The Herald, 1910-04-29, Page 5The uric era ,.. FIRST CLASS TELE I have a large supply of the very best tile on hand, from 21e in. to six inch. If you need any okell, write or telephone to John. Foster, Zur- ioh, Brick and Tile yards 11 tf. Moved! ove SHOP AN STOCK MAIN MEET,. directly West of Dominion House Ready to snpply you !with just a —little bit the Nicest— JEWELLERY fel. HOLIDAY GIFTS. Rings, Silver Thimbles, Fobs, Necklets, Watches Brooches, Bracelets, Veil Pins, Collar Pins. Everything in this Line. COME ALONG, We will try to PLEASE YOU. F. W. HESS, JEWELLER G. R. HESS, Assistant. • TE TAKE this opportu- nity of wishing our • Customers a ,Happy and Prosperous New Year, l; and thank each and all for I having made the past year our most prosperous year ee since we have been in busi- ness. We ask you again • for your hearty support g for 1910, and we will do e our best to merit it, by 0 I giving you value for your s money. R.N. DOUGLAS, gGeneral Merchant, B L A K E. • Ar1TED a1 Y, p 7•, ,S t • Fair Zurich and surrounding district an energetic reliable argent to take order for nursery stock. GOOD PAY WEEKLY, OUTFIT FREE, EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY foo Acres under cultivation. We guarantee to deliver stock in good condition and up to contract grade. We can show you that there is good money in representing a well known re- liable firm. Established over 30 years. Write for partioulars. ZURICH ■ e n MEAT MARKET I.1 keep in stock a full line of fresh meats, hangs, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholes_onaeneSS. Our " aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our owls sausages. Give us a call. YUNI LUIT & BEIC IER . PELHAN NURSERY CO TORONTO, ONT. ■ ■ s Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv- er Tablets assist nature in driving all impurities out of the system, insuring a free and regular condi. tion and restoring the organs of the body to health and atrength. So1c1 by J J Merger. Why Ho Didn't Stand Up—It was married men's night at the ELAKE • Mrs, Alex Thompson of Hensall, is spending; ca few (UPI with her brother Jas. S. Deigaaty, who is poorly. Mr, J. Leslie has gone to Scot land, the land of his birth, to visit friends. He intends to be away for some months. Mr. W. J 5teveris colt this week to Mr. of Drysdale. itleesre. 0 Haugh tui:! J. Manson, were appointed delegates to the Presbytery meeting to be held in Brucefield May jotah, to Ileal with the resignation of the pastor, Rev. Mr. Davidson There is a chance of yet, persuading Mr. Davidson to remain on as pastor. Rarely do such sad incidents oc- cur in our neighborhood as did last week. VV'ellington, the twene ter -one year old son of Mr, Thos Johnston, took a growth on his leg some months ago which gradu- ally grew worse and worse until it was found necessary to amputate s the limb jest above the knee. He is doing as well as can be expected. We extend our sympathy to the family and trust that the young man may recover, and be long spared to live a useful life in some sphere of action. He is ander the medical dare of Dr. Wilson of Zurich. Mrs. Wni. Ronnie still continues poorly. Mr. A. E Erwin of Bayfield was in our burg on Monday last, calling on friends. Mr. J. Bechier was in Berlin, Scrap Iron,- Rags, Rubbers, Horse= this week on business. sold a floe 13, !Toward, 5 0 D@dED610REDeYi3E1'gtlltidDfliDQDa4osEDtMtafdDdDi>ERSIi1DRRfD>m4ResandDawM&ED(YIiYEDomD WQODEP �DDfIRAImol The P1 OC t sr We have bought th.e business recently conducted by the late S. Rannie, and are prepared to supply your wants with good goods at fair prices, Give us a call or Telephone to No. for prompt delivery PRODUCE TAKEN AS GASH. 6ASCt,Z C •lieDGSZIDOD6112901>01151DCIDOVIDODOMMIDC115794DarADGDGICIDODMINDIDMODCDCEMODMIIIMODC=045111=t)6290111)=2:1MODOMEM* A The general public will take notice that I am doing Exeter in tne line of purchasing all kinds of scrap. business in Highest Market Prices Paid for Word has been.received that Hair, Copper, Etc. revival meeting. Messrs. J. Oesch and Norman "Let all you husbands who have Brennerman, who left for the West troubles on your minds stand up !' some weeks ago, have taken up shouted the emotional preacher, at pind in tbe neighborhood of Biggar. the height of his spasm. where the Esier family are located. Instantly every man in the church rose to his feet except one. "Ah," exclaimed tbe preacher. peering out at this lone sitter, who occupied a chair near the door and apart from the others. "You are one in a million " eIt ain't that," piped back this one, helplessly, as the rest of the o ,ngregation turned to gaze su- spiciously at him, "I can't get up; I'm paralyzed !" • The fallowing figures in regards to the newspapers of Canada are of interest. The total number is 892. of which Ontario has. 525 ; Quebec, 117 ; New Brunswick, 39 ; Nova-ScntiaL 52; Prince Edward Is- land, 12 ; Manitoba 79 ; Saskatoba- wan and Alberta, 25 ; British Co- lumbia. 