The Herald, 1910-04-22, Page 2PILES CURED AT HOME BY. NEW ABSORPTIO1 METHOD If you suffer from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send mo your address, and I will. tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if requested. Immediate relief and per- manent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write to- day to Mrs. M. Hummers, Box P. 8, Windsor, Ont. ®o* JUSTICE AND LUCRP . Judge Giles Baker, of a Pennsylvania county, wad likewise cashier at has home honk, says Browndug's Magazine. A Mall Tsc•res+ented a cheque one day for payment. e was a stranger. His evidence of dentdfioation was not satisfactory to the cashier. "Why, Judge," said tike man, "I've known you to sentenoe men to he hang- ed. on no better evidence than this." "Very likely," replied the judge, "but when it oomee to letting go of cold case we have to be mighty careful." Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc. SUBSTITUTION. "Good morning, madam!" voiced the cheery salesman. "Good morning!" echoed the quiet - looking matron, "have you something very choice in Irish lace?" "Well—er—no; but here's something just as good as seventy-five cents a yard." "Just as kood1" doubtingly. "Yes, yes; in fact, confidentially, superior to the real article. How much do you wish, please?" "Just a yard," sweetly. "Here's your money." "But, madam!"—in confusion, "you've made a mistake—this isn't money." "No?" agreeably. "Why, no; it's a matinee ticket." "So it is!" sweetly. "But it repre- sents seventy-five cents, and, while it isn't actual money, it's just as .good. Adios." The clerk fainted.—From the July Bohemian. HEM FORA%jI INDs OF G0005. You don't have to know what your Goods are made of. 5aiviE Dye for ALL. --.No chance of mistakes. 411 colors se cents from your Druggist or Dealer. Sample Card and Booklet Ft e. The Johnson -Richardson Co. mite De t. 7.Monireal, (2•µe. Greater Freedom for Press in Mexico. The Chamber of Deputies will discuss the proposed new press law, or the Batalla bill, as it is known, during its present period of sessions, according to Congressman Diodoro Batalla. For some time several members of the chamber have been considering the ad- visability of introducing radical reforms in the present law on publications with the view of enlarging the liberties of journalists and publishers in expressing thoughts and opinions, the present law being considered as too strict. Con- gressman Batelle feels confident that it will be passed.—Mexican Herald. Constapat can is an enemy within the camp. It will undermine the strongest consti- tution and ruinthe must vigorous health. It, leads to indigestion. Od- iousness, impure blood, had complex- ion, sick headaches, and is one of the most frequent causes of appen- dicitis. To neglect it is slow sui- cide. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills positively cure Constipation. They are entirely vegetable in composi- tion and do not sicken, weaken es gripe. Preserve your health by taking BOUND FIND OUT. (Boston Transcript.) "A man came to my store the other 'day," said the chemist, "and handed me seven prescriptions to put up. '"These, I see, are all for the cure of a cold," 1 remarked to him casually. `Yes,' re re- turned, 'wud of theb cured by code lest widter, but I'b paged if 1 end rebeber which wud.'" 4 On the principle thta he who gives quickly gives twice he who gives slowly doesn't have to give at all. FLAG POLE, 165 FEET HIGH. Cup Defender Constitution's Steel Mast Erected. in Battery Park, When Hans Frederick Jorgensen, the rigger of the park. department for the last twenty-four years, learned that the steel mast of the cup defender Constitu- tion could be purchased for $600 lee wont to Park Commissioner Henry Smith and obtained his consent to buy it and erect it as a flag pole in Battery Park in place of the old liberty pole, It was something of a job to got the pole into position. It was set on a steel base imbedded in concrete. On top of the pole is a weather vane and gilded ball. The pole is the highest in the United States, if not in the world. The length of the main pole is 109 feet, diameter at the foot 221-3 inohes and at the top 141-2 inches. The topmast is 56 feet in lenh, diameter' at foot 12 inches and at top 3 1-2 inches. This makes the en- tire height of the pole 165 feet and the estimated weight is 5,800 pounds. It is made of steel. The flag flown from the pole in ordin- ary weather is 40 by 60 feet, each stripe being a yard wide. The flag can be seen from the Narrows, as well as from places along the Jersey and the Brooklyn shore. On squally days a much smaller flag is run up. The park department is considering the question of whether or not to erect a crosstree at the junction of the main pole and the topmast. SOFT, WHITE