The Herald, 1910-04-01, Page 2Kills Bone Spavin Rich Valley, Alta, May 20th. 1909 Z have used your Spavin Cure for a long time and would not be without it. Flave killed a Bone Spavin by its use." OLE CARLSON, That tells the whole story. And hundreds of thousands have bad the same experience in the past 90 years. For Spavin, Ringbone, Curb, Splint, Swellings and all Lameness, 1 endall's Spavin Cure cures the trouble—makes the horse sound and well—and saves money for the owner because it removes the cause of the trouble. Keep a bottle always at hand— $lor6 for $S. Good for man and beast. Ask your dealer for free copy of our book `•A Treatise On The Horse" or write us. st BR. B. S. lfliNDALL CO. Enosbnrg Falls, Vt. ateasialealitialeaatalealseasti Was a Fair Question. Traveler—I've been all over the world and I've met only two really beautiful women. Totty—And, pray, who was the other one?" -Philadelphia Inquirer. AN AULD SANG, A single verse of the adtsompanying song was published by Sir Walter Scott, is an early edition of Rokehi " a note This beautiful song, heds appears to have been written by some follower of "The Stuarts." In a later ed- tion, in a note also, he gives a copy he received from Mr. Sheridan, slightly dif CaptaferinniOgilvie, who fough trom this one. It wes at thetwrBoyne i with small Highland contingent was killed at the ntiileRne subsequently. Tour Highland readers may care for a copy. CHAS. COLte Cl. IL M. S. .A.NTIENT JACOBITE SONG. By Captain Ogllvie. It was a' for our rightful king We left fair Scotia's strand, it was a' for our rightful king We ere saw Irish land. We ere saw Irish land, my dear, We ere saw Irish land. Now a' is done that men could do, And all is done in vain, My love, my native land adieu, Since X must cross the main, For I must cross the main, my dear, For I must cross the main. Ae turned him round, and right about Upon the Irish shore; Ho gave his bridle reins a shake, With adieu for evermore; With adieu for evermore, my dear, Adieu for evermore. The soldier fra' the war returns, The merchant fra' the main, But I have parted fra' my love And ne'er to meet again; And ne'er to meet again, my dear, And ne'er to meet again. When day is gone, and night is come, And all are boun' to sleep, I think on him that's far awa'. The live-lang night and weep, The live-lang night and weep, my dear, The live-lang night and weep. o_r Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. 4.0 South Carolina Just Heard It. "Don't have regular habits. You are a weakling if you do. The reason the city boys were enabled to endure the hard- ships of war better than the country youths was because the latter had regu- lar habits, and it broke them all up to break them." It is needless to say that this philoso- phy is some more of the Chicago pro- duct. This new data on the subject of youth in war is highly entertaining in view of the fact that but few of the young men in the confederate armies were from the cities.—Charleston News and Courier. HAIR GROWTH AND BEAUTY. To prevent dry, thin and falling hair, remove dandruff, allay itching and iri- tation and promote the growth and beauty of the hair, frequent shampoos with Cuticura Soap and occasional dressings with Cuticura Ointment are usually effective when all else fails. Special and full directions accompany each package of Cuticura, or wi11 be sent free on application to the Potter Drug es Chemical Corporation, Boston, U. S. A. In the treatment of eczemas, rashes, itchings and ehafings, for sana- tive, anative, antiseptic cleansing of ulcerated and inflamed mucous surfaces and far ail purposes of the toilet, bath and nursery, these pure, sweet and gentle emollients are absolutely indispensable. DOING HM BEST. At the Old Bailey, not long ago: a man standing in the dook awaiting his trial, took out a sandwich and commenced eat - in" it. "Put that away, sir, at once," said the judge. "i'm putting itawayas fast as I can," was the reply of the prisoner, as he took another he— ",•eaneei. t 4-. Fairy Tale. Tommy—Tell us a fairy tale. Guest—Once a man who had a baby that didn't cry and a dog that didn't bits went to live in a. suburb without mosquitoes. Harper's bazaar. Wn7o quickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals tbo throat and limas. • • • 28 cents. o4 THE RUB. The Bachelor—I'm in a terrible way. I nm worried so much that