The Herald, 1910-03-25, Page 644.
r{4Ari,'r' �d tib..�L`i14��1�t's�-:rr�tli�eZi'.�YaM•�r:;;*Va':
Are you feeling tired, weary, miserable and run down ?
Is it hard for you to get up in the morning feeling rested
and refreshed ? Tho winter months have tried you sorely
and robbed you of more vitality than your system has been
able to replenish. Your blood is sluggish and must be
ptli'ifred and revived. You are in need of PSYCHINE, the
Greatest of all Spring Tonics, and Blood Purifier. It clears
the system of all traces of winter cold];. Banishes that tired,
weary feeling. Restores your appetite and brings youthful-
ness, vigor and health to you again. Take PSYCHINE
to -day. For stale by all druggists and dealers, 50c. and $1.
Dr, T. A. SLOCUM, Limited
Cobalt People Thought He Was Whis-
key informer.
Cobalt, March 2L—As evidence of
the feeling of animosity towards liquor
informers, several local men took hold
of a young man yesterday, believing him
to be an informer, and are said to have
searched him, and after deciding he was
innocent, told him that had they been
satisfied he was a spotter they would
have tied him between the rails of the
T. & N. O. tracks in front of a train.
Three men, accused of assault, are now
under arrest, while others believed to be
implicated are under surveillance. Ma•
giatrate Atkinson efused then bail.
Better Treatment For Prisoners—No
Cutting Off of the Hair,
London, March 21.—There was jubi-
lation at the Suffragettes' headquarters
this afternoon over the announcement
in the House of Commons by Winston
Churchill, the Houle Secretary, of several
changes in the treatmetn of prisoners in
the various jails. In reply to a. question,
Mr. Churchill said that the Government
would Iay on the table a rule which
would require statutory force in the or-
dinary manner, by the terms of which
the Prison Commissioners would be em-
powered to mitigate the treatment in
the case of offenders sentenced under
the second and third division, whose
previous character had been good. He
said, further, that there world be an
amelioration of conditions in respect to
the wearing of prison clothes, the cut-
ting off of the hair, bathing and the
cleaning of cells.
The effect of this rule will be to put
such offenders on the footing of first-
class misdemeanants.
o -o
Rushed From House Wiih Clothing
Brantford, despatch says: While her
father and mother were absent, Flor-
ence Campbell, the five-year-old daughter
of Edward Campbell, Rawdon' and Chat-
ham streets, this afternoon Ives fatally
burned in playing with paper in front of
tht, Stove. The paper ignited and her
dress caught, the child rushing in flames
from the house after her elder sister,
who was present, together with two
younger brothers, had thrown a pail
of water on her. Outside she was over-
come, dropping in the yard after the fire
had burned the clothes from her and
eaten the flesh from head to foot. Med-
ical men had the sufferer removed to the
hospital, where, it was announced, she
will die during the night. The father is
employed by a local coal company, and
the mother at the time of the accident
was away washing.
News in Brie"
00000000000000000000 j
Col, Roosevelt, who is now In Khar-
toum, visited the battlefield of Omdur-
man yesterday.
Herbert Banton, the Black and White
artist, is dead. Re was born in Lanca-
shire in 1857; and illustrated a great
many books.
Rev. 0, C. Elliott, of Stratford, has
been extended a call to become pastor
of the Centre Street Baptist Church, St,
Thomas; the salary is to be $2,600.
Mr. J. S. Willison, of the Toronto
News, has been re-elected by the gradu-
ates as trustee of Queen's University,
the choice beinactically unanimous.
Mrs. William Reed, aged 80, residing
on 1Vyandotte street, Windsor, lies
dying as a result of a fall sustained on
an icy sidewalk a month ago, fracturing
her thigh.
A resolution was passed in the Reichs-
tag asking for the introduction of a bill
making the Chancellor responsible to the
Reichstag for his own acts and the acts
of the Emperor.
Weather is quite balmy and with wild
geese returning it would seem that
spring has come to stay in Southern Al-
berta. The farmers are all preparing
to begin seeding.
A fatality occurred at McWilliams
Station, five miles from Priceville, when
W. Richardson, a young man about sev-
enteen years of age, was instantly killed
while loading timber on cars.
The Canadian Stewart Co. of Montreal
has secured the contract to build the
new drydocks at Port Arthur. The Do-
minion Government has guaranteed the
bonds to the extent of $1,200,000.
Carl Rudolph, suspender manufacturer,
of Toronto, was 'committed for trial at
Berlin, Ont., on a charge of stealing pat-
terns from the Berlin Suspender Com-
pany. His own b;til was accepted.
Mason H. Balt r, of St. Thomas, has
been appointed , stent engineer of that
city at a salary $1,200. It is expected
he will take ft charge of the office
when Engineer 1 retires at the end of
the year.
At a meetinn the Brockville Fire
Committee Mr. 'leorge 3I, Brady. a
member of the tawa brigade for the
past fourteen ywas appointed chief
of the fire brig a His new duties will
commence on Mi. lay next.
