HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-03-25, Page 2Bead for free sample to Dept. H. L.; Na- 6titixal Drug & Chemical Co., Toronto. BEYOND AMR GIRTH. (Buffalo Express.) `Mrs. Roundley says with decision that Ile will never go to the beach again. Was she ever carried out beyond her depth?" "Not that I know of—not exactly. But ale was once rolled out beyond her girth " kttee quickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals the throat and lungs. • • - 25 cents. To Make Farmers of Indians. In connection with the new plan for administering Indian affairs the Depart- ment will ask for an appropriation from the present Congress with which to es- tablish model farms on all the reserva- tions where agricultural pursuits are practicable. It is planned to place these farms in the hands of expert agricultur- ists and horticulturists, who will in- struct the Indians in all branches of farmng. The Department already has taken steps to deprive the Indi.ut landowners of direct control of the money derived from renting their holdings to the white aettiers by requiring that this money be held in trust by the Indain Commission- er, to be turned over to the Indians for such improvements as are deeped advis- able. ° This order was made to suppress the leasing system on reservations and to compel the Indian to cultivate his own land. ----Lewiston correspondence Portland Oregonian. The publisher of the best farmers' paper in the :Maritime Provinces in writ- ing to us states: "I would say that I do not know of a medicine that has stood the test of time like MINA.RD'S LINIMENT. It has been an unfailing remedy in our house- hold ever since I can remember, and has outlived dozens of would-be competitors and imitators." The Eternal Feminine. Queen Elizabeth, in a characteristic , raga, had proclaimed the doom of the courtier; "Off with his headl" The culprit courtier was heard to mutter something to himself. "What said the caitiff?" demanded.' Elizabeth. "May it please your majesty," fal- tered one of the guards, "his words were, 'Pretty rough. It is becoming"— The virgin queen plumed herself; her eyes sought her mirror. "Ha! Pretty ruff! Truly, the fellow hath good taste, and it were a pity— Let. sentence be suspended. We have need of men of good judgment and sound discretion about us. I will hear further what he may have to say."— Harper's Monthly. Oe• »i+Cidrs®v ' rare?— If they are you are in danger. When through weakness or disease the kidnoys fail to filter the impurities from the blood, trouble comes at once. Backache, Rheumatism, Scia- tica, Gravel, Diabetes, Gall Stones and the deadly Bright's Disease are some of the results of neglected kid- neys, Dr. Morse's Indian Boob Pills roontain a most effective diuretic which strengthens and stimulates the kidneys so that they do their work thoroughly_ and well. Try. tea" i ce r ED' Sri a: kart FtZ cA cat, Fo U 11 e r9 COMBINATION DRESSES. This is one name for them, They are made from two or more fab - des. Sometimes a plain color and a border effect is combined. Two kinds of foulards are often used. Or a taffeta silk with a figured silk-. Chiffon, too, is combined with another soft silk. Over -skirt, bodice drapery and little ever -sleeves are of one material and the dress proper of still another. FREE TO OUR READERS. Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for 40 -page illustrated Eye Book Free. Write all about Your Eye Trouble and they will advise as to the Proper Applicatlon of the Marine Eye Remedies in Your Special Case. Your lruggiat will tell you that Murine Relieves /Pave Eyes, Strengthens Weak Eyes, Doesn't Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and sells for 50c, 'try It in Your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes for Mealy Eyelids and Granulation. is•op, IMPACT. (Chicago Tribune.) ''tincle .Terry, you think there's going to he an awful smash in prices some of these days, do you?" "'Gosh, yes! Look at the distance they've got to fall." Only One "BROMO•QUiNINE" That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE, Leek *et the signature oI w. W. GROVE. Vted the 'World over to Cure a Cold in ;Ono Day.2,5a.. THEY WATCH YOU IN BERLIN, And It Is Sometimes Convenient When Looking Up a Friend. "I had no idea that they kept such an espionage over strangers in Berlin until a friend of mine had occasion to look up some one there." said a traveller. "We had come up from Vienna, and as my friend was in The diplomatic service we called at the embassy. "While there he happened to think of another friend, an American who had gone to Berlin about three years before to represent an American concern and wondered how he could get a trace of him. "'Nothing is easier,' said the embassy secretary. 'Just wait a moment.' 'He wrote a note and handed it to a messenger. "'We shall know all about your friend in fifteen minutes,' he said. "Sure enough, within that time the messenger reappeared with an answer. From it the secretary read that Soandso had arrived in Berlin on such a date three years previous, that he lived at a certain address, that he had gone the week before to a little town in the inter- ior, but that he was expected back with- in three days. "Well, he turned up on the day the police said he would be back, and we had dinner with him." m.• 0000aaaoeo> 4- 4-0. A WORD TO MOTHERS No matter whether baby is sick or well, Baby's Own Tablets should be kept in the home always They not only cure the minor trou- bles to which babyhood and child- hood is subject, but will prevent them coning on if the child is given au occasional dose of the medicine. Mrs. Geo. T. Walker, Mascouche Rapids, Que., says: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for constipation and other disorders of childhood and am so pleased with them that I always keep the Tablets in the house." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 oents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 0.y.•P-f-O-d-X•6.4-ao-a-o-'�-o-N-o--3 THE FASHIONABLE UMBRELLA. It has a long—very very long, handle. And a great round. silver cap. On a severely plain, hardwood handle. If there is any engraving it is done in Old English letters. Colored taffetas—dark blue, red ,green or brown, are almost as much vogue as black. Smooth finished her. ds, inlaid with silver,, mak(:: els : a.0 les. - Many men preihr ir. oo en stick— as being more substantial�and masculine looking than the steel rod. Long silver handles, slender and taper- ing, ornament expensive ram shedders. PRESERVE BABY'S SKIN, A lifetime of disfigurement and suf- fering often results from the neglect, in infancy and childhood, of simple skin affections. in the prevention and treat, ment of minor eruptions and in the pro- motion of permanent skin and hair health, Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are absolutely unrivaled. Itch- ing, burning eczemas, rashes, irritations ancl chafings yield to Cuticura when all else fails: The Potter Drug & Chem- ical Corporation, Boston, U. S. A., sole proprietors of the Cuticura Remedies, will be glad to send you their free 32 - page book on the care and treatment of the skin and scalp. 4 Story of the Electric Light Bulb. Incandescent electric lamps consist of a very thin, wire-like coil or filament inclosed in an air -tight glass bulb. The filament is made from hair, silk, wood fibre, cotton or other material, and is pure carbon. Its other original ele- ments having been removed by baking at great heat. The filament is placed in the glass bulb and the air exhausted by means of .a pump, and by heating both to extreme heat. When all air is exhausted, the bulb is sealed. The brass screw is attached and the projecting wires connected to the filament iinbedded in plaster of paris. BETTER THAN SPANKING. Spanking does not cure children 01 bed-wetting, There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Sum- mers, Box W. 8, Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her successful home treatment, with full instrutions. Send uo money, but write her to -day if your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child, the chances are it can't help it. This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine dif- ficulties by day or night. e -a A MISCONSTRUCTION. (Washington Star.) "Did'gou read that eminent chemist's prediction that some day the world's machinery will be run by alcohol, water and wind?" "Yes," answered the .slightly bibulous Briton. "It's the most touching tribute to brandy and soda that I ever saw." •/e PILES CURED IN a TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any ease of itching, tnd. Bleeding or Protruding Plies in a to 14 ad&a.ysyo� rmoney refunded. 