrind nine- teen stitches to close the wound. Editor Rothwell turned over the pub- lication of the Niagara halls Record to amateurs yesterday. He did this to allow the members of the City Council and others r-riticised by him recently to make replies. The proceeds from ad- vertising were ..ionated to the hospital. rhe amateurs turned out a twelve -page paper, while the regular size is only eight, pages. Itabiuovitela who lives at 56 Tay- lor street. Toronto, suet with a peculiar accident. and is confined to the General Hospital suffering from severe bruises zed a general shake-up. While at work In Samuel 13trown's carriage factory, at 165 Adelaide street west, his coat caught in one of the cogs of the pulley shaft, and he was twisted through the air until nearly all his clothes were torn off. Dr. 3. G. Brown, Baptist Foreign Mis- sion Secretary for Ontario and Que- bec, reports that the conference between the three committees, one fronx West- ern Canada, one from Ontario and Que- bec, and one from the Maritime Pro- vinces, for the purpose o; organizing a plan of union in foreign mission work for the three conventions, was success- ful. A plan WAS drawn up and sub- mitted to each separate body for further oousideration. Herman C. Kehr, manager of the Borrowers' Agency, 'Toronto,. recently tried on a ebarge of usury in connection with loans negotiated with several par. ties; has been found guitly by Judge Denton. .His Honor deferred sentence. till June' 1, pending the result of an application that Mr. W. J. Tremear, for the defence intimated .he would make to the Court of Appeal for an order for a reserved sass'. Nathaniel Da.iIsley, a blaeksmith, liv- ing et 368 (,oneord avenue. 'Coroutn, bad this feet Wily crushed bv r street ear ran and across fields. Lekr, while the entire force of trainers and keepers were en- gaged in the unusual sport of hunting elephants oin automoboiles, a female.ele- phant escaped. For several hours the elephants were at large, hunted by all attaches of the circus, all the eoity police men and the more venturesome citizen''. The elephants at first moved in a bunch, then separated. They stopped for noth- ing except brick and stone buildings. Such small frame stz-uctures, coal sheds, fences and trees as tante in their path were pusa.ed over, trodden down, up- rooted anti thrown to one side. At the hems of aereph 12treaaes, af- ter ore_turning a shed and killing a horse, one of the animals attacked Peebles and hurled him .against the side of bs house. feeble:. lea oin a. critical condition. Barney O'Neal, a liveryman:, was thrown from his wag- on by the elephants as they dashed down a ride street in front of kis team. F. Krabbe, one of the keepers. while assisting in etablinry three of the bulls, after Their capture, was hurled against the side of a barn and injured. Mere than 100 homes were dam- aged to some extent by the elephants, but the total loss will probably not exceed $10.000. One elephant was still at large to- night north of Danville, with a force of attendants with trusty ole- phants after it. MAD DOG'S WORK. Over a Score of Sheep and Cattle Had to be Killed, London, Ont., despatch: One of the worst outbreaks of rabies that has yet been reported in this vicinity occurred in the neighborhood of Denfield. More than a score of sheep and cattle went mad and were killed. Government In- spector Tennent has learned that they were bitten . on April 3rd, by a dog, which was killed. He ordered it exhumed and. it was found to have tag 135, Strat- ford, which, by canine* the polies on the phone, he found IX -longed to Jahn Slattery, who •raid the dog disappeared from his home on the night of April 2. In order to reach Denfield it rnusb have travelled more than 40 miles. .m 0 ----- STEAMER AGROUiN). • Detroit, Miele, May 2.