The Herald, 1910-05-06, Page 7FIRS' CLASS TILE
I have a large supply of the t-c'ry
best tile on hand, from 2a in, to six
inch. If you need any call, . write
or telephone to John Foster, Zur-
ich, Brice c and Tile yards. 11 tf
oved! Moved!
�,q- -�_.:--_gip -�-� �;� e�•�
directly West of Dominion House
Ready to supply you frith jus a
—little bit the Nicest—
Rings, Silver
Thimbles, Fobs,
Necklets, Watches•
Brooches, Bracelets,
Veil Pins, Collar
Pins. Everything
in this Line.
try to PLEASE YOU.
G. R. HESS, Assistant.
5DGICID CT= C;ljp MEM CDCMS) CDCV"9CD®0015124941;;1
WE TAKE this opportu-
nity of wishing our
Customers a ;Happy
and Prosperous New Year,
and thank each and all for
having made the past year
our most prosperous year
since we have been in busi-
ness. We ask you again
for your hearty support
for 1910, and we will do
our best to merit it, by
giving you value for your
General Merchant, 13 L A K E.
o ■ . ZURICH • c u
E keep in stack a
full line of fresh
heats, hams, etc. etc
Our cuts are noted
for their tenderness
and wholesomeness.
Our aim is to keep
-nothing but the best.
We make our own
Give us a call.
Y[ N`ld L{T
At your home, without
pain, danger or operation,
or loss of time. This is
not a Truss (Jure.
My method will cure ap-
parently hopeless ceased.
Why wear ill-fitting trus-
ses all your life, when you
eau be cured for all time
to oorne? Fill in coupon :
Ago Time Rup
What side sup
Rotern to
J. S. $MI'T I,
88 Caledonia St.
Dept. R. Out.,
For Znricia end surrounding
district an energetic reliable ngenb
to take order for nursery stock.
I!"REE, E.XC.iLw l;VE
o d+o Acres
under cultivation. We guarantee
to deliver stock in good condition
and up to contract grade. We can
show you that there is good money
in reprosenting a well known re-
liable firm Established over 30
Write for particulars:
The Council of the Stephen con-
vened in the Town Hall, Crediton,
on Monday the 2nd of lltay 1910 at
1 p m. All members were present.
The minutos of the previous
meeting were read and adopted.
Anderson -Yearley : ."That Ply
law No. 1.55. being a By -lacy to
appoint Paath masters, Pound
keepers and Fence viewers, having
been read three times, be. passed
and signed by the Reeve and
Clerk, and the seal of the Corpora-
tion attached thereto" Carried.
Anderson—Wuerth : "That the
Clerk notify the Clerk of the town-
ship of McGillivray that this
Council refuses to pay the costs of
construction and inspection of The
Pollock Award Drain." Carred.
Love—Anderson : "That the
Townsliin court of Revision of the
Assessment Roll, be heli in the
'.Gown Hall, Crediton, on Thursday,
the 2f,th day of May next at 10 a. tn.
to lii'rlr and determine the appeals
which may be made against the
Assessn ent Roll Carried.
1: enrley—Wuerth : -That tho
resolution, passed on January lOti.a,
1310, appointing inspectors to en-
force the provisions of Bylaw No
157 to prohibit certain animals
from tres.4assing nn the highway
be amended by striking ent the
Paine. of Thomas Mawhinney
(resigned) and substituting the
name of John Lawson " Carried.
The following orders ''were
George Hi'tzel, Erick bats and
drawing on 3rd 8 Rd *25.20 Frank
Schneider rep brides and reaming
1)e Laval separators sae o enough
over any gravi' y. creaming of milk
1' '' ea
Sweet :.1.1,.!:! 11k, la l..ul',
U'eui..9 1') }la) for tll,.T �elet every
Nix )1l' lei l:s.
De l.aeal e1a•,cltors iaec cnouRh
over other t. parator in closer cepa-
ration, running heavier and smno.
ther eeean), skirnrni)lg cool milk,
greater car aeity, easier cleaning;
easier running iced. les:; repa'rs to
pay for illeinselves every year.
Improved 1)o Laval separators
save enough over De Laval machin-
es of live or twenty-five yeas ago
in more absolutely thorough separa-
tion under all conditions, greater
capacity. easier running, and
greater simplicity to pay for them-
selves ovary two years
1)e Laval separators aro not only
Rupe; for to others 1mt at panic time
oheLtpoat in proportion to • actual
own:tits., and they last from five to
ten ti'no, longer.
These are the mations why the
worlds experienced separator users
including rs ler cent of all croam-
erylrlen, Uro and endorse.. the 1)e
Laval separators.
Blake P. 0., Ont.
