The Herald, 1910-04-22, Page 4ootmaef
1 The
1 ,ixc°orpor ated 1355
�1i��'f p1.�� mfa f $3,500,000
as REST p-1,1,YuD $3,5O0,OOO
Has 65 rant the Principal Ci lsnd es®insthe World,
and S in all
6. k INS
•the Z rich Herald.
a® C3DC 48
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Zurich. Branch - j. A., CONSTANTINE, Agent
LEGALOARDS. ,tJt° ''" e tic
lieitc'r, Notary Public, Hensal:. Ontaiio.
A.t. Zurich (Zeller's office) every Mon-
ristors, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc.,
Gouerioh, Canada W. Proudfoot.
R. 0. Have. G. F. Blair.
i.DR. T. P. MoLABGfLIN, for-
merly with Drs. Jansen
Halle and Biers, of Berlin, Ger-
many ; also assistant surgeon at
Moorefieids' (Royal London Opthal-
mic) eye Hospital and Golden
Square ; Nose and Throat Hospital,
London England, etc. General
practice, with special attention to
eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes
tested (Retinoscope used) and
glasses supplied.
Sales conducted in all parts. Terms'S
faetion guaranteed or no pay.
-easonable. Orders left at this office
will be promptly attended to.
ce agent, representing the London,
Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand
ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every-
thing in fire insurance.
FRIDAY, APR. 22nd. 1910
W. C. T. U.
Who Can understand the work-
ings of his own soul? "Perhaps
Miss Myer.: would say that chaos
was necessary before a new Brea.
tion,,, he said halt musingly, and
the look which accompanied this
speech did not escape his mother's
scntiny. "I suspect Miss Myers
is at the bottom of all this mis-
chief," she said. I know it began
about the time yon dropped your
wine. You are mistaken, ulama ;
t'be s:fmptions suggest chronic
rather than aceto disease. "Flow
long since yon commenced to study
disease?" "1 haven't oommeneed
but I'm thinking of it. I really
shall be be forced to do something.
I abominably hate politics and em
hardly fitted for ministerial dig-
nities," humorously. I would not
be a lawyer if I could, so there
seems to bo nothing to me except
pills and powders nnless.1 tarn
mechanic, •`You seem in a fair just before your embarkation for
war to turn lunatic, I should say, Europe. The principal has nearlvv
Keith." "Not I, mother, mine.
Lunacy presn1lioSes brains ; 1 am
not eligible. But listen to the
truth, however like madness it may
sound : I envy, envy, mama—that
is if a man of my stamina is capab-
le of such a passion -1 envy the
man with a tin pail, who earns his
bread by the sweat of his brow ;
Who goes from his honest toil to
his humble fare. He is earning a
place in the world and therefore
has one. I bad rather be what he
is than whatI am. and yet—can
you imagine it—the shackles of
life-long slavery hold me. I am
unable to move. A Lazarus, bound
hand and foot some one will have
to loose inc ere I can go." He got
up abruptly and began to pace the
floor. His mother was not the only
one astonished at the attitude
Keith Weswick had assumed these
days ; his abstinence from wine
bad not passed unnoticed or un.
challenged. "It's a pity, said Ned
Rankin, one of his aristocratic
associates, "a jolly chap like you
converted into a prohib, I declare
I ata dumfounded I thought yon
better. balanced ; Weswiek Why,
even Carleton, under the thumb of
that bewitsbing Miss Myers. as he
surely is, hasn't yet succumbed ;
he still takes his wine." "You do
me honor. , I never aspired to com-
pare with Mr. Carleton in any-
ome, don't be sarcastic,"
Shing response ; "I . say
to spoil a good fellow
Last year Canada had sixty-
eight "labor troubles," involving
17,881 workmen and causing a loss
of 844,275 days of working time
Six of the troubles are nnolassitied ;
two were strikes for shorter hours :
four were strikes for a recognition
of the labor union ; five were strik-
es against the conditions of em.
ployment ; five were strikes against
reductions of wages ; eight were
strikes because of obnoxious fel-
low -workers, and thirty-eight were
strikes for higher wages. In only
one instance was the trouble settled
by arbitration.
duate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Toronto, also hpnor gradu-
ate of Department of Dentistry, To-
ronto University. Painless extraction
of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At
Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon-
Rev. L. K, Eidt left ou Monday
morning to attend the annual Con-
ference held at Berlin.
