The Herald, 1910-05-06, Page 1The ,Official Organ of Zurich a;:1.ti Hay Township.
Vol. X.
'W. e 3-1L:.:+..C�7Lir'-.: ,="‘).11"' +.w:w�+eT 7.5. gon....17.$.3:=-• i';'n1.�..J' i +S T ,pz'is aczi
Samson raid
Best Grace Ste&1
Spring is the time of the y6'ar to brighten
up around the home, No other season appeals
to us in such a way and the work of brightening
up is going on all around us. The living room
needs re -papering, the kitchen new linoleum, the
house a coat; of paint and a dozen and more other
repairs. With our large stock of carpets, rugs,
wall papers, paints etc . we c:an supply you to
your entire satisfaction. BRIGHTEN 'P.
New Linoleums, Carpets, Etc
The looks of the dining room or kituht'n air g• ca.tly
improved by having the$uor.covered with linoleutu. it also
saves a lot of scrubbing and backache -1. We have a nice line
linoletnnl to choose from, very pretty lsattetns in many titr•igans.
Newest Wall
aper and Borders
\\'e have wall papers suitable for any. room in the home.
Bich Wei is for the parlor, pretty effects for the dinning room
and suitable papers fur the kitchen and bed roosts. Our line
of borders are very much admired. Our stock is still good.
cols for Next Wee
Kann Coats, Cravenettes
ladies & men, worth $3.50 to $12,
5 le Price- = $1,00 up
ii.i1) 5' SUITS
A lot of trey's two and three p'eco suits to clear, $1.00
Big value.
1 j
Telephone 9
Kee a the times cut. A nice
1 nvet armlet! the house greatly
impr•, v es its general appearance
we have a !rood line of lawn
I Also hedge shears,
grass she re, rakes, ete.
Close Prices
\\" It;inelit the,e1e1,ratt't1
eieusee t,trind of bulks and
Barra ting '1 o,Is. All
t7. 1 tvhiteneh 'handle,
anti the hest grade steel.
They are the best that
wo Vi)ll 1 U.
They Are
• ,f..•
cher in=\ViWWWar s Pal,its'
Remember we handle only one grade of Paint, the Sherwin
'N'lrillialue, the best that can he produced. You will get a
satisfactory ;mel lasting job if yon toe S. W. 1'. A diffcrent
paint fur dffereut_work, Call for color vim],
•Nverrert oe. uneay..cun.neemsa.amnia}....ncvamn..m.maartvw%4aYwtrAmot .. cs,rertvslmskWr.i4wenaa aMao. .ivoe.v
Preeter, rc.,
NQ. 40
LOCAL NEWS. uee.tra9a x :'i, a. 1
Sce our couches at $4.50, at.
E(artleib's. '
Mr. Moyes of the M'olsons Bank
staff, visited his helots to Lncknow,
on Sunday.
Mrs Wm. Finlrh, let r of Milver
ton visited her father Mr. D. S.
Faust, over Sunday.'','
See onr line of nL'yn mowers
before you buy. Easy running and
best workmanship.:', J. Preeter
Mr. and Mrs. 7o'h"a Se}lithe re
turned on Siatnrday a> from a two
weeks' visit in Detrlit..
Rev. S M. Haucl. �,of Stratford is
visiting his uncle, gt. P. Ranch,
who is in poor healtj at present.
The teachers and upils of the
are getting Ter dy to heeuti
fy the school ground's, on Arbor
Day, (Friday)
If you intend doing any roofing
or ertretronghing see_ us about it.
We dp gond wor•s" at shortest
notice. J Preeter..
I will hereby notify all those
having cattle running tit large to
keep then frons the "read, or will
be put in pound. Try Volland. Sr.
Dr. Oven's Surgeon, Oen]ist
specialist will be tit Cotnmernial
Hotel, Zurich, on .i Friday. May
27th. Hours all day. Glasses
properly fitted, 'Catarrh, deafness,
failing eyesight and throat
troubles treated.
