HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-03-18, Page 5FIRST CLASS ME I have a large supply of the very best tile on hand, from 2i in. to six inch. If you need any oa11, write or telephone to John Foster, Zur- ich, Brick and Tile yards 11 tf. Moved! . Moved SE1 P AM STOCK MAIN: T>'R,ELT, directly West of Dominion House Really to supply you with just a —little bit tho Nicest— JEWELLERY for HOLIDAY GIFTS. 'Rings, Silver Thimbles, Fobs, Necklets, Watches Brooches, Bracelets, Veil Pins, Collar • Pins. Everything in this Line. COME ALONG, We will ' try to PLEASE YOU. F. W. HESS, JEWELLER C. R. HESS, Assistant, WE TAKE this opportu- nity of wishing our Customers at etea>,pp:y' and Prosperous New Year, and thank each and all for having made the past :year our most prosperous year since we have been in busi- ness.. We ask you again for your hearty support for 1910, and we will do our best to merit it, by giving you value for your money. R. No DOUGLAS, e'. (enoral Merchant, B L A Ii E. 1 1 fit, namacnapnanaa a oaaaanCID a»waa=ED coMr.tO O R , UR R I CH R a O MEAT ARKET WE keep in stock a 9 full line o fresh moats, hams, etc. etc Our *cuts are noted for Their teridelness: and wholesomeness. Our ails is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. YUNi LUT & IC ERT. ,a' kr, ;Jet t I warts every person that'e ruptured to know that my method will euro rupture to stay cured. No matter what your age is or how hard you work, my method will cure apparently hope- less oases. Do not wait tilitil your repture becomee stran t;u is ted. Write today, Fill in coupon. N Addreee Age.. ...... Time .Rupture Single or Double Retern to J. S. SmITn, 88 Caledonia. St. Stratford Dept. R. Ont. sat;r.nesecrai+easettraesests et xsa)saeaoazcsc tamale.: ANTE ow For 'Lindell and surrounding district an energetic reliable agent to take order for nursery stook. GOOD PAY WEEKLY, OUTFIT FREE, EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY 600 Acres e tinder cultivation. We guarrtntee to deliver stook in good oondition and np to contract grade. We can shorn you that there is good money in representing a well known re liable firm. Established over 30 yeare. Write for particulars. PFL AP NURSERY TORONTO, ONT. DRYSDALE Mr. Louis Durand of Spruce Mich., is visiting his sisters, broth- ers and many other friends in this vicinity. It is years since Mr. Durand has been in Drysdale. He is very pleased at the progress and improvements that have taken piece during that period. He is indeed glad to find so many of his old acquaintances still here. but misses those who have moved to other parts or passed to the greet Ironing linen bee a greater effect than is oornn)only believed. As the tarriperature of the iron may great, let exceed 266 degrees Wabreeheit it bas been puggesNed abet the pro• cess of ironing may suffl e to slier'. lize surgical dressings and hence be of valuable service, especially inrural districts area. elsewhere, in the�absenoe .of disinfecting ovens and' ~ter'ilizers Nearly', all met. robes can be killed by .t sufficiently long mere ice tine of e tem feratnre of 158 degr'e'es Fahrenheit. but a tlegtete:.t F,ehren belt iu required to loll certain spores of brotearie and to produce absolnteiv ceympleta ttearili7, stem It batt been proved by experiment that it is lass ''+'e to aiteinf„ot sloth ing ver a i• tats f)rily by it ,sing, ('lotbtne. :,•' job bus been. worn by chi'dren affeoted br vari'nus con taeions diseases, • and which eon brined bacteria or nue, diphtheria ornseuuPaouancinDONrovrrallO o Illium WM oDOM a mimeo ainIDao®loaoa OaP ao®OGYINKboabaoq.piia The New Grocery F1our&Fe»i tore u " anti the like, was sprinkled and ironed it was then rubbed on pletca of gelatine prep'i.red for the otrlture of beet( ria,. but net at single eolonv ware developed TELE FARMER'S INTEREST IN PURE SEED From now to the endof seeding the trades in seed will he active, and it behooves every farmer to take stook of what. be has on hand te sow or what he lets to. buy In many places dealers say that the seed which is now coming in quite feeely frohu the farmers is more polluted with noxioys weed seeds than it has been, for several there i beyond. seasons, As a oonsequenc s Messrs. Chas and Albert Bedard heavy loss in cleaning, nd high 'lass No 1 seed will be pensive have returned from visiting friends In