HANDS May be Obtained in One Night. For preserving the hands as well as for preventing redness, roughness, and. chapping and imparting that velvety softness much desired by women, Cuti- cura Soap, assisted by Cuticura Oint- ment, is believed to be superior to all other skin soaps. For those who work in corrosive liquids, or at occupations which tend to injure tho hands, it is invaluable. One night treatment—Bathe and soak the hands on retiring in a strong, hot, creamy lather of Cuticura Soap. Dry and anoint freely with Cuticura Oint- ment. Wear during the night old loose gloves to protect the clothing from stain. For red, rough, and ohapped hands, dry, fissured, itching, feverish palms, and shapeless nails with painful finger ends, this treatment is most ef- fective. Decline of Ancient English Fair. After being held annually for 800 years Stow Green pleasure fair has prac- tically ceased to exist. Established by charter of Henry III., it ranked as one of the largest fairs in 'England for merchandise and lasted three weeks. A11 the large travelling shows in the country used to attend, and they covered nearly four acres of ground. Tisa fair is now limited to two days, and when it commenced yester- day it only consisted of a few catchpen- ny devices. This year the magistrates curtailed the hours for drinking, and, it -,is ex- pected the fair will soon collapse alto- gether.—From the London Standard. To whom it may concern, this is to certify that I have used MINA_RD'S LINIMENT MENT myself as well as preecrib- ed it in my practice where a liniment was required and have never failed to get the desired effect. C. A. KING, M. D. Jolts for Mr. Graytop. "Worse and worse," said Mr. Graytop. "I feel young, and I fancy I look young; but other people don't seem to agree with me on the looks. "Drivers hold up for me in the street and say, `Go ahead, old man;' .young men get up to give hie their seat in a ear; children I meet in the street greet me sometimes smilingly as `Grandpa;' 'various people seem to see about me signs of age; but the worst has happened lately. 'Twice within the past week when J have started to Atop down from the step of a street car solicitous conductors have put out their hand and elntched me till the car had come to a full stop. "Can it be that I aha really getting old:"' ea 1 xr quickly stops coughs. cures the throat and tunes. - • Rules for a Long Life. A Paris eontemprorary has been in- structing its readers how to live to a good age, drawing. its conclusions from the lives and writings of distinguished men. Michael Eugene Chevrenl, the cele- brated French chemist, who lived 103 yearswas always frugal in regard to his diet, and considered a happy dis- pcsition to be ail important factor eon- tributing to his long life. Victor ]hago had a tablet on the wall ai his house with the followings "Rising at 6, dining at 10, sapping at 6, retiring at 10 make the life of man telt times Wm", The secret of-ltoltko's health lay in his great moderation in all things. Sir Benjamin Ward Richardson de- clared that those who wished to reach a century hoist neither smoke not' drink. They should met sparingly of meat, work as little p'hssible by artificial light, trouble tlho.nstl 's little ,about making a fortune. snit n ver allow anhbi- tiotr trs title 1!ie :1- me,.,J011!lrat 0l;obs.,. ealily, boats • 23 cents. Give Clearness To SIN Feeds and Purifies Blood and Thereby Keeps You in Good Health. lif.°4 women and soma men try to remove yellowishness of skin, blotches, dark lines under the eyes by eosmo- tiques. Such means aro as useless as ells- appointing. When the skin looks clear- ness, particularly when the body is sin- aoiated, it is aimply the stain upon the skin of impurities in the bowels that are carried about by the blood. Sluggish activity is certainly the cause of bad complexion even if regularity should be pretty fair. Better than any cosmetique, because they reanove the oause of skin discolora- tion, Dr, Hamilton's Pills ensure in- ward cleansing and activity. In addi- tion to their laxative action they are a true tonic to all the eliminating organs, liver, kidneys, bowels, and glands. Dr. Hamilton's Pills remove the causes of all blood troubles that manifest them- selves outwardly, and they fortify and strengthen the organs and thereby pre- vent a return of diseased conditions.". One box of Dr, Hamilton's Pills proves their merit, even one dose shows how different they are from other pills. 25e per box, at all dealers, or The Oa- tarrhozone Co., Kingston, Canada. Some Camping Hints. When selecting a spot in which to pitch your tents see that it is we41 drained and level. A brown waterproof cloth spread over the floor will make the quarters more comfortable. Old campers also use folding beds, folding chairs and cooking utensils which will go inside of each other. The cheapest and best stove is the kerosene burner, Kerosene can be found any place, and is a clean, inexpensive substitute for wood. For cool days and nights a smalIl round stove or tent heater will add materially to the comfort of the camp. The suburban camper takes care to pitch near some farmhouse, from which he can buy fresh vegetables. A tent seven by nine feet will accom- modate two people if cots are used for sleeping. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Round t e Arc Light. The moonlit Ira roared, but louder was the clatter of the myriad beetles about the arc -light on the broadwalk. "Amazing things, beetles," the natur- alist said. "There's a bombardier beetle, you know, than" les a gun of eight - ecu charges. . " times, if pursued, this. beetle c under' elver of the noise and smoke he escapes. "There's a diving beetle that catches fish. He has a natural diving suit that enables him to breathe under water. He will plunge down fifteen or twenty feet after a minnow or young shad. "The sexton beetle spends its life burying dead animals. It lays twenty eggs in each carcass, and thus the young on hatching, have an abundance of juicy and high meat to feed on. Sexton beet- les, working together, have been known to bury a rabbit. "The skunk beetle is so called not without reason. Dare to come too near him in a garden, and rising on his hind legs, he will wage his antennae furious- ly and discharge the vilest odor at you. The common kitchen roach has this skunklike gift also. Hence I don't ad- vise you to make a pet of him." Minard's Liniment for sale every- where. Hats for Horses. Experiments made by 13aron Henri d'Anehald, a French scientist, have re- sulted in proving that the well meant fraetice of affixing straw hats to the treads of horses, for the purpose of pro- tecting them from the sun's heat not only fails to accomplish its purpose, but actually aggravates the suffering of the animals. rhe experiments were made when the temperature of the atmosphere was 79 degrees in the shade. Bareheaded horses standing in the sun were found to have a temperature of 86 under their fore- locks. When straw hats were ,put on theta, their temperature under the fore- locks rose to 103. A horse moving in the sun had a temperature of 83. Under a straw hatthe temperature rose to 91, and under cloth to 100. The explanation is that the covering prevents the free movement of air and sc rve:s to accumulate heat. The head covering for horses should be discarded, therefore, and relief should be given by frequent sponging of the head. luei- drntally, the result of these experiments leaches, logi'a!ly., that human beings, too, would be better off hatless on hot days,—Albany Journal. Your lAtu, , ®'t'zl9 men ken Murine Eye 1 enedy Relieves Sore Eyes, Strengthens WPalt ]:.yes. Doesn't Smart, Soothes lye Pain, and Sells for 50e. Try Murine in 'Your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes for t3oaly l;yelids and Granulation, TWO REGRETS. Life is read if not altogether earnest tirnongtionetlpeople of a type recently. men- "). "1' e oosr John is still taking life easy," said the woman in the spring wagon on the rotid to Ale:sem:aia. "Yea," answered the woman who was carrying sat armful of wood. `SJohn has; only tomo vagi its in tiro ()na is that he 'has, to wake up tp tel and th r, obhov that bo has to emit.' till? to sl'.^.ep." thinard's. Liniment Relieves; Neuralgia BICYCLES FOR LAND OR SEA. The amphibicyole is equally at home in water and on land. It is the invention of a Frenchman of Lyons, and. has a pair of cylindrical floats, a propeller and a rudder. On leaving the water the cylinders and nautical gear are lifted up so as to allow the wheel to run on the ground. The cyclist can then pedal his ,snachine in the usual way. As the cylin- ders can be made of thin sheet metal, they need not be heavy, In the water the machine makes five or six mines an hour. The floats,, which end in a conical point, aro attached to the bicycle frame by jointed supports so that they can be raised and lowered as desired, and can be fastened in place when the cycle is on the road. For operating a propeller a rubber covered friction wheel is em- ployed, which is behind the tire of the rear cycle wheel, the . small wheel's motion being transmitted by a bevel gearing to the propeller shaft. By using the proper combination of gearing the propeller can be reversed. A small rudder is mounted at the front and is controlled by a rod passing from the front cycle fork into the water. Tho two cylinders are braced across by a rod in the rear of the machine. The amphibieycle as constructed at present weighs about 270 pounds and is about eight feet long and three feet six