Mr. B. 13. w'urre, our livernman,
has added several new buggies to
his stable. besides repainting and
refitting his other rigs and has now
seven fie st dare horses. His trade
is steadily increasing andxhis num-
erous customers speak very highly
of his turnorhu' - .
The re M ,m, .. ....,av'•.a party
in Rtit:riii4 61 Oil r rti`hies
Zurich rri.,gv lice, that
the rates HT..., � ' anceci to
$13.00 per vc . maliceous
falsehood. If the,-- ''4 residents
of the West end klie,te.'.::hat they
aro doing they will think twice
before tieing themselves to a sys-
tem for ten years, that has so far
proved far from satisfactory. The
Zurich line is giving excellent sat.
i.sfact•ion, and it will be too bad if
people are bamboozled in a service
that they really don't want.
e allr
Now is the season
up. We have a large
Papers for bedrooms,
parlors. Oa! I and
for a general cleaning -
stock of handsome Wall
halls, dining rooms and
see Sample Books
New Spring
Dress Goods
We have a good range of
the very newest in Dress
New Linen Suitings
We show the best Linens
for the moues, in colors, .I'an,
Blue, Pink, and stripe.
Lonisine Novelty
For Dresses
Wo are the wily ones that
show this Louisine Novelty.
Its next to a silk dregs for
only 25 cents a yard. In
colors, Rose, Reside, New
Blue, and Ohane.
Muslins Etc.
Nev., Dress Muslins, Lac-
es, Embroidery, Dress '1'riin-
lnIngs, Dress Buttons, Belts.
T+ ,adrass Curtains
We show a good range
of 11cdras.s Curtains.
Ladies Waists
In White, Black and Ecru
Prices from (15 cents to &4.00
each. Cull and Nee these
lovely waists.
Ladies fancy parasols,
and children parasols.
Men's Tailor Made
New Men's Hats and
Min in7 1 r 0
We have a large range of the latest hats.
24 If you cannot be suited with the hats we have,
111ake 12tIk,,:i..yau..the, kind; you. like.
wo cordially invite, you to salI and look through this Department.
40 -
All Tarin Produce taken in exchange
D. S.
PHONE 1i ZET111CH s:
(Lewiston Tribune)
As the result of an abcess of the
liver, relief from which could not
he secured by an operation perform
ed. a bont a week ago, A. E. Faust
passed away at 9.30 o'clock yester-
day morning 2Ist April, at tl e 5t.
,Jt sept). hospital. ,1r. Fanst has
occupied the position of shipping
clerk for the Idaho Grocery comp.
t.ny since the establishment of that
wholesale house in this city several
rears ago, and was well known in
Lewiston. His character was such
as to bring him many friends, and
he departed this life Iea.ving behind
not a single enemy.
Tile physicians found that the
disease was of 1•anr standing. 0
though Mr, Faust did not goiter
seriously until abrnit three weeks
ago. About a week ago ha was
taken to the hospital to have the
operation per foretell, So so ,n as it
could be obselv.•;1 hoer far the
disease had advanced. the phvsie
ians and relati ves r,' sized 1 e eon)d
not recover and Le _cat1,)t,1'v crew
weaker until tie, en:l o tme
111r. Purist w es as , ti vr) .,f °ariatin
aged thirty-nine ra rtrx. He came
to the coast from Zarieh. Ontario,
several years ag•a. and after a
i,erscxl spent at Odessa cane to
Leawiston at the time of the open-
ing of the wholesale grocery house,
he)in;z ti_ili' illy valned enploye of
that institution. in August last
hes was united in marring in Le-
wiston to Miss Minnie Barrington,
who snrvi ves him. ITe is also sm -
vi ved by father, a brother and two
sisters,' who reside at Znricb, Ont.
The funeral was conducted Sat-
urday afternoon at 3.40 ' o'cloc.i;.
from the Vassar chapel by the I;ev
J. U, Harvey, of trio Methodist
clinroh. The services were lar1a y
atttended, many not being able to
entrance, to the chapel 1 bttilcl
Fee our ]ung handle shovels at
50 cents, at aartleib's.
