HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-04-15, Page 2Hysterical Tendencies
Are They on the Increase hi
the Young Women of
To -day?
Our daughters; by denial of the sim-
pler modes of living in which our grand-
mothers flourished, are developing iuto
pore bundles of nerves. In this brief,
but all too true, conclusion Mrs. S. E.
Powers, well known in Bridgeport, pro-
ceeds to say that no responsibility rests
with greater force upon parents than
that of fortifying the over -strained
nerves of their children by a judiciously
selected tonic andcareful diet. "My
third daughter had just finished her
High School course. She gave signs of
absence of repose—lacked self-control—
wee nervous—irritable and very high
strung. She luta formerly always shown
excellenttemper and judgmeut, and
these outbursts of impatience and tem-
per clearly indicated her health must be•
at fault. I was advised to give her Fer-
rozone and got four boxes at once. I
took particular care to see that she ate
regularly and sufficiently of nutritious
food, Had sho not been built up by
Ferrozone, it is hard do say what serious
troubles might have been developed.
Certainly Ferrezone is a splendid medi-
cine for such troubles, 'weakness and ill -
health as young girls suffer from."
Every growing girl and boy, in fact
any person in low or debilitated health,
will be quickly built up by Ferrozone—
try one or two tablets at meal time; 500
per box, six for $2.50, all dealers, or
The Catarrhozone Co., Kingeton, Can-
Berlin Has a Lot of Them, but Seem-
ingly They Are Always a Novelty.
There are about 23,000 soldiers in
Potsdam, whioh isn't a great distance
from Berlin, and there are always
soldiers in the German capital on
guard before various palaces. Besides
ther is a review almost every morning
on the Exercirenplatzz and guard
mounting every day at the Konigs-
wache, so that it might seem likely
that soldiers wouldn't arouse a great
deal' of interest in Berlin.
It is, however, quite the contrary.
The sound of a band playing sends
every one running in the direction
of the music. Even if it is just a
small company going along the streets
the folks appear eager to watch it.
What ever the cause, soldiers appar-
ently are an. unchanging novelty in
Qd d
The young son of a western family
was away from home for his first year
in college. His mother had been to visit
him, and upon her return met a friend,
who asked if her boy was homesick.
'No." said the doting mother. "I was
afraid he would be, so I saw that he was
located in one of the best maternity
houses of ,the college"
....''',:y -
You don't
have to know what your Goods
are made of. SAME Dye for ALL •-- No
chance of mistakes. All colors so cents from
vur Drur�-ggist or Dealer. Sample Card and
ocklet P'r�e. The Johnson
o., Llrnitod Dept. J, Montreal, Que..
Arrested for Sneezing.
The most silent town in Europe is (or
rather was until recently) not Bruges
apparently. but Drieseu-Vordaamm, in
Brandenburg. Here the munioipal re-
gulation with regard to street noises
are so .,rict that a visitor a short while
ago was fined five marks for sneezing
out of doors. 'The stranger refused to
pay, and though assured that this small
fee sa.ved him from the properly deserv-
ed punishment of prison, he remained
unmoved by the expression of generoity
and preferred to argue the matter out
in the local came. I% was eventually a0-
quited, but since the verdict the head of
the police of Driesen-Vorclamm refuses
to anis'wes for order in the streets of
that locality.—From the Queen.
Look Out for Thirteen.
On his thirteenth birthday the other
week, Charles Henderson, of Charlotte,
Mich., rode thirteen miles to an uncle's
house. While there he went out to look
at 13 pigs in :a pen, and then climbed
a shed 13 feet high and fell and broke
13 bones in his body. It ought to have
ended up with 13 doctors coming to see
him and charging his father $13 apiece
for attendance, but it didn't. There was
only one doctor, but he said the Iad
would be 13 weeks in bed. Look out for
the number 13. If you have just that
number of rents in your pocket give 12
away and escape the hoodoo.
he throat and luhnms Cures colas, ceats.
A Rose Colored Statement.
Miss Jane Addams, the brilliant head
of Hull House, said at a luncheon of
the Chicago Civic Club:
"We women will have much to fight
for. Our battle will be long and diffi-
cult. Well, let us frankly admit it.
There is nothing to be gained by such
rose-colored phrases as William White
employed. William White's brother had
killed a man in cold blood.
"'Well, William, how about your bro-
ther?" a visitor to the town asked him
one day after the trial.
"Well,' said William, 'they've put
him in jail for a month.'
"'That's a rather light sentence for a
cold-blooded murder,' said the gentle-
"'Yes, sir,' William admitted, 'but at
the month's end they're eoiug' to hang
hint"" --Chicago Record Herald.
