The Herald, 1910-04-29, Page 6DYSPEPSIA AS IT BEGINS
This Stage Easily. Cured.
'!&1 e first symptoms of tlyspepela and
indigestion give tittle indication of their
subsequent seriousness.
One of the most common symptoms of
stomach disorder is a sense of fullness
or lightiness after eatiing. This indicates
that the stomach needs help. Belching
of gas frequently follows, the tongue is
coated, the bowels become irregular, un-
til finally, in addition to the stomach
distress, constipation adds its deadly in-
fluence in destroying health.
The treatment is simple and if em-
ployed promptly and reasonably perse-
vered with, cure is speedy and •permari-
ent. Take Dr. Hamilton's Pills in full
doses every second or third night, then
three times a week,one pill at bedtime.
The first effect of Dr. Hamilton's
Pills is to excite activity of the liver
and kidneys. this cleanses the system
and prepares the stomach for vigorous
work. Gastric juice is abundantly se-
creted; digestion of food and not its fer-
mentation, marks stomach activity with
total abseuee of gas and removal of
other symptom; of perverted action.
Far good health, vigorous appetite
and the best digestion, use Dr. Hanmil-
ton's Pills. No other medicine will do
so inueh good. Price 25e per box, at all
dealers, or The Catarrhozone Company,
Kingston, Canada.
, o•s
One of the Rare Metals.
Scandium is one of the metals of
the "rare earths" which occur in cer-
tain minerals. It appears to be pretty
widely distributed, for Sir William
Crookes, in his spectrrscopic examin-
ation of 53 minerals, _ound scandium
in 10 minerals; anerlite, cerite, keil-
hanite, niosandrite, orangite, or thite,
pyrochlore, thorianite, thorite and
wiikite. The last named mineral is
the only one which contains more
than 1,100 per cent. of scandium.
The proportion of scandium contained
in wiikite is 1.17 per cent. Wilhite is
an amorphous black substance, about
5 times as heavy as water. It is not
completely dissolved by strong min-
eral acids, but is readily decomposed
by fusion with potassium bisulphate.
Heated to redness in a quart tube, it
evolves water vapor, hydrogen, carbon
dioxide, helium and a trace of neon.
The Ice Problem.
The ice bill is no small part of the
housekeeping expenses, :his weather.
All housekeepers who can -Acord it
at all feel that they cannot do with-
out ice, but, while worrying over the
bill, they often allow waste, by not
giving proper care or thought to the
It seems absurd to tell people to
keep the door of the ice chest shut,
but it is a fact that time after time,
even in careful families, the °door of
one or more of the compartments is
k ft on a crack.
This, of course, lowers the tempera-
ture of the chamber and wastes ice
It is no economy, for the same -'aa-
son, to use to little ice for the size
of the refrigerator.
The temperature rises, .urough lack
of sufficient ice to keep it down, and
hie next piece that is put in goes
much faster than it should.
It is better to get a large block of
ice several times a week, as large a
one as your refrigerator will hold, then
a small one everyday.
As to ice water, it is not necessary,
no matter what people say, and near-
ly all doctors agree that we would be
much better without it.
It would certainly take a great deal
less ice, to abstain from its use.
A water tank pl_ced side of the ice
will furnish water cool enough. for
Where people boil their water, they
often place it in bottle in the ice
chest, cooling it this way.
Don't walk up and down the floor
with a tress, restless child. Nothing
can be more demoralizing to the
little one, and it is a serious tax upon
the mother's strength and nerves. When
:t child is peevish and cross there is
4n:olrrbly some little derangement of the
,st niac'ft or bowels, and a dose of Baby's
,Own Tablets will remove the 'cause of
the trouble and enable the little one to
sleep soundly. lilts. �1'. Bouffasd, 1'iopo-
lie, Que., says: "I have found Baby's
Own Tablets superior to all other reme-
dies for curing constipation and mating
teething easy. They also promote health-
ful sleep. and 1 recommend there to oth-
er mothers." Sold by medicine dealers
or by mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Very often the cheapest and poorest
Production yields most profit. Some deal-
ers with their own profit in view try to
"latish" inferior preparations when Zam-
Buk is asked for. They talk about "just
a•: good," or "practically the same," etc.