Notary Public. De e de , Mortgages,
Wills and other Legal Documents care
fully and promptly prepared. Office—
Zeller block, Zurich, Out.
selves exempt, and indulge without
danger, fall victims to their own
temerity ]:low shall I know I
belong to the favored third or less
who can drink without debauch-
ery? Shall I assume that 1 am and
test myself by creating an appettte
that may overwhelm me? 1 will
let it alone. I clo not need it. I live
well without it ; it is not a necess-
r me ;
Sty of my betn�, and may rain ,
I will abstain And every time
Keith defended his .position .lie
grew into respect for it. It was
just before they started for the
mountains, at the 'beginning of the
hot season, that his mother said to
him, one day "1 mot lir. Crosby
at • 14Irs. Forsyth's. last night,
Keith." Mr Crosby was -their
lawyer. "He tells me our interest
in the O& 13 distillery is bringing
in large returns. It is by far the
best investment we have made
siuco your father's death. 'In a
distillery?" questioned Keith,. as if
for the first time !rearing• of the
matter. - "Yes Surely yea • re-
member? I spoke to -you about it
Mr. Fred Rinker disposed of his
property in the village, to Mr. John
G. Geiger of the Township of Hay.
Mr. Rinker has since bought Mr.
W. Rohde's property on William
street. Mr. Rohde will on the 28th
inst., have an auction sale of his
household effects, after which he
will leave to make his future home
in British Columbia. They will
be much missed here as they have
long been good residents of this
The Bell Telephone Co., has a
gang of men at work here instal-
ling phones in many of the dwel-
lings in this village, also in some
of the business places. '
It is commonly reported that
during this year there will be
many of our young people join the
army of Benedicts. Some of our
young ladies too have matrimonial
notions in their bead.
Mr. P. Mclsaac delivered a load
of furniture to a party in Hensall,
during the week.
Mr. Joseph Wambold is
these days papering. He is
an expert at the job.
Mr. E. Zeller, of Zurich, was in
the village, on Saturday, in the
interest of a local telephone line.
C(� Court Zurich No. 1240
- • tl • • meets every 1st and 3rd
Thursday of each month at S o'clock p. m.
in the A. 0. U. W. Nall.
J. J. hIrrrEn, C. R.
A0 n• lJ.TATe Rickheil Lodge
�J lJ Y V • No. 3 93, Meets
the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month,
at 8 o'clock, in their Dail. Merger Block.
F1;En. Wr'rwrn. ,M. W
A soft horse With a long coat of
hair, if left to stand on a cold day
after prespiring freely or if stab!,
ed without ample protection on
chilly nights is apt to take cold,
says Farm Stock and Home. The
(lipped horse makes a great deal
better appearance than the unclip-
ped animal in the spring, and nlor'e
easily cleaned and Rept in good
condition. •
Diarrhoea should be cured with-
out loss of time and by a medicine
which like Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
not only cures promptly but pro-
duces no unpleasant after effects.
It never fails enol is pleatsnnt and
safe to take. Sold by J J Merger.
Another blow has been dealt to
the frequent arguments used
against automobiles by the publica-
tion of statistics in the United
States 'which shows that in 1909
snore machines were sold to farm-
ors than any other class.. These
modern vehicles have now attained
the status of a necessity rather
than a luxury and if the price
would come down no doubt the
number of sales would increase in
Ontario by leaps and bounds. The
auto in the hands of a ca,eeful,
skillful driver need not be a men-
ace to the highway travellers.
Where trotibles have arisen the
cause is often a reckless pilot at
the wheel who is determined to
travel 100 miles an hour or take a
wheel off.