--Liglitering operations are going on at the St. ('lair (late on the stetnxer GIlenrnount, of the Montreal Transportation Co., which ran her nose into the channel bank Wednes- day as the result of a. broken steering gear. The Gienmoxint has a bis( cargo of ot,s on board and was l:ocnd down to Kingston from Port Witham when the accident occurred. LORD KITCHENER Arrives in London—Tells Why He Didn't Visit Canada. London, \fay 2. — Representatives of King Fdward, the Prince of Wales and the British War Office met Field Marshal Lord Kitchener on his arrival at the Waterloo Station to -day from a trip around the world. Outside • the station an immense crowd had gath- ered and the popular soldier was given a rousing welcome as he drove off in company with. Lord Roberts. Lord Kitchener, asked regarding his inability to visit Canada, express- ed regret that he had not the time to do ten, as he was merely rapidly pass- ing through the United States. `I made the journey as quickly as possible and did not even have time to go to Washington. "I feel it would have been a poor compliment, to Canada to have passed through it in suck a hurried way." CHINESE PRINCE With Ten ' Officers in Washington Studying the Art of War. Washington, llay 2.—His Imperial highness Prince 'Tsai Tao, brother of the Prince Regent of China, chief of staff of the Chinese army, and uncle of the Chinese Emperor, who is making a tour of the world on a, nIissien of vital im- portance to the future of (,binese Em- pire, arrived in Washington to -day'. A troop of cavalry and Chandler Hale, Assistant Secretary of State, represent- ing the State Department, and Captain Butt, the president's aide, representing President Taft, took the prince in charge. During his stay in Washington until Saturday night functions in his honor will he numerous. Ten officers of the Chinese army accompany the prince. They are making a study of military methods in Europe and America. Saturday night the Chinese Minister will give a dinxler and Sunday morning the Imperial party will leave for New York. They Isail for IfIngland on May I. EMAND WAR. Ecuador Wants Peace With Peru, But Ready for War, Guayaquil; Ecuador, May 2.—Presi- dent Alf"aro has issued a proclamation declaring that all peaceful methods have been employed to reach an agreement with Peru, so as to avoid war, but that if Peru insiste on its pretensions he is sure that he 'could conduct the army to victory. All political parties are giving their adhesio to the Government. Several groups of reservists paraded in front of the President's residence, demandingwar. It is announced that Germany has offered her friendly mediation. BRYANS DAUGHTER To Be Married Next Tuesday to British Officer. Lincoln, Neb., May 2. ---After reading despatches announcing the betrothal of his daughter, Mrs. Ruth Bryan Leavitt, to Lieut. Reginald Altham Owen, of the British army, Col. Bryan said that the announcement was correct. Mr. Bryan. beyond confirming the statement that the wedding would. (ecus. at Fairview, next Tuesday, declined .to go into details. }1e stated, however, that the wedding would be a quiet one, with only friends of the family present. Mrs. Leavitt has been at the home of her parents for several months, and the despatch from :London was the first intimation of the marriage which has cone to friend, in this city, as CHOKED TO DEATH Old and Paralytic Woman Suffocated in Montreal, Montreal despatch: Miss Bourbon- niere, a paralytic cripple, of 77 years, was choked to death by' smoke in a small fire on Notre Dame street, this evening. Miss Bourbonniere was living in a small house with her nephew. Three years ago she broke a leg, which resulted in paralysis, from which she has since been bedridden. .A. fire started in the family flat, fiur storeys up, about six o'clock this evening, and all the inmates escaped, leaving Miss Bourbonniere. When the firemen got into her room it was found that she had been suffocated by the smoke and heat, the door of her room a having been badly charred. The proof of tue pudding is in the en- core. fi ter!/:.iF. aner?r2.