sometimes I don't know my own mind. The Benedict—You are lucky, old chap. What worries me is that I don't know my wife's mind. 1 Try this NEW and S RE You don't have to know what your Goods are made of. SAME Dye for ALL--• No chance of mistakes. All colors to cents from your Druggist or Dealer. Sample Card and Booklet Free. Tha Johnson -Richardson Co. Limited De t. J., Montreal e. SUFFERED FROM VIOLENT CATHARTICS THE WARNING OF MRS, GEO. 0. FOX IS ONE THAT SHOULD BE HEEDED BY ALL. Few men on the road are better known than genial George Fax, whose friends throughout the West are legion. In the following letter he expresses gratitude for signal services rendered by Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills. He goes on to say: "Until I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills and experi- enced their wonderful mildness and cura- tive power, I estimated the value of every pill by its activity. Talking about this to a well-known physician I met on the train the other day, he explained there are different kinds of drugs that act upon the bowels, the most active being known as drastic. Except in ex- treme cases where the life of the patient depends upon speedy evacuation of the bowels, pills should never be drastic. Purgatives cause catarrh of the bowels and inflammation; their dose must be increased, causing even more harm. With such a clear explanation I could sec why Dr. Hamilton's Pills are curative and not irritating. why they are mild, yet most searching. "From nay experience I recommend everyone that takes pills to give up the old-fashioned harsh, peiging pill, and, instead, to use Dr. Ili s!lton•s. They cure headache, billouenese, constipation, bad stomach, and keep the system in per- fect condition." Refuse any substitute for Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills; sold for 2.5e, all dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. Engineering in Hospitals. Practically all the important infirm- aries and hospitals in England have their own electric generating stations and the size of the installations, says the London Times, would surprise the majority of engineers. The equipment has to be designed with unusual care, owing to the special conditions which prevail in hospital work. Even where a public supply is available, the use of an independent system is justified on ac- count of the security which it gives against failure of current at a critical moment. The installations are used far lighting, heating, ventilating, telephon- ing and other purposes and many hos- pitals have laundries operated electriatl- ly. One county asylum has its own pri- vate electric railway for conveying slip 11'. rtird ir.`"-a''ra� rt rt co cs Fl) cure many common ailments which are very different, but which all arise from the same cause—a sys- tem clogged with impurities. The Pills cause the bowels to move reg- ularly, strengthen and stimulate the kidneys and open up the pores of the skin. These organs immediate- ly throw off the accumulated im- purities, and Biliousness, Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Kidney Troubles, Headaches, Rheumatism and similar ailments vanish. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills � otNores lEnxacai¢7a- ' �iililsy s • e Minard's Liniment for sale every- where. •• IMPOSSIBLE IMiPOSSIBLI TO PRONOUNCE. (Philadelphia Record.) Newlywed ---We spent our honeymoon in a place in Switzerland, but I can't tell you the name of it. Wigwag—How do you pronounce it? Newlywed ---You don't pronounce it. You yodel it. HAPPY THOUGHTS. Marriage is called a tie, and men should be careful in the selection of their ties lest they get it in the neck. When you feel that a pretty girl is fishing for you be careful how you bite. You may get the hook. The man who remains a bachelor all the days of his life gets only a half por- tion at the banquet board of earthly felicity. The reason why a great many people believe that the devil is not as black as he is painted is probably that he is al- ways painted red. There are no sleeping -cars on the road to success, and he -who tries a special train must watch out for the switches. ®a0 PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION ION METHOD PALMS MOVED 50o MILES: Interesting Survivors of the San Fran- cisco F ire, • A difficult undertaking and•one which required the woek of six men