HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-03-25, Page 1fx`I Vol. X. e Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township.g FRIDAY MORNING'o MAR 25 1910. Or Millinery Opening will be held IThurstry aturd'yi 1 of next week and following days v 1 MISS COLVIN is again , charge this season, and has just returned from the big openings in Toronto. You Are Cordially Invited to call ami look through our millinery department, PRINTS 'A nicer line was i,ever shown outside of a city. We take special pride in our Vine Iff of prints. Regular 10 ednt.t and 12 cent's pints for 6 and xi 10 cents. See our line of lawn in :ill qualities. Price 5 tenth Linen 5 u i i i card up. Special value in India All the newest shades in nt. i ai.a,- .s . , �y'j-i.tens,,..10 ants a ..X4:5,.- is ..u, `Iiittrn s'tiitiu„s. I n a llnl' vnUly 10 cts yd. Organdie., t:el)11 Goods. ecteon in While Wash all qualities fiona 10 cts per .. ,fx'INGI•ii..[AMS Be sure and see our line of ginghams. Extra value at 10 cts per yard. They are going fast at this price. MUSLIMS yard up. ill New Laces and Embroideries Wo have the biggest stock of Laces and Ern- broiderios e"t er shown by us, Coale in ond. flet, them. 'ule1lcl('.nne4 laces aid insertions from. 1 cent,, per yarci. up. CORSET COVERS—Special Corset Co rer Embroidery worth 50 cents for 35 cts a yard. 1 DRESS GOODS Our new Dress Gooch: are selling fa.t• All newest shade, Old Rose, \Vistena, Taupe, Cobalt, S.nnoke, Navy, New Brown, Greys, Blacks and Greens. Call an and see Xt them before you buy. Madras Curtains We have the latest in Madras Curtains. All shades and designs. Colne in and see this line before buying your curtains. Price 1.2i up. GRANITEWARE SALE We are having a big Graniteware sale for two weeks only. Special value in Grey Granite - ware. See below. Granite Tupper, 15 cents et Sauce pans, 15 to 25 ets ,c Wash basins, 15 cts " Pttdding pans 10 c4512uts Sugar Making Supplies PO, See us about sap pails, sap spiles, bits, sap pans, etc. Let us give you figures on any roofing or eavetrough jobs you intend having Clone. Our goods are first class and prices right. Coil wire, barb wire, and Peer= less fencing alwas in stock. Granite Dish pans 50 cents 4, Pie plates 3 for 25 ets Pres kettles 15 cts up Ce Cups 10 .cents 0 0 :, :F'. 0 Telephone 9 *WM 31000C90 OM -PRUNE Off" ALL. KINDS TAKE eeter. K ZUR1CI-I Nosocu 161ilf2MF1iCfe lCif SCJ f iIteE}67f 0 kn C LOCAL 7.A. Ci/V S l'ii\hVd\15jeliSihAICW MIss.lilpM1aitt, of neer Exeter spent Sunray -with Miss toy' tilt Book. • 'Mr,, .i. a. morner . shipped a , 6ar or potatoes this wee s:. Mien Lydia Faint visited London, on Thuredtay^.. Mr. J. D, Meaner Of .lalnnira is in lawn at present., See our new etrclesof hall papers, Linolenrns end carpet'ts before you buy. J" • Preetebr. Id r. and Mras. lilenvr Brenner, of Dawhwood visited relatives hare, en Tneeei#y. " Mrs. Ill rnbardt,. .nf Freston is 'rieiting hoe perente, ut the Luther - Gal Parapmaige Don't forget the %notion Palle in Zurich nu Saturday afternoon. For full,paarrioulars see liege 5. Lost—On Friday evering a;, Meek bid glove. Pinder will please leave at thin office. Mies Delay Wiggins of Magee town visited at the of Mr. and Mrre: C. Hartleib, over Sunday. Mrs. 1.. 13aoekespt and It les Matiltle Johnson arel ,e'di't; nee ter with friends i,* Baden and i3er3lu lire.. W. I. b1:0an left on Thursday morning Milverton to visit bar eieter b; over the 1Caster hole, Mr,, B. S, Phillipa, very aueoeesi'nl eale.ij of the Farr Line, oy Srertey and family the West No 34 wawimwmwavwiwwv\mai4 Fa. sts ow Millinery Opening Mar. On Thursday and Saturday, 24th & 261111., and following days . under the Lauagexnent of A, Good Up4o:date 1:sjiayo 1. AQ_ MISS GILBERT inkbeiner, We invite everybody onducteai.52,1 to visit this Opening tdr. Steam', eday. Mr. moving to Mr. Nicholas Ib, r Jr , has leased Mr. George ; Broderick's farm at the Babylon Line, for a year and takes p)i• :•essit,n 1st Apa In • x A meeting of all interested 'Sin (Y t1 t'!_: rx, -. �,.e4 ''fit( be Ii -e tit 1tau's Hotel ilex i r esi F 1 evening at 8 o'cloek sharp. A good ristendance is requested. An interesting, Easter program will be rendered in the Evengelicu.l church, t4. flan;' evening, the Tho program l ill consist of solos, "ado's, and ybJdy in• nneiiom roti other fail 3 e1 .sE� vited to attend The Z,'lna s Chris. Jun Temper - own. Lee A11 Farm, Pr -c sinal taleeen in exchange T 7(7RTC1T Arlen t?nion, met Icy- its regular Sleeting R,'ell:e 'n afternoon, .1larnh lute at t • iia of Mrs. ry i1li:un:. :1.