view of these gond ins it is in Detroit and Chatham. They re- likely that there will be smaller port a fine time. proportion than usual of o 1 seed visited friends here, on Sunday The roads nt present ere in abed. , plaited on the market, an consid- last. condition being neither suitable er•able of the second-rate seed will Rev. A. D. Qisehler,, of Zurich for wheels or sleighing but wheels probably he pretty close to the are in the majority. prohibitive line. It is therefore Mr. Harry Ran spent a pleasant especially important this pier that evening up the roadlast week. Nit farmers who have to u+xy • seed Accidents will happen on the fares, should use every piecari9 c;n to sea even if it is only one accident, and that they do not get a supply of pork is such a good piece too. weds seals, If you want Melt class, Mr. A. Sheelal• London is spend- the price,un seed,pla eand.ayour re ilmetertoearal,y ing a few days at home, for guaranteed No 1 see;.'. and to Mr. Joe Ran is busy in his ex• We have bought the business recently conducted by the late S. Rannie, and are prepared to supply your .anis with good goods at fair prices, Give us a call or Telephone to for prompt delivery PRODUCE TAKEN htS GASH. 1 & J. ASCI1 9 Lti fit ,jo®aoaSZISMACsstaou®maoGILIZao®aMIENoaetaaoaoemarauamoaoaWIanau:aJaMIZEaac=roeuasacnauNOcoSIca . Miss Catharine Finkbeiner gave a birtlydu.y party to her friends, on Thursday last. She was the re- cipient of several nine presents all of which she fully appreciates and prizes very much. Mr. Dan Schroeder has parches ed a farm on the fifth concession of Stephen from Mr. J. H. Hamil- ton. Ile gets Immediate possession. Mr. J. Il Goetz was in Goderioh on business, several days during the week. Mr. John. Trebner. of Exeter Mr. Robb P S. Inspector was in the vicinity Monday. Mr. Lamont Zurich 'bought up some choice cattle around here last week. 14 ENS ALL 13. S. Phillips auctioneer, of Exe- ter, held every successful sale for Fred Pile, en Wednesday. Andy Yung hlut and wife return- ed to their home at Vermillion Alberta, on Thursday, last. In accordance with at bylaw passed by the council, till dogs will have to be ornamented with a tag, or their owners will be tined. It is a "fire" by-law. Rev Medd of Forest nert:laied see that the seed delivers standard, send a sats ; to the Seed Laboratory, Deprr tmeu t of Agriculture, Ottawa, a t r you will be sent a report giv• • •_raid- ing and the kinds r of weed seeds prase • r he standard for N re than one no. 1.500 of good' second quality fin 1,000 are allowed, e many. Farmers seize for sale, or even if they.. eve only enough for their own tine,. should also have it tested for verity before selling or sowing. Ti' this is not done there is danger ei selling seed in violation of the Seed Control Act. ttnd farmers aro spite as liable to prosecution for selling low grade clover seed as seed dealers • Ribgra s is ono of the common est weed seecle found in clover seed l is up to cellent maple bush, and is making some very fine syrup, per S tial lei seed the pt..).k in the die)tl.:)3i:.t el toren* • end one of qac, mr);rt diff'icnit to on Sundey. I separate by muobincry. Where a. Rebert Lamont and family have I farmer bus only H. small quantity moved t>7 Western Canada.of seed to handle, the following !method of separation might be Miss titelinh' 1'isitattt 1' k, end .found practicable: Wrap a• few from u. month's visit at Berlin, and fsnniug mill sieves with two or New tIaniberg. three ply cheese cloth. r mpen the The G. T. R. will build e new cheese cloth and spr)nk) ''the alov- assenger depot here this simmer. or seed containing ribgrlass over it. 1) :7 1 In a develop h two the moisture The continuous emigration of will develop the mucilage of the ribgrass, causing it to stick to the young mels to tho various parts of cheese cloth. With a little drying the Great North •iVest with a view bv- wind or heat the clover seed to materially improving their The girl who can lint it mood square patch on a pair of panta- loons or command a regiment of pots and k.ettltss, may not, in the eyes of t. ten per cent aristocracy, seem as accotnplishod es the girl who carp embroider and work a worsted dog on a bine g<ouud or l'.'u't t u'+ �' e :A' I reee l it t the iv -irking girl in r • z, bet- . ). i. -v ..t• a e. ... a c ^:,1•?) ell of the meter ', G For ