The Herald, 1910-03-25, Page 5FIRST CLASS PEij I have a large stipply of the very best tale on hand, from 2.4 in. to six inch.. If you need any call, write or telephone to John Foster, Zur- ich, Brick and Tile yards. 11 tf. Mod M�VCdt SOP AN STOCK MAIN STREET, directly VFTest of Dominion House Ready to supply you with just a —little bit the Nicest -- JEWELLERY for HOLIDAY' GIFTS. Rings, Silver Thimbles, Fobs, Necklets, Watches Brooches, Bracelets, Veil Pins, Collar Pins. Everything in this Line. COME ALONG, We will try to PLEASE YOU. F. W. HESS, JEWELLER G. R. HESS, Assistant. CST9CD(a'.ICrtQ0=9 CM CM= 013(=CD4"=CDGaIDCyq WE TAKE this opportu- nity of wishing our Oustotiler;, a merry and Prosperous New Year, and thank each and all for having made the past year our most prosperous year since we have been in busi- ness. We ask you again for your hearty support for 1910, and we will do our best to merit it, by giving you value for your money. I R. N. DOUGLAS 9 General Merchant, B L A Ie E. v�a F a s 81 "lIF For Z,trich and surrounding district an energetic reliable agent to take order for nursery stook. GOOD PAY WEEKLY. OUTFIT FREE, EXOLUISIYE TERRITORY coo Acres under cultivation. We guarantee to deliver stook in good oondition and up to contract grade. We can show you that there is good money in representing a well known re• liable firm. Established over 30 years. Write for partiorilars. PEL 1I I TORONTO, Alli._ lay ra .....0.. Mr. VI. Y. McLean has been sub- aected to considerable criticism be cause of his declaration in the House of (Jonlxnolls that Canada is under no speoial obligations to Great Britain. it would nevertheless not be ire, possible for the ntembe. r for South ELtiron to find historxcnl, support for his contention. It is a matter of record that Disraelithe first of the Jingoes, once declared the 'v 'el e ..-s't '.:boat the neck of Great Britton. C'c siders, the father of free trade, whose letter on the subject; was.reeontin partial. ly quoted in The s run, looked to Confederation as a step towards the separation of Canada from the empire and as the firet • .r)vezneut intended to relieve Great Britain from a possession • e1:te :onld not and would not attempt& ... defend. Gladstone, tate great chtenpionof Liheralism in the generation which URsERYhas lust passed, was react} to sur. E render. the Canadian Provinces to the North as compensation for the anticipated loss of :the Bouthein Confederacy. Hon (Seorge Brown, when in England for the purpose ONT. €-i EN SSAL.L. Mrs. J. C. Stoneman is visiting relatives in Lambeth. Dr, Blatchford., son of Frank Blatchford has gone to Fort Wil- liam to start in business. Fred Smailacotnbe has purchased Joseph Case's property now occup- ied by Geo. Sterling. Lawyer Cooke was a business visitor in Zurich, on Monday. T. Parmler has purchased the pool room outfit from W, Perkin. Sam Swayze, who has been em- ployed. at MoArtl-tee'.; i, u'• t store for some years, left for the West. A quiet wedding took place here last Wednesday when Irwin .Mot ter of Melville, Sask., and. Miss Millie Beek were made man and wife, in s°t presence of only the immediate relatives. of promoting Confederation, found everywhere evidence of a desire that Canada should cat the pointer and relieve the mother country from an obligation that was looked upon in all quarters as irksome. The fact is that up to the time of the South African war, 'when the colonies surprised the jingoes by stn nnexpeoted display e;' military strength, and seemed tl offer the means of helping them to maintain a military and naval fore sufficient to dominate the seas at 1 hold the balanoe of power in T;t.xope, Can- ada was being continur.l'y made to understand that her letem would be preferred to her r exipnny. In the days of our weaknt c we were an encumbrance to lw entten rider as easily as possibe lexiy run. A conspiracy to fraud the Government was a rthecl last week when nine Intli from the reserve near Barwi and two white men, M. T. Cat t, of Bar wick. and George stcott. of Rainy River, were be 'ht to Fort IFrances. These hien.' ceording to the police, were unlue illy obtain - HIS NOSE WAS SAFE ing money from the rovince of Ontario 'ander the wo county not. Their method was for one of the men to go to Winnip€ buy up all the wolf skins they could get, which heel. been onus it, ie Alberta or Saska.tohewau, paving from $,2 to x,2,50 for escli Ain. These were then 'shipped to Rainy River and divided eieongst thy gang who then went before the local magistrate and n .ade the usual affidavit that be had per- sonally killed the wolves in Ont- ario. A cheek tv onld then be sent theist trom Toronto to the extent of ii1•5 far each wolf supposed to have been killed 33' wing this, several additional crests have been made for the 5 4D=Man <E6DCDCC= D=OOPCf35DCD®le CDCS`.75Jcrit � Y e Y ZURICH 11 ■ 0 e MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a lull line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are rioted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our nein is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. YUNi L[T BEICHE . ,' , i+xlk!9fYffi,T'rSfYl?£r1K3t7act3'u „3ch:• n 1X 1 want every person that's ruptured to know that illy method will cure rupture to stay cured. No matter what your age is or how hard you work, my method will euro apparently hope- less cases. Do not wait until your rupture becomes strangulated. Write today. Fill in eoupon. Name Address Age Time Rupture ... Sing10 or Double.— .... Retern to J. S.. SMIT11, 88 Caledoniapt, • Stratford Dept. R. Ont.Itexpoiseeenimeciatneteekoockneseconecaa i 5 1 1 6ASCY, ZJRLCT a i eluents CD®ODC,DZDCDCYYDCD®OCIMMDGZISCC6Dm2230 CrilinD fS®CO=DC D =DU MD ODetili= 0OIDF,CDGUM Ci ce ee d re 'We have bought the business recently conducted by the late S. Minnie, inie, and are prepared to supply your wants with „nod goods itt fair prices, Give us a call or Telephone to No for prompt delivery PROBE TAKEN AS GASH. '•1 was sitting on the veranda of a mining town hotel one afternoon a good many years ago." said a veteran engineer, and was lazily smoking one of the nicest meersc- haum pipes you ever saw when out of the tail of my eye I saw that a bad man down at the other end of the veranda lead his gun sighted at me. They were awild lot around there, and I couldn't tell whether he meant to shoot me or the pipe, however, and it seemed a, good chance to test my nerve. I made up my mind to let him shoot and to pretend a careless air, but I'm tel- ling you in the ten or fifteen se concis of waiting the sweat came out at every pore. and my heart pounded my ribs sore. I felt a. sort of tick at the bowl of the pipe, heard the crack of tate gun nuts knew that a bullet aorto passed through the pipe. I got a brace with my bands and feet and waited for a second bullet, iced it went through the bowl utter the first. £ Mr. R i'enbal } in t in West et sat there until his fourth bullet Present 1'p slang. fins horses; .Oltt had hit the pipe end knocked the resent i .orfs to return to Ont.r bowl off the stem, and then the Pen aleshoexpects shooter sauntered up to me and laughingly said : "Excuse me, stranger, but I thought it was imitation " tisame cause, among these b,-ing Frenk How erd, Louis leesltillrii t'. It' Matheson and Wesley. P. MU, of Raley Itirer. -... — STANLEY i cit Mr T. TIertl iy nt pre,sw•nt scour. ,4V$HIP L hi Zurich, on turs!y 9 Marc COMMENCING AT ONE O'CLOCK : HORSES. 1 driving. horse 4 years e:d, ' Yell broken, by N =parole ; 1 driving horse 6 years old, by Clear Grit; 1 well-bred driving horse rising '-, well broken to harness; 1 aged driving mare; 1 family pony ; Gen. purpose horse rising two; 8 year old car- riage horse. CATTLE. 1 cow due to calve before day of sale; 1 cow 4 years old, due to alive 1st June, 1 -year-old cow due to calve April 23rd, if not previously sold. HOGS. 1 thorobred Yorkshire boar 1 year; 2 thorobred Yorkshire sows 1 year old; 4 good store hogs. IMPLEMENTS, Etc. Top buggy good as new, l\likado with pole and shafts, cutter, bobsleigh with box and rack, 2 set single harness, 1 single harness, cook stove, 2 churns, coal oil stove, a number of first class cedar posts, No 21 new plow, Na. 7 new plow, 2 ard'ei '•ultivators, 2 post bole diggers, 2 wire stret- chers, .Kausas pruning knife, 3 clothes, horses, bag truck, cultivator, 2 second -baud plows, and other ar- ticles. All the above property is in good condition and is sold by the owners as surplus property. TERMS OF SALE All sums of $s 00 and ander, cash ; over that amount 8 months' credit on approved joint notes. 4 per cent off for cuesi on credit amounts, it+ p�r'C• ,,./ �1 6; h �i n ° '�3a�! gds OQ isn�n .l .w�dm ArU 'IONEL'R. ing contrast:: t,tr big sprang work. "Same as you are,I replied. "My gibe hurt him but he was man enough to' 'tell everybody about my nerve and t he boys chipp- ed in sufficient nuggets to buy me a new fifty dollar pipe, Say, do you know what happened to elle when I made an excnwe" tti gr +7p stairs after me- old corn eel)? I had f'7 5 ,n ?e.'. in t' loft rt', nib ,Lite 3 g tee out. Millie i,tllepec:. a,: •iti ic, and I'll he hataac"I it t (lid f �., ...j ne 111' ii.'.'re tet for ten inies It lied ectddeuly occurred to me that the bowl of that pipe was only six inches from my nose while the fellow was his shooting and I have not yet got over touching my nasal organ now and then to see if it is sit fe." 1\lr. Evans i8 nialing prepara- tions for spring work. Mr. John Johnston, of Drysdale " EXETER . The Oddfellows will take part in the Lodge of Instruction at Sea forth on Good Friday, 11,ev Richard Hobbs gave a le itm o in Zurich, on Tuesday et ening. Delights Stewart has accepted a position in the office of the McLean Publishing Co.. Toronto. John Ford of Si°ellenTownship, is taking up his residence here shortly. Satn B:iikwill, formerly of. this plane has been nominated ft r' mayor of Tacoma Wash, on the Union Labor ticket. is at present preliarine; a line recitation entitled. "L la's court- ship at the Willows." We wish John success Mr. John Campbell is improving slowly, A nt mhv'e f:. T 'r.er' fttt'ndc'd the service in eeeneellion with For Settlers tie MA,NITO:k•.A. SASKATCHEWAN .ARE' ; TA How Made and flow Reached LLOW SETTLERS' RATES Settlers with Livo Stock and Effects Special Trains leave Toronto 10.10 pcm. Tuesdays during MARCH and APRIL Settlers and gamines ivithshoufld usetock Rerlular Trains 10.10 pan. daily WINNIPEG FLYER 55 hours to Winnipeg ThroughlTaurist Gars COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS .tp in which Berths axe Free e Apply to nearest Ascent foi'ycopy of "Settlers' Guido," "Western Canada, Tourist Cars," or write ; Thompson, p.I'.A., C.l'.1' ,, Toronto. ItM r ...ouzo, tt.0 I1dCe.3 wary protect- ive coating o:: good rtirct. ileal 7l d ..s.1 `F, the ssfet tat eeeeical best becaese r....dc teem best meter - ;.el: pure lead, pure zinc, and pure linseed oil. It's safes:, because these • maieriais are ail carefully tented for verity before being used. It's most economical because it covers most surface to the gallon, and wears longest. Color Cards and Color Sag- gestions izee. COLOR w;sos 7u,+C Q0"' n RFETER'SS Zurich. seeder 1,rt er'ribntl rt' -'i a.ntl4 about? All you know a.e:,r; i'. tiVil nhan;:c• foe It siunll 1, .\'LO him I linin the Cunene ror or all 'abot'it di orznni..edl hie sy.stem 1ty 10e'r i your last holiday?" iildull:Y;,ioo in College p7:t,.e(iin,'.T,. r -All 1 know ubont William. the After lit• Erol gone the little lr,t ; Cougnernr," said Berry. airs "Why," :will the ieepeuter. •,.1: knew i was upset. mamm8, surprised. because my foot's asleep, and" "Well, you sce," said E arrv, ..t things must be pretty bad when i cn;tid. write all 11.Ilot�r about you go to sleep at the wrong enc." William the Congtaeror in is few minutes, whereas it would take Inti I Now, Harry, said the irspeotor, , a oo`epic of hours to write alrotit f'whic'.h wculd you rat'it r writ • ! my last holiday,"