}1eRllil+.aa Ca t i Lilo ( OWN AND OFFER FOR SALE AT PAR, $100 PER SIA c F.. $2,000,000 of the 7% Cumulative Preferred Stock, a bonus of 25% Common Stock, of I Lair' with Lea 6 Wa a -r Lac ED (incorporated under th© laws of the Province of Ontario) !lead Office - Toronto, C n"•1da, Capital Stock, Issued and Fully Paid Up. Preferred (7% Cumulative) - $2,500000 Common - - - - - - 2,500,000 $5,000,000 THE COMPANY HAS NO BONDS ISSUED OR AUTHORIZED. GUARDIAN TIIST COMPANY, limited is prepared to receive subscriptions for 62,000,000 of the above seven per cent. cumulative preferred stock at the price of 9100 for each share, with a bonus of common stock. equal In par value to 25 per cent. of the par value of the preferred stock alloted,to be delivered on payment of subscription in full. The dividends on the preferred stock accrue from April 6th, 1910. Subscriptions will be payable as follows:- 10 ollows:10 per cent. on application, and In Installments as follows, in which 80 per cent. on allotment. cane. interest at the grate of 6 per will bear or 10 per cent. on application, 15 per cent. on allotment. 25 per cent. on let June, 1910. 25 per cent. on 1st July, 1910, and 25 per Cent. on lst August, 1910. 100 per cent. 100 per cent. The right Is reserved to allot ems' suelt subscriptions and for such amounts as may be approved and to close the sulsscription book without notice. Application will be made for the listing of the securities of the Company on the Toronto Stock Exchange. The subscription list was opened at the office of the Guardian Trust Company, Ltd., Toronto, on Mon day. Aprf' 25th, 1910, and will be closed on or before Monday, the 9th day of May, 1910, at 3 p. m. ankers of Company : Imperial Bank of Canada E.,rad Bank of Montreal. Boar .: of Directors : D. C. CAMERON, Winnipeg, Presi- dent. President Rat Portage Lumber Company. Limited. CAWTHRA M•ULOCK,Toronto,Vice- President. Direotor Imperial Bank of Can- ada, Director Confederation We Association. HI DLL3Y SHAW, Toronto, Manag- ing Director. Vice -President and Managing Dir- ector The Maple Leaf Ii'lour Mills Co.. Limited. JOHN L A. BUNT, London. President Goderich Elevator & Transit Company, Vice -President Hunt Bros., Limited, Millers. CHARLES WURTELE, Toronto. Vice President National Iron Works, Limited. JOHN CARRICIC, Toronto. Secretary The Maple Leaf Flour Mills Company, Limited. CHARLES W. BAND, Toronto. Vice -President James Carruthers Company, Limited, Grain Ex- porters. Security and Ea.lrnin Power The assets of the old Companies taken over as above stand in excess of all liabilities and without any allowance for good -will, trade marks, etc., at 93,70,524.11, this amount tieing aseertalned on the basis of an appraisal by the Canadian American Appraisal Company, Limited, as of March lith, 1910, of the capital assets taken over. and the certificate of Messrs. Price, Waterhouse & Company, as of February 28th, 1910,.as to current assets and liabilities with a liberal allowance ,for .all contingencies. There has also been placed In the Treasury $1,000,000. of additional cash, which, besides permitting of the completion of a 0,000 barrel mill and a million bushel ele- vator and storage warehouse at Port Colborne. and of fifteen additional elevators in the west, will provide the mew Company with further working capital As per certificate of Messrs. Price, Waterhouse & Co., of London the earnings of the old Company on the present plant amounted from September 25, BOB, to August 20th, 1009, to . .. .. .. .$218,843.28 And from August 21st, 1909 to February 28th, 1910, to .. . .. $166„798.29 being for the latter period at a rate equal to over 18 per cent. on the prefer- red stock of the Company. Prospectuses and forms of application may be obtained at any branch of the Imperial Bank of Canada or The Royal Bank of Canada, from Guard- ian Trust Company, Limited, Toronto, and from Cawthra Muloclt & Comp- any, Toronto. Applications fbr shares sboula be made upon the form accompanying the prospectus and should bo sent together with the remittance duo on application to Any Branch ©f The 1a .peria1 Lank of Canada, or The Royal. Bank of Canada, The Guardian Trust Co., Limited, Toronto, or to Ca.wtlara Mulock & Company, Merntders Threat* Stock Exchange Royal Bank Building - Toronto, Ont,,. ••