HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-03-18, Page 60 0 Ne in Brief ooc+000 When you see this Trade Mark on any Medicinal pr Toilet Preparation you purchase, it is an assurance to you that every ingredient entering into that preparation is of the highest quality that money can. procure, What is even more important, it is an assurance that these ingredients have been compounded, according to the best formulm known, by exist chemists of long experience, in the employ of one of the largest wholesale drug firms in the world, the National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada. As you have probably noticed, " NA -DRU -CO " is made up of the first parts of the words "National Drug Company". It is pronounced' WA-DROO-KO", with the accent on the second syllable. What the Laws Say For the protection of the public the law of each Province in Canada states that only thoroughly qualified men are allowed to dispense prescriptions— these men being physicians or graduates of recognized Colleges of Pharmacy, The logical conclusion is that as the laws are made by the representatives of the people, the people want protection, and should welcome the opportunity of being able to procure in any part of Canada the NA -DRU -CO line of me- dicinal and toilet preparations, com- pounded by expert chemists from the purest and best ingredients, and guar- anteed by a firm of our standing. When you see the NA -DRU -CO Trade Mark you have this opportunity and the guarantee for which you are looking. Source of the NA -DRU -CO Formulae The National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada, Limited, ac- quired the businesses and maintains the honorable traditions of 21 of the principal wholesale Drug Houses in Canada, from Halifax to Vancouver. All of these firms had long and suc- cessful careers, some of them fifty to one hundred years, and during their existence they had accumulated a splendid lot of formula: which all be- came the property of the " NationaI," After giving these formula: careful stu- dy and practical tests for several years we have now brought out, based on them, the NA -DRU -CO line of about 125 medicinal and toilet preparations. All the ingredients in these preparations are the best and purest that money can buy, and they are compounded by a staff of expert chemists, each of whom ranks high in his profession. We have such implicit confidence in NA -DRU -CO Preparations that we offer them with A'Four-Fold Guarantee The First Guarantee is the firm behind the NA -DRU -CO Trade Mark. The National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada, Limited, is one of the largest wholesale drug firms in the world, having a Paid-up Capital of over Five Million Dollars. We have wholesale branches in the principal distributing centres in Canada so that you can at all times satisfy yourself that there is such'a firm. We are the largest buyers of drugs and do the greater part of the wholesale drug business in Canada. We employ a staff of about nine hundred people and distri- bute in salaries, dividends and other expenses over One Million Dollars an- nually. We carry a stock distributed among our Branches of about Two Million Dollars, and in addition we own real estate and buildings which are to -day worth about Five Hundred Thousand Dollars, and other large assets. The Second Guarantee pf NA -DRU -CO quality is the NA - DRU -CO Trade Mark itself. We know that the quality of the first NA -DRU -CO preparation you buy will practically decide whether you become a regular user of NA -DRU -CO articles or not—and for that trial you may se- lect any one of the 125 preparations. So we must make each NA -DRU -CO article of the very highest quality or risk the reputation and sales of the whole line. The Third Guarantee of NA -DRU -CO quality is the fact that NA -DRU -CO preparations are never, at any time or in any place, sold at cut prices. NA -DRU -CO preparations are so much. better than the preparations whose prices are cut that discerning peo- ple prefer to pay full prices for the NA - DRU -CO goods. The Fourth Guarantee of NA -DRU -CO quality is short and very much to the point. If after try- ing any article bearing the NA -DRU - CO Trade Mark you are not entirely satisfied, return it to the druggist from whom you bought it and he will hand back your money. Consult Your Physiciaan NA -DRU -CO medicinal preparations are not intended to take the place of your physician's prescriptions—far from it.. When you are ill you need the physi- cian's skilful diagnosis and treatment, and it would be folly to depend on your own diagnosis and any household remedy. But in emergencies when you cannot get the doctor quickly, and in many other cases, a reliable household remedy is a real blessing. To put the absolute reliability of