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The Herald, 1910-04-15, Page 4
©amika• 1 7atA 'dD( D(itl SDCI QD QDC lUictV )a3 The MOLS NS I3]\NL1 v v e Incorporated 1SZ 5 CetPiTm., - - - $3,500,000 a ;MST FUND - - $3,500,000 n Has 65 Branches in. Canada, snd.Agents and Correspondents in a1,. to the Principal Cities in the World, a A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, a 4 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT i G1 Gi at all Branches.. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Zttri.clh Branch - J. A. CONSTANTINE, Agent QfD C{DGIMID D MUD +3**DMED QDOME) (iD®©©Q Qa LEGAL CARDS. . CI. J,1). C00KE, BARRISTER ANI) SO - Reiter, Notary Public, Hensali , Ontai i c. At Zurich (Zeller's omee) every Mon- day. PROUDPOOT, RAYS & BLAIR, BAR- ristors, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., Godsrioh, Canada W. Proudfoot. K.C. R. 0. Rays. G. F. Blair. MEDICAL DR. T. P. MCLAUGHLIN., for- merly with Drs. Jansen Halle and Biers, of Berlin, Ger- many ; also assistant surgeon at Moorefie'kls' (Royal London Opthal- mic) eye Hospital and Golden Square ;.Nose and Throat Hospital, London England, etc. General liraetie°, with special attention to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested. (Retinoscope used) and glasses supplied. OFFICE DASHW OOD, ONT. fUSII%IFMSS CAP,DS- E::u. . Fr-' o O iia L I P S, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales e'indueted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or I n pay. Terme -easonablx . Orders left at this office will be prowp•ily attended to. AN DREW 1±. RESS„ FIRE INSLitAN- ce agent, reline. eating the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellik:gton and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. THE I `' y PUBLISHED BY E. ZELLER. e) DR. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, G1iA- slaate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor grad -n- ate of Department of Dentistry, To - Tonto University. Painless extraction of teeth. ' Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. 7-2G FRIDAY, APR. 15th, 191t) Your tongue is coated. Your breath is foul. Headaches come and go. These symptoms sbow that your stomach is the trouble. To remove the cause is the first thing, and Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will do that. Easy to take and most effective. Sold by J J Sterner. i�. ZELLER. CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. De e ds , Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. LODGE' MEETINGS TO PREVENT CLODS FORMING. J• C 0 "F Court Zurich No. 1`341) • �• meets evoIy 1st and :)rd Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. m. in the A. O. U. W. Hall. 3. 3. M.r:if >;p, 0. R. C . 1'. U.. TI3E, CRY OF THE TWO-THIRDS Happy thought! It did not take Keith long to put it into practice. Alas, instead of his old time play- mate hor mother answered his card. Eleanor had started that very forenoon for the country with her father, and was likely to be .gone until the fall. Mrs. Myers was pro- fuse in her regretsat her daughter's absence and that she must be tied to an invalid through the warm weather, it was unfortunate. but there was no ono to blame but Eleanor's self, she was so much alarmed at her father's condition that she eagerly seized at the doo- tor's first suggestion that possibly country air and faro might prove beneficial. Her own health was so precarious, Mrs. Myers went on to explain, that she was unable to as. sumo the care of Mr Myers herself but she trusted a summer at the seaside, whither she was going with her daughter, Mrs Latight- burg, would renew her vigor. Mrs Weswtck was not a little puzzled over her son, ho did not appear to relish his usual enjoyments and was blind to any and all the en- chantments of feminine N—she took him to task one day with very unsatisfactory results. '.Carmen Royden is a charming young lady" she began, "1 suppose she is," he asserted vaguely. "Yon do not seem very much interested in any of our fair girls Reith?" No, why should. I be, mama?" "Young men are apt to be sooner or later," was the reply "It will probably be later, then, with Hie" he smiled. "But Keith. I have been looking forward to—hoping that—" the lady stopped. embarrassed by the amusement on his face "you know you must marry ana settle clown genie day," she ended desperately • '.Ani I nut settled 1.;: v:e? tee. 