The Herald, 1910-04-29, Page 1'T1he official Organ. of Zurich and Hay Township.1 Vol. X. FRIDAY MORNING, APR. 29, 1910. No. 39 g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ft 0 4 0 LJ Spring is the time of the year to brighten up around the home, No other season appeals to us ';in -such a way and the work of brightening up is going on all around us. The living room needs re -papering, the kitchen new linoleum, the house a coat of paint and a dozen and more other repairs. With our large stock of carpets, rugs, wall papers, paints etc . we can supply you to your entire satisfaction. BRIGHTEN UP. New Linoleums, Carpets, Etc Thu . b,oks of the dining r loci or kitchen at 0 g•eytly irnprovt•cl by having the floor covered with linoleum. It also rsavea a lot of scrubbing and baekaehe.a. We have a nice line linoleatnn to choose from, very pretty pang Is in malty designs. Newest Wall Paper and Borders \t'c> is ova scall papers suitable 1 or any room in the home. Rich effe is for the parlor, pretty eil`ecta for the dinning room and suitable ]rapers for the kitchen and bed rooms. Our lute of borders me very much admired. Our stock is still good. Speca!s for Next Week Rain Coats, Cravenettes for ladies & men, worth $3.50 to $12 Sale Price = $ l .opo up BOYS' SUITS lot of boy`s two and 1hrty pest+ suit:) to el ear, x;1.00 § Iii; valne. ) j'fill IIiE• el +1 ..-•` ` ll 7.1 g Samson Brand Best Grade Steel r We handle the celebrated ani.�r a r,taucl of ]'yaks anti .1! i 'tt•tit•g '.l ouls. All To. 1 vihileash handles They Are THE BEST •i of the hest grade steel. They are the best that we Lan hay. aw V' cls ' Kis` g 11+L' e the grass r11t. A net; 1 ewe arontel the hoarse greatly itn rovt'K its general appearance We stave 7t goo,] line of lawn rnowets Also ]ledge shears, ;grass sheatrs, rakes, rte. Close Prices Sherwin= plans Paints Remember we handle only one 'grade of faint, the Sherwin W :Wows, the hest that. ostn ho l.rodinc•e,i. Vim will get a satisfactory awl 1•nstifl job it' you use 1, \1', P. A dti]'.erent paint for different work. C''a11 for color void. d. 0 ...ate.,A,-a,..,,.........,..O..T,...,,.1.t1.,.M,. ,.....t.,v,,,.....,.< ,..,.. ...,: ..,loft„IVATIM,..a „raM„i..:d PRODUCE. ALL KtS TAKEN 1 T �- ele )llon� 9 �. . l .,,,.,...,....,... ,IC.2e.44.- .I.I.'41-,'.1;:=ti3r-36.-filraCte2r£ ZURICH p �d.�L�OgrC�A�YL� ��NEWS. .ilE W S . rr. Mr, P. Hauch litts been very ill the fore part of the week. bet is somewhat improved. Mr. and Mrs. John Laporte, of the Bauble Line left on uaturday afternoon ftir Stratford. They will go to visit London and ()hath. ham relatives, before their return, Shrewd l)tiyers buy their paint at Elartletb's. he sells at old prices. We stook house paints, oarriage paints, wagon paints and all kinds of varnish statue. Call and get color Dards free. A personwith broad nails usual - fy has n kind, gentle, bashful mature. Those with narrow natis are both. ambitious and quarrel some. White, small nails indicate conceit, obstinacy and dullness of mind. Mr J. J. Merner, one of the largest merchants in western Ontario, who is also doing eaten• sive farming in Saskatchewan and Alberta, was a visitor in town, on Tuesday last.