The British "fo vard groujl" of ,tariff
reformers proposeki invite the "imperial
delegation" from the overseas domin-
ions to visit Great Britain and ,phlne
before the electors their views on 'tariff
reform and imperial preference.
Thomas Devereaux, driver, and Wm.
R. 'liimleck, emg,ei'aeer, of the Brockville
fire brigade -handed in their resignations
to A. T. Wiigress, chairman of the Fire
Committee. The two men were dissatis-
fied with the new rules which went into
force last week.
Anthony W. Barton, aged 45, who had
been missing from his home in North
Bay for one wee was found dead on
the lake shore t+,e to town. Barton
leaves a wife an, ,ix children, and had
had considerable t ouble all winter with
sickness in his f t slily.
A telegram fr • )St. Mary's, received
by ex-Ald. Pars 1Londen, states that
three country yo' is, students at the
high school there Plied been implicated
in the robbery of ]'arsons' store in that
Formulae Have Been Well Tried Out
Though the NA -DRU -CO line of Medicinal and Toilet Preparations have been on sale
for a few months only, don't think for minute that in buying NA -DRU -CO goods you are
experimenting with new or untried preparations.
The twenty-one wholesale drug firms now united
in the "National" had all of them lengthy careers,
some for fifty to one hundred years, prior to the union.
.Each firm had acquired or developed a number of
valuable formul.m for medicinal and toilet preparations,
all of which became the property of the "National".
Since the union our expert chemists have carefully
gone over these formulm and selected the best for the
NA -DRU -CO line. Ever3r formula has been carefully
studied by these experts, improved if possible, and
then thoroughly tested again, in actual vee, before
we consider it good enough to bear the NA -DRU -CO
Trade Mark.
Their Origin
An Example
A good example of what we mean is NA -DRU -CO
Nervozone for Brain Fag or nervous break -down.
The formula was pronounced the most scientific com-
bination of nerve medicines, but this was enough for
us ; we had it tried out with a dozen different kind of
Brain workers — School Teachers, Lawycrs, Book-
keepers—as well as Society leaders and home workers,
and everywhere the result was so good that we adopted
it as one of the best of the NA -DRU -00 line.
There are therefore no experiments among
NA -DRU -CO preparations. We have invested alto-
gether too mach time, work and money in the
NA -DRU -CO line to take any chances of discrediting it
with preparations that might not prove satisfactory.
We make absolutely certain that each preparation is
satisfactory before we endorse it with the NA -DRU -CO
Trade Mark.
Ask your physician or your druggist about the
firm behind NA -DRU -CO preparations and about the
NA -DRU -CO line. They can tell you, for we will
furnish them, on request, a full list of the ingredients
in any NA -DRU -CO article.
"Money Back"
If by any chance you should not be entirely
satisfied with any NA -DRU -CO article you try, return
the unused portion to the druggist from whom you
bought it and he will refund your money—willingly,
too, because we return to him every cent he gives
back to you.
If your druggist should not have the particular
NA -DRU -00 article you ask for in stock he can get
it for you within two days from our nearest wholesale
Some NA -DRU -CO Preparations You'll Find Most Satisfactory.
Camphor Ito
Greaseless Toilet Cream
Talcum Powder
Tooth Paste
Tooth Powder
Baby's Tablets
Carbolic Salve
Cascara Laxatives (Tablets)
Cod Liver Oil Compound,
Tasteless (2 Sizes)
Dyspepsia Tablets
Headache Wafere
Herb Tablets
Pile Ointment
National Drugand Chemical
Company of anada, Limited
Wholesale Branches at:,
'W,sioal'13G, REGINA, CAtG ` '14 NELSON.
Rheumatism Cure
Sugar of Milk
Stainleso iodine Ointment
Toothache Gum
White Liniment
t^ =a
. Rd- ,Flay
ure Tea
" SALADA" is hill -grown tea --grown on planta-
tions high up on the• hills •in the island of Ceylon.
The leaf is stall and tender with a rich, full flavour.
-- is always of unvarying good quality. Will you be con-.
tent with common tea when you can get " SALADA"
This beautiful Gold Finish Loc.§et, mounted with precious
stones, with this lovely neck chain is one of the latest ornaments.
No dress is complete without an ornament of this kind,
SEND NO MONEY. Send your name and address and we
will send you 4 boxe's of Dr. Materin'a Fe+mous Vegetable Pills,
the most powerful Tonic and Mead Puriiior known. Sell them
at 26 cents a box, giving free to each purchaser one of the pins
sent you with the Pills. This helps you to sell rapidly. As soon
as the Pills are sold, send us the ,gq1.00 collected and we will send
you this handsome LOCKET & CHAIN FREE. Write today.
Tim Dr. Meturin Me,Ticino Co., Dora% q Toronto, Ont.
YxCZ,.r2^•RGu^Ti ....�.;.1:A=+. .a,17'.T,''.C.ERi1L .31:=11" an ta0 ..KYtnw..F.•01229=
A Gents' or Ladies' Solid Gold Watch costs from $25
to $00, Do not throw your money away. If you desire
to secure a Watch which to keep tine and last well will
be equal to any Solid Gold Watch send us your name and
address Imneddiately and agree to sell 10 boxes only of
Dr. Maturin's Famous Vegetable Pine at 26c. a box.