'ilei not tired of me, mama? "What nonsense, Keith" 'I ]rave not seen woman at home or abroad that I tvcu-d take In exchange for my One of the worst difficulties with which the farmer has to contend is clod formation. Where land con- tains a good deal of clay and is compacted by the tramping of live stock after the frost is out, it may be expected to break up cloddy. The same is true where land con- taining any considerable amount of clay is ploughed when too wet. How is the farmer to obviate this difheulty? The easiest and most effective way is to harrow before be unhitches for dinner or for supper, particularly so if tho c"gather i:; warm and dry, end more particularly if there is at dry wind from the west or Sottt:hwest. Sinoh depends npon the c]iaraeter of the soil, and particularly upon its clay content. Clods will form in four hours, which it is impossible to brenk UP or mellow down until they receive a soaking rain, and do not even then without being dealt with in the right way and at the right time When farmers are ploughing in the fall, they should not harrow, but leave the ground rough; but the man who makes it a rule to have the harrow in the field in the spring and thoroughly harrow each half day's ploughing before he leaves the field, will find it exceed- ingly profitable business. At that time there may be material for a clod, but it has not yet formed. It this is not harrowed and the day is warm and the atmosphere dry and there is considerable wind, the water is evaporated out of this clod material and clod formation is in, evitable. The object in preparing a seed bed is to create conditions under which the roots of tender plants can have full and free develop - meat. The more clods in the field, the more air, the quicker it dries R' 1ieLodge , b t L d otlt and the more wide spaces over "PT Riek tr `Y • No. 0 93, meets which the rootlets can pass. The the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month, more clods in the field, the less the at 8 o'clock, in their Rall. Merner Block. water holding capacity, for as often Jain. Wirwsn ,M. W pointed out, water exists in the soil as a thin film around each soil grain. The more soil grains, the greater the water holding capa- oity and the greater the available supply of moisture for the roots of the plants. AMERICAN OFFICIOUSNESS Referring to the immense ien- migration into Canada of numer- ous people from so many different countries,' the Canadian Courier says: Making these immigrants into good Canadian citizens is no easy, task.- They may be docile, law abiding, find industrious. and yet not be satisfactory citizens. i 1w i2;:: E "..,"::l Canadian history. :i poi- ° re,'. view, Canadian Alia ideals. This is a, .. The western pro- ee,- , the i)aik of these people go, have provided educa- tional opportunities, and they are now making education cheap and compulsory. Alberta has jest pass- ed a law which provides that every child between eight and thirteen Years of age roust attend school. Manitoba has been discussing more stringent rules in this regard. On these educational authorities, on the various religions denomina• Mons, and on those behind the Canadian Club Movement, rests an important task. It is for thein to see that this polyglot body of new eitizens to moulded by the proper influences. Perhaps it would be wise if the Laymen's Missionary Atonement were turned in this direction instead of towards the heathen of China and Japan In deed, it might be •pr.ofrtuhle to witdraw all Oa radian inissionaries from abroad and concentrate' them in tbo Last Great West for the . decade, The results to the church and to the nation would be ten times greater tintn'tbo best that may be eepcoted.. from the •present doubtful eyetcm of work in Asia, mania, take on an added charm ander its ruddy yio;ht, ' I inmagine there are women like that flame, who would make home best sur, roundings beautiful by just their presence and touch, who would add. to the glory of a Drown by just sharing it, I am Doming to believe tbey aro not the habitues of ball- rooms "Keith. I ant a society wo- man" "Nay, you are my mother" smiling. "But, Keith—" "But, mama—" What is the -matter with you? you never talked like this before, never acted as you do now my friends satisfied you, so did our companions, what has Dome over you? "I dont know" frankly. "Perhaps I am growing. Isn't that the reason you used to assign for all my boyish restlessness? Oh, not physically, catching her amus- ed' glance at his broad shoulders and extended limbs. "I suppose a man's mind may grow after he has reached his