—Welwyn bask. Spec. tator. There will be nreachin; service in the Evangelical church next Sunday morning and evening, the pastor Rev. A. D. Gischier, who has been returned for the fifth soar will occupy the pulpit: et both services. Misses 1re'r7e Pope, Inez Scott of Hawaii, Clarissa and Georgina Tilthue and Edith Denomy of Drysdale, were the guests of the Masses Maude Louise and Sara Duchtirme, on Sunday. ALFRED L. FAUST. Death has removed a protnisi tg 1 young mac, foriner•ls' of Zurich, in the person of Alfred E. Eau+t, eldest don, of Mr. rj:,,, S. Faust, at ' r,ewiiston Idttlao. tl s April. list, as the result of- an operation on the tach previons. He never rallied from effects of the, operation and gradually sunk until death relieved bis sufforings; Alfred was a genet. el favorite ?fere and made many friends all through his travels. He left here 13lyenrs. ago for the gold fields at Atlin Alaska, travelling Il on font over frozen lake:: for abont, two weeks, onrrying his provisions i and clothing He mined there for about five months, until the hard! frost compelled hire to gnit. He then packed hie belongings and marched back. firally settling in . `the state of Washington; where he Best orn1 I wireat k?. t) per remained for six years He return- 100 1hs, ut }startlei h'5. ed to his home in Zurich on the Mr J. J. Merrier returned] front t 29th of .lune 19ot, remaining for the West, on friday. t � ew f a' rs L c$" Now is the season for a general cleaning - lip. We have a large stock of handsome Wall Papers for bedrooms, balls, dining rooms and ]sailors. Call and see Sample Books New Spring Dress Goods >' We have a good range of the very newest )tz ' Dress Goous. 3.6 New Linen Suitiugs 1\'e show the best Linens for the money, in colors, Tan, 13lue, Pink, and strtl.rt. Lonisiitie Novelty For Dresses \ e are the o ,lv ones that show this Louisiue Novelty. Its nest to a silk dress for only 25 cents a yard, In colors, Rose, Retida, New lilac, and Chane. Mttsl.ins Etc. New Dress 'Muslim, Lac- e, Embroidery. Dress Trim- mings, Dress Buttons, .Belts. Madrass Curtains 1,V show a good range of ;�fedrass Curtains. Ladies Waists In White, I3laek and Ecru Prices from 135 Bents to 54.00 eneb. C%.ill anti see these level+T waists. Ladies fancy parasols, and children parasols. Men's Tailor Made Suits New Men's Hats and Cap s �-a lilinery e We have a large range of the latest bats. If you cannot be suited with the flats we have, we will mak( up for you the 14nd you like. wig cordially !wfife you to call and look through this vhgpirt lent. All Fa.rni Produce taken in exchange 03 S FAUST �{� 4 e��p p ty�g� g�} ,�g�t� �j �3� y'`i7 fYl7� MAi"1P'�1rlt->i`U�1 �1FU P v"l AP.P d �t�,'lt'�" Ul,�i�1 `liAM' PHONE 17 Z.i:11 ICH one year and enjoyed the comforts Sea env nor brass ,predicts at s 25. i of home with his parents once at rtleib's. 1 more. On June 2stk 190e, he left his home for the Inst time, and Smart hnv wanted, f't learn i after travelling all through the general store business. i1 ppl y to stn ten of Washington and Oregon, F. A i+i 1w<.rtts, B tyiielrl . he finally lucnted at Lewiston Try x'la:tnatp for oleanina and j Idaho, eat whtc'h plum be was des• polishing ynnr fnrniture. No thing i tined to deptar t fromthis war Id ht�tter, T. L're.eter. fie was married to Miss Minnit Harrington of Lewiston, on the ATem t ;tri good year old hens. ! iiit'h of September l900. anti h')dl innsriv leeh rens. for sale. Apply ; niede himself a benntifu! and hnppy to h). D. Warm, Zurich. home, when 11a was ettl!Pd tawny Rev. A. D. (ii'se.hler has been from this world The dllene11Se'd, .41.1 ti On C'd lure tar another resnr, 1 by his hdinnst 1 nd obeerfnl die- which will wake n tire veer terns, j the limit allowed iv the Evan- telieal eoncreation. t tr position made mti*, waren friends end will be greatly missed by them as well as by t)ts relatives here, who were grently nttaohed to hint. He leave9, besitl' s his young widow in Lewiston ; his father Mr, 'D 5. Faust, and one brother Mr. Sato 'sii Lntheran int arch—The monthly meeting of the T,ndies Aid in (ion neetinn with St. Peter's Tel thert)n rhumb, will he Meld. on Wednesday i tile, 4th of Alar, tit 3 p.m tt1. All are Faust both "f ! tete' ; .Intel's. requested to attend. i Mrs \Vtn. rink heeler .et ]t111 ,.,'Inn Because nor competitors can not and ;Lira, 'c\ n1 t„1t't,nie .