for nearly two weeks was recently aceompl•islsed in California, when two thirty-foot palms were moved from the abandoned re's'i- dence of H. E, Huntington, on the top of Nob Hill, San Francisco, and tran'sportsd a distance of 500 miles to his new resi- dcnee at Los Robles, hear San Gabriel, Ca I. ;Palin uiovnig is a common oreitrrener in California, says Horticulture, but it is IRA likely that any have ever been mov- ed so great a distance with so much suc- cess. Bach palm when boxed weighed eighteen tons, and a string of ten horses was required in order to transport the palms to the railway station, a distance of two miles, through some of the busi- est streets in San Francisco. The palms figured were also of afore than ordinary interest to the citizens of 'San Francisco, having stood there for more than twenty years. In addition to this fleet they might be classed as most interesting relics of the earthquake -fire of 1906, at `vhioh time Mr. Huntington's magnificent residence was destroyed, along with everything in that district. The fire stripped the palms completely of their foliage, leaving only the bare and blackened stems. Since that time in the course of three years fresh growth has been made by them, new, well-de- veloped crowns have n.pp'eared, and they bid fair to become two of the most In- teresting objects on the Huntington es- te te. If you suffer from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send me your address, and I -w>11 tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and„ tM*Ti"'424v . send some of this home treatment free for trial, with references from your otvn locality if requested. Inneediate relief and per- manent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write to- day to Mrs. IL Summers, Box P. 8, Windsor, Ont. IN 2,009. (Puck.) Transient --Who's that prosperous - looking fellow over there? Native --That's Squire Shuvvel, the millionaire ditch -digger. Everybody laughed at him years ago when he re- fused to become a doctor or a lawyer, and even turned down the correspond- ence schools' offers to make him a win - doer -dresser or an electrical engineer. Time proved his wisdom, and to -day, as the only unskilled laborer in this sec- tion, he can command almost fabulous prices. A MODERN IVIEDICINE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN Ko sane mother would wish herself treated under the condition of medi- cine or curgery of half a century ago Why, then, should she give her tender litito child the old-fashioned medi- cines that have not changed in half a century, and which more likely than not contain poisonous opiates that will not euro the child, but morn drug it into temporary insen- ethilfity. Baby's Own Tablets is a modern medicine prepared with all the care and skill of modern medical science. This medicine cures all +stomach, bowel, teething and other ailments of ohildhood and babyhood. And the mother has the guarantee of a government analyst that it eon - tains no opiate or poisonous drug. Bold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 clefts a box from The Dr. Williams' 11![ed1• eine Co., Brockville, Ont. 4 a •!e FREE TO OUR READERS. Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for 48 -,page illustrated Eye Book Free. Write ail about Your Eye Trouble and they will advise as to the Proper Application of the Murine hlpit Remedies in Your Special Case. Your Druegtat will tell you that Murine Relieves Sore 1 yes, Strengthens Weak Eyes, Doesn't Smart, Soothes nye Pain, and sells for 50e. Try It in Your Byes and in Baby's Eyes for Scaly Eyelids andGran Clothes of Artists' Wives. When the Society of American Ar- tists or the National Academy of De- sign holds a reception it is always in- teresting to a sartorial observer to pick out the women whose husbands have designed their costumes. Some of the wives with artistic hus- bands plainly do not care for color or line and come out in the latest fashions. Then there are others whose gowns show evidences of planning in which the spouse has had a finger regarding the tint of the fabric or the way it is fashioned. Some of the women one sees at these exhibitions trail about in artis- tic and soulful robes which look as though plucked from an unwilling Botticeili angel and become slightly strained in the fray. Very charming are other of these artistic draperies even though they lack that perfection of finish and trimness which in fash- ionablelis i regarded as the height What Did ,-te Mean? "We have now been married fifteen years, Archibald, and I have never omit- ted to make a cake for you on your birthday." "That's true, my dear, and every one of them was, so to speak, a milestone on the path of my life!"