The Herald, 1910-04-22, Page 5FIRST GLASS T.. I have a large supply of the very best tile on Band, from 4 in. to six inch•. If you need any call, write or telephone to John Foster, Zur- ich, Brick and Tile yards. 11 tf, ( ! t, gg � (� SHOP AND STOOK MAIN STREET, directly, West o£ Dominion House Ready to supply you %wi.th just a --- Tittle bit the Nicest— JEWELLERY for HOLIDAY GIFTS. Rings, Silver Thimbles, Fobs, Necklets, Watches Brooches, Bracelets, Veil Pins, Collar Pins. Everything in this Line. COME ALONG, We will try to PLEASE YOU. F. W. HESS9 JEWELLER G. R. HESS, Assistant. UDCRZDCDMMCIXDOSPICDCD4.DCDe7®CDC32'a+ CD(1^DD(176 g � WE TAKE this opportu- a nity of wishing our Customers a -Happy 0 1 and Prosperous New Year, e le and ehank each and all for e having made the past year e • ne our most prosperous year since we have been in busi- ness. We ask you again for your hearty support for 1910, and we will do our best to merit it, by giving you value for your money. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 R. N. DOUGLAS, 1 1 1 1 1 General 'Merchant, B L A K. E. .111 For Zurich and surrounding district an energetic reliable agent to take order for nursery stock. GOOD PAY WEEKLY, OUTFIT FREE, EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY coo Acres under euitivation. We guarantee to deliver stock in good condition and up to contract grade. We can show you thee there is good money in representing a well known re- liable firm. Established over 30 year... Write for particulars. DELA NURSERY CO TORONTO, ONT. LADIES AID nee— On Friday the let,h. of. April, the members of the Ladies Aid of the Evangelical church, pleasantly sur- prised their President, Mrs. (Rev.) Gisohler, while their companions joined them and also surprised their Pastor, Mr. Gischler. A short program was rendered. Mrs. Ed. Merner Vice Pres., ably presided during the evenings pro. gram. Miss Lydia Faust was called menu to read the fnilnwiegaddress. ,lilts. (trey.) Oise:H.1,Na It is with much pleasure that we the members of the Ladies Aid and friends, spend a sociable evening, with you and your family. r residence of four Bring your old iron, we pay 60e per 100 lbs, at Hartleib's. Prompt relief in all cases of throat and lung trouble if you use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Pleasant to take, soothing and healing in effect. Sold by J J Merner. ,40,11PIDCD®DCEID CDCOCIGDCDOS.DCDC=CIIMGMCft: ... ZURICH .t,. MEAT ARKET WE keep in stock a full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep 13Othing. but the best. We snake our own sausages. Give us a call. YUN I LUT & DE1CHE T Ster:',at,ottcalascerm ia[sotscseDt=gane-e=a e„ PTU CURED 74. wave I wt every person that's ruptured to know that my ruethocl will cure rupture to stay cured. No matter what your age is or how hard you work, my method will euro apparently hope- less oases, Do not wait until your rupture becomos strangulated, Write today. Fill in GL.o. ARE During you years among us and holding the office as President -of our. Society, for three years, and by your faith- fulness to duty and deep interest in all matters pertaining to the spirit- ual weltare of the Ladies Aid, and also the members of our congrega- c tion. The efficient service you have contributed to the church, cannot be to highly appreciated with words, but merely express our gratitude. As members of this organization, you have aided us in many ways, your active service in our meetings, willingly doing whatever was required of you, and your regular attendance greatly encouraged us to work more faith- ful for the cause of Christ. We know it is not compulsory for you to leave us, but should it be otherwise, we would feel the loss keenly. and as a slight token of respect to show in more than mere words our appreciation of your service, eve ask you to accept this combination music cabinet and Ladies Secretary. All the members of the Aid join in wishing you unbounded success in your labor for the Master. Our prayers will follow and accompany you throrgh the years, and we hope by God's grace to perpetuate in Heaven the as- sociations formed upon earth. Signed by the Ladies Aid. Mrs. Gischler ably i:esponded in expressing her heart felt gratitude to the Society, Even though