The Herald, 1910-04-01, Page 4nu LeuaelamliF?MED (Ma AMAD QD431SEDCID ®C1DC 3(4
Incorporated 1855 a
CFt ITA11,. - - -. S3,500,000
EST FUND a - 8,3,500,000 ea
Has 65 Branches in Canada, sod Agents and Correspondents in all.
the Principal Cities in. the World.,
n, at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Zurich. Branch - ,T. A. CONSTANTINE, Agent
,iDCtel1"1➢C1DCQAaD<r+,,s Cls
t- iT3 s3 DCtasJ _._ ----
I T. El E ii.
Reiter, Notary Publie, Eensa:-. Onta.ic.
At Zurich (Zeller's office) every 1.1on-
ristors, Solicitors, Notaries Public, oto.,
Goderich, Canada W, I'rouclfoot.
B. 0. Hays. G. F. Blair.
1MR. T. P. McLAUGHLIN for -
LJ merly with Drs. Jansen
Halle and Biers, of Berlin, Ger.
many ; also assistant surgeon at
Moorefields' (Royal London Opthal-
mic) eye Hospital and Golden
Square ; Nose' and Throat Hospital,
London England, etc. General
practice, with special attention to
eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes
tested (Retinoscope used) and
glasses supplied..
FRIDAY, APR. 1st. 1910
W. C. T. U.
My only excuse for such daring
must be that I am your old-time
friend and always liked you so
much ; then, too, I noticed that you
drank your wine tonight as if you
disliked it." Before he could
speak, before he could lay a detain
ing grasp on the hand that touched
hers, she was gone arcl he Was
alone with the flowers, well for
hint that only their innocent eyes
SLIM his perturbation. Never before
had he been so disturbed, the pet-
ted child of an idolizing and wido
wed mother, faultless in hor sight,
weatly exceptions, thought well
of himself. Especially did he
Out hitnserf on his ability to
shine in the estimation of the op•
posite sex, he had been used to
undisguised admiration,, never be-
fore had hemet a. lady's criticism.
His easy, graceful manners and
princely fortune had made him a
favorite with al), welcomed alike
at hone and abroad, and here this
little maiden; younger than him-
self by six summers, had "arraign-
ed" him, to quote her own words
but lately uttered, "before his own
conscience and made him blush in
his own presence." He, the imper-
tnrable, had. felt himself blush be-
fore her, not with joy or delight
but shame, he was disgusted with
himself for having become inter-
ested in the little Puritan, and
ashamed of himself the next mom-
ent for harboring such a thought
of her. She was home when he
reached the drawing room, again.
He thought he was glad, but tried
in vain to pick up the evening
where he had left it, the affair
seemed fiat without her voice and
face, the young ladies intolerable.
He strove to put away the un-
comfortable thoughts she had
roused, but : they would not go.
and happy recollections of it will tend to
link the past with the future.
Now we could not let this opportunity
pass without availing ourselves of the
privilege of showing you in a more
tangible way, than mere words, our feel-
ings towards you. We therefore ask you
to accept these chairs and let them. serve
as a token of our good wishes and a re-
minder of the many happy days together.
Signed in behalf of those assembled.
Mr. Horner although taken en-
tirely by surprise responded in a
clever and appropriate manner and
while e xpressing to the donors his
unqualified approval in behalf of
of himself and Mrs. Horner of the
ability, unfailing kindness cordial-
ity and impartiality with which
they had recognized their services,
assured them that although his
removal would increase the dis
tance between him and them it
would not sever the ties of friend
ship, love and social intercourse
with which they were all closely
united. A dainty lunch consisting
of all the delicacies of the season
and carefully and tastefully
prepared by the .numerous ladies
present, was then partaken of. The
remainder of the night until a late
hour „was spent in a sociable
manner by the young people, a
principlal feature being a Line
musical programme. consisting of
vocal and instrumental music.
combined with selections of choice
phonograph records, A very en-
joyable evening was spent and each
member returned home feeling
qnite confident that Mr. and Mrs.
Horner and family had all done
their utmost to hospitably enter•
tain the guests.
Sales conducted in all parts. Satins
is -
faction guaranteed or no pay.
seasonable. Orders left
efd at this office
will be promptY
ce agent, representing the Loudon,
ard, 'Wellington
ud Uuardian. Evey-
thing in fire insurance.
duate of the Royal College of Dental
Burgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu-
ate of Department of Dentistry, To-
ronto University.., Painless extraction
of teeth. 'Elate work a speciality. o t
Dominion House, Zurich, every '
day. ..b
Notary Public. Dee ds ,
Wills and other
Legal prepared.ea is care
fully and promptly
Zeller block, Zurich, Ont.
open his eyes. Then she. dropped
en her knees and put her un-
easiness and ]ler friend on the
heart of her God, The next day
Keith Weswick abstained from
drinking wine entirely He was
astonished that it was with such
effort, His mother noticed his
untouched glass at dinner and
spoke of it, "You have not tasted
you;. wine, Keith.,' "No, mama
dear, I do not care for it," He
thought of Eleanor. Myers as he
spoke and wondered if she would
call that truth, when every bit of
his nature wits crying out for its
exhilaration, ',Why, niy son,"
said phis mother in surprise, is
there anything the matter with.
the wine? It is the sane you pro-
nounced so good yesterday. "It is
very good," was the reply. ''You
are not sick?" anxiously. ''No,
indeed, I tun perfectly well." Then,
meeting her puzzled glance, "I am
testing myself, mama; trying to
find out where I stand on the
lignor question, whether wine is
for me a necessity 'or only a.
luxury." "Absurd !" said the lady
half amused, half disinayed."
Why need you care, Keith, since
either as necessity or luxury you
can always command it? "Ali,
but you see that is just my fear"—
vwhimscally—"that I may not al-
ways be able to command it, but
that some day it may command
ole." "What an enigma you are,
]~Leith ! What can you mean?" He
laughed. •-Simply and purely, this
my ..other, that I have taken a
tansy to look after my manhood as
the choioest of my possessions and
the one most neglected, we heard a
little upon temperance last night ;
I am making the application today'
-flow can you be so foolish !" The
lady arose and going to her son's
side put both arms about his neck"
you do not mean to hint that you
think it possible that your father's
son could ever forget himself as to
become a drunkard?" -.No mamma
dear, I trust your son will never.
Court Zurich No. 1240
0 • J.. • meets every 1st and :3rd
Tkursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. m.
in the A. 0. U. W. L J. 1Ianaran, C. R.
e®• v•
Riokbeil Lodge
• No. 3 93, meets
the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month,
at 8 o'clock, in their Fjnli. Merner
arn R BIck.
Had she measured him accurately. be that" "then what can you
Prompt relief in all cases of
throat and lung trouble if you. use
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.,
Pleasant to take, soothing and
healing in effect. Sold by 3 J
Why does not the farmer get in-
to the game, produce more hogs
and rake in more of the packers $10
per cwt? Simple because he can-
not do it. The breeding stook is
not in the country in, sufficient
numbers to enable him. to do so on
a large soale. Tho high prices torr•
several months back have, caused
fanners to sell nearly everything.
they could sell in the hog fine. In
the general scramble for hogs.
breeding stock has been drawn
upon to a larger extent than is
good for the future supply- Things
looked too good to the farmer to•
last long, and like the cattle raiser
he has been selling close, little
dreaming that prices would con-
tinue to advance But prices have
advanced, and the stability of the
market is shown by the fact that
these high prices are not confined
to Canada alone, They actually
have the $10 hog in the United
States. Will this week see ins ad-
vent in Canada? Sterne think it
will, or that he will -be along soon.
Was he in danger ! He poohed at
the suggestions in rain. Chagrin
over the poor opinion of himself
which this young lady had con•
ceived, together with the fear that
she might be right in her con-
victions, harassed him for the rest
of the evening and long after he
reached the -solitude of his own
eluunher. - Her last question es
pecially he turned ovar and over.
He was too honest to deny the
fact when once proven to himself.