NA - DRV -CO preparations beyond doubt or question, we are prepared to furnish to your physician or your druggist, en request, a list of the ingredients in any NA -DRU -CO,. preparation. Ask these men, who are men et standing in your community, and in whom you place implicit confidence, all about NA -DRU - CO remedies. If your druggist has not the parti- cular NA -DRU -CO preparation you ask for in stock, he can get it for you within two days from our nearest wholesale branch. Write for the Igro NA -DRU -CO Almanac, giving a list of NA -DRU -CO articles and prices, with other useful information. Address "National Drug Co., Advertising Department, 34 St. Gabriel Street, Montreal." National Drug & Chemical Company of Canada, Limited g wholesale J Halifax—St. Jehn—Montreal—Ottawa—Kingston—Toronto-73nmilton Branches: e London—Winnipeg—Regina—Calgary—Ifelson—Vancouver--Victoria REGULATION BEST. Samuel Gompers Says Prohibition is a Failure. Chieago. March 14.—"Prohibition is a failure. I am not in sympathy with that movement." In this empnatic language Samuel Gompers, President of the Ameriean Federation of Labor, to- day declared himself on the question of abolishing saloons when he refused to address a local option meeting. The effect of his expressed at`iturle gave Arthur Burrage Farwell, leader of the daily temperance meetings, a sharp setback in his vision of winning the alt j. - port of. Labor in the local anti -salon fight by having Labor's foremost lender offer encouragement to the cause at a public meeting. Gompers said: • "Proper regulation of the liquor traffic is much more effective for temperance than the abolishment of ealonns under the local option or prohibition laws. I have noted the experience of cities both in the 'United ,States and in Europa, and I am convinced that prohibition loos not accomplish what the prohibitionists are seeking." FOR P. F. L ONLY. Sir Richard Szettt'sTemperance Bill Will be Amended. Ottawa, March 14. --Sir Richard Scott announced in the Senate to -day that he proposed to offer an important amend- ment to his bill relating to the transpor- tation of intoxicating .liquor. The amendment would limit the aet to provinces which had declared for prohibi- tion, and had enacted prohibitory 'legis- lation. The effect was that the bill would be limited to ,Prince Edward Island, which has asked for it. U. S. FRENCH TREATY. Washington, arareh 14.--•-Tsriff nego- tiations between France and the United States are reported to have reached a point where either a. speedy settlement can be obtained or a deadlock precipi- tatecl. which will produce a maximum tariff situation if not broken by March 21, when the final provisions • of the Pnyne-Aldrich law goes into effect. �1 1 fY x q+r� ? ? Sli�t ;J ° /°`t 4,A. `ty:.:; Yx�`' }I^,IH `'i ,,?' aatf aJAtR5 e't?u�eT3I aha''nRfas'tmfJ'af;nIVI e, t"n tTu�n,S M c,`h►,u I a'�•si8i !E'a�'9n�rtfla4rt- i ��r~ ll N __I�,� FAIN ELliffinkifa il,�, lxwRRINaFEA.MB Rc�r�>� K SOW,! ., f, ;.y� It a.,,.., PA r'fi '� '�1,'l A igilii tnhA ���E l HILI;Vl": �t�lyF'�I' NI ,.fil���rlf��;. �� ���i1����i9i��If li�Q��,fifv��.tf�.(jtt- Rpt .. ��I f �Q . ,..,�..-,...-..,:,..,.,p_ -1 iilii� ��ft@i illi IAO af`j�lr '�i ES �41i� - 1 ERIPC� A g Ott ��"lii�3 R atdifilltiffini f��' I� , !< f a�ii7Ed t f,4 nU A Ali ,€ia�J..f�ii(fi6i� , j,rP�7a ,L7C�J i7P�,, to ., ., .,-.. �. «.,. ,. „. .. i:.. «. �,.,,,, „I. iy«..Y y ..- brr....- 2iititIBI1pit1R1018 ESIPARItartgRAIIPASIn-'atatiacw..i3Cfr7 fgiiArtus` gruserreiktsL1C.Ia0t 4 r2 gt°,1t.00113 . ! .,,r.r .... e.. p.... Anil"?' '4'af}1.1�6'kr"i$l!Wt3 •.,' Y AGE HUE FENCES Page Peaces wear hest -Styles for Lawns, Purl.:., Par'ns. end Raiiroads. 14,000 mites of nage Fences and 75,000 gage Gated now in use itt Cfiu ' ",•r 2310 Fences are tetter Chau ever, 1'dL4 Gates for 1310 have Galvanized Frames. Get o, r latest prices and booklet. THE PAGE WIRE FENCE CO., LiriilTEiD Largest fence and Efate manufacturers lit Canada moan ritIVA.L . ST. JCIAN W1NNIPEGe VICTORIA. G0W .A. new railway board is proposed for Alberta. A new round -the -world service will be inaugurated by the C. P. It, Mr. John Houston, the pioneer British Columbia editor, is reported dead at Q1uesneL There was a noticeable improvement last night in the condition of Mr. Gold - win Smith. Edmonton is to have a packing house, to be built, by P. Burns & Co., at a cost of half a million. Mr. Soloman Allan, of the Norwich Ci- der and Vinegar Works, died in Grace Hospital, Toronto, aged 64. At Bogota, Colombia, the United States Legation was stoned during a street riot on Monday evening. The members of the Legation are safe. It has been decided at Senora to or- ganize a new milling company, to be called the Royal Canadian Flour Mills. The capital stock of the company will reach one million dollars. The capacity