inches wide. The cylinders are about one foot in diameter. ab 4 HOW TO MAKE BAY SLEEP The baby that cries half the night does not cry for nothing. It cries because it is not well, and has no other means of saying so. Tho chances are the *.rouble is due to some upsetting of the stomach or bowels, which would be speedily re- moved if the child were gives a dose of Baby's Own Tablets. These Tablets make children sleep soundly and natur- ally because they remove the cause of the crossness and wakefulness. They are a blessing to children and a relief to worried mothers. Mrs. Joan Sickles, Douglaatown, N. B., says: "If anything ails my little ones the first tiling I give them is a dose of Baby's Own Tablets and they are soon well again." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 centa a box from The Dr. Williams' lledieine Co., Brockville, Ont. •Only the thin skinned tale consola- tion front the fact that beauty is only skin, deep. ISTiiE_ WHITEST LIGlilE Sena for free sample to Dept. H. L., Na- tional Drug & Chemical Co., Toronto. ISSTJE 14O. 16, 1910 Dr. Fein e Pulls SEVENTEEN YEARS THE STANDARD Prescribed and recommended for wo- men's ailments, a scientifically pre. pared remedy of proven worth. Ins result from their use is quick and per- manent. ewmanent. For sale at all drug stores. a D. SHEL.DON Initrokornt A specialty made of investments in Standard Railroad and Indus- trial Stocks. Call or write for full particulars regarding plan of investment. Ileum 101, 100 St. James St., eiontreat DIFFERENCE ERENCE IN THEM. The head of a big firm of contractors was walking around the premises and stopped to converse with old George, a stableman. "Well, George, how goes it?" he said. "Fair to middlin', sir," George an- swered. "Fair to middlind" And he continued to rub down a. bay hoes, while the other looked on in silence. "Me and this 'ere hose," George said, sudden- ., "has worked for you sixteen year." "Weil, well," said the boss, thinking a little guiltily of George's very low wage. "And I suppose you are pretty highly valued, George, eh?" "H'm!" said George. "Both of ns was took ill last week, and they got a. doctor for the hoss, but they just docked my payl" It may also be better to have loved and lost than never to have lost at all. Pur'ctooelthsura sgooclhail )a hfh� c'TYLE MADE IN C.4PIADA. EX GILLETT CO. LTD. TORONTO, Oft" lT. INSURES PURE FO D. E WATCH F :EE. A Gents' or Ladies' Solid Gold Watch costs from $2i5 to $50. Do not throw your money away. If you desire to secure a Watch which to keep time and last well will be co ual to any 8011d Gold Watch send us your name and address immediately and area to sell 10 boxes only of Dr. Maturin's Famous Vegetable Pius at 250. a box. They are the greatest remedy on earth for the cure of poor and impure blood, indigestion headaches, consti- pation, nervous troubles, liver, bladder and kidney dis- eases, and all female weaknesses; they are the Great Blood Purifier and Invigerator,a Grand Tonic and Life Builder. With Inc Pills we send 10 articles of jewelry to Thisi theohman eofialif timmakes a DonotmissIt.yBendsus your order and we will send you the 10 boxes, post paid. When you have sold them send us the money 2.50) and we will send you AGENTS ;:r LADIES WATCH the same day the money is received. We aro giving these beautiful Watches to advertise our Remedies. This is agrand opportunity to secure a valuable Watch without avin to spend acent. And our Watch is a stem wind find stern set and not Inc cheap back wind article generally gi"en as premiums, Send for our pills without delay. Address THE DR. MATURIN MEDICINE CO. Watch Dept 20 Toronto, Ont. --++.I.M.In* mom.., ile ' 'pat*;tirt. SP.4:3+fr it'.l :tY.tk:•Y�;';'"�b�'�1. Ji'�G:%aht ett4>..a 14,1 ,14et' ve 'y -ody iho read Should avoid dr,. „or of impurit' > in deli) 'y from the oven to the home. Insist on your baker wrapping his bread in EDDY'S BREAD WRAPPE R5 We are the original manufacturers of bread wrappers now used by loading bakers of Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and other cities. The E B. EDDY COMPANY. Limited, O�Bi Caudal ��� �� fit'O LAt�kES .AizlD GAL, 2itis beantlftil Gold Pinta Lacfret, mounted with orecln,,,, stones, with this lovely'necitcfhatn is one of the latest orolurnt,,, SEi,2) 100eso sMomY without end roar name and dtrrenritrid>Nua will send yon 4 boxes of Dir. Matura,', pmnosll v egetsbl* t'W,, the most powerful Tonle and Blood Ptuifier •known, Sell these at 55 cents a box, giving free to each purchaser etre of the pt k>a scat you with the Pilin. Thig her s you to sell rapidly, AW M tt se thePins are sold shirt its the 1,00 co'flcoted tend we with tend you this handsome �T es CHAMN bit/ i. Write to -thee al n '3 iia, > lt. i>$ Car., el,t.`i r, e,s rr>y^a>, �,w .rtt o .• e