HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-03-25, Page 8c n rt a ria Kt. e nin Will be held on ursd .y and Saturday t ti a th ac 2(th 4 following days. You are invited to call and inspect the Latest In Spring Millinery., RESS GOODS New shades Ashes of Roses, Westeria, Rosewood, Gendarme blue, Crushed straw- berry. Pearl grey, Taupe, Black, Navy. Green Mid Brown. NFW WAS G 00 . 'Prints and Gingliams, at our usual attractive i lira;. �x na CCCCCll11NkkkkVVVV��i...�-C fi[a11�,N .K'J'RM :USN! HI GS Sole Agency 1 0 w ay ' r a ,' a early aL fine, st:ilt'..k of this popular brand, woo. oys. take your measure 11.a't order you will have a city tailor— at' alior— at a good. (i('ill Jess 111.mi nuncio country ;Molts.; :-117th, New 'York Styles ore and see fashion plates a MILLINERY DEPT. under the Ilan agetuent of Miss Bolton. of .l'+rtroIiu, pr(oui8 to bo the equal of the City t,tlops, and we will gitrt; you more particulars later, FU tf/SHI / Rugs, Carpets, Linolkums and Wall Papers Onr stop: is 1ur;_r.•r than usnai for this Spring, and our ,,,,rel for t:3:; sales will only be broken by •sins, ,,,�. :hoose your wants early We handle all kinds of Farm Produce, fl3N'ER 4MERCHANT uric O.tari� it Cheap Suits FOR Spring and. miner There is nothing like being well dressed at all times ecpeeially in Spring and Snnaitier. We are doing better work c' cry day and the suits we are tuning out give good satisfaction, Order your Spring Suit Here and you will always dressed up to lots. be Laundry in Connection W. H. HOF MA/t'i >�tlaflfla�, ZURICH Auction Sales. Pres notiw under thin heading when hills are printed at this (office. .At Zurich on Saturday March 26th, at one o'clock. Horses,_ cors, pigs and other property. 13. S. hillips, auctioneer Fell list in next weeks' issue. On Wednesday March 80, on lot 12 con 2, Ray, at 12.30 p. rat. Farm stock, im- plements, and household furniture. Jno. Pernell, Prop., B. S. Phillips, aunt. Farm stock, implements, furniture etc., on Tuesday March 29th. on Lot 26 Con. 14 Bay. E. 13ossenberry auct., John Schilbe proprietor. A BOY? Oh he's just a boy ! A common expression is it not? 1 wonder just evbat is sing theougli our mind* as we nay his phrase. Do we mean that bee se he is a boy that his state of T nines* taus not yet come to be, t re must wait till he has outgrow he boy hood period be- fore he 1 a fill his true place in life? I am ,ifraid such is often trues on the p' of many parents •snd elders. the hop bas a world of his own .las much as any roan, has a cluh2, u.s at ley. And by the boy let Ls think of that period forming the first nineteen years of his life We frequently hear quoted "The bay of today 1:a the man of to -mor- row.' But i this true in its fullest sena'? Let list :Esti ourselves the question enri we will answer in the negative. Nu; Many- boys never become Hen. for the reason -that Wo htav, eIlow'd agencies to east in;luenrt•4t.ri the life laths of till' tiontli an aro blighting the pros poets of 0 n aanlac)OU. Now 1, much better it would"» he to set ..1J such a motto as this. "A boy i valuable beean:se he is a boy." al and 1 strath know of boys wh ave bens the means of - 1eading eir fellows 'into truest, aitatnlirolc nil aro passant that no • masa over ,Is'i thorn that they \^,7rr and before they would ur Spri Stock f Shies You will be surprised at our large stock. of Shoes for men, women and chllOren, but as leaders in the trade we have to keep the .. . very best. Our turn -over is so large that we can and do give you better prices than you are accustomed:to get. Our Spring Stocks will be, found right. Call and examine- it, Pm BENDER, Zurich • The only exclusive Shoe Dealer in Town , : bra �.