A fine stock of ladies waists, at
D. S. Faust.
It should be known by every.
body in these days of gasoline
lamps and stoves that gasoline will
not explode until its fumes have
been mixed with at least six parts
of atmospheric air. Gasoline will
catch fire as quickly as any liquid
known, but let it alone and it will
burn out, cluing no damage and
leaving no sign or scar of fire.
Mixed with air the proportions
mentioned it is far more dangerous
than dynamite. No receptacle of
this liquid should ever be left un-
corked for to do so it is to make
the room where it is kept far more
clangorous than a powder magazine
It's a simple precaution and this TA" +' 2'-5
matter of safety handling gasolinr/ •
is ver;{ easy, and no one should be if to i.
was the
its a sh_
like yot: "How am .I. siaile.d?
Wherein am I changed? I sing,
laugh, play, dance ; am in all
things, except this one thing, just
what I have ever been. I refused
to drink wine, you refuse to eat
onions. Why find fault with me
and not with yourself? Because I
abstain for a different reason? My
reasons are my own business es
Tours are also your own I do not
ask to copy my abstinence, though
I believe it would be well for yon
if you did ; I simply do what I teel,
for myself at least, is best. I find
I love the taste of wine and kind-
red liquors, therefore I will net
drink them lest some clay my
appetite prove stronger thin my
will." "And that is where I blame
you, Weswiok, it is going too far
`There are poor devils, no doubt,
with unfortunate antecedents, who
cannot restrain themselves ; but
that does riot prove that you, who
are perfectly balanced, need deny
yourself of a pleasure. Who says
I am perfectly balanced? Who will
guarantee to me that none of my
ancestors were ever overcome . of
appetite. had no tendencies to
drtlnkeness? Which of us is sure
that the bluest blood among us is
free from the blue devil that walks
at, the taste of alcohol? Two,
thirds of those alio assum e thein-
doubled in these years. Mr. Cros
informs me there is a chance for a
somewhat similar investment in
another direction." "Alai" "And
I've been thinking you would
better run into his ofaoe and talk
it over before we go away. Or if
you think better we will ]et him
use his own discretion in the
matter. He is a cautious man,
seldom makes mistakes ; your
fortune has been much increased
by his sagacity." "My fortune is
ample without additions, mama."
"Nobody complains of too much
money." "But somebody may com-
plain of the way in which it is
obtained." "Don't be absurd 1
Her son did not answer her. He
left the window from which he had
been gazing and slowly paced the
floor, his face grave, his brows
contracted. How the plot thicken-
ed! Somehow the whole liquor
traffic, which so short a while ago
seemed no consquence to him what-
ever in no way connected with his
life confronted him now at every
turn. Was, this owing only to the
opening of his eyes., or partly to
(To be continued)
Ethel M. Williams,
Pres. Supt.
Enooarage every home enterprise
Take an interest in every industry,
invest liberally in the . stock of
faith and good will and distribute
it all over your town, in every fac-
tory, in every woykahop, every
business house.. It will pay you
large dividends and will cost very
little. It can never depreciate in
value. It will always be. above
par. Buy Vogue made goods. Ass:
your merchants for them. wear
house made garments. eat home
made articles of food, sleep on home
made beds, read home made news-
papers, In this way the money
you spend is only loaned.. It will
come back again to you with inter-
est, Praise up your town—don't
run it down. Stand by your mer-
chants and ivanuiaotarers—they
are the bone and sinew of your
municipal structure. Stand by
your church and sohools they are
the hopes of the future. Stand by
your press—it is the tireless sen-
tinel that guards your interests.
Agrk I m 1
Savings and
0 0 Loan Ca„
Your tongue is coated. Your
breath is foul. Headaches come
and go. These symptoms show
that your stomach is the trouble.
To rei;love the •cause is the .first
thing, and Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets will do that.
Easy to take and most effective.
Sold by J J Merger.
ignorant of how it is done.
V!A. To
Apr. 5, 10 lune 11, 28 Aug. 9, 23
gay 3> 1"c, 31 July 12, 26 Sept. 6, 20
Leve Toronto 2.00 p.m.
OA above days
Through I'iret and Second Class Coaches,
Colonist and Tourist Slcepers.
