The Herald, 1910-04-29, Page 44
The Z rich Herald.
Incorporated 1855
CztP1TAL - • •
RESIT FUND $3,500,000
l-Iar, 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in alp
the Principal Cities in the World.
V at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current zeta. n
iZurich Branch - J. A. CONSTANTINE, Agent 1
Reiter, Notary Public, Hensall, Onta.iio.
At Zurich (Zeller's ofhee) every Mon-
ristors, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc.,
Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoot. K.C.
R. 0. Hays. G. F. Blair.
D1„ T. P. MoLAUGHLIN", for-
merly with Drs. Jansen
Halle and Biers, of Berlin, Ger-
many ; also assistant surgeon at
Moorefields' (Royal London Opthal-
mic) eye Hospital and Golden
Square ; Nose and Throat Hospital,
London England, eto. General
practice, with special attention to
eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes
tested. (Retinosoope used) and
glasses supplied.
AUG1•►ONEER, Exeter.
Sales conducted in all parts. Satis-
faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms
,.easonable. Orders left at this office
quill be promptly attended to.
ce agent, representing the London,
Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand-
ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every-
thing in fire insurance.
duate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gr8.du-
ate of Department .of Dentistry, 'To -
ionto University. Painless extraction
of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At
Dominion House, Zurich, every rD Mon-
Notary Public. De e d s , Mortgages,
Wills and other Legal Documents care
fully and promptly prepared. Office—
Zeller block, Zurich, Ont.
Court Zurich No. 1240
lJ• O• -g-' • meets every 1st and 3rd
Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. m.
in the A. 0. U. W. Hall.
J. J. N,Innn Er., C. R.
FRIDAY, APR. 29th, 1910
Ao 0.11.W. Iiic 3 9il meeLots
No. 3 93, meets
the 2n1 and 4th Friday of every month,
at 8 o'clock in their Hall, Merger Block.
FRET). WITw7.•a
When competition Dame, file busi-
W. C. T. U.
wish it to be.. If one • man or one
Hess increased very rapidly. This class of roan could by iiis or their
is nowhere better illustrated than ant change the trend of society in
the City of Brantford, O
in the ,
certain .directions, it R*at�ld he
''the home of the telephone" where criminal in them not to do so."
the Bell Telephone Ca, for years "Bot if a mail finds himself un.
owned and operated a local buttery able to so mould the thoughts and
telepbone system, serving about h what 't aces of those about him, he may
500 subscribers Daring this period 1 violate his own highest ro.nviotic;ns
the city was disfigured by a net -
without sin," laughed Keith. "Mr`,
work of overhead wires supported Crosby, I am no theologian, but
by poles, many off which had out to my mind sin is always sin what.
stood their period of safety, and ever i t does or does not accomplish
yet (owing to the limitless power and right must always be right •
of the Bell charter) the city council i t It whoever does or does not agree,
and mayor were powerless to in. t i h' with it. if a course is right when
fluence or control Presently Brant certain results follow, it must still
ford, alta: careful investigation will t be right though no snoh results
and consideration, granted a, frau p1 follow." Mr. Crosby smiled. ".1
ahiso to the Canadian Machine am a very matter--of—fact man,
'Telephone Co. Limited, of Toronto, Mr. Weswick. Mon sell intoxicants
to install and operate an independ• i1 d and always will No edict of mine,
ent automatio telephone system. or of any other mortal, will stop its
Upon obtaining a franchise, the sale•"
Go proceeded to construct a modern
judge (To be continued)
fire proof central office building Ethel M. Williams,
and install an up -to date Lorimer Pres. Supt.
automatic telephone system with
underground cable distribution.
The 33e11 Co. v a+ forced to do its
hest, and as a result Brantford now
has over 1,800 city telephone sub-
scribers, with rural connections of
over 2,000 additional, as against
500 subscribers under monopoly.
All that has been said of Brantford
(and more) can be said of rural
Canada. Today over 450 independ-
ent telephone companies and asso-
ciations are profitably serving
communities where telephone ser
vice was unobtanable from the
monopoly except at prohibitive
prices. The Canadian Independent
Telephone Co. Limited, of Toronto,
is supplying many of these local
companies with the very best tele
phones, switchboards and construe
tion material that money and
inventive genius, combined with
telephone experience and devise.