9 50 ; Ale= Neeb, rep bridges on
Con. 12, 150, Jolie Enilish, bury.
ing dog, 50 R. Carroll, )'op Ford's
bridge, 1,00 ; T li'1')1'riease refund
of statute labor, 1.50 ; 'William
Brown dement 0ulvc'rt; :6.00; J. E
Hodgins rep creek,' 2.04?; William
Bovie reap mil" 2 50 ; 1. 13est6-'4 rep
oul. 3,00; W. Nichols repBatton's
bridge, 4.00 ; W. D1taj,i reline' etal.
concrete cul., 0,00 , t>1. Hodgins
drawing tile, 2:00; E. Bestetci oul
Con, 19, 1.50 ; :f R. Essery reel
:.111 1 00, rponsi orders 1,81 70,
The council adjourned to meet
again in the Town Rall, Crediton,
en Thursday, the 20th iusi at 10 a
1n. Gravel e.pntraets will be let at
2 p. in, Belfry Eu+ i1'ber, Clerk.
Ontario farmers who have gone
into alfalfa oxperianentally have
proved beyond the•-eiil<ladow of a
doubt that this is the best paying
fodder crop :bat- are egriculturist
can grow.
Alfalfa has " been known since
490 • B. C. and was successfully
grown in Greece and " home nearly
2.500 years ago. ,Iia the State of
Kansas there were in 1891 30,000
acres grown while lest year nearly
a• million acres . of alfalfa were
under crop. resulting in an untold
financial benefit to the farmers of
of this State.
There are five different varieties,
viz. American Turkey tan, Arabian,
Peruvian and Geri an, but for
Ontario the Amerie n variety i
best suited.
Alfalfa, unlike .tetany other
crops, enriches the soil rather than
impoverishes • it. The roots ex
tend into the earth from five t
twelve feet; reaehix g down an
bringing to the surface nitroge
and other valuable mineral plan
to ' 1. - It has been g•ruwu, son
tinnously on a farm in one of th
countries of this -Province fo
nearly thirty years and still pr
duces good crops. It can be grow
successfully on sanely, heavy clay
loam or nearly any variety of soil
properly drained. Successful ex-
periments with it have been con-
ducted on a limited scale with
success in nearly every part of
Ontario both with and without a
nursing crop. Spring sowing has
given best results. If son n with a
nursing crop barley at the rate of
one bushel per acre is an excellent
ono for this purpose. Eighteen or
twenty pounds per •acre of alfalfa
is the proper - quar cit:- of seed.
From three to foils c ips oan be
harvesteed in eeseeee ; in and .the
average 'height of t: lent rums
from fourteen to - twenty inches.
When about one third of the crop
is in bloom is an excellent time to
start cutting' as it then possesses
its srreatest fond veine. The
cutting should be done in the
forenoon when .the dew is off the
grass and the tedder should follow
immediately and be kept • at work late in the afternoon and the
crop left in windrows. This pro
cess mould be repeated the
following day and the hay put i•n
oeils and left for world days. It
ehoul.i not bo out too close to the
ground as the plant may be in
jurc'd thereby.
The yield per acre of green crap
i•: •about. 20 tons, and of dry hay
live It should not sae allowed to
renlatin too long in the hot sun as
the leaves are liable to become dry
and break off and they contain
most valuable nutrients. Seed is
prodre el best from either first, .or
second Cuttings and.averages7fiZe
bnehels per acre, although it some
times runs as high as ten.
Alfalfa hay contains about 50%
more digestible protein than hay
made from red clover. It n)akee a
splendid pasture for horses or
hors, but care is required when
Sheep or cattle) are turned in as
l'hrre is el tf'n•rl,nywr to hln6,t if
,r, i 10 ,A3(1 . t• ..•.tuts, t..iA: a' •,,y
when the tr i0.•-: -• .',V1...
l\v.:1,.-;)lt,'t1;, N.o'ujt t1,....i rt'
iO'u'S of ban) "'. a',: !na 1'e lite.
acre every four Teary has proved
very sat•isfaetory. Fertilizers con
tailing phosphate. have given the
best results. When a, field of
alfel fa is ploughed 'town the
surface soil is completely filled
with roots rich in fertile elements.
It is to be hoped that every
farmer in Ontario. • who has
suitable well drained:soil-will put
in a field of this most desirable
No-lnubt the easiest way to
travel along through life is to take
any old canned food that's dished
out to von, If yon are pretty
strong and get lots of exercise it
will probably not cost von a
treenondone lot in doctor bills rn'
shorten your life a few yoai°s; But
nu;t read that article in . the May
,Juo)iior of the Canadian Home
journal. the first of tho series on
'•Foods -Pnro and Adulterated,"
and you'll begin to examine more
closely some •ef the stuff you are
putting in your peer r+trinemie,'
Perhaps yon would rather av-
lircoiato not having alum and sol
0,771t4. CsroA
All kinds of Mangel, Turnip and Carrot
Seeds on hand. ALL NEW SEEDS
Also all good varieties of tested
Seed Corn at Lowest Prices
Royal. Household, Milverton, Parkhill,
Exeter and -EIeusall Flours on hand.