will be 5,000 barrels daily. The Loudon Morning Post says that if Canada succeeds in establishing the right of British States to enter into commercial partnerships without being penalized by Washington, she will in- deed have rendered a notable Imperial service. Notice of a bill to be introduced in the Manitoba Legislature has just been given, under which the Salvation Arany in Manitob is to be incorporated. This will permi dthe vesting of property in the name lithe Army instead of in the name of .i Commissioner, as hereto- fore. Hon. C. , r Hyman and James C. Duf- field, both A whom have been ill since returning to London from a town in the Southern States, are much improved in health to -day. Neither Mr. Hyman nor Mr. Duffield is able to be out yet, how- ever. At a meeilhg of the Barrie Presbytery a unanimous call from St. Andrew's Church, Hillsdale, to Rev. Frank C. Har- per, B. D., was sustained. The call car- ries with it $1,000 salary, a manse and glebe and a: month's holidays. Mr. Har- per has not yet indicated his intentions regarding call. The firs of the Ch of Queen Toro 5 o'e The sod for the new building h of the Epiphany, corner et west and Beaty- avenue, tined this afternoon at Herbert S. Cowan. vill be of red brick s and will cost .�„•,,ossi'tiility of obtain- ing murder was commit- ted, '. PIA lead the authorities of 'Ver no drop the investigation of the death Albert Mersey, portions of whose hod ere found along the Can- adian Paeiff a Railway' tracks on both sides of the international border yes- terday. Owing io the appropriation for the Publio Works and Telephone Depart- ments of Alberta, being exhausted the salaries in these departments have i.ot been paid. This cannot be remedied a -- til the supplementary estimates r re passed, which is not probable foe some time yet. Premier Rutherford is act- ing Minister of Public Works. At a meeting of the Ministerial As- sociation of Victoria, B. C., the ques tion of the character of the theatrical attractions which are being offered in that city was discussed at length, and the unaniu4eis opinion was expressed that the tine has arrived when it is imperative) • necessary that a publio censor shouldbe engaged to regulate the show houses. The Manitoba Court of Appeal order- ed that a prisoner named Howell, serv- ing a term at Stony Mountain peniten- tiary, should receive a new trial, but evhen officials went to bring him in to- day the warden of that institittion re- fused to release him, except under order of the Minister of Justice. Habeas cor- pus proceedings tvil1 now be resorted to in an effort to get 'possession of him. W. C. hfelcilliean, in charge of the Department of Agriculture's seed branch at Calgary, is enthusiastic regarding the possibilities of corn in Alberta, and re- fers to the fact that at the seed fairs in both Northern and Southern Alberta corn of good quality Was exhibited, while the number of bushels raised will not supply the demand for seed. The ex- hibits shown are direct proof of the pos- sibilities of Alberta. FOR HAMILTON. Analyst and Laboratory May be Placed in That City. Toronto. Ont.. \.tarch 14: There seems every likeliltocd' that Ontario will have an assistant provincial analyst, whose work will supplement that of Dr. Arnyot, of Toronto, and that he will have his headquarters at Hamilton, and will there establish a provincial laboratory similar to that in Toronto. This morning a deputation consisting of Drs. Wallace, Storms, McLenahan (Waterdown), and Rennie, together with (1ontroliers Allan and Gardner, of Ham- ilton, were introduced to Hon. W. .)". Hanna by Iron. •I, S. Hendrie, and made the request that the laboratory be estab- lished. They pointed out that valuable illus was now lost in tending samples bit Toronto for anal}stet. According to the visitors they left the Minister with considerable more thein assurance of con. sideration. ai CIO tairqs, neaialiaanaFi i f ,il a° sensa:is laaateis "Mee t 'Wee?*g This disease from which so rnany suffer gives the average physician a great deal of trouble. The best medical men have endorsed PSYCHINE, and recommended it in scores of the most obstinate cases. It has never failed in a single instance to give prompt relief. When directions have been followed, a few doses will remove that tight- ness and weight on the stomach, Taken regularly it positively cures General Distress, Flatulency, Nervousness, Coated Tongue, Heart Burn and Palpitation. If you have never used PSYCHINE, don't hesitate a moment longer. Try PSYCHINE today, �a tel 7,,• ry e . 4411{4$�lPROOF 4'000,i:t• Mr, Arthur Tennison, 88 London Street, Toronto, says: "For six or 'r seven years I was troubled with indigestion and dyspepsia. Tao much acidity of the stomach the doctors said, originated the troubles. I tried scores of remedies without avail. Eventually I used PSYCHINE and this brought immediate relief and cure." P1O HOME SK+LUL.