majority, I know I am uneasy ; unasked and unanswered questions are stirring within me, I have been roused in certain dire° tions, the first time for years, and my whole being feels the shock" whimsically. I know not to what it may lead, but nothing just satis- fies me. The reasoning—the sop. histry rather—of other clays does not quiet me, I want a reasonable reason for the life I live, and there is none, you are not pleased be- cause I call society ladies useless ; I call myself worse than that, no language can express my disgust of myself. "Keith you aro sick must be" Of myself? Yes of my inertia? Most surely, but physical- ly? Look at my limbs, my flesh, my perfect health ! what were they given to me for? Yet muoh as if despise myself 1 ani not really awake, I find it as impossible to bestir as to admire myself I am in a state bordering on chaos." Even as the words dropped from his lips a light sprang to hi:, eves. a terrier broadening smile swept over his countenance. '`The spirit of Goa moved upon the face of the waters" What brought to his mind at that learn - mother" he said fondly, tiro1i dropping l moment that old Bible verso 1 e� ed years ago at .Sunday school? tether foot end, -lith -lead -n her i why with it should there come a lap, looking up into Pew eyes.''•Sly i vision of Eleanor i\ly ers? darling," she replied, stooping to ki:'.s his smiting lies, I am so glen. to have it so, yet I should not be sorry—I think, I should et en be relieved—if you would marry ; choose some fair woman like Car- I men Royden and make her your wife" he made a grimace and lifted his hands in mimic horror "Reith, you are restless, you need a little caro, your travels have done you little good' 'and no great harm, I trust" "Well, ,tau are not just yourself n}.t,'4e.j wItrat• oukva,;no a month e;o, you do not seem to enjoy the sociEt .of your. equals." "I do not, maua, to be frank witli you. It is depressing some times to find one's exact va'lttittion to know with certainty what one equals, "Then, smiling at her puzzled face" mama., I am weary of this round of nothingness. I do not know of amore useless creature than a society - girl ; there is only one more disgusting—a society man. There was unmistakeable display an the fair face above his, he smiled ; it rather pleased hits at times to shock his mother, "Is that useful which fills its place?" she asked" what would you have a Indy of society do?" with emphases "what ought. she do but—" "Shine?" he finished with good- natured sarcasm "well; that would not be so bad if it were more the shine of the grate and less of the gas -jet" what can you mean by such a comparison Keith? The grate lights but it also warms, mama, and fills the room with its generous glow, "see" pointing to the open fire, how all the beauty about us is enhanced and all de feats concealed—or rather tenderly shielded from too open scrutiny— by the mellow loveliness,oven you, Strathroy. April ll—A qneer case of American offioiousness has just come to light, whereby the Govern- ment officials at Port Huron, Mich exceeded their authority in no small degree. About a year and a half ago Arthur Wilton, of Oaradoc went to Pontiac, Mich , where'he obtained einployriient in a factory and saved enough to purchase a house and lot. Mr Wilton came back to Canada recently to take his wife and family to Pontiac. He took his household effects and part of his family with Slim, and crossed the border without any objections. Last Saturday his wife, accornpan- ied by her three children and a lady friend, left to join her has. band. They left here on tho 2 :18 p me train, and when they reached the American side they were stop- ped by the offieials, and were sub- jected to no little inconvenience, so Mrs• Wilton stated. They were, according to her story, locked in a room and asked all kinds of imper- tinent questions, and finally sent hack to Canada at midnight. The little band, of course, came back to Stratbroy, where they had their first meal since leaving here. Mrs. Wilton has suffered greatly from nervous shock. The youngest. child was a babe it year an 1 e hall' old. Farmers Wanting Re= pairs for Spring please order now. Anyone wishing New or Second. hand 1Vlaohinery, call ..and see if I cau't fill your wants. Also Agent for Fairbanks Gasoline Engines, Weigh Scales, Peed Grinders. All kinds of Sawing 'Machines Buggies, Carriages and BAIN WAGONS (To be continued) Ethel M. INillianis, Pres. Supt. LAND VALUES Those who are in the best posi- tion to