It was true, ,though he had not
suspected it before; he drank more
and relished the drink better than
he had six or given three months
previous.' "cruiil •it be possible he
was already started on the inclined
plane of which Mr. Symonds had
spoken that night? Was he already
detecting the impetus of the down
grade? Ono thing he determined
he would find out his position and
that at once. This being
settled, be fell into an uneasy.
sleep. And Eleanor, in her chamb-
er, was saying to herself, "I think
I have not mistaken him. There
is roan enough there to combat
evil if once discovered. He cannot
have lost all the sweet frank
heartedness of his boyhood, how.
ever much it may be overgrown
with selfishness." Then. still
musing. lie is very handsome
and destingnished looking, but I'm
afraid I don't like him as I used to
like the boy, Keith. What a hero
he was in my eyes ! Hero ! Ah,
me! 130 lost a friend. Faultily
faultless, icily regular, splendidly
dull, near perfection, no more,
Yes, he is more. Under the crust
of worldiness his better self must
still exist. I suppoee he thinks me
very rude and unkind, It was
hard to wound him, but I had to
be true to him. I conid not let him
drift along as he is going. Ile
drank so much to -night and so
unconsciously, as a matterof
course. I hope something will
Diarrhoea should be cured with-
out loss of time and by a medicine
which like Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
not only cures promptly but pro-
duces no unpleasant after effects.
It never fails and is pleasant and
safe to take. Sold by J J Merner.
mean?" simply that such. a thing
is possible to the man who loves
and indulges his love of strong
(To be continued)
ilithel I.I. Williams,
Pres. Supt.
An election of mote than local
interest was that which took place
in Massachusetts last week and re-
sultsd in the return of Eugene N.
Foss to the popular branch of Con-
gress. Mr. Foss was orginally a
Republican but he left his parts
some three years ago because of its
failure to move in the • direction of
lower tariff and for five or six
years past he has been tit leader
among those New England manu-
facturers who have been agitating
for an improvement in United
States relations with Canada. His
election on the Democratic ticket
by a majority of 5,000 in a constit-
uency which was formerly consid-
ered as hopelessly Republican as
Toronto is today hopelessly. Tory
is a striking indication of the
strength of the revolt in the nianu-
facturing states of the East against
the failure of the Republican party
to fulfill public expectations in the
matter of tariff reduction. Eviden
ce has already been furnished
showing that the movement in the
Republican States of the Middle
West iu the sante direction has
attained quite as formidable dimen-
tions. It will not be surprising if
the November elections of the
House of Representatives result in
the return of a majority pledged
to a sweeping reduction of the
Payne Aldridge rates of duty, and
favorable to a liberal ineasnra of
reciprocity with Canada, —Weekly
On Tuesday evening March 22nd
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W, 3.
Horner was the scene of an unusual
happy gathering When a large
number of young people, consisting
principally of neighbors and
acquaintances assembled expressly
for the purpose of demonstrating
their appreciation in the form of a
presentation to.Mr. and Mrs. Horn-
er previous to their departure for
t eir, new lionro on the fourtheenth
,,nees:inil. Immediately after the
arrival et the atenas.ts at the Korner
home, kir. and 1,Ire, Horner were
made the recipients of two ex
ceptionally beautiful chairs presient-
ed by Messrs H. Rau and E.
Howard, accompanied by the follaw-
ing complimentary address which
was read by Mr, G. Pollock.
To Mr. and klrs. Horner.
We, your neighbors and acquaintances
have heard with deep, regret that you are
about to leave this immediate neighbor-
hood, where you have spent so many years
and so, prompted by that fact we assemble
here to -night, as a farewell party to ex-
press to you the warm feelings which each
and all of us cherish toward you.
We have ever found you ready and
willing to take a hand in anything portai n-
ing to the betterment of this Community,
or to advance the social and moral welfare
of its members and we trust that the ties
of friendship which exist between us shall
not be severed by your removal, but that
they shall continue and broaden among
the people in the locality to which you are
about to move,
By your honest and persistent efforts
you have made hero a comfortable home,
one which stands on a level with the
neatest and which you must feel loathe to
leave. However we trust that the tame
measure of success or even still greater
may crown your future career, Although
yon nrc leaving this, the old homestead,
sse.ftel tl at miny pleasant associations
b. -Agile to ural
Savings and
Chambe rlain's Stomach and Liv
er Tablets assist nature in driving
all impurities out of the system,
insuring a free and regular condi-
tion and restoring the organs of
the body to health and strength.
Sold by 3 J Merner.
S. S. No, 1, HAY
Resalts of examinations for the
ast two months and also the test
Passed the test examination.
Mexime Denomy, Maximilian
Ube others failed in spelling and
on the total.