Because of its delicate, emollient and
antiseptic properties derived from Cuti-
cure Ointment, united with the purest
of cleansing ingredients and most re-
freshing of flower odors, Cuticura Soap
is unrivaled for preserving, purifying
and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair
and hands of infante and children. In
the prevention and treatment of tortur-
ing, disfiguring eczemas, rashes, itch -
Tugs and irritations, warm baths with
Cutioura Soap and gentle anointings
with Cutioura Ointment often succeed
when all other methods fail. Guaran-
teed absolutely pure and may be used
• from the hour of birth.
Snuff and Saintship.
The "iitri, `i:. -a to ';uctese dontrc l'abus
au tabac" informs us that the amiable
beets Vincent de Paul was an inveterate
snuff taker. Nature provided him with
an ample capacity for indulgence in his
apparent weekneaa. The habit almost
east him his sa.lntship. When the ques-
tion of his beatification was usder eon.
sideration "l'avocat du diable" brought
forward the snuff taking as a sensuality.
Fortunately among the papers • of Vin-
cent de Paul was found aphysician's
order in which he was recommended to
take snuff freely, among other reasons,
to clear his brain. Without this docu-
ment there would have been no featifi-
cation, and without beatification there
would have been no canonization.—sten!
the London Globe.
Indian F of Palsy
Change that .limping, i seless horse
into a sound, healthy horse, willing
and eager to do a good day's work..
Don't let a Spavin, Curb, Splint,
Sprain, Ringbone or any other same -
nese keep your horse in the stable.
Cure it with
Kendal 90
spavin Core
It cures without leaving a scar,
blemish or white hairs—because it does
not blister.
Port Ralis, B.C., June 14th 1009
"Have been using your Liniment for
years and find it all that you represent.
Have not been without it for 10 years."
91. a bottle -6 for 65, Excellent for
household use. Sold by all dealers.
Ask for free book "A. Treatise on The
Horse " or write us for copy.
ISR. 51. J. KEN51M.L Co. Snosbnrfl Fads, Vt.
:r1,,�; i itH• i',l!°'tlr lstittl x..
Now Lease of Life for Old House.
The oldest house on Cape Cod, bulllt
about 1690, is being moved from its pre-
sent location in West Brewster into
tho adjonling town of Dennis, where it
will shortly be changed into a magnifi-
cent summer residence by J. D. Ander-
son, of Hartford, Conn.
This ancient landmark of more than
two centuries was built for one of the
first settlers in Brewster, John Dilling-
ham, by Isaao Winslow, and has always
been known as the old Dillingham
house. On one of the large rafters in
the attic there is cut the date, "1690."
showing the date on which it was erect-
ed. --From the Boston Globe.
Interesting Electric Timepiece Shown
'at Louisville.
A very interesting electrical clock
was exhibited at the Southern Elec-
trical and Industrial Exposition, held
in Louisville, Ky. This clock is dif-
ferent from the ordinary in having
no hands. Minutes are indicated by
means of 60 radial rows of lights, each
containing 32 electric globes. The
hours are indicated by shorter rows of
'solored lights. In place of the hands,
then, two lines of light sweep over the
face of the dial, one indicating min-
utes and the other hours. Each sec-
ond the illumination in an outer circle
of lights moves forward one lamp, and
when an entire circuit has been com-
pleted the row of minute lights is ad-
vanced one interval. The hour hand
moves at five-minute intervals. The
dial is formed on the face of a huge
pendulum, which swings to and fro
over an arc of 15 feet. The pendulum
is 48 feet long, and its weight, with
5,485 lamps and 11,000 connections re
quired, is 3,000 pounds. Over a mile
of wire was used in making the ..on -
elections of the clock.
Baby's Own Tablets are not intended
for babies only. This medicine is intend-
ed for children oaf alt ages. It is gently
laxative and comforting. Cures indiges-
tion and other stomach troubles, consti-
pation and simple fevers. Guaranteed
free from poisonous opiates. Mrs. Paul
Carrier, Petite Meohins, Que., says: "I
find Baby's Own Tablets the hest medi-
eine I have ever used for e.hildrPI. I
have used them for most of the troubles
that afflict little ones, and have not
known theist to f41. _siothers should
always keep them oh hand." Sold by
medicine dealers or by ;nail at 25 cents
a hose .from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Sound to Gt: the Details.
exactly meet the need which so often
arises in every family for a medicine
to open up and regulate the bowels.
Not only are they effective in all
cases of Constipation, but they help
greatly in breaking up a Cold or La
Grippe by cleaning out the system
and purifying the blood. In the same
Wav they relieve or cure Biliousness,
Indigestion, Sick Headaches, Rheum-
atism and other common ailments.
In the fullest sense of the words Dr.
Morse's Indian Root Pills are
A ! Cusve6ia®la$ R medy
Halfway to the altar the groom, who,
preceded by the groom -persons walking
two and two, had entered, carrying a
spray of groom -roses, on the arm of his
motjxer, stopped and made a speech to
the assembled guests.
"Iy friends," gaoth he, "it isn't fair
that you stare at me altogether., This
is an age of equality as between the
sexes, and so I wish you would try and
be interested some in the bride waiting
at the chancel yonder with her best wo-
man. And will the reporters please give
about as much space to her clothes as
to miner
It was very prettily done, and on all
sides a buzz of admiration went up:
I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by
Bay of Islands. J. M. CAMPBELL.
I was cured of racial Neuralgia by
Springhill, N. S. WM. DAiTIELS.
I was cured of Chronic Rheumatism by
Albert Co., N. B. GEO. TINGLEY.
Two French Conscripts.
Every year about this . tines are
French papers entertain their read-
ers with the names of the smallest
and the heaviest, and sometimes the
tallest of the conscripts, for this is
the season when the youths join the
army to commence their training.
The commune of Viney, is Isere, has
this year the distinction of not only
providing the smallest soldier, but
also the fattest. The first is a boy
named Marchand, who is 1.06 meters
in height, that is 3 feet 514 inches.
The Daniel Lambert of the conscripts
is one Bonnard by name, and he
turns the scale at the colossal weight
of 122 kilogrammes or 19 stone 2
pounds. Military training, it is
hoped; will have ,its effect on both.
—From the London Globe.
o -
Viinard's Liniment for sale
where. -
One of the chief praotical merits of
women, it will be acknowledged, is
their careful attention to detail. Re
ceive one more illustration. She was an
earnest politician, and she went can-
vassing for the right side. Then, -with
an alluring smile to the shut -sleeved
man who opened the door, "Good morn-
ing," said she, "could you tell me if Mr.
Smith is at homer' 'Oh!" the stolid
man was plainly surprised. "E's dead
some time." Then said the lady, with
pencil and card ready for the new ad-
dress, "And oan you tell me where he
has gone?" --Manchester Times.
Spanking does not cure children 0£
bed-wetting. There is a constitutional.
cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Sum-
mers, Box W. 8, Windsor, Ont., will send
free to' any mother her successful home
treatment, with full inatrutions. Send
no money, but write her to -day if your
children trouble you in this way. Don't
blame the child, the chances are it can't
help it. This treatment also cures adults
and aged people troubled with urine dif-
ficulties by day or night.
Mr. Herbert Bauer, of Davisville, says
he owes Gin Pills a debt of gratitude
which he can never repay. He suffered
for years with Bladder Trouble, and
could not pass Urine except by much
straining, whioh caused great pain.
Mr. Bauer sent for a free sample of
Gin Pills. The first dose did him so
much good that he ordered pix boxes,
and began to take them regularly. A
mantis's treatment completely cured him.
You can try Gin Pills before you buy
thein, Write National Drug & Ohemical
Co (Dept. H. L.), Toronto, for free sam-
ple. At all dealers.; 50e. a box, 6 for
Dogs' Homing instinct.
Is a sensible dog ever "lost?" Years
ago Capt.. Overstreet sent by express
from Horse Cave a greyhound to Frank-
lin, by the 3 p. m. tram, and the dog
was back for breakfast. A. half century
ago the late John Thompson Gray, of
Louisville, left with a friend in Illinois
a prairie chicken dog that reported home
in what is now Crescent Hill, in the
eastern part of Louisville, within a week
after lus master's departure from the
Illinois shooting fields. And not so max
years ago a female hound left behind at
the Ora Oreherd., By., national fox
hunt, reported to her master's kennel
at not Springs, Ark. It isn't the dog
that gets lost, but the master or the
real heart -home of the dog. Don't you
suspect so?—Elizabeth (Hy:) Meseengete
It's the egotist's I's that give him
such a distorted view of life.
every -
ISSUE NO. 15. 1010
Dr. Mattel's Female Nis
Proscribed and recommended for wo.
Teen's ailments, a scientifically pre-
pared remedy of proven worth. 1 hs
result from their use is quick and per-
manent. For sale at all drug stores.
Hard to Choose.
"Which do you prefer, Johnny, Christ-
mas or the Fourth of July?"
"If I get burned I like Christmas the
best, and when everything's et up and 'I
have the stomach-ache I like the Fourth
the best"
• - o
"But, why do you think we are in im-
minent danger of a war with England?"
• ".Ain't Alfred Austin just as likely as
Dot to write a poem on the occasion of
Roosevelt's visit?"
C. D. SHED DON 1n okerrat
.A. specialty made of investments
in Standard Railroad and Indus-
trial Stocks.
Call or write for full particulars
regardiRoom 01, 180lan fSt investment.
James St.,
(Chicago News.)
They were talking about endurance
tests in patience.