SALT =200lh stag-- y5cts
I Chatham incubator= Bargain
Telephone to 23 for prompt delivery
reacting around in your interior.
leaving residues of alumina, and
glauber salts Probably you would'
rather not have cannery refuse in
your catsup, flees in your jams,
cocoanut shells in your pepper:
titrneric colored flour in your
mustard, and a good many more
things out of place.
Sometimes you may wonder why
it takes so much more of the
Bjones brand of tea than of
the $smith brand. Perhaps you
wouldn't wonder if you.knew how
little value 'there .is in broken
stems and dust and how much of
this useless stuff yon are paying
your good money for Look for
the Government warranty. It's a
big subject and a very important
one and the Hoole journal is
tackling it in the right wzsy.
This t1ay number deals well
with a number of different in
teresting "sn'rjoet:;: Money allow.
:slices for wive:'—give the ladies a
chance to prr:ve their intelligent
handling of the coin. No wonder
the girls prrfar to 14;ro their twiner
and 1n,nr.1 it t'' tht.y please to
begging tho head of the family for
a few eopeer . If pnn'vn nn n*)-
ntt:'rar,biro o;noi.s 1il't Into th" t.tvirne.
of modern tirr.t's ..n,1 tic it ;;1e ; get
your :trey -n' ttto. working ,inil
veli Can probahlv t1) it at v4'r•y
little ex penes; it really takes less
, money than lrr:,intit't1llor Steven-
son has soMe n:i ;c -. t 'o i._.r:Las and
pictures that may help.
The '.11nthc rs• l.):s.v" rnove.)nent
has spread rap' l;y in the United
States. The Homo 3t) i;;
leading the i;lovl rant in (')Lunde,
for the oln:e:rvarc.:a of the seeennd
•Sunday in May as "Mothers'
Day"—a clay for sumo special
remembrance fea •he person t•o
rnueh. We wish them tilt sura,ess
Tho report of the Commission
*'exit last year by the Dominion.
! Government to Europe to study
the swine rearing industry, has
been issued. It canshts of a.
pamphlet of sixty Mages of printed
matter and a large , number of
striking illnstrations.
The countries visited were 'Eng-
land, Scotland, Ireland, Denmark.
and Holland. Denmark and Ireland
beim; the strongest competitors of •
l.C"anadrt in the British market,
rewired most attention. The re-
s per t describes clearly how the hogs
err+ bred and reared. and the
'. various steps taken to develop the
export baoon trade. The far fam-
ed co-operative+ system, ess applied
j by the teiinea to the breeding and
t rearing of the swine, the packing
and marketing, is fully del oribed
C,,.noeratire rete' buying, which
invoive.a the purrhaso t,f u'rer six.
1L.:r;It Ertl r:iilliern 1 ;1::r.d of r matin,
011 a'; lit•, e'tS., n lett'e'r', iy ful;y dealt
A value ide fe•atnro c.f: t he ree;tor t.•
is the a tenti :n g:toa to the
methods f ,lIov,ed in the different
co,'r.tries for maintaining harmon–
i. -t:rc-tlrl 71acl.Frs and farmers, att'-
• t° securing t!f u uniform :•.].phi
pis.".-. tom) t,; F'rati,n1, not only
;, tf:,e'n f trr,u ra, but heteveen
1)1;. `kers anal fairar)oi•a, i� rrr'dit�el
c`xcl)ihnt i•er..ltlre, `1'itii 1+
to `•)t• iaally true in i'',anela.n'i in :ittoon
en �,iCtilitie°' ,
•':.tar dealing with the various
r, -t>s of prndectlen in the differ.
elft c'ountriesa, a chanter •is devoted
to the English bacon trade and •
ontit.her to les en; for Canadian
;farmers and p ':iaors.. The .report
y id L1,M1preitera; ivo LL•�:,i }lr tai ,C1.1.Li,
tlierofnr_' r f v'•lan to nvory
r"'Py let, {r1.. 1. . �: :•imfx
,tet+ lvl • (2'u1' . ' b. ..
Not low priced,
our reputation.
say so too after
Cupboards, helms,
Bath Tui1S1
Fara Tools, Eto.
A special paint for each pur.
pose, not one slapdash mix.
ture for all,
but highest grade at fair, honest prices. You know
We say these are the best paints we know of. .You'll
you have used them, 0''"
j, PRS ATE R'. , Zur1