know the facts, are greatly puzzled over the knowledge that land values in the County of Lamb - ten, as evicien,ed by sales, are from 20 to 40 per cont lower than they are in other counties in the Pro- vince that are in the same class. While the fact is a serious puzzle it is not so diffioult a proposition as is the one that involves the dis- covery of the reasons that account for the situation. No reason for depressed prices seems to exist' that bus not equal force in its ap- plication to other oounties. The departure of many citizens of the county to the west does not satisfy the seeker after a sufficient reason, for exodus from ether counties is equally ,as great if not greater than' from our county. We Have the good land, we have the favorable location and advantages equal to those possessed by the most favor- ed counties. and yet we have the highest authorities on the subject prepared to show that in all coun- ties surrounding tie, values are much better than in Lambton. The statement holds good for all parts of the county with varying degree and it forms a problem that is de- serving of the very best thought and consideration, and better con• sideration and treatment than is being given to the subject now. Possibly our methods of farming are to some extent blameable, and it may bo want of confidence has something to do with it bet there i3 r nz s r i ins an$thin';!Ike ;.::-.id.';;>.i4 viiru nue in5.it:r , ! :; ai: I50t^.:4 Rill all right it5e]. and maybe it will, but we sea no reason why an effort should not be made to hasten that encl. We should like very muoh to have our readers write us suggestions upon this great question—Petrolia Ad- vertiser. fiTTh1ESEEKERS ExcJIsNSI r ONS ,, 4;, i E 1u.t7,..• Pd. a�i,y CANADA LOW ROUND TL11' RATES GOING .DATES Apr. 5, 19 Jane 14, 28 Aud. 9, 23 May 3, 11', 31 July 12, 25 Sept. fi, 2l THROUGH SPECIAL TRAINS TOOnONTO To WINNIPEG AND NEST Leave Toronto ,LOC p.m. on above days Tliiouyh First and Second Cass Coaches, Cafoniat and Tourist &a rens. Apply to mare t C.P.U. Agent or trite Il.. L. Thompsaa, D.I'.A.. Torouto. ASK FOS 110.IESEERERS' FAMFI1LET A ricuftu'ral Savings and an Co � g as. Whyte, .AA 't , Ai MASSFert WIAuxin 00 Clubbing rates. READ OFFICE LONDON - - ONTARIO Money advanced on good Farm Mortgages, rroiilpt attention given to applications for loans, E ZELLER. Zurich, Every fami ly and especially those who.reside in the country should be provided at all times - with a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment. There is no telling when it may be wanted in ease of an accident or emergency It is most excellent in all cases of rheumatism, sprains and bruises. Sold by J J Merner, Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. ANY person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section of avail- able Dominion land in, Manitoba, Sask- atchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands, Agency or Sub•Agoney for the district. Eutry by proxy may be made at any Meilen en cortaiuecnditions, by father, mother, son, daaghter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Duties.---Six'months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In cdltain districts a homesteader in good standing way pre-empta quartersoe- tion alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. 1)aties--Must reside six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres. extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre- emption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre, Duties --Must ratio six month's in eauli of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect y"2rWe have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with Trim 'HuRALD : Daily Globe . $ 4.25 „ Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe . 1.50 Mail & Empire 1.00Ber�li'-.er .journal (German) 2.50 Faintly Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.75 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly San 3.75 Farmer's A.dvocate 2.25 Ght1ilbt'II'i' code, cholera elm �i'Il9 S Diarrleoea ltemcriy. • Bever fells. Y3'ty it nes,. It tear save ere, n. �; v the Tnteriur. a.tion r. thisi 1,;,i,1 AN' A REPRESENTATIVE For Zurich This is the time to sell nursery stock. We pay lib: pally and offer steady enipinytnent. Our list of Specialties embraces a rare and choice list 02 ready sellers in both fruit anct Ornamental stock. Seed Potatoes, Etc, Write for terms and catalogue. ST WELLI OTO The Foothill Nnrseriee, Est. 1837 Toronto - - Ontario