These 450 local communities, tired
of waiting for the benefits of the
teleiillone, have organized and
equipped their own telephone sys-
tems, which have proven both
profitable and highly satisfactory
and are from year to year growing
naucb beyond the bounds originally
anticipated. What is true of these
450 local companies, will be true
of several thousand more yet to
come. It has been said that before
the end of• the present century,
Canada will maintain 50,000.000
inhabitants. Canada today has less
than 250,000 telephones as against
nearly 7,000,000 telephones in the
United. States, where the average
is about one telepone for every
fourteen inhabitants; and the in-
crease is still rapid, eminent experts
claiming that tite service will not
reach its maximum until there is
In the year 1875 Canada invented
the telephone. In the year 191.0
there is being erected a beautiful
memorial at • Brantford, Ont.. in
commemoration of that event. And
well there may. for of all inventions
of man, the telephone is one of the
most important. Like most of the
really great inventions, the tele-
phone did not receive instant re-
cognition. It looked so simple and
toy -like that the inventor struggled
for some time to bring to the at-
tention of capital and mankind in
general, the great possibilities and
benefits to be derived from its use.
Even now, after hundreds of mil-
lions of dollars have been invested
in the business and millions of tele
phones are in use, many of our
people fail to see in this invention
its true possibilities, its great eco-
nomic features, its wonderful in -
finance upon civilization and its
far resetting connection with all
the future of mankind. Dimly re-
cognized as this is, still the past
fifteen nears has seen profitably
invested in ttie telephone business
billions of dollars. Its use has en-
circled the world and in every
civilized country may be found
progressive people using the tele-
phone ; business and professional
men, farmers are frontiersmen all
alike enthusiastic in its praise.
Strange as it may `seem, Canada,
the "mother of telephones" (both
manual and automatic) until re-
cently. has been slow in recogniz
ing and applying this wonderfully
simple yet strangely efficient in.
vention. Thousands of homes and
business places in Canada aro today
without its use, when for a few
dollars each, they could bo plan d
in quick and easy conzmunicaticn
with their associates and neighbors
Strange as it uiay seem, there are
those who still tail to understand
and avail themselves of the benefits
of almost instantaneous communi-
cation with the doctor, the market,
the lawyer anti, most important of
all their neighbors. Bnt this con-
dition is fast changing. Canada has
at last awakened and the march of
progress which is now well begun
is sweeping over the Dominion at a
rapid pace. Five years ago the Bell
Telephone Co. had a practical mo-
nopoly of the Canadian telephone
business. Now three great Western
provinces are furnishing to their
citizens Government owned and
Government -operated telephones,
and over 450 local independent tele-
phone companies and associations
are not only successfully serving
the neighborhoods in which they
are located, but are connecting up
one with the other and extending
their lines into neighboring locali-
ties in. order to inerense t".ei,• pro-
fits and their tisetiene.. i:r is l
movement in Canada 1.,,. , c,nly Tuan
beprat. It is as cert.:ie xeei-:
over tee entire Dominion ea it i +
certain that tbo business is profit-
able and the service convenient and
necessary to its patrons The de
velopment of the.independent tele.
phone business in the United States
is marvellous. Statistics show that
the State of Iowa has ono telephone
to every eleven people. The State
of Ohio bas one telephone to every
thirteen people. The State of India-
na has ono telephone to every
twelve people. and so the list goes.
Recent press reports divulge the
fact that the great banking house
of J' P )Morgan & Company, of New
York, has lately paid something
over $7,000,000 for only a portion of
the independent telephone proper.
ties in the two States of Ohio and
Indiana. A $50,000,e00 company
bas recently been incorporated for
the leasing and operating of the
independent long distance tele-
phone lines in the United States,
'Ind all of this marvellous develop-
ment has come from the efforts of
progressive builders and users of
independent telephones. While the
telephone monopoly existed tt+i'
arisiness developed very slot` 1,7
The contiebous rainfall of the
last few days has put a real green
aspect over the fields, and from
the present appearance the harvest
will no doubt be a good one.
Mr. Henry Pfile accompanied ley
his sister Pearl, are visiting friends
in Blyth, this week.