Miss Jackson teacher of ono n1'
the .1nnior rums, is laid up with
0 hod cold.
Onr new shipment of screen
doors and windows no xin. Brower
variety and closer prices than
ever. .r. Procter.
Lutheran: Ohurrb—Thea evening
service in St. Peter's TTntbcran
ehnreh, will bp enndneted in Eng-
lish . The subject of meditation
will be the Asesnsinn of Christ.
A cordial invitation is extended to,
T)r. Oyes the r.nfnel eye speeia-
list of London will make a special
visitto the. Commercial Hotel.
Zurich on Friday May 27th and if
yon or any of your family need
exncrt ad rice Anil treatment, thiel
will be your omnt'tunity, Don't
forget the date—Friday May 2+7th.
'1'hc' 1ntlinc gra again in the throes
Of that tlt>1i,htfnl semi-annual fpc-
tivit+. yn'tel)t "rinnss eln'I nine,'"
o'l'ey revel in it dear souls: end
what matters it if meet'; man hes
1 -is ;.•niers elite'} with es reel; tacks
an'1 L*Pts soar. in his snap and 'has
to slnpp in the coal bin, Women
are boss twice a year n tiny rate
and the sterner sox haw to sit do
and fix the si•ovenipes audits} dntt•n.
rant? nail down the carpets after he
has beaten them to a frazzle.
C. Hartisib sold a malleable
range to Sam Hovrston, Bayfle1.:l.
Mrs Wm. Elcpp returned to her
home in Strattord on Friday last.
Oar load frash cement arrived,
at Bartleit's.
Mr. Ranter. of the Kincardine
Reporter \gas in town on Friday,
and gave the HERALD 0 friendly
' 'i'hirteen thousand bugs are in
State In,octory ut Sacramento,
C'ralifc.rnia, in charge of the State
Commissioner there. They 1, ave
been srctn't'.al for an immense con-
flict to he }waged against the
orchard pests of California. They
are the parasites that destroy the
insects that prey upon the orchards
of that St ata
',Machines of dostrntrtiun tare
growing," aid the critic, "but how
about the nerves of men?" dere
we have 0 snboiing thnaght which
• l;ive.s n•i prase Homan .invent i':o-
ne;.;s is travelling Iniersrapidly than
h)unrtn 00113prehension. Human
intelligence fashions things thigh
outrun human endurance. The
human brain is outwearing the
human nerves. 'Unless some fortu-
nate defects in the mechanical
operation of etta;ine5 of -war numc
to nnr) P50110 We sects pr )w;res,.nI11
scienti(1enily into a realm of de.
street—inn }which we eannt•i; .'silo
?lav and .Tune will sen many a4.
sembla'res in Varinnw chtlroh !ptth-
prings, such es presbyteries district
meetings, conventions. synods, con•
ferenetas and assemhlirs Tihere is
nn lack of machinery lint there is
ronin for ninny too' 0 men and
woolen to help sow the seed and
harvest the erre). The nett rather
than the eegrevate is the moving
ing, The floral tleearations were power awl in those hnsv .rinses it
most beautiful and in abundance, may he an easy matter to Ova the
The pall bearers were: A. S. Stacy, most itnpfrtant rltities second Oiler,
E. J. Titan, G. `i'tr. Canner, \\t, 1'' `neees5 is m)trh more likely to
George, M. (4. Bowen and C. A. foiinw the inelivitinel effort than an
undisciplined combifati+)ti.
The ahoy .• clenneil met in the
'Tulin 1 -Id 1 on 'Wednesday, all mem.
bers being present. Tetaders were
opened for two bridges, and out of
about a. dozen tenders, the one by
Mr. \Vetberipoon of Ailsa Craig,
for i,2020 was .teeepted . A tutu her
of semail accounts were passed. Tho
next meeting will be field on the
2ist inst., at 7 p. m., for receiving
tenders ffr bui.hling four culverts,
nniiee of which will be found in
!another column.