she held the office of President since its organization, she often felt her unworthiness very keenly, the -work at times appeared rather heavy in connection with her numerous other duties, however realizing the importance of the work, her constant aim was the prosperity of her Society and wish- ed then unbounded success in the future. As to the gift she was overwhelmed with gr; titude. She heartly thanked tynd • the members of ,the a� tasty selections of sub and serviceable piece of furniture. of which she was recipient. Mr. D S. Faust addressed the Pastor in behalf of the gentlemen and presented bitn with a most beautiful Oak rocker in which he will find ease after the days, various cares among his congrega tion. Mr. Gischler cheerfully and gratefully responded for the kind consideration of their paster' his better neture letts, become per. of repreeentate vee sent be. 4 Then followed se, t•ral selections ver tee, 11 is a't c t in rt'rtetl anti his tlrl.t I cn t crnT tr ,c ,; tend ,;i icily flits of mese: aril everybody joined ill tr'in'e morel tn'in�; turned away. , pri,'s nt plan of its rarviee curl with the singing One of the Ile ha? lost t'tinieleuee in Toren. etas templates collecting, ria urdintttan; pleasing the selections o ltttyedhe l)nn program rn regi} respect for women leeks nil ' :int publishing TTTnoth'• ~ reports or phnnugrapll, by Mr. 11 Well. The Gott us ft tyrilit unit del: th rbc till lett tie as 1:r the cropls of the ladies prepared a meet exesilent'escupi' froth t}1ral:lttn Lie .s tato) world. It it tl c perpose tee sit lunch, which was enjoyed by all. cowardly to dt':tIroy himself, ten In.titnte to undertake each yews The evening was nest pleasantly abject to be honorable too smellthe collection lime prompt piblic. intelleetiltl:lt to 1+•) her tibn�. the tittle t+f intoi tltitirtn relating tt1 the Let tt ' spent and before we parted we tt•eightit r things of life, toe e +n . are l cede'.' ''r planted genie fila had a prayer by Mr. Gischler. te,tii)tiblr. to be .)tat t+eel and trio apt condition under which planting Lydia Faust, iaecretary, ,.)live out tet 1'is days. Such niers took plies() toad to prepare st.ate- •Q,ommo)CDavonCDtartpareamoCDaralanDCOineDenvoomm 1nvo 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Messrs. A. Sparks and R Douglas are again on their rounds, buying up each another load of horses, tor the West. Mr. Jacob Kennel spent Sunday, at his home here. Seedingis about over now and the rain ought to start things a growing Mr. Wellington Johnston is laid up with a sore knee. Wo extend congratulatsons to Miss Ethel Capling. who passed the examination, at Normal. Mr. Ross Johnston sold a horse to R. .Douglas and bought another to replace it from'R. Boyce. Mr. Alvin Nicholson has gone West, for a trip. coupon, Name Address • i Age p�hi( Time Rupture, H Single or Double::.,, !totem to J. S. S.urrrai; - 88 Caledonia[St. Stratford Dept: i.. Ont.. seestesefaeeepteeeerseeseeceeeeeteaseticese Mr. Thos. Shetrltt is having some wire feneirg done. Wel... Stogdill has the job.' Mrs. John Ried, of Front Road visited at the honlo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Holtz, on Saturday. 1 1 DaCCDCDCi".Da6D013213 D61SSO6D69:D6D®6D6SEDCOMMID6D@'DIDCHICMD* CIMEM' CCCESZCD=LOOD615DCD CDCZEDCDL•'IRID6 1-2 UDCOLZC0Ci23D6a(DdD4Dt UD er re V6 'e have bought the business recently conducted by the late S. Rennie,, and aro prepared to supply your wants with good goods at fair prices, Give us a call or Telephone to for prompt delivery PRODUCE TAKE AS GA. ASCW1 ZUR.. • rs JAL. • 1- A Th e general public will take notice that I am doing business in Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap. Highest &rarket Prices Paid for Scrap Iron,- R..,gs, '' u bbers, H Hair, Copper, Etc. All purchases to be delivered. to I ZURICH, where the cash will be paid collection of scrap may be left at the will be given. A A IWZ IS NOT ONLY THE BEST but the cheapest in proportion to actual capacity and actual life of the n1a,c,hi.iles.