—Life. Marion Bridge, C. B., May 30, '02. I have handled MINARD'S LINI- MENT during the past year. It is al- ways the first Liniment asked for here, and unquestionably the best seller of all the different kinds of Liniment I handle. NEIL , FERGUSON. The Umbrella Conscience. An insurance man declares that ]ie tried this scheme the other day, and that it worked. He found himself caught in a rainstorm and being in too much of a hurry to wait for it to stop he was obliged to acquire an umbrella, right away, quick. He paused under an awn- ing and waited, he says, until somebody came along who sized up as a man with a guilty conscience. Then the insurance man stepped up to the stranger, saying abruptly: "I'll trouble you for my umbrella!" The stranger stared at him a moment, handed over the umbrella and walked away, muttering a word of apology. Of course, the insurance man admits. the scheme might not always work and a certain amount of discrimination should be used in the selection of the vic- tim.—From the Cleveland Plain Dealer. What is the Moral? A. Long Island man on his way to take a trip on an airship stopped to get' a drink. He missed his trip, but the machine was wrecked and he thereby escaped, in all probability, beingkilled. Let the Prohibitionists make te most of that.—Washington Herald. CURED iN ONE MONTH Tt every woman, who has kidney or bladder trouble, could go to Davisville, Ont., and talk to Mrs. A. Simpson, they would do just as she did—take Gin Pills and cure themselves. For 14 or 15 years I had kidney or bladder trouble, suffer- ing at times intense pain. I doctored con- tinually but nothing gave me permanent relief until I was persuaded to try Gin Pills, "Within a couple of clays I received great relief and after taking one box was completely cured." "MRS. A. SIMPSON." Write National Drug & Chemical Co., (Dept. H. L.) Toronto, for free sample. 50c a box, 6 boxes for $3.50, at all dealers. as the word to ]tae a r when you need are or ISSUE NO, 13. 1910 HELP WANTED. INT ANTED—GIRLS TO LEARN KNIT - ting; can make good money with short experience; permanent position as- sured. Chipman -Holton Knitting Co., Hamilton, Ont. Camphor Ice MAKING IT OUT AN ORDEAL (Life.) City Editor --One minute, Jones. Reporter—All right. City Editor --I don't know whether it is absent-mindedness on your part, or an expression of your views of matri- mony, but I'd rather, when you /3 13,Y4 occasion to write about a wedding, not have you say that Miss Smith and Mr. Brown "underwent" a marriage cere- mony. TO CURE A COLD IN ONr DAY Take LAXATIVE B110310 Quinine Tablets. 'Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 25c. Trouble in the Higher Circles. Phoebus was becoming irritated. "One of these days," he muttered, "some blundering aviator' will drive his airship athwart my pathway, and then ." he'll get a sunstroke Thais it is that conservatism, grown wwrrogant with the ages, ever' *leeks to discourage the daring izznovator with the iaew idea.; From the Ohioago Trib- une. PILES CURED IN ,dt'U 14 DAYS e e k PA70 OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure say EOR CHAMPED S� An LIPS, CGL® SORES, ty tMD DR�o 12 Vaseline Remedies in TubesCapsicum, Borated, Mentholated, Carbo- lated, arbo lated, Camphorated, White Oxide of Zinc, etc. Each for special purposes. Write for Free Vaseline Book. CHESEEROUCH 1111F0. 00. (Ounm-d) 379 Craig St. W., Montreal Dr. Mar t&i's Female Pills SEVENTEEN YEARS THE STANDARD Prescribed and recommended for wo- men's ailments, a scientifically pre- pared remedy of proven worth. 