® BE WITHOUT PSYCHINE It prevents the children taking cold, wards off that terrible malady, La Grippe, and completely fortifies them against disease. it should always be used far colds weariness. loss of appetite. bronchitis and weak lungs. For sale by all druggists and dealers, 60 cents and $1.00. Dr. T. A: SLOCUM, Limited TORONTO im:we•... TEST OFALL. TON ICS BITTEN BY DOG. B. Battery Sergeant Torn on Face and Neck by the Brute. Kingston, Ont., despatch: Sergt. Hart, of B Battery, while trying to stop a dog fight yesterday, was bitten in the face by one of the enraged brutes. His left cheek was badly torn and the up- per part of his neck was lacerated. The animal, which was a battery dog, was shot, and the heal sent to the Toronto branch of the Pasteur Institute, to see if the canine had been. afflicted with rabies. AIR TRIPS, Regular Line of Balloons For Pas- sengers in Germany. Munich, Bavaria, March 14. ---Che first regular air navigation service in Europe will be inaugurated on May 15. Regu- lar trips will be made frost this city alternately to Sternberg and Oberam- mergau. A dirigible balloon of the Par- seval type, having a gas capacity of 6,700 cubic metres and driven by two motors of 100 horse power each, will be used. The aerial carriage will accommodate twelve passengers besides the crew. The fare for the round trip to Sternberg will be $55, and for the round trip to Oberammergau $175. THREE MILES OF TGE. Causing Floods in Neighborhood of Tilbury. Chatham despatch: Late to -night the ice jain at Prairie Siding is still solid, despite four charges of dynamite, .which had practically no effect on. the three miles of tightly -packed ism early this afternoon. Superintendent -OEu ningharn, Engineer Brock, of the Grand Trunk, and City Engineer J ones were on the scene during the dynamiting, which '1va. in charge of Expert Glass, of "Tilbury, Though the dynamiting is so far without result, the work will be continued throughout the night. The water is still rising. In Tilbury East the lands are being now inundated, and the drainage pumps are stopped, but little added dam- age has been done. Many declare the jam will remain till the warm weather melts it. C h', TO LADIES ANIgaGiltL s This beautiful Gold Finuslr Locket, mounted with precious stones, with this lovely neck chain is one of the latest ornaments. No dress is complete without an ornament of this kind. SEND NO MONEY. Send your name and address and we will send you 4 boxes of Dr. Maturin'. Famous Vegetable Pills, the most powerful Tonic and Blood Purifier known. Sell then at 25 cents a box, giving free to each purchaser one of the pins sent you with the fills. This helps you to sell rapidly. As soon as the Pills are sold, send us the 01.00 collected and we will send you this handsome LOCKET & CHAIN FREE. Write to -day. ADDRESS The Dr. Maturia Medicine Co., Dept. 429 "Toronto, Oct. ! u,?'.: +ratite..s. ,•'i;t `�tTr .t�",.##+1iS� lesa. Sias Neap eaNnakeeenadaae SHIP TO US YOUR *MORA nfCtl', EffialfaraZar DEMAND STILL O ANZEIHERISERIZEISISte 9 We have satisfied our thousands of shippers and can satisfy you, wvo know, but it fs for you to find out, by shipping to tic, that event wo say is correct. We remit same day on receipt of goods. Write for Price List and Shipping Tags, which will be cheerfully furnished. A. & E. 6E n,.: CE & CO L GOO and 507 St. Paul Stree!, liR'ioffntreal HANDSOME A°T'CH FREE. A. Gents' or Ladies' Solid Gold Watch costs from $29 to $90. Do not throw your money away. If you desire to secure a Watch which to keep time and last well will be equal to any Solid Gold 'Watch send us your name and ni address immediately and ag'-eo to sell 10 boxes only of Dr. Maturllt's Famous Vegetable Pills at we. a box. They aro the greatest remedy on earth for the cure of poor and impure blood, indigestion headaches, consti- pation, nervous troubles, liver, bladder and kidneydie- eases, and all female weaknesses- the are the Great Blood Purifier and Invigorator, a Grand Tante and Life Builder. With the P1110 wo send 10 articles of jewelry to give away with the pills—this makes them easy to sell. This is the chance of a lifetime. Do notmiss it. Serd us your order and we will send you the 10 boxes, post paid. Whenou have sold them send us the money ($2.10) and we will send you A GENTS or LADIES WATC the same day the money is received. 'We are givingthese beautiful Watches to advertise our Remedies. his is a grand opportunl-. to secure a valuable Watch without havingto spend anent. and our Watch is a stem wind and sem set and not the cheap back wind article generally ri--en as premiums. Send for our pills without delay. Address DFL. MAT&IRIN MEDICINE CO. Watch Dept,eo Toronto, Ont. , .p ..