33. Eight of these journals are represented in the 1 ress gallery of the House of Commons. Usaa7a::1713c4gr 3' ra c cror_ n=8.24'+4 ascv` UPT1 CURED KSI na„ fss. At your home, without pain, danger or operation, or loss of time. This is not a Truss Cure. My method will euro ap. paxently hopeless ceased. Why wear ill-fitting trus- ses all your life, when you can be cured for all tittle to oozne7 Fill in coupon Age Time Rup What side Rup Name Address Retern to J. S. SAIMI, 58 Caledonia St. Stratford Ont. Dept. R. galla+ eft Slap ok„,d v AVA1 S k'otfa.,Lf ''a �1 i Ih cry IS NOT ONLY THE BEST but the cheapest n proportion to actual capacity and actual life of the inachilles. They are •in a class by themselves. The a separator ,tor that 98 per cent of the cream- ery men use. S C1-1 R SALES AGENT Blake P. O., Ont. DAS.HWO0D Mrs. Fred Hcniersor, nee Miss Florence Rohde is spending a few days this week, with her parents, in this place. several of the little tots gather ed at the home, of Miss Jessie Rohde, on Tuesday evening and gave her a surprise party in re- membrance of the many pleasant relations they have formed during tbe days they have been together at school. His many friends in •this place will be pleased to knee: that Rev. Eidt has been stationed he,re for another year. Messrs. Willis and Guenther have purchased a fine shire stock horse, from Mr, Wut, Baw den. He is an imported horse of beautiful grey -color and tips the scale at a litt)o over 1700 lbs, not bad for a two year old, has lots of bone, plenty of hair and gond action. He will be a great addition to the horse trade in this locality. i41r. John W illert on Saturday sold a fine pair of four year olds, for which he received the snug slag o1 $oti) (0 lie has since Purchased a well snatched pair of enrols for which be paid 51255 00. 171e ones he sold were bred. by College Cbu.0 rand Albion III It pays to raise gond homes. All purchases to be delivered to J. PREETER'S HARDWARE. ZURICH, where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap may be left at the same snore, prompt attention will bo given. M. WEXLE I : JUNK DEALER, : EXETER Chamberlain's DOlrCaOReRmeay. 'Never faits. Buy it sine;. it may save life. CHOOSING SEED CORN As a rule it is not wise to import seed Dorn from a distance, because it may not be adapted to the con- ditions where it is to be used. If a farmer can get good seed from his own crop, or from a neighbor, it will -usually give better results than imported seed, or different variety is desired, it should be se- cured from a place in the same latitude. When one goes south for seedcorn he is apt to get something tl:at will not mature in his locality, and if he goes north he is likely to get something that is earlier than necessary and too small. The greatest mistakes are made in try- ing to produce varieties which are ton late maturiag for the locality. It is a deplorable f act that immense quantities of corn aro either se- verely damaged or totally spoiled every year on account of immatu city. Witli rhi.e hope cif seeming larger yields. farmers ere ton apt to use varieties or strains of corn that cannot thnroup,bly ripen under their conulitinrts. Suc3li tore is worth less for feeding ; grain. dealers must pay lower prices for it on account of the risks of • spoil- ing, and all around the farmer is the loser. As a rule every degree north or south of n. given point means eight to ten days difference in the time of ripening. Going east or west makes much less dif- ference. Seed -corn brought from a distance will usually take two or three years to accustom itself to the new conditions before it will give tle best- results, no matter how good the seed may be. On on smatit uantitie:s Mr. Ww. Rhode will hold an e'sotion sale of his effects, on Thursday. He will shortly leave shortly leave for British Columbia, They will be •much missed here, as during • their residence hero they proved tbemselvee good citizens. Horn DA.wsoN—At the Babylon Line Stanley, on the 25th Inst . to Mr. and Mrs. William Dawson. a daughter, 7DL.r,+ ti1io. ':Inn., tib n si ' • thing 71 1iEa, i g in cfl'c.,�t. ax11d by J Mer. ,1 ger. ,,. Veal ,ISP rc' nt+Pl, Getting mato the Home Women buy more than two-thirds the merchan- dise sold in,retall stores and every woman reads the Classified Want Ads. Our paper goes into the homes and the:,Want tads.„wlli..reach the Spenders: D.p,N,M 1M .I b ,I.nNi Z a434'1spy. There are opportn nities on the farm today that the boy of twenty- five years ago never dreamed of . The modern farm gives scope for the boy's best energies. His best skill and intelligence have every chance to display thotnseives. The consumer is demanding food pro- ducts of higher quality and is pay- ing higher prices for them than he ever did before. To produce these in sufficient quantities to supply the demand, affords an opportunity for successful advancement that no other calling affords. Tho boy who leaves tho farm for the city has only five chances in one hundred of milking good No country boy can afford to take a chance like that. Stay on the farm, boys. The chances for success there are many times greater than in the city. Diarrhoea should he cured with- out loss of time and by a medicine which like C'hamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy not only cures promptly. but pro- duces nl'a it;iplelasnnt titti'r c rfeet� . It never fails ani is pb aasont and safe to take. Sold by J .l Merger. this account o q should be imported. Clubbing rates. n'c W e have made arrangements to offer than following low clubbing rates with Tor., 13H:a.ALD : Daily (Globe . 5 4.25 „ sail & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe . 1.60 „ Mail & Empire 1.60 Bcrli'-er journal (German) x.50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.7 a Weekly "advertiser 1.50 Week tsun e i75 Farr t” ' . Advocate 2,25 int for oi y And for everything under the sun. Every home has need of paint. Each kind of THE SHERWIN fLL MMS PAINTS Ts specially suited to sceic home use—either ont tide or inside. It's knowing the right kind of paint, and putting it ori the right place that makes painting a success, Tell us what you Want to paint. and we'll tell you the right kind to use. J. PREETER'S, Zurich.