Not one dealer knows what is in Zam-
Bul:t If any dealers tell you that some -
thine' else is "just as good," ask him how
he knows!
Besides, the imitation is never as good
as the genuine article. When buying Zam-
Buk. therefore, be sure and see the name
on the packet. The name is protected by
law. and therein lies your safety.
He was excessively fond of dancing
says a writer in the Utica Tribune. AL
so he was very clumsy, and, like a good
many other people, he was fondest of do -
jug the thing he did worst.
She, too, was excessively fond of dano
ing, with the difference that she was
the personification of grace. But now
she was suffering. .Already he had torn
her train with his ungovernable feet, and
her dainty sleepers bore the marks of
his shoes. At last she could stand it no
longer. „
"Let us sit out the rest of this dancse,
she suggested. "I am tired."
He was reluctant. "I thought you said
you could die waltzing," he said.
''So I could," she replied, "but there
are pleasanter ways of dying than being
trampled to death.",
inard's Liniment for sale every
7r,REAK1''..AS'T A LA MoDE.
(liouston Post.)'
"John, I believe the new girl has stol-
en the whisk broom; I left it on the din-
ing room table last night"
"1 guess the joke's on me, Mary; it
was not quite light when 1 got up this
Morning and I thought you had left a
shredded wheat biscuit out for my
Negotiations for what 1s undoubtedly
the largest millit.g coneolidation that llns
ever effected in Ontario have lust been
completed in Toronto, and following linen
the official announcement is made of the
organization of the Maple Leaf Milling
ConnpanY, Limited, with a capital of
The new company has taken over the
properties of the kIedley Shaw Miling
Company. Limited, and the Maple Leaf
Flour Mills Company, Limited, and in
addition secured from the new interest
that became identified with the Company
$1,000,000 additional cash capital, which
besides permitting of the erection of a
modern 6,000 barrel mill and a million
buehel elevator and storage warehouse
at Port Colborne will supply the new
Company with additional working capital.
It is understood that Mr. Cawthra Mul-
oek, Toronto is associated with Me. U, cl-
Iey Shaw of the Medley Shaw Milling
Company, Limited, and Mr. D, C. Catn-
eron, President of the Maple Leaf Flour
Mills Company, Limited,, in the organiza-
tion of the new concern,
The share capital of the new Company
will be 96,000.000, divided into $2,500,000 of
7% Cumulative Preferred Stock, and
02,500,000 of Common Stock. The Company
has no bonds, either issued or authorized.
The preferred stock will, therefore, be
in a particularly strong' position as it is
preferred both as to assets and dividends,
The ability of the Company to easily
earn the 7% Cumulative Preferred divi-
dend on $2,600,000, of preferred stock is
indicated by the net earnings of the old
Companies, as per certificate of Messrs.
Price, Waterhouse & Company, which
shows that from September 26th, 1908,
from which date the plants of the Maple
Leaf Flour Mills Company, Limited, were
In operation, to August 20, 1909, these net
earnings amounted to $218,843.00. and from
August the 21st, 1909, to February 28th,
1910 the net earnings of the Companies
amounted to $166,793.00. This would be
equal to over 13% on the preferred stock,
and the payment of the 7% dividend on
that stock would leave slightly over 6%
for distribution on the common stock.
The New Company's earning power will
be greatly increased once the new mill
now under erection at Port Colborne is
The entire plant of the new Com-
nany will have at Port Colborne will be
the most modern of its kind in Canada,
tho equipment of the new Mill being fully
equal to that of any other milt in the
world. Such a site, it is believed by
experts will make the Mapie'Loaf Milling
Company, Limited, an important factor
right from the moment the mill is in
operation at that point, inasmuch as by
its geographical position, it will enable
the new Company to lay down its flour
almost at any point in Canada, at all
Atlantic Sea Ports, and on the British
and Foreign markets, considerably
cheaper than can be done by any other
Milling concern.
During the past few years the farmers
of Ontario have been getting further
away from the cultivation of wheat and
going more extensively into stock raising,
and this should give the Port Colborne
Mill a very ready market for its by-
All of the old officials who made the
Companies so succesful in the past, will,
in addition to retaining their financial
positions in the new Company, retain
their active Interest in its management.