80o A Natural Question. Friend --Why axe you 4oing to Egypt? Painter—It is my ambition to paint a Nile sunset, Friend—Do they have a different sun on the Nile? WANTED) T * VOMIT A Condition Involving Both Liver and Stomach That Was Quickly Cured by 'Dr, Hamilton's Pills. "The doctor's told MO my sickness was caused by. complications of the stomach and' liver," writes hirs. i., P. Fourraine, well known in Williamsport. "The least. lthe error in eating would cause nausea,Sand after a time actual vomiting was easily excited. I grain very thin, pale, with dark lines under the eyes; my .strength so failed that even light honest, ork quito exhausted rue. Of course, with a large family, I could not afford a doctor all the time, and when in d rest despair I pried Dr. Hamiltonis priw From the very first they ac td .woil: •xfuily, and I experi- enced a desiire for food, and ate my meads witi2--ttc'ft their. After a while niy system beeanie-quite regular, and that horrid sick feeling only came now and again. This made me persevere, and it was a good thing 1 did so, because the continuation of Dr. Hamilton's Pills was the means of giving me my health again, and I am now the happiest woman I know," Every person with stomach trouble can be cured with Dr, Hamilton's Pills —refuse any substitute. At all dealers, of Me Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. -84 BRIDESMAID RIGS Lovely Creations in Pink Chosen for One Bevy, A delicate shade of pink has long been considered one of the most charming choices for bridesmaids' dresses. This season silver and gun-metal trim pink most beautifully. One group of six bridesmaids will wear soft pastel pink Matin dresses, trhumed with oxidized net, embroidered with dull silver intermixed with pink silk threads. The vests aro of pink picked chiffon, and the bodices s sa• in cross-over effects with sashes of grey tulle, which come over the. shoulder and run down the back in long ends. The sleeves are in new two -puff effect below e elbow, whip the tight- fitting uppe rt is of the oxidized net, and they at ed down the centre with oxidized cot Gray velvet picture hats, with gray o tth plumes and pink earned• lies, will b• n by the bridesmaids. Better then a t, pard Piaster, Docs Not Blister. FOR (JLDS !R CHEST OR THROAT, CHILBLAINS, ETC. 12 Vaseline Remedies in Tubes ibMneAr0etCo aomfphract,edetcB. orWte Carr Free Vaseline Book. .0HE$EBROUCH MPO. CO. (oons'd) 370 Craig Et. W., Montreal COIFFURE ACCESSORIES. There are new flat top pins. And pins with square heads. Bound an oval -headed pins, too. f iometinies ley are of plain tortoise shell, highl lislied, Then again. they may be inset with rhinestones and ornamented with deli- cate gold tr Round bu the fashiona All sorts o' locks from st And there raugements sr; place of hte now -banished "rat." Braids, s v-irls, switches and puffs— you may have as many as you like—or your purse affords -"ready-made." pry. s, too, there are, to hold braid in place. mw barettes to keep stray tying. are new turban -like ar- 4,8 TRENCH'S REMEDY —FOR— EPILEPSY AN* FITS IXt1P0aTAPdT NOTIC7 A BRANCH OFFICE has been established at 107 St. James' Chambers, Toronto. Ria DVC7r8ON IW PPLICE This important ehauge pertnits of prices being reduced to those prevailing in Europe, namely:—Full package, $12.00; half do., 00.50; quarter do. 8175; • postage or express charges extra, • BASTER BONNET PARTY. Plenty of Fun Can Be Had at an Affair Like This. Eti`?ter novelties are so In:t21,y and var- ied