HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-04-15, Page 1The Official Organ. of Zurich and Hay Township.g Vol. X FRIDAY MORNING, APR. 1S, 1916, NO. 37 0 We are in a position to supply any or all pi your wants for spring house cleaning There is no time like spring for brightening up around the hoarse. A look through. our large stock will sur- prise you at the variety and quality of our goods. § WALL PAPERS 0 Om new stock of Wall Papers is now ready for your inspection. Our line consists of the newest colorings and shade effects. Call and look throng!) our same le book. Linoleu s, Carpets, Etc. We have a large stock of lieoleums to choose from. The designs are very pretty and it is well worth your time to call and look through our line. We also have a Trice line of Carpets, Mattings, Rugs, Ete. LACE CURTAINS We have never shown a more complete line of Lace Curtains than we are showing this year.'1 he clesi;ns are t) exquisite and the quality unsurpassed. 9 Buy Reliable Quality Seeds 0 Seeding titre is here. We Nati+e everything hi the line of gar- .len,: flower- and field seeds. We �+ °•�`y/' carry the celebrated Reenie's <C: 0 Steele, Briggs' Seeds. All tested. 1 7 Sherwin=Williaa S Floor Paints 0 APoultry letting ,and Fencing 2 it Sherwin=Williams 0 Fly Screens Fly time gill soon be here We carry all sizes screen 4 wire cloth. Also a com- plete line of screen doors, •1iso:een windows, etc. Our prices are right; quality considered. We have poultry netting from 18 inebes to 72 in- ches wide. If you want a serviceable garden fence see our Peerless Junior W poultry fence. Eighteen wires high and will turn any fowl. uggy Paints Get our prices on off.s Wire Black wire, Woven Fencing, Sty= pies, Stretchers, Etc. PRODUCE OF ALL Kiii08 TAKEN Pr ter, el Telephone ro - ZURlC11 Gems.crr.Isra � sa-4-1a4104104a1. • LOCAL • NEWS 7 Mr florraoe Sehilbe is laid up just now with a bad cold. Trusses fitted and guaranteed at Hemphill's drug store, Hensall. Mr. .Albert 1 eideman Jr., of Detroit is in town, this weak. Mr John Preetor is able to be out after an illness of %bout two weeks Mr. Ben Geiger, of Michigan is visiting his mother, Mrs. Wing, Goshen. Line South. Dr. Rontledge and Mr. P. Fassold of Dashwood, were in town on Tuesday evening.' • Mrs. Pope of Hensall visited friends in town on Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. John Sehilbe left yesterday afternoon to yisit his sons and daughters, in Detroit. Mr. F. C. Kalbfieisoh has receiv- ed a car of best B. 0. red cedar shingles. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schwalm are visiting the forager's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William t3ehw alm. It will pay you to get a new Truss, at Hemphill's drug store; Hensall. First shipment of Portland cem- ent, Star brand, now in. J. Preet er, Zurich. Mr. Oscar Koehler has sold a building lot to MiS J. J. Merger, on which it is reported it, brick evaporator will be built. Miss Elizabeth Riinnie has again started her weekly trips, to Lon- don, to continue her studies in music. ' Mrs. William Klopp, of Stratford arrived here on \Vednesday even- ing for a month's -visit with her sons.•% ` w a •. in, ^c 1. .4 ,.xnq ,..,,. Tlie "Icor ieir"'o dri racing the Sunday 'evening service of the Evangelical church has been chang- ed from 7 p. m. to 7:30 o'clock. The Jubilee Band has started practising again and we trust that the weekly Saturday evening open air concerts will be held as usual, as soon as the weather becomes favorable. Dr. Oven's Surgeon, Oculist specialist will be at Royal Hotel, Hensall, on Friday. April 20th. Hours all day. Glasses properly fi,tteei, Catarrh, deafness, fail- ing eyesight and throat troubles treated. The 46th session of the Canada Conference of the Evangelical as• sedation, will convene in Zion Evangelical church, Berlin next week. Bishop Thomas Bowman, D. D.,. of Cleveland Ohio., will preside during the session. WANTED —Bright intelligent, and energetic lad from 8 to 13 years old to work after school on Thurs. days, and Fridays, and on Sutra- days. utui.r•days. The work will not interfere with school duties. Good, pay for short hours. Mail your application to•rlay, to the Saturday Evening Post, 12 Front Still , Toronto. The order to have the streets cleaned. np for the sunnier is a timely one and every citizen should take enough pride in the town to take a share in a general spring cleanup. Wo believe that our reputation as a nice clean place is growing, and itis wonderful what a united effort win do, towards further improvement. KATZ E. EYE -SIGHT SPECIALIST and Graduntc Optician ss - Well recommended. by 1000 for his good work 171 relieving eye sight trouble. Will be k.t Dominion }Ionise Zurich t lldanday Apr. 18th And will test eyes with the new method. Guarantee to relieve all eye st.ratin trouble. When every optician fails try me. I invite all weak eyed people young and old, cross ted, short sighted, headache trouble. COME TO SIZE ME DON'T MISS IT. E. KATZ, Reliable Optic'n WWWWWAMMIWWIMAMAIMAWMANWAWAMO 1 1 Now is the season up. We have a large Papers for bedrooms, parlors. call and a, for a general cleaning- stock of handsome Wallhalls, dining rooms and see Sample Books New Spring Dress Goods We have a good range of the very newest in Dress Goous. New Linen Suitings We show the best Linens for the money, in colors, Tan, Blue, Pink, and stripe. Louisiade Novelty For Dresses We are the only ones that show this Louisine Novelty. Its nett to a silk dress for only 25 cents a yard. In colors, Rose, Reside, New Blue, and Chane. Milli • er Mutslins Etc. New Dross liluslins, Lac- es, Embroidery-, Dress Trim- nungs, Dress Buttons, Belts. Madrass Curtains We show a good range of lledrasi Curtains. Ladies Waists le White, Elaei: and Ecru Priees from 0.5 cents to 64.00 each. Call and.. see these lovely waists. Ladiea fancy* parasols, and children parasols. Men's Tailor ade Suits New Meri's Hats and Caps 9 0 We have a large range of the latest hats. If you cannot be suited with the hats WO have, we willmake up for yam, ti s4 nd • you we cordially invite you to call and look through this Department. All Farm Produce taken in exchange PHONE 17 D.® FAUST ZI;1110H lac ter' lowwwwwmmwwwwwinvalmnA Mr. Ed Leatherland, of Soaforth spent last Satrnrday and Sunday, at the home of Mr. Jacob Gallnnan. Goshen Line. GETTING OFF TO f?PLENDID START T In operation six weelts, employ- ing twenty hands, and turning out three hundred pairs of shoes ashy.. That's the splendid record of Ber. lin's baby industry—the Berlin Shoe Manufacturing Oo , Ltd. The factory is located in the Reider block, formerly the Simpson Furniture factory, and Mr. J H. Roedding is the man on the job as manager. He also is a member of the firm. • The plant is equipped throughout with up to date niachi• nery and twenty-four persons are at work. This number will have to he in- creased again very shortly, as the orders are corning in so very rapid- ly that the management is consid- ering whether the house can accept any more eeders this season. Over 5,000 pairs of summer shoes have been already shipped out and they are coming through the fan - tory at the rate of three hundred pair per day. The firm is making a light sum- mer shoe of cloth and leather, There is no rubber in it The shoe is a featherweight, with ample ventilation, and is thoroughly sooiri ta.ry . There is a big dermand for the shoos and every prospect points to bigger business for the loerl firm. Thenannfa0tttre of a medium priced loather shoe, is he added to the list at an early date. - The News Record oongratuletes the members of the Berlin Shoe. Manufacturing Cotneany and wish- es thein many years of success and prosperity.—Berlin News•Eecord. Messrs. .T. li Iloedd.rn; and Charles Grab, formerly of Zurich, are members of the above firm and the citizens generally will. wish their new ventttrs every sticcetts. Miss Carrie Gellman left on Wednesday morning for Stratford, for a vitt, Miss Allie Fee of London is visit. ing her brother, Mr. Wellington Fee, Goshen Line North. The Women's Christian Temper- ance Ur ion will meet Wednesday afternoon, Asir. 20th, at the home of Mrs .1. A. Williams. Constable Thiel wishes to in- form, residents of the town that all: rubbish. rigs, wood, oto., are to be removed from the streets at once. The greatness df Canadian. un- dertakings seem to have wonder fully impressed the American leading statesmen who are now prepared to negotiate a commercial treaty with us. When Canada, negotiated a treaty with France and prospects of treaties with other nations become almost certain, then Uncle Sam felt somewwhat out of it and determined to snake amends for the past. llence the Present agreeable relations. The latest immigration reports show that the influx of im- migrants to Canada during' the. corning season are likely to be very moth in advance of any previous • year in the e.nuntry's history Dor. ing February ten thousand settlers carne into the country, ae nryainst less than five thousanai for the same month last, year. The total immigration for the eleven months of the fiscal year was 17:5,720, as against 1,:30,441 for the same period of the previous year, en increase of thirty-five per cent, baring the eleven months of the present fiscal year there Carne from the United States shone 80,486' settlers, as against 50,650, an itereaa.se over the Preceding period. of seventy -onto per cent. It is said that this rush of immigration from the United States is canning selions apprehetT- sion in the Republio. and .that • the authorities are seeking .to find sotnne tureens of discouraging its iurtlrer ,preaditig.