Mr, Hedley Shaw, who was the founder
of the Hedley Shaw Milling Company,
Limited, grid the General Manager of the
Maple Leaf Flour Mills Company,
Limited, will be Managing Director of
the Maple Leaf Milling Company, Ltd.
The firm of Cawthra Mulock & Co.:
members of the Toronto Stock Exchange,
have made arrongements for a public
offering of $2.000,000 of the era, Cumula-
tive Preferred stock at $100.00 per share,
the same to carry with it a bonus equal
to 25% of oommon•ntock, that is for every
Tour shares of the preferred stock sub-
scribed for the applicant will receive as
a bonus one share of common stock.
To a very Fargo extent, the shareholders
of the old companieshave become share-
holders of the new, indicating their con-
tinued confidence in the bright future the
Company should have now that it will be
able to do business on a Iarger scale, ow-
ing to the large amount of additional cap-
itol that has been placed in the treasury.
It is e::pected that felt details in con-
nection with the public offering will be
made public within a few days.
The Flow of Solids.
The idea of flow is generally associat-
ed with the movement of liquids and
gases, and indeed lac term fluid isusu-
ally restricted to these two states of
Nevertheless it is beginning to be un-
derstood that nearly every substance is
capable of a movement corresponding to
the idea of flow, and that such a thing
as absolute rigidity does not exist.
The flow of solids occurs in such me-
chanical operations as the drawing of
wire, the manufacture of drawn tubing,
the production of various shapes in the
forming press and in the spinning lathe,
and all these are well known to the en-
gineer. To the general observer it is ap-
parent that we have in the mountain
glacier an example of continuous flow
of an apparently solid mass, and that
too without rupture or disintegration.—
Cassier's Magazine.
(Montreal! Star.)
"No English need apply," has been
made the text of many a written and
spoken sermon. Isere is a case where
the same text can be used, but with
rather a different. conclusion. An
English fernier who had come to Can-
ada and made a success of his west-
ern agricultural venture, was among
those sent to Britain by the Canadian
Government to preach the gospel of
Ganda. On his return he complains of
the insolence to immigrants of "under-
ling clerks of a great Canadian railway."
The railway made enquiry, and when
they could find no pronounced incivility
in the Canadian offices, they ap ealed
to the man who had made the criticisms
for more details. He replied that he
referred to the clerks in the English of-
fices on the railway who treated their
own countrymen wishing to come to
Canada in such a manner as to call for
a public protest. Canadian clerks may,
after all, have to be sent to England
to show Englishmen how to treat Eng-
lishmen. _
West Fort William, Nov. 7, 1909.—"I
have been troubled with a Lame Back for
the past twenty years and have used
Plasters and ointments without effect.
At Ijustl hast e thinrg, and 1 woulGin d highly which proved
mend them to anyone who has a Strain-
ed or Lame Back. H. Harkness."
Gin Pills act directly on the Kidneys,
relieve the pain, neutralize Uric Acid,
which is generally formed when there is
Kidney Trouble.
Try Gin Pills yourself before buying
the regular 50e boxes. Write National
Drug and Chemical Co. (Dept. H,L,), To-
ronto. for free sample.
"Harold," said the young woman, re-
solutely, "I promised my mother I never
would marry any rian without asking
him how he stood on the great question
of woman suffrage. You will have to
tell me how you stand."
"I'm opposed to it, Bella," bluntly
answered the young man.
"Well—er—that's all I promised mam-
ma; I didn't bind myself to refuse any
good man just because he—now, Harold,
you stop that!"
Miss Antique—Yes, he called me a lit-
tle goose. Miss Caustique—Well, 1 sup-
pose he realized you were no chicken.
easy to get what' you don't
want in this -viol -141-1;0u g11;:; colds,
sore throat,;asthlVla, fat inst, nce,
it's easier still -to -get 1;110 ter ledq`'
you don't want unless you rem.,rnrl,
ber'tody"Shiloh'S Ctire"
—then you're safe,,therl;.
you have the genuine.