"Patience!" echoed the fair girl.
"Why, your sex don't know the first
rudimenta of patience. Did a man ever
attempt to make a. crazy quilt?"
"I don't know, I am sure," yawned
the mere man, "but—er—did a woman
ever attempt to color ameerschaum
And then she changed the subject.
C -W
Your Drtmerlst `VM Tell 'fou
Murine Eye Remedy Relieves Sore Eyes.
StrenSoothelrEye Pain,ens and Eyes. foresn't50c. TrSmarty
Byesnfori ScalyuBr yeltdss anddGranul tion.
"That's an anniversary clock, given
us for our wedding present. It runs a
whole year without winding winding."
"Well, I'll bo durned 1 How long
would it run if ye did wind it?"
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc.
e o
Like Somo Grown -Ups.
Little Jeanette apologized for the ac-
tion of her new baby sister by saying:
"You pee, she hasn't any- sense yet"
Her mother objected to such an idea,
and Jeanette replied: "Oh, of . course,
she's got sense enough, but it isn't work-
ing yet."
SO ,i.<< E WATCH F''`. ELS'.
A Gents' or Ladies' Solid Gold Watch costs from $SS
to $60, Do not throw your money away. If you desire
to secure a Watch which to keep time and last well will
be equal to any Solid Gold Watch send us your name and
address immediately and ag-ee to sell 10 boxes only of
Dr. 5faturin's Famous Vegetable Pins at we. a box.
They are the greatest remedy on earth for the cure of
poor and impure blood, indigestion, headaches, consti-
pation, nervous troubles, liver, bladder and kidney dis-
eases and all female weaknesses; they are the Great
Blood Purifier and Invigorator, a Grand Tonic and Life
Builder. With the Pills wo send 10 articles of jewelry to
Tve away with the pills—this makes them easy to sell.
his is the chance of a lifetime. Do not miss it. Send us
your order and we will send you the 10 boxes, post paid,
'When you have sold them send us the money ($2.50) and
we will send you
the same day the money is received,
We are giving� these beautiful Watches to advertise
our Remedios. This is a grand opportunity to secure a
ouuWatchitsastemwi andsternnsetanddnottuecheead.pp
dartleigenerllygss s premiums. Send
pills generally
D fla . Sf ATU Fi l dal MEDICINE CO. Watch Dept. 20 Toronto, Ont.
Whore Every Drop Counts.
In the Yal inu. Valley, Washington,
where the big apples are grown, and
bearing orchards sell at one thousand
dollars an sere, rain is eoarte. Irriga-
tion is practised everywhere. But now
and then during the growing season a
light rain will fall for a few minutes.
These rains, says the Youth's Compan-
ion, are highly prized, for irrigation
water is measured ;closely, and served
to each user in proportion,to his acreage.
Last summer a fruit -grower who owes
forty acres of orchard was rejoicing .in
one of these precipitations of moisture,
when one of his hired . men entered the
"Why don't you stay in out of the
rain?" inquired the fruit -grower.
"Oh, that's all right," replied the man.
"A little dew like that doesn't bother
me a bit; I can work right along just
the name"
"That isn't the point!" exclaimed the
rancher. "Next time it rains you come
into the house. I want that water on
the land!"
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia
(Buffalo Express.)
"Juat back from Africa," said the
friend in answer to a question.
"Africa 1 I didn't know- you were in
Africa." ,
"Of course not! Mr, Roosevelt was
there at the same time."
M'nerd's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
A 1eiilewfregttently forgets himself
aithotlt being pa.rticulaily absent-
minded. . • ,
"Melia .3i, see aefeleee. WSW.
....�s...�� ra ! las c "ri
Eve. rybody Who ' its l! rea
Should avoid danger of Impurities In delivery from the oven to
the horno. Insist on yens malty wrapping his bread in
Wo are the original ma srarlacturers of bread wrappers now
used by loading bakors of Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and other
Tose E. B. EDDY COMPANY, LURed, Hull, Canada
ee cisr yg,:, trot".
,V44{ .O ' ,,r •sir
This beautiful Geld Fined Locket, mounted with ,preekous
stones, with this lovely neck chain is one of thelatest ornament..
5Edress Is one�,1ate without ori ornnmcnt of titin d,
P NO I5ONiiY. ' Send your name and addmrea�an
will send you 4 boxes of D. Matarlia's Fenton V .setable
the most powerful Tonle and Blood Purifier known. Sell th
at 23 cents iros, airing fret to each purchaeer one of the
sent you with the Pills. This hetp8vu to sell rapidly, As awn
as the Pilin are aid senaa_� us the $1.003 collected and we Will send
you this handsaws 1.00(= 6r :MAIN FREE. Write to.dity.
The Lir. later Medic. tux Co, Dept, Toronto, Ont.