Mr. Stewart Gordon called on
friends in Hensall, last week.
The young people of this vicin-
ity helct'a surprise party at the
home of Mr. J. W. Horner one
evening last week. The evening
was spent in games. followed by
some fine selections of music, until
a late hour, when all returned
home reporting a good time.
Mr. Roy Merner our notable
sportsman succeeded in capturing
a fine raccoon, one night last
week. Roy says it is e. good one,'
;rind owing to the time of year,
thinks, it in.nst have strayed from
the zoological gardens.
A large number of porkers were
delivered to Hensall, this week.
The people at this period realize
the price to still be a good one.
Messrs, Safi Merrier and Joseph
Gascho are at present busy buzz
ing wood for the farmers.
A few of our sports spent an
evening last week, chasing the
suckers along the creek, the boys
however seemed to have poor bait.
And were nit very successful,
Certainlythere had b een no
ehunge in his surroundings. He
did not roeognize it for w a i
was. a necessary part of the mora
education ho was to undergo, is
course in this special rase needed
little consideration He was oon-
scions of no besitancy in the
natter 'that
he deaid ed to call on the
lawyer t hat very day. was an
hour after this that he entered is
mother's .private parlor. "Mama,"
he said. "I suppose ycu na
ojeot to selling your shares in the
O & B tome?" the laughed shyly ;
he was corning over."You have
an eye to business I see,"see said.
"No,certainly ; if you wish it 1
will not refuse to sell, though I
'ud e from Mr. Crosby's state-
ments that this other company . is
equally safe and lucrative. How.
ever, I can invest in that if you
prefer the 0 &t B." "Thank you,
mama," kissing her. Trust me to
see that your money is invested
securely and advantageously in
some direction. Then he went
down town to see his lawyer. That
gentleman met him with a Smiling
face, and to Keith's. "I called Co
see you about my 0 & 13 stock,"
answered by launching into `busi•
ness immediately ; and supposing
his young client had come to talk
over the now interest. entered also
into the particulars of that subject.
"A splendid chance to invest
money," he wound up. "Never
better. There is one thing about
this sort of an investment, Mr.
Weswick it is sure to pay well.
Intoxicants are always in demand I
and insure large profits." "Can
you tell me exactly how 1 stand
with the 0. se B, Mr. Crosby? Is
my mother or myself the largest
shareholder?" ••Yourself by a
large margin." "And. just what
von say is the market value of
these shares today?" Mr. Crosby
named a figure. "You aro not
thinking of selling?" Ho question
ed. "I would not advise it. The
stock is way up, to be sure, but has
by means reached its highest yet."
"I wish to buy out my mother "
"Ah, I see. I will arrange the
matter at once. And Mrs. Wes -
wick? Perhaps she wishes to in-
vest in this ne* company?" "We
will leave that this morning. You
will please transfer from my fonds
to my mother's, a sum sufficient to
cover the value of all her stock in
this distillery at its highest figure,
and then sell the whole of the
O &' B in my possession to the first
purchaser you can find." To say
one telephone in use for every Mr. Crosby was astonished at this
five or six people. With this applied demand is speaking mildy. This
to Canada, as it no doubt should. young gentleman quite hie breath.
there would now be in'use in Cana- Had be suddenly become insane?
da, over 1,000,000 telephones as "Do I understand you, Mr. Wes
'wick?" he gasped. "I buy out
niy mother's interest in the 0 c B
at its highest valuation, and wish
to sell the whole of my thus in-
creased stock as quickly:a ipoesible
for whet it will bring," said Keith,
stating the case with great coal.
nese. "But, my dear sir, is it
possible that yon understamd what
a revenue you are losing by such
a transaction." "My anxiety at
present is to get rid of this stock."
-It need be an anxiety for no great
length of time if you mean it,"
answered the gentleman with some
asperity. But as an old friend of
your father's let ore beg you to
reconsider the clatter before pro-
ceeding farther. if you desire to
inquire into the claims and stand
Ing of this company, its resources,
etc.. I will gladly assist you to
any information in my possession.