For 40 year's,u?sloli' Cli.'rid
has been the^pit,;t4st'c
cessful throat, bronchial
and lung remedy in tli '
market. Scores of imitations have
a sen, , are' arising, will arise—
itrading bn our reputation. Shiloh's
Ctire citltvalues its imitators
:44a,the genuine always does
she sham—bila til„ delay,
the trek; the. harm of a
substitute may be
obviated now and
always, if you'll just
remember the name,
and see that you get—
D ' O
Ij R
A FAM/ , lr' a r,I O .> itr,,EAlEkS
"How do you get that emotional ac-
tress to shed tears at each perform-
ance 7"
"I don't mind telling you," answered
the manager, "although I shouldn't like
to have it generally known. Before her
big scene I go around to her dressing
room and tell her how little real money
there is in the house."
Minard's Liniment. Co., Limited: - 1
Have used 1'iINARD'S LINIMENT for
Croup; found nothing equal to it; sure
cure. 01IAS. E. SHARP.
Hawkshaw. N. Be Sept. 1, 1905.
New British Island.
Of the northwest coast of Australia
there is: an island which till. recently be-
longed to no one. It is not a very large
island. In face, it measures only 365
yards by 30 yards. It has, however, a
good anchorage, and for that reason its
possession may at some time be valu-
able. The British Government has
therefore annexed the island, arid an of-
ficial notification of the fact i-ecently
reached the Commonwealth Minister for
External Affairs. The new British pos-
session is known as Cartier Island, and
is almost surrounded by coral reefs.—
`A-estminster Gazette.
(Kingston Whig.)
"Mark my words," declared Mrs. Pran-
cer, laying down the law to her long-
suffering husband, "by the end of the
century woman will have the rights she
is fighting for."
"I shan't care if she has," replied
"Do you mean it 7" cried his wife.
"Have 1 at last brought you round to
my way of thinking? Won't you really
"Not a bit, my dear," returned her
husband resignedly. "P11 be dead. then:'
To All Won: I will send free with tint
instructions, my home treatment which
postively cure Leucorrhoea, Ulceration,
Displacements, Falling of the Womb, Pain-
ful or Irregular periods, Uterine and Ovar-
ian Tumor° or Growths, also Plot Flushes,
Nervousness. Melancholy, Pains in the Head,
Back or Bowels, Kidney and Bladder troubles,
where caused by weakness peculiar to our
tea. You can continuo treatment at home at
a cost of only 12 cents a week. My book,
"Woman's Own Medical Adviser," also sent
w on requeot. Write to -day. Addrees,
Mrs. M. Buren:era Box 11. 8, Windsor, Ont.
The constant Use of Cuticura Soap,
assisted by Cuticura Ointment, for toi-
let, bath and nursery purposes not only
preserves, purifies and beautifies the
skin, scalp, hair and hands, but pre-
vents inflammation, irritation and clog-
ging of the pores, the common cause of
pimples, blackheads, redness and rough-
ness, yellow, oily, mothy and other un-
wholesome conditions of the completion
and skin. All who delight in a clear
skin, soft white hands, a clean whole-
some sealp and live glossy hair, will find
Cuticura Soap and Ointment most suc-
cessful in realizing every expectation.
The Course of Projectiles.
Professor 3 eesen has made at Krupp's
factory an experimental investigation of
Use course of projectiles. In order to
make it possible to follow the movement
of the projeetile during flight he em-
ployed stroking projectiles by day and
luminous projectiles at night and in the
twilight. The light was produced by a
magnesium flame issuing laterally from
the projectile. Owing to :the rotation of
the projectile, says the Scientific Amari -
can, the flame, appeared intermittently.
By comparison of the duration of ap-
pearances and eclipses it was possible to
estimate the extent of vibration, and to
obtain other interesting data. Iu some
of the eeneriments projectiles fired from
a mountain howitzer of three inches cali-
bre, with an initial velocity of 1,000 feet
per second and making 100 revolutions
per second. were employed, ,
Willing to Oblige,
ady (sitting .Tor portrait) Please
m ke;;nny mouth small. 1 know it is
la 'e, but I wish it to appear quite tiny.
rtist (politely)—Certainly, madam.
If +oi,, prefer., I will leave it out altoge-
thbi;-=-Euston Transcript.