Apply nearest . t or writo
R. ..Tompson, D.P.AToronto.
Money advanced on good
Farm Mortgages,
Prompt attention given
to applications for loans,.
E ZELLER. Zurich,
Every family and especially those•
who reside in the country should
he provided at all times with it
bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment.
There is no telling when it may be
wanted in case of an accident or
emergency It is most excellent in
all cases of rheumatism. sprains
and bruises. Sold by J J Merner.
Canadians should aim to make
this Dominlon one of the greatest
Nations the sun ever rose over.
There is a distinctiveness about a
genuine Cantick which stands for a
broad patriotism ; willingness to
accord privileges to others an in-
tegrity that never wavers and an
industry that seldom, appears to
tire. By guarding the public school
actively assisting in the progress
of the church and putting principle
before party the rising generation
should do much to promote the
best interests of true citizenship
What should I do to play my part
in the great army marching on to
victory should be the question ask-
ed by every true Canadian.
Potting up a stove pipe is easy
enough if you only go at it right.
In the morning breakfast on some
light, nutritious diet and drink
two cups of hot coffee ; after which
put on a suit of old clothes—or new
ones,'if you can get time on them—
put on an old pair of bnckskiu
gloves, and when everything is
ready to strike the fatal blow, go
and got a gond hardware mon who
understands his bilin..,., if this
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Laud,
ANY person who is the sole head of a
family, or any male over 18 years old,
may homestead a quarter -section of avail-
able Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask-
atchewan or Alberta. The applicant must
appear in person at the Dominion Lands
Agency or Sub -Agency for the district.
Entry by proxy may be made at any
agency, on certain conditions, by father,
mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of'
intending homesteader.
Duties.—Sit months' residence upon and
cultivation of the land in each of three
years. A homesteader may live within nine
miles of his homestead on a farm of at least
80 acres solely owned and occupied by hint
or by his father, mother, son, daughter,
brother or sister.
In certain districts a homesteader in
(Nod standing ray pre-empt a quarter.sec-
tion alongside his homestead. Price $3.00
per acre. Duties—Must reside six months
in each of six years from date of homestead
entry (including the time required to earn
homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres
A homesteader who has exhausted his
homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-
emption may take a purchased homestead
in certain districts. Prioe $3.00 per acre.
Duties—Must reside six months in each of
three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect
yf house worth ;$300.00.
t; Iul.)01. ... i• -. ; :: 1 natl. t.�„- DImi�1o! tha Intc:'rior. ‘4,
a,+ 'a . d, ,r..!'
'v" •:� �.ho� .,,J rann c: this
1'0 1 7.. ..ia', n'‘a' Dasa. for.
"pairs for 5pring
please order now. Anyone
wishing New or Second hand
Machinery, call and bee if I
can't fill your wants.
Also Agent far
Fairbanks Gasoline
Engines, Weigh Scales,
Feed Grinders.
All kinds of
Savviing Machines
Buggies, Car'r'iages and
Jas. Whyte, .A ''t.
'MASSEY- 01,
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv-
er Tablets assist nature in driving
all impurities out of the system,
insuring a free and regular condi-
tion and restoring the organs of
the body to health and strength.
Sold by J J Merrier.
See caw long handled shovels at
30 cents, at Hartleib's.
Clubbing rates.
)LV -Wo have made arrangements
to offer the following low clubbing
rates with Teri, HxlR6.Ln
Daily Globe . $ 4.25
Mail & Empire 4.25
Weekly Globe , 1.60
Mail & Empire 1.60
Berliner Journal (German) 2.50
Family Herald & Star 1,75
Daily Advertiser 8.75.
Weekly Adver'tif'er .1.50
Weakly Sun 7.75
Farmer's .Advocate 2.25
For Zurich
This is the time to Sell
nursery stock.
Wo pay lib: rally and offer
steady employment. Our
list of Specialties embraces
a rare and • choice list of
ready. sellers in both fruit
and Ornamental stock.
Seed Potatoes, Etc.
Write for terms and catalogue.
The Foothill Nurseries, Est, 1837
Toronto Ontario