1 he result from their use is quick and per. manent. For sale at all dug stores. bromdi THIS HANDSOME EXPANSION GOLD- PLATED BRACELET, one of the latest Nov- elties in Braeelets; will fit any wrist. W GIVE FREE for selling only 8 boxes, at 25e. a box, of DR. MATURIN'S FAMOUS VEGE- TABLE PILLS, the greatest Remedy known for Weak and Impure Blood, indigestion, Con. stipation, Rheumatism, Catarrh and for all Liver and Kidney Troubles. SEND NO MONEY—WE TRUST YOU. Only send your name and address and we will send you 8 boxes of Pills and 8 Fanc3 Pins to give away with the Pills. Sell the Pills 25c. a box, and when all are old send we us the proceeds of your sales ($2.00) will send you at once, by mail postpaid, this handsome Bracelet, which will please you and all your friends. Write to -day. Address THE DR. MATURIN MEDICINE CO., DEPT. 207. TORONTO. ONT. SOMETHING QUEER. Tho Bank Teller—have that woman shadowed—I think she's a second Cassie Chadwick. The Detective—On what do you base your suspicions? The Teller --She endorsed a cheque at the right end 1 of sartorial perfection. -=From Eltoo case of Itchtag, htiud Bleediuts or Protruding lyn Lite. Piled ti 6 to 19 days or nipnOT retuaded. 560 The beauty about a thirst for knowl- edge is that it leaves no next morning hang -over. ativie:rn9, 4f GJe S iELDON Inl3eroicer A specialty made of investmentsr' in Standard Railroad and Indus- trial Stocks. Call or write for full particulars regarding plan of investment. Room 101, 180 St. James St., {; Montreal. intelligent Steam Pipe. Bob Footlite (actor)—Failure? I should think it was. The whole pla3 was ruined. She—Gracious! How was that? Bob Footlite—At the end of the last act a steam pipe burst and hissed mi off the stage.—London Tit -Bits. Minard's Liniment Relievos lievos Neuralgia @-4 LEGUMIN OTIITR APY. it has been discovered by our Depart- ment of Agriculture --a most wonderful department it is in these days—and it called the leguminotherapy doctrine. Just how much it cost Uncle Jim to hire a man to figure out this wonderful doc- trine will never be known, perhaps, but it must have been a tidy sum, for the conclusions are not such as could have been arrived at in a day. The legu- minotherapists advocate vegetable in• stead of meat diets. Now, there are boiled carrots. They are good for bad tempers. Too many potatoes produce laziness. Green peas make a girl flirts. tious. Spinach develops energy and constancy. French string beans develof the poetic and artistic instinct, which explains the signs which indicate the location of the South Water Street School of Poetry.- Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc s.e. TAKING NO CHANCES. (Memphis 'Commercial -Appeal.) A Philadelphia suffragette found a man under her bed the other night and sat on hien until the police arrived. Thl suffragette never takes a chance 01 losing a man when she once catches him SOLO ACC R M I,N FR a .E Sweet toned, deep voiced instrument, with which you can play beautiful music for concerts and dances, Large frame, 10 keys, full set of reeds, two stops, double bellows, ebonized case, nickel plated valves and trimmings. To advertise Dr. Maturin's Famous Vegetable Pills, a great remedy for the cure of weak and impure blood, indigestion, headache, coustipation, nervous troubles, liver, bladder and kidney diseases and all female weaknesses; a Groat Blood Purifier and Invigorator. a Grand Tonic and fife Builder, we will give this Beautiful Accordion FREE, for the sate of 12 boxes of these Ramous VegetablePills, at 25 cents a box, Every person .,uying from you a box of these Pills, also receives a piece of jewelry which we send you with the Pills. This makes them easy to sell, Send us your name and address, and we will send you the Pills, postpaid. As soon as you have them all sold, remit to us the proceeds of your sales, e3.00, and we will send you this Grand Accordion, immediately, We trust you with the goods until sold. \\rite to -day, Address,-- THE DR. 119ATUId1N MEDICINE CO., DEPT. 75, TORONTO ONT. FANCY ENGRAVED SGRA: V ED WATCH CH DECO A ED TEA SET This elegant watch, ladies' or gents' size stem wind and set, fancy engrr ed ca ,, FUELLY. GUARANTEED, will be sent to you AB - if you will sell only $3.00 worth of high grade collar buttons at 100. per card (4 buttons on each card). These but- tons are very fast sellers, Witte to-dayand we wisend you a package; sell them and return the money and win this IIANDSOAIE LIT- TLE WATOH. You can also win a lovely TEA SILT FREE if you will help us enlarge aur business by getting only 0 outer agents and without having to self tiny more goods. On!y $3.00 worth—no »" ` more, no less, and you can win both these splendid premiums FREE. COBALT GOLD PERI CO Button'Dept 19 Toronto Ont •;' .i`. ,', veeeest'rere y 'i.,.5' i>•\ n ° ,Ili �J4r.,.:.'f t �r. I'. -' , , r . •;Yit