that no 'hostess need be at a 'loss for tieeo.ations for her Easter table, or for any entertainment near the festal time, An :Easter' bonnet party, as. suggested in The. Housekeeper, ie; a novelty that will amuse a club of ladies. bend out •in' titatic,ns, on caa'ds decorated with the well-known "Sunbonnet Babies" asking all to come prepared. to trine their Isust- tr huts. Tissue paper, cardboard, rib- bons, needles, thread and paste can be supplied, rutd all can set to work. At one party of this sort the results were so varied that it was difficult to award the prize. One fetching sunbonnet could be Converted into a basket to hold baby ribbon; another crepe paper creation w;ts decked with a paper plume of re- markable bluffiness, while a Title blacl paper turban with one rakish rose at the side looked like the .latest thing from Paris. The prize was a little caidboord box in shape of a hat -box holding a bunch of -exquisite French flowers to- ward the coming summer millinery. Then followed luncheon. A hat filled with flowers was the centrepiece and sunbon- net babies did t,uty as place cards. Folded inside each napkin was also a paper cap which the guests wore during the meal. A literary addition could have hats cut .from paper with quotations from the poets where headgear is mentioned in some manner, to guests to give the Manes of the poets from whose works the quotations were taken. You don't have to know what your Goods are made of. SAME Dye for ALL --- No chance of mistakes. All colors xa cents from your Druggist or Dealer. Sample Card and Booklet Free. Tho Johnson-Rlohardson Co., Limited Dept. 3., Montreal, Que. MONEY IN SLr3I:.TER RE Ol2T11G. (Boston Globe.) New England's summer resort business brings this section more. than $50,000,- 000 a year, whereas all .the silver mines of the country produced only $28,000,000 last year, and even the gold mines of all the States and Alaska yielded but $90,000,000. A Phenomenon. Patience—it takes two to make ,quarrel,- you know. THC ONLT CANADIAN AND U.S. ADDHC6e TRENCH'S REMEDIES, LiMITED I 107 8T. JAMAe' CH/MIMIC. TORONTO Pamphlet mailed free on application. Bewar - of spurious imitations. All pack- ages of Trench's Remedy must bear our trade- mark seal in unbroken condition on each end. INDIAN DANCING SEASON. Present From One Tribe to Another for a Successful Entertainment. In the midst of an annual payment of leased land money, the Indians of south- western Oklahoma are now engaged in one of the greatest celebrations and dance meets ever given. Three dances and picnics are in pro- gress this week --one at the home of Esehiti, one of the principal chiefs of the Comanches; one at Picody's, the Mexican who was taken prisoner by the Indians when a young man, and is this year giving his eighth annual picnic near Fletcher, and a third at Anadarko, near the agency, in which ICiowas, Apaches, Wichitas, Caddos t?taad Cheyennes are en- gaging. Yesterday the Cheyennes were, the guests of the Kiowas and put on a dance for them of the most fantastic character ars a mark of appreciation of their hosts, and, the dance given, Kiowas presented their visitors with sixteen head of cattle, fourteen ponies, $300 worth of blankets and $400 in cash. Two thousand Indians engaged in the Indian dance that was. held in Lawton the night of August 8. Six tribes will participates -Comanches, Apaches, $lovas, Cheyennes, Wichitas and Cad - dos. Lawton correspondence Kansas City Stat'. F� .s the word to remember r when you need a remedy 3 r /EN ISSUE NO. 12, 1910 HELP WANTED. 'It,�YY r ANTED—GIRLS TO LEARN KNIT - ting; can snake good money with short experience; permanent position as- surcd. Chtprnan-I•Iolton Knitting Co., F.0 ttvilton, Ont. Dr. cartel's Female Pies SEVENTEEN YEARS TELE STANDARD Prescribed and recommended for wo- men's ailments, a scientifically pre- pared remedy of proven worth. i tee result from their use is quick and per- manent. For sale at all drug stores. Fire v THIS HANDSOME EXPANSION GOLD- PLATED BRACELET, one of the latest Nov- e:tles in Bracelets; will fit any wrist. WE G1VL' FREE for selling only 8 boxes, at 25e, a box, of DR. MATURIN'S FAMOUS VEGE- TABLE PILLS, the greatest Remedy known for Weak and Impure Blood, Indigestion, Con- stipation, Rheumatism, Catarrh and for all Liver and Kidney Troubles. SEND NO MONEY—WE TRUST YOU. Only send your name and address and we will send you 8 boxes of Pills and 8 Fancy Pine to give away with the Pills. Sell the Pills 25c. a box, and when all aro sold send us the proceeds of your sales (f2.00) and we will send you at once, by mail postpaid, this handsoma Bracelet, which will please you and all your friends. Write to -day. Address THE DR. MATURIN MEDICINE CO.. DEPT. 207, TORONTO, ONT. THE STREAMER TICKET. (Washington Star.) "Them railways haven't much consid- eration 'for the boys that sell newspapers an' magazines," said Farmer Oorntossel. "What makes you think so?" "I bought a ticket last week to visit my son-in-law out. west. It had enough readin' matter on it to keep me litter - a ested all the time I Wasn't eatin' lunch." Patrice—And yet I have known guar- The remote district of ;Gassiia.r, in rels to occur when two persons have been British Columbia, in ten years, 1873-82, .made one.—Yonkers Statesman. produced $4,500,000 worth of gold dust. - '----eleTTFaRRpn4R. FEVER AND ALL NOSE AND THROAT DISEASES For INK E Cures the sick and acts as a preventive for others. Liquid elven on the tongue. Safe for brood mares and all others. Best kidney remedy; 50c and 51 a bottle; $5 and $10 the dozen. Sold by all druggists and horse roods houses. Distributors: All Wholesale Drug Houses. SSPOiRN MEDICAL CO., Chemists, SOREN, IND1A1)1, U. S. a) SOLO ACCORDION - F EE Sweet toned, deep voiced instrument. with whit you can play beautiful music for concerts and dances. barge frame 10 keys, full set of reeds. two stops, double bellows, ebonized case, nickel prated valves and trimmings. To advertise Dr. Maturin'a Famous Vegetable Pillsa great remedy for the cure of weak and impure blood, indigestion, headache, coustipation, nervous troubles. liver, bladder and kidney diseases and all female weaknesses; a Great Blood Purifier and faviporetor, a Grand Tonic and Life Builder, - we will give this Beautiful Accordion ERTild, for the sale of • 12 boxes of these Famous Vegetable Pills, at 25 cents a box, Every person .,eying front you a box of these Pills, also receives a piece of jewelry which we send you with the Piils. This makes them easy to sell, Send us your name and address, and we will send you the hills, postpaid, As soon as you have them all sold, remit to us the proceeds of your sales, $8.00, and we will send you this Grand Accordion, immediately, We trust sou with the goods until sold. Write today, Address,— Ti3E DR. MA' IJRIN MEDICINE CO., DEPT. 75, TORONTO. ONT. siatimitrai.4Y',..' f' "' ti e°Y?;"?!IxYr. 'riYo-` :57.'".2 SI..d;r:'u:t: tee' -,'93• nitt.'x�• '.:.. �1'A,: .Y:ti liter ,7 tr!,- j4... Eats Kread Should avoid danger of impurities In delivery from the oven to the home. insist on your baker wrapping his bread in RAPPERS We aro the original manufacturers of bread wrappers now used by leading bakers of Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and other cities. Tia C. B. EDDY COMPANY, Limited, Hull, Canada :dtw.',Y"I+Ni4it`�;•�'�.s'tOt.•�*,.L,,,, •.,...:.ell tr{3;l!4+':4tti_H; ;PaT. Mtst R :45 ' yq":40,P4.&¢ f 1. er Nee -eget This elegant watch ,ladles' or gents' size, stem wind and set. Taney engraved eases Pully guaranteed Wilt betient toyou. ABSOLUTELY FREE, tfyouwill sell only $:.00 Wirth of Lovely Picture Poet Cards,0 (Or 10e. These are the most artistic, beantl- fally colored and embossed cards issued this season. Vieveee Mottoes, Floral, Heti: gay,.&o. .These aro the fastest sellers, Get the',best. ,rite today and we Will send you a package. Sell them and return the money and win thls Handsome Little Watch. You can also win a lovely Tera £et F R E E if you will help us to enlarge OM''. bnsine•by getting only 6 other agents an Withouthaving to sell any more goods. '4 COBALT GOLD PIN CO., Card Dept, 58 Toronto, Ont