The Herald, 1910-04-29, Page 8T ;, Zurich Herald. alcd. SE or ishin,s •., lir is logs IN® 4h e rLadies' Lhielinen Suitings,Etc. 1 WHITE WEAR Ladies fine white lawn waists, skirts, collars, collar cords and frillings. Ask to see our new trimmings, we have all shades. DIRESS GOODS New shades Ashes of Roses, Westeria, Rosewood, Gendarme blue, Crushed straw- berry. Pearl giey, Taupe, Black, Navy. Green. . and Brown. FLIT NIS 6 !NGS sole Agency Broadw(ay n We earry a fila: stork of this popular brand, T1lr•11 and boys. We'll take your measure r•.1 it :-Burt twdyr yo will have it city tailor— ed Brand Snit at it good deal 1?,hs t au you ray for the tIonlll101i r•a.,ulltry ]Hassle New York tyles Come and see fashion plates HO 15 FUR I HING Rugs, Carpets, Linoleurs and Wail Papers onr Strad: is larger than rsnui for this Spring, and ottr record for big sales vsi11 (ally be broken by ourselves, Choose your wants early SEEDS We Lave all kinds ofgarden seeds. a good variety of : Iaiigold, Turnip, Sugar' Turnip and Carrott seed. .Also beet, We handle ail kinds of F.i rm Produce. eik GENERAL MERCHANT uriit ¢ ';� a� i. k :., l i Hemlock & Cedar Cut to Order The undersigned, having splurge stock of prime L-l.en:dock and Cedar, is prepared to out to order ttnv bill up to 30 fent long in Hemlock and up to 20 feet long in Cedar at the LOWEST MARKET PRICE W. A.. MUSTARD BAY 1?.LE 1) Cheap Suits FOR Spring and Summer There is nothing like being well dressed at all times especially in Spring and Summer'. We are doing better work every day and the suits we are turning out give good satisfaction. Order your Spring Suit dere and you will always be dressed np to date. Laundry in Connection W. H. HOFFMAN- Tailor, - ZURICH 'Died FAUST—In Lewiston. Idaho Thurs. April ' 2ist, 14100, Alfred E beloved husband of Mrs. A. E. Faust. Born in Zurioh, Ont., the 17th Sept. 1870. The 'license ennatnies if 7 f re. Eolith Huron niet at Henson. en Saturday to grant licenses Local option ''similes into torte in the township (if Tnekersntitli on May 1. Ars '071 t1' theBrneefield and Red i'tivern' %kitess tens not be relieena. e 1. Henstcli gets '!sack eine iin0nsca nftcr tbi•eca sears of 1'+ral option. and ,inothwr will be granted to .1 C',oxwortil if he puts tlti II. neer hniitlin r •411t1sf110tory to the board. One hotel ui ('1intun is erlt of. Htanlon,,lf.3nvfiehl, was given one month to sell ont The other licenses were renewed, which in- eludes three tit Exeter. two at Znriclt and six in Stephen Town ship. WEN1)ELL i'EIILLIPS' *RETORT. Wendell Phillips, *wording to the recent biography by l)r. [.or- enwrr Hears, wee, on one occasion. leetnring in Ohio. and while on a railroad journey, going to keep an appointment; he .inat in the ear a crowd of clergy, ret•nrning from some tort of convention. One of the ministers- felt called upon to approach Mr. Phillips, and asked him "Are von Mr, Phillips?" "I am, sir." "Are you trying to free the niggers?' "Yes, air. I ane an abolitionist." "Well, why do yon preach your doctrines np here? Why don't you lin over'into Ken t:uclty?•, "Excuse oto are yo; a preacher?" "Itine sir „ "Are yen trying to save souls! PHONE from hell?" 9 "Yes sir ; that's my Nosiness." •' 1i'trl1, welly don't you go there?" The assailant hilrriod into the smoker aurid a. roar oi' nnsa lctitied laughter. Catholic Columbian. 0 r rim ek '• oqo A 4' hoes ��o You will be surprised at our large stock 4 of Shoes for men, women and children, but as leaders in the :trade we have to keep the Opp 0.Q4 very best. Our turn—over is- so large that we can and do give you better prices than you are accustomed:to get. Our Spring Stock 0 will be found right, Call and examine it, 0� P. BENDER, Zurich The only exclusive Shoe Dealer in Town ip t0 i,/ artlei 98 St re A Knock=out Blow to the Catalogue Man , E are pleased to state to the public that we are in a pofiition to meet all catalogue houses regarding prices on the lines we have to offer. Brink; your catalogue with you and also don't fbrget the cash, then we will do the rest e. M74 PHONE 13 9 ZURICH HURON'S LARGEST COllr9 ,ii ATION STORE ier New stock of Pine and Hem= lock Lumber, and the Best Hastings Brand Shingles, big shipments just to hand. Brim; e in your Order Now Sec onr iron fled:; at $2 7.; 1;'t17 7n' produce taken, at Eiaartleih's a ca Ga I'm WAND ED Girls waited. for newest brightest, cleanest and most up•to-date blouse and white - wear factory in Canada,. Work consists of sewing Ladies' waists. Girls ev.- perienee(1 on power sewing ;° �� {i 1`.',y y DESiGP7S ti COPYRIGHTS SLC. anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free w other an Invention le 'probably patentable. Communtrn. . receive Mona strictly confidential. HANDBOOK oneatenta sant free. Oldest agency for seeming_Detente. Patents taken through Munn k special notice, without charge, hi the re. i A d Comfortable quarters. • Steady rrork. (mood wages. KA. LEISJ = ZURICH ''•''111' ttlntryue is coated: Your liaeath is Peril 3leadeches come and CO,•'('hese symptoms show that your attune eh is the tronble. To remove the rause is the first thing, incl ('hnn,berhilti's Stomach nn,t Liver Tablets will do that, Etsv to take and most effective. :fold by .1 .1 :‘,1erne'r. ovE t es F:ARS' EXPC.t?lENCE TRADE MARKS machines preferred, but beginners will be taught. THE STAR WITITEWEAB MrG, GO, r lierlitl, - - Ontario, (r.' Q 1? G iZt) <3 )CM=Y) (MDQ e $ ei tifis .Burlap. A handsomely illustrated .weekly. Largest ctr. elation of any srtentltle jrninal. Terms for Canada, $11.7, a year, postage prup,Ud. bold by sll newsdealer".. MUWN & Co�36teroadway, New Pork Branch omao, c2i Jr $t...Washin ton. B. C. Chalnbea�iaiii' 0 771arr oea i ei am, ]7tarrhoea itemed37: Never fails. Say it now. . t may save life. :MARKET K1 T IIEP.olrr'.--The fol- lowing is the report of Zurich markets corrected up to Thursday, Barley 45 to 50 Iratn . . . Shorts (freta Wheat IIa.y 12.00 Uritu applc?i 5 Cr Clover seed .. 8.00 0,00 PotatoesBat ter 213 25 • . 220 8 0 203 l05 75 22.00 24,00 24 00 'i3 :34 ▪ 1.00 1(442 Eggs ..> .. Hogs liveweiget HENSALL MARKETS Cook's Best Flour. 2.75 Wheat , , ... , Log Oats . .... 38 38 Barley ......... ..... 44062 Peas 4 6 4 4 80 8e Hogs liveweight........ " 8:55