I am persuaded that the more you
investigate the more certainly you
will find it worthy of your con-
fidence and patronage. Keith
shook his head. "My dear sire let
me assure toil that your word is
ever a sufficient guarantee in all
against less than 230,000.
(Concluded next Week)
Apr. 5, 19 hue 11, 28 Auts. 9, 23
May 3, 17, 31 Tulp 12, 28 Sept. 6, 20
Leave Toronto 2.00 p.m.
ori above days
Through First and Second Class Coaches,
Colonist and Tourist Sleepers.
Apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent or write
R. L. Thompson, D.F.A., Toronto.
Savings and
LFA a t C1
Money advanced on good
Farm Mortgages,
Prompt attention given
to applications for loans,
E ZELLER. Zurich,
Every family and especially those
who reside in the country should
be provided at all times with a
bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment.
There is no telling when it may be
wanted in case of an accident or
emergency It is most excellent in
all cases of rheumatism, sprains
and bruises. Sold by J J Merner,
1�.r1 ?.. al.Y> Sgt llkS' pa is"l1IJ .Y, • r'e nc' r invc.. i
e...,w:.cacrW.sam... ..K vewlva.+cw.s^e.ra...e,ra..-.,.w n.:' GL....• . 3 il•' "4:4I hi'''. a..)
•:.,,,. aotnz,t j,' -s;: ;
,,iia resourceS of this
Farmers not doubt of your sagacity or the
ant• reliability or otherwise of this
�� ,e flim that troubles me • I am pre -
pairs for Spring
please order now. Anyone
wishing New or Second hand
Machinery, call and see if I
can't fill your wants.
Also Agent fir
judiced against the business. 1
cannot be a partner. in any ;sense
in the liquor traffic." The murder
was out. Mr. Crosby felt relieved.
He smiled down on this young
man from the height of his • super-
ior years and wisdom. He consider-
ed the youth is full of generous
impulse enthusiasms. "It is a
noble projudtce, be said." I honor
Fairbanks Gasoline you for it If your views were
1 g nes weigh scales more popular your position would
Feed Grinders. be alone tenable. Unfortunately,
they are not popular and whether
von or I object or not this traffic
All kinds of will go on. "N'o doubt," admitted
aWHHk111191t%5 Keitn. "I have not even considered
Sawing the possibility of its eradication.
Bat surely the popular attitude
Buggies,Garriaryes and. toward any fact cannot add or
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land
Ini.NY person who is the solo head of a
family, or any male over 18 years old,
may homestead a quarter -section of avail-
able Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask-
atchewan or Alberta. The applicant must
appear in person at the Dominion Lands
Agency or Sub -Agency for the district.
Entry by proxy may bo made at any
agency, on certain conditions, by father,
mother, sou, daughter, brother or sister of
intending homesteader.
Duties. ---Six months' residence upon and
cultivation of the land in each of three
years. A homesteader may live within nine
miles of his homestead on a farm of at least
80 acres solely owned and occupied by him
or by his father, mother, son, daughter,
brother or sister.
In certain districts a ,homesteader in
rood standing 'ray pro-empt a (puarter. sec-
tion alongside his homestead. Price $3.00
per acre. Unties—Must reside six months
in each of six years from date of homestead
entry (including the time required to earn
homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres
A homesteader who has exhausted his
homestead rightand cannot obtain a pre-
emption may take a purchased homestead
in certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre.
Duties—Must reside six months in each of
three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect
a House worth $300.00.
AcONS subtract from itself. If the drink
Jas. Whyte, .A 't.
traffic is an evil, it is an evil no
matter what popular opinion may
affirm, 'True," slowly acquiesced
the barrister. "But Mr. Weswick,
you and I have to deal with the
world as wo find it not as we Dig) t
1)eeety of the elfui ,tor of the Interior.
B.-.- 4'u:utttt+„.::.;,1 puhlieation of this
.e ivt,t•ti,•vnicnt will ;u,f he paid for.
For Zurich
This is the time to sell
nursery stock.
We pay liberally and ober
steady employment, Our
list of Specialties embraces
It rare and choice list of
toady sellers in both fruit
and Ornamental stock.
Seed Potatoes, Etc.
Write for terms and catalogue.
The Fonthill Nurserie:', Est. 1887