- They are in a by themselves. lisastarshlw class The aepa.r ator that CS per cent of the ereant- erymctn. ttse. •v ,ci SALES AGENT Blake P. 0., Ont. "steel neetee, gratulated on their h a valuable M. E LER. rse= J- PREET.EE'S HARDWARE, or trade given. Orders for same store, prompt attention JUNK DEALER, . EXETER .A. Philadelphia hubby heard 4New lines of linens for suits. at some ono walking about in the bed- • D. S. Faust. room and emptied his revolver on ' the supposed prowler. It turned on ur nes of destruction. h Macs Maciti out to be his wife who was search 1 "bute ing for a bottle of medicine who' gr„said the critic, received a bullet in her side. Had 1 how about the nerves of men?" the queen of his household been going through Lis pantaloon poc- kets there might have been an excuse to fire but as it is another illustration is afforded of the necessity of Edward Lewis' bill to do away with the careless use of firearms becoming law both in Canada and the U. S. Some of our eee Here we have a sobering thought which gives us pause. ._Inman in- ventiveness is travelling more rapidly than human comprehension Human . intelligence fashions things which outrun Kaman en- durance. The human brain is out- wearing the huiran nerves: Unless some fortunate defects in the me - Yankee cousins are real bandy , ebanical operation of engines of with a gun but these extierts ne ; halve or eressed ciente allyem to into gaily live more Southerly. The Ivan who can see no ,,cod in ; a realm et deHtr,zction which we his fellow man ought to fall off the' cannot enter physically. earth and go to his place. There' The Department; of Agriculture is no guess abont where he ought•has recently issued the first bulletin to be and where he will go when I of the International Institute of he leaves here. The milk of hu 1 Agrlcultnr which sits at Ronne, man kindnt:s-, has soured in 'lint, !Italy. This Institute is i.'.runposed THE APRIL ROD AND GUN. Tho nanifolc}, delights of the days with the rod and line, the season for which is now so near at Igen. Every r; slat there are :t Haul ; Int :'I 3t St,on i band, finds some able exponents in ber of 1�'t st' Sger , encl. en sMee J greatest valeta to tett ;tilt lrttlisi•H the April number •lf Roti and Cain deet+ t- i .....1.;, gib, i�.itl}r':ill Ttl!'Ii j t1-' .w.,;11,7, t . i s inf „reel teen in Canada, published by t'4 J who rut into !'t rt:nta say that tlu' 1 «ill ',e of teferest to hotel .ere, ferment '.trite: rite discord and ntents in regard to the h'irvest bring misery on mankind. results :at this vs<'rld• In short it i' There are more people going • the intention to regularly collect west this sprint, then ever before, ; rim' to die. eminate throughout the is the unstnisitnus opinion of railway; 1S citrntyies iuterestedltsucli crop of the i pn 1 p ; q it 1 02711 1T, 1: , r 11+ 11 ( ill S'i 'earl 6."C 1 t lilt t h 11 is ee.tee. tee ;Lee.e )Flt)L 1 i't. Pe f: r fi , 'i::' •, (i i•rlt t.1 t, (11 ',vulnder i.ttl1rt.iti i', : t;iveri Proan.ii I tit lfe '1 '..Metier 'ir..•trtilCCi whole depend. epee . tllf: Oar:V. eneo in a beautifully illustrated! families are going out. article, the writer having had the; ,. �_ _....d----.--------- privilege of accompanying the � a �% i{� s �Fi WIC .G%1, :� , 'lately Rangers on sante of their �{ rounds. The veteran angler, Mr. C W. Young, gives an account of some new waters along the lino of the new Transcontinental in { Northern Quebec and many a'. fisherman will hope that during the coming summer be may possibly repent Mr. Young's delightful ex- perlenres. The wanderings -of..n fishing party lost in the Rockies aro well told by ,dr. E. M. worth, the the story illustrating the difference between fishing A11 .g in mirththe and in tho West. worth and his party had to wails botno from the monntains to their prairie town. A defence of the catfish will be recti' with intoteet, Two good berm stories, one of duck hunting, a tale omit -by oo do cllnr, game bird hunting add variety and give increased`, interest to an excellent number. Not merely no fisherman but no sportsman s'ton'e' be without- its 1 bright, inforinatite companionship. Not low priced, but highest grade at our reputation. We say these are the MAKE FOR 11bGls'^�r Darla, 1 '�lc.ir�, •� Gi3i1c9cis, 'bads. Fiwraare; Bah Tubs, Farm Tads, al, A special paint for each pzrw pose, not one slapdash mts. tura for all. fair, honest prices. You know best paints we know of. You'll. say so- too after you have used them. -' &OLD DY J. PRETL,T