Jr IV Edward Corriveau, Frank
Papineau passed in the subjects
in which they tried.. Rodolphe
Sr III Anna Corriveau, Loretta
Laporte sumo narks, Armand
Denomy, Richard Laporte, Edward
Laporte, Simon Badour and Bert-
ine Denomy same, Eugene Denomy,
Evangeline Laporte •Paul Badour
Fabian Corriveau same.
Sr 1I Philbert Denomy Freder-
ick Papineau same, Leo Denomy,
Beatrice Denomy Rachel Badour
same, Lawrence Denomy, Adolphe
aopha Teddy Denomy same.
Jr II Emily Badour, Chas ]3a -
dour, Albina Papineari,
Sr Pt II Marcel Laporte, Adella
Denomy, Theodore Laporte, Larina
Sr Pt I Albina Badour, Lucy
Denomy, Leopold Denomy, Delia
Donorr y, Napoleon Denomy, Mat"
ildtt Papineau.
Tr 1;it Nettie Dentrnrv,
Corriveau, Ulotilde Lep rte. °vv t-
Corriveau. Hattie liar r isou.
pairs for 5pri
English is a queer language. Tell
a roan that his speech was breezy
and you i,at him on the back ; that
it was just wind and you insult
him. Call him a level head and he
is pleased ; a flat -head, and he pro-
bably blackens your eye: You may
mlpeak of his well rounded intellig-
ence,'but do not intimate that he
thinks in circles if you wish to re-
tain bis friendship, He will smile
if you say he is polished, but glare"
tit you if you assert that be is
Money advanced on good
Farm Mortgages,
Prompt attention given
to applications for loans,
E ZELLER. Zurich,
Every family and especially those
who reside in the country should
he provided at all times with a
bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment.
There is no telling when it may be
wanted in• case of an accident or
emergency" It is most excellent in
all cases of rheumatism., sprains
and bruises. Sold. by?• .3 Merner,
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land
please order now. Anyone
wishing New or Second hand
Machinery, call and see if I
can't filI your wants.
Also Agent far
ANY person who is the sole head of a
family, or any male over 18 years old,
may homestead a quarter -section of avail-
able Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask-
atchewan or Alberta. The applicant must
appear in person at the Dominion Lands
Agency or Sub -Agency for the district.
Entry by proxy may be made at any
agency, on certain conditions, by father,
mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of
intending homesteader.
Duties.—Six months' residence upon and
cultivation of the land in each of three
years. A homesteader may live within nine
miles of his homestead on a farm of at least
80 acres solely owned and occupied by him.
or by his father, mother, son, daughter,
brother or sister.
In certain districts a homesteader in
good standing iray pre-empt a quarter. sec-
tion alongside his homestead. Price 3.00'
per acre. Duties—Must reside six months
in each of six years from clate of homestead
entry (including the time required to earn
homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres
A homesteader who has exhausted his
homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-
emption may take a purchased homestead
li : it . :•I rrtt,.a la tA:it of
eat' , t !ifby acres :.i.d erect,
'W. W. CORY,
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior.
N. B.—Unauthorized publication of this.
advertisement will not be paid for.
Your tongue is coated. Your
breath is foul. Headaches come
and go. These symptoms show
that your stomach is the trouble.
To remove the cause is the first
thing, and Chamberlain's Stomach
and Livor Tablets will do that.
Easy to take and most effective.
Sold by J J Merrier.
Fairbanks Gasoline•
Engines, Weigh Scales,i (�i .,lb°ung
Feed Grinders.
All kinds of
Sawing Machines
Buggies, Carriages and
Whyte, •A't.
MASSEY-HARRIS CO, 'Farmer s Advocate 2,25
frearWe have made arrangements
to offer the following` low clubbing
Irates with Tenn He:RAra»
Daily Globe $ 4.25
„ Mail & Empire 4.25
` : Weekly Globe . , 1.60
I „ Mail & Empire 1.60 .
t Berliner .journal (German) 2.50
Fancily Herald & Star 1.75
Daily Advertiser 2.75
1 Weekly Advertiser 1.50
Weekly Sun 7.76'
For Zurich
This is the time to sell
nursery stock.
We pay lib: zany and offer
steady employment. Our
list of Specialties embraces
a rare and choice list of
zeady sellers in both. fruit
and. Ornumental, stock,
Seed Potatoes, Etc.
Write for terms and catalogue.
The ]?onthill Nurseries, Est, 1837
Toronto Ontario,