They are the greatest remedy on earth for the cure of
poor and impure blood, indigestion headaches, consti-
pation, nervous troubles, liver, bladder and kidney dis-
eases, and all female weaknesses • they are the Great
Blood Purifier and Invigorator, a Grand Tonic and Life
Builder. With the Pills we send 10 articles of Jewelry to
give away with,the pills—this makes them easy to sell.
This is the chalice of a lifetime. Do notmiss it, Send us
your order and we will send you the 10 boxes, post paid.
When you have sold them send us the money ($2.0o) and
we will send you
t the same day the money is received.
We are giving these beautiful Watches to advertise
our Remedies. This is a grand opportunity to secure a
valuable Watch without having to spend a Dent. .4,rd
our Watch is a stem wind and stem set and not the cheap
back wind article generally gl"en as premiums. Send
for our pills without delay. Address
Toronto, Ont.
town a while ago. one of them confessing
when taken to the police station.
The London Morning Post announces
that the arrangements have been prac-
tically completed for well known Cana-
dians and Australians to conduct an Im-
perial preference eampaign in Britain.
The meetings are to be "educational,"
and the speakers under the auspices of
no party.
That the typhoid outbreak in Mont-
real has been completely overcome is
shown by the announcement that the
hospital will be closed at the end of the
present month. The hospital authori-
ties have offered the hosptal and equip-
ment to the city. provided it will estab-
lish a permanent hospital.
In the Civil Assizes at 'Toronto yes-
terday a jury awarded John Johnston
$800 damages against W. C. Martin, pro-
prietor of the Winchester Hotel, Toron-
to. The plaintiff sued for unstated dam-
ages for injuries which he sustained in
a fall while carrying "empties" up the
stairs from the basement of the defend-
ant's hotel. •
Francis G. Bailey, former president of
the defunct Export Shipping Company,
who was convicted of grand larceny last
week, was sentenced at New York to
Sing Sing prison for not less than four
years and six months or more than
seven years and one moth by Justice
Davis to -day in the criminal branch of
the Supreme Court.
A Brussels court has awarded $2,000
damages to a man who was blinded in
one eye by a woman's hatpin. He was
standing on the platform of a street car,
which stopped suddenly with a jerk,
and caused the hatpin to pierce his eye.
The damages were assessed equally
against the woman and the car company,
each being condemned to pay $1,000.
Montreal's Harbor Commissioners have
decided to spend part of their new $6,-
000,000 Government loan in building a
mammoth elevator, with a capacity of
over 2,000,000 bushels. New piers, docks,
improved sheds and the raising of rail-
way tracks are other improvements to
be carried out. The latter plan is ex-
pected to greatly facilitate the work of
The main line of the C. P. R. in Brit-
ish Columbia was again blocked by snow -
slides at some half a dozen points, the
principal avalanches having occurred at
Rogers Pass. Bear Creek, Cambie, llle-
ciIlewaetw and .Albert Canyon, The larg-
est slide was at Albert Canyon, where
the tracks for some 200 feet were buried
under :30 feet of snow and rock.
Almost the first current sent over
transmission liner, to Cobalt from the
Matabichowan Power Company killed .E.
L'Avcit, a painter, of Ferner, Ont. He
was engaged painting a roof from a
platform on Brady Lake sub -station,
and must have touched the wire carry-
arrying 22,000 volts. He fell lo the floor, and
when picked up was dead. Ile leaves a
widow and seven children.
At St. Thomas, Danish Vest Indies,
great interest is being shown in the de-
velopment of the oil fields on the Leland
of Trinidad. Several companies have al-
ready been launched to carry on the
work. Recently a London company
erected on the island atank capable of
holding 2,000,000 gallons of oil, and this
was nearly filled. A similar tank is in
process of construction.
.A. Windsor committee is arranging to
have Walter Hulett, the 'Windsor colored
ma,n, o :,,., ricked his life early on Sunday
morning iaet by diving into the iee•cover-
ed river in an attempt to rescue a drown-
ing woman, properly rewarded for his
heroic act. A medal with an address
will be presented to him from the city,
and the trustees of the Andrew Carnegie
hero fund will also be asked to take
suitable action.
Because they fear that the steam
shovel will strike an unexploded pieee
of dynamite and blow them into eter-
nity, the crew of the shovel on the
third lock pit at the Michigan Canal
have quit. and the shovel is idle at
Sault Ste. Marie. The big tool picked
up a few pieces of the explosive which
failed to explode, and they caused ter-
ror in the men. Cranesmen have been
ordered. to come from Chicago to change
the location of the shovel.
The fact that Edward Armstrong,
charged With importing two Canadi:.a
girls for immoral purposes, made a ;ia-
thotie appeal yesterday morning to
Judge Hazel at Buffalo, for leniency,
promising to marry one of the yourg
women if sentence was suspended, did
not prevent the court from imposing a.
penalty. Armstrong was given one year
in the Flinira Reformatory and fired.
$1. He wept when sentence was impose
'ed. Tho two young women will be de-
ported to Canada.