�..o.�.,o.�.. :�.� o.•o.v �� -tea 0 e -- e �� o & )**09 articib's Big Store A Knock out Blow to the Catalogue Man E are pleased to state to the public that we are in. a position to meet all catalogue houses regarding prices on the lines we have to offer. Bring your catalogue with you and also don't forget the cash, then we will do the rest. f 6 El PHONE [a ZURJC 9 ; iUROfP8 LARC oSw r COMM..<elTION STORE just; by; he able to serve humanity they must wait till they ceased to be boys If this be our motto, WC aas parents and friends, must take in - tri consideration that the boy is not a diminutive adult but that we can train hili to live a complete boy. We must •study his spout:in eons interests, We must recognize that his pny life and religious fife is associated, that normal play life is•essentiai t3 normal religious life. We must prepare eursolves for eoml:otent and sympathetic leader- ship, by studying his needs, by al- lying ourselves with all agencies that have for their purpose. The Making of i.ien, kind arming our selves against every instrument that may in any possible manner subtract from that highest umhi tion, that of nianufaaeturing good stuff to make hien of. F) GDMIDGIOD WED ODtEgfiDaot WANTED A 111 (lids wanted for newest brightest, cleanest and most up-tca-date. blouse and white - 'wear faotory in Canada, a+ Work consists of sewing ra c7 Ladies' waists. Girls ea.- 1xriene(sd , on power sewing machines proferred, but beinners will bo taught. Comfortable charters. Steady work. (xood wages. THE STAB. WH1:TEWEAR v MFG. 00. Berlin, - - Ontario. Qt9 Q11n Ei iD Da Miss Roxie Silber returned on Wednesday from it two weeks' visit in Lonclo,n. • Mr. Arthur Railipio ref the Baby. ton Lisle was married on Tuesday, to Miss Leah E• Remnier, of t.axeter, are a great saver of fuel and add to the comfort of your home. . . We are read- to make Storm. Windows and Doors to order of very short notice. We will buy prices. Call, `.J i' PHONE 19 OGS all you have and will pay top write or telephone before selling. ALBFL [SOH ZURICH � r! OMErtei fk a ai :. 7','3 tJ as i7.S(R ST OfT I rrnu. • RATES C:12•i'.i' 11.1.1:4l Apr„ 5, .19 ;sae 1.:., 28 het@. 5, 23 IiIRy 2, 17, 31 . idy 12, 26 Sept. 6, 20 'i't Y(Sri.'C;ri S1' .1Ci%L TRAINS TORON''f3 '1'.'O WINNIPEG AND WEST Leave Toronto 1.00 on nhove days Til , na,h iiret sinal :second Class Coaches, C.uonaat and Tuur,st $leepers. Apply to nearest C.k' R.: Agent or write fl..1.. 7tlaompsoa, 1�. ..A„ Tomsk,. ASK FO18 II01 ESE ERS' l'AM(MPiil.ZT a Ce.it,, Choterx ata., uanluesdsaLl Diarrhoea i emedir i`evet fails Buy it uow. tt stay save life. MARKET 1t.EPORT,---"Tie fol- lowing is the report of Zurich markets corrected up tc, Thursday, Barley . . 48 to 50 Peas 80 Bran 23.00 Shorts . , 24,00 . 2.4.00 (hats ,.. 37 37 Wheat....... ... . 1,O5 1 r;r, Hay .. ' 12.00 Dries' apple, 6 5 Glover seed . 8,00 0.00 Potatoes... . .: 25 25, Butter ......... , 20 ' 20 EP `Y • 18 18 -1ogs.liveweiget 9.00 HENS. i T L' M A.R ETS Onok's .}3est h'lottr . • 2.76 Whetat.— .N•p41 rkotvg LOA Oats 0 40 13ai. lacy. . tb bat Rt7�,rba liveweight ,...,, , !.!<t1