ISSUE NO. 17, 1910
Dr. Mantel's Female Pills
Prescribed and recommended for wo-
men's ailments, a scientifically pre•
pared remedy of proven worth. Aho,
result from their use is quick and per.
manent. For sale at all drug stores.
(Buffalo Express.)
"When you married me you said you
were well off," she retorted after he had
refused to buy her a now hat.
"I was then." he answered coldly:
0,itni 44W*
C. i uii alt Investment
A specialty made of investments
in Standard Railroad and Indus-
trial Stooks.
egdfull ulars
regarding planof investment.
Room 101,18ntSt. James St.,
4'4eu' u+rum .,
xk_ eke a, a 0*.• a.
reaeletaleasSafeees.e see:,
Pants for Information.
Little Robert and "Jim," the grocer's
delivery man, were great friends; and
on the momentous day of Robert's pro-
motion from dresses to knickerbockers
he waited eagerly in front of the house
for "Jim's" coming. But the delivery'
man, when he came, busied himself about
his wagon, without seeming to see any-
thing nusual in his small chum's ap-
pearance- Robert stood around hope -
frilly in variaus conscious positions un-
til he could stand it no longer. "'Jim,'
he burst out at last, "is your horses
'fraid of pants" Everybody's Magazine.
r. Morse9S
Indian Root Pills
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
(Pittsburg Times.)
After being taken in to see his yew
baby sister, Henry, aged 4, was verp
non-commital. A little later his mother
sent for him and said, "Henry, what do
you think of oar now baby?" "Why,
mother," he replied very seriously, "she's
all brown and wrinkled. I'll bet you got
stuck with an old one."
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia
(Louisville Courier -Journal)
"Yes; I am a milliner."
"T'z-im hats, eh Maybe you can pick
up some ideas out here in the country."
"I have already learned much. I had
always supposed that the blossoms were
wired to the bushes."
Hent Druggist Will Tell You
Murine EYo Remedy Believes Sore Eyes,
Strengthens Weak Eyes. Doesn't Smart,
Soothes Eye Pain, and Sells for 50c. Try
Murine in Your Byes and in Baby's
Eyes for Scaly Eyelids and Granulation.
Are ma.cle use nearly accentturyto ago among the
rom them by
rse. Though repeated at-
tempts have been made, by physi-
cians and chemists it has been found
impossible to improve the formula or
the pills. Dr. Morse's Indian Itoot
Pills are a household remedy
on throughoutand alt Kidney ld and or Liver troConivab-
les. They act promptly and effec-
tively. and
Cleanse the System
(Wm. Bartel Heeney.)
The Gospel is a success; the attempt
to civilize is not, apparently. Tho race
is passing through the ravages of tuber-
culosis. When the Indian lived in tepee
or tent, the fresh air stayed the rav-
ages of this disease, which flourishes
where filth abounds; but since the
young people ase sent to boarding
schools and the families live in log
houses, which are sealed against all fresh
air in winter, consumption is extermin-
ating the race.
Try this
You don't have to know what your Goods
aro made of. SAME Dye for ALL •-- No
chance of mistakes. Ali colors so cents from
your Druggist or Dealer. Sample Card and
Booklet Free. Tho Johnson -Richardson
Go. Limited De t. , ..Montreal ue.
(The Delineator.)
The Sunday school teacher bad tried
to define an. illustrate a miracle to her
class. When review Sunday came axe
said: "Now, children, what would you
call the feeding of the 5,000 with three
loaves and two small fishes?" Little Hel-
en replied, "A feast."
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc.
.0. e..
Cynieus--Where a man get all the
money he needs., there's only one thing
he wants. Sillicus--And that is? Cyni-
ens—More money.
7.4"aratMg laPr,a 5" 34,1 aw, .: �aorcl :.wsc r v MO'161l t ESENEMECE
Everybody `at E
is 1 tea
Should avoid dar.,er of impurit:.i in delivery from the oven to
the home. Insist on your baker wrapping his bread in
Wo are the original manufacturers of bread wrappers now
used by loading bakers of Ottawa, Montroal, Toronto and other
The E O, BODY COMPANY, Limited, Hull, Canada
,;i+51''as:, P.010