•t 'alis compete on prim of polled wire, town and a host of veil -wed friends they raise a my t11II Dors ie nit a5 who deeply mourn his iu�5 good. we guarantee our enih'rd i IN MEMORIA`l A ttreeiens ore from u, has one, A void'e wo loved it stifle], A place ie yt Dant in our hoe.o Which Hever can be filled, • - (lod in His wisdom haus recalled The bion Ris !eve had given ders her I and riderideththeher=e, and Clnb the moul 1 wire the hest grade, only alrtlle cheaper then the other fellows. •liitrtleib. Allow, no. en•'•,nrareyour da )a;h• ter to be as -tom- hay" if you obese to pall it that a let her play hall. Mrs. Pater Ducharmo and daught- er, Marie spent Tuesday, at Drys da ie. \Try. Lin'lefehl of Beater ie vigil. ins her sister Mrs. J. 3. Werner, this week. Mr. Oliver Johnson of Clinton, visite'. his brother Thom'is, a ft` NV rlayy tiri5 week. 11r. and Mrs. George Thiel and Miss Prang, spent Timidity alt Mr. Oswald's, f3ronson lain e. Mrs. Gordon of Cleveland is in town visiting her mother Mrs. Scbuettler, who is finite ill. We have a number of varieties of Mangold. sn star beet tent] other field seeds. Also the best kinds of ,seed corn on hand. .T. Preeter. • Dr. Oven's S•nrgenn, Oculist specinlist. will be at Royal Hotel, Hensel], on Friday, April 2ilth. Hours all ria-. ((Misses properly fitted, Catarrh, derafpess, fail- ing eyesight and throat troubles treated. A perfeot town is that in whims y`on see the farinet•s putremzi 1£ the borne merchunti, the laborers; spentlin money they earn the with 1their toadi151nen, and all unmated' 1-). by a spirit.that will not 1.7nroha,se ! articles :thread if they genu bo ]]Drubs at home. The Spirit of rae- eiproeity between -men n1:,1 r',atcsb anic5. tradesmen, and 7nnr,itf,ac tilt. let's, results every tiom1n making the town a perfect one to do. bnst- nuss in, Newsl)nper haver;isiinn' is t1. cheapest channel of eomin a11i071tion. ever established by trm, A thou- sand letters with one cent stamps will easily, cost ;i1.15 to oireelrate nett not one envelope itt ten will bo opened, bceean50 the very •postage i5 an invitation to. the vraste hask.et If -there urns any. cheaper, ree't as. sores] that the greatest merchants in Amerien would not: 'spend In- dividnally' sums ranging tip to a, half '7)711i00 of dollar': and more a year in newspaper advertising, At1rl t toile h the but y , The soi7l is safe in heaven. Ono by ono our loved ones slowly fess besting] Llte binunts of time Ono by one antlug the inky Sing the victors' song sublime. One by ono seen we shall gather 'cob as we have gathered. here Bowed atincl broken,—bat the rather In eternal youth )tplear. One by one our ranks are thinning Thinning here but s'relling there Ono by one bright Crowds are winning Crowns they shall forever wear. In the bright eternal City Death can never, never cotyle Its His own good time Ilo'11 call us From our resit to 11on1e Sweet 4 chestnut trees, and wheny.tn have kept it up Inc a, generati )u or two. there will be fewer little graves on the hillside and more hearty, noel thy, happy women in the land. I The than or woman who bits time enough to keels np rri'h every little whimseiaLl piece of gossip ,i .1 about their neighbors, about their townvi about unvt in rr , anvT or -, evervhml1', snnh a man of such a - wenlan should have c:bristian syni. ]lathy. 'limy are usutilly n0 good •i and very harmless, yet their de - Womble condition of mind should I enlist our kindly feel lig. •