`.:•A. • ' tr, most ably conducted ti si,,,t d :otionai vice, :after which 1e President gave for the Et1uca 'anal part, a sketch of that egri.at Apostle nt the Lost Jerry 1ioAnley. The business was then trap +•ted, after which the meeting cinse,d with singing the Temperance Doxology. It is possible that the Salvation Army in its immigration policy may evolve a plan to render note- worthy assistance in overcoming the servant girl shortage in Can- ada, by large importations of a desirable class of young women from the Old Country. Applica- tions from households requiring or desiring this class of help are being received. so that on arrival the newcomers could be allotted their place at once, The lecture given in tlne Evun ielieal church h '1'nes day evening, e.re PRONE 17 The Rev. A. D. (:tischier is assist- ing Rev. Mr. Roan of Crediton in revival meetings. Miss 1?ingland whose term as teach- er in the public school, has expired was presented with a suitably en- graved fruit spoon, by the scnolars of the senior room. (.) Dr. Oven's Surgeon, enlist specialist will be at Royal Hotel, Hensall, on Friday, April est, Hours all day. classes properly fitted, Catarrh, deafness, fail- ing eyesight and throat troubles •treated. There are people who say, "It's u. sin to smoke, to chew, and to NOTICE. drink," and they'll backbite their neighbor, criticize their preacher, and blacken a mast's or a girl's character without turning a hair. The world is full of just such people. We have hardly parted with the Merry Widow idea, and the bee- hive and penthouse roof still defy - every idea of good taste or common, sense, says the Montreal Witness when the notion that our women - A inooting of creamery patrons will be held in the Town Hall Zurich, on Saturday March 2t,th at 2 p. in. A demonstration with the Bale cock test will be given. Ladies invited, Jno. H. Scott, Pron. Exeter Creamery. There should be more than MI ordinary ..0od-speed" extended n antler the auspieics of the Young to the people who arc, urginga head gfolk will sear hhortl resemble ae to the denizens of the barn People's Alliance, was indeed a Juvenile Court where youthful r rure treat to those who availed offenders could be dealt with yard. is let loose upon ns. On top tontaminetin„ ill• of that bewildering horror there themselves of the opportunity of hearing the Rev. R. Elnbbe of Exeter deliver his popular, educe. tive, • and inspiring lecture on "The 'PriannnThr Man," or the Physical, 1nte11ee tn«l, and Spirit- ual of side of man l'1r. Hobbs is a forceful, earnest, and fluent speaker, and it, lecturer of great ability. onions than of a deeire to reduce A solemn and impressing service the nooeseity of the etxirt —ExAll store accounts, Diving t.nn was held on Sunday hast, palm Lutheran (.'hnirch —(end Friday estate of S. Rennie, must be nail Sunday at St. Pe'ter''i Lutheran will bc' celebrated in con eneunora by April 1st 1910, or thee lv,il bo church, when e, class, of thirteen tion of Christ's c;tncifision. A p)ut ine,n other hand for c•ol,e etion. continuants was received into the (xerrnun service will be held at M, R. Rennie. church, A large congregation was 10.30 a. in. Easter will 1'e eelebrat present and a deap interest taken ed in commemoration of Christ's in the service. After the ceremony rc'snrrectioi.n, rrhe.morning service of confirmation Rev. 0, C. J. Maass will be conducted in German and made an address to weleoxne the in the evening an Easter cantate new members into the church and will be rendered by the choir. A the Elders extended to thein the hearty invitation is extended to right nand of Christian fellowship. all. In connection with the morn Those in the class this year are, ing service holy communion will Clarence, Deters. Ferdinand Schra.d- be dispensed. Prepa.rcetory service. er, Elgin :ttess, Elul Schiibo, Albert on Saturday at 2 p. it ., and on Thiel. Rifleman liallefie.isch, Ford- Sunday at 10 a„ m. 'fho iuilleetion inane! Howa.hl. EIeni h '1`ltiel, Milos, of the morning service will be for Thiel, Luella 'Turin, YJaella , ntissi,,nary and benevnlent perpert• Walpeir, Acla 1 Tuan; Flossie es and the evening offering for One ov.h,141. benefit of the church. on.1.tle tine now comes the lnferi)'tttipn that fluences of old and badly warped knitted eswl ornaments for hats offenders The old system is brut• alizin g and gives little hope of are also coining in They aro reformation to the culprits who :said to suggest horsehair sofa::, have gone rastrey in their youth. anttimeeassar$, glass shades full uL A public ('.otn•t rnetm bus a great lvuul flowers, and crocheted mate. attraction for many but often the interest is more of the Style of the _NOTICE. Auction Sale at Zurich on Saturday, April 2nd, at 2 o'clock. 1 ('iw, Massey Harris Binder, drill, ween', bobsleigh, cultivator, hay raise, plough, gang plow. scattier, wood rack, and other articles. TERMS :) 00 and under cash, babinoe 8 months credit en aaperov- ed joint notes. 4 percent off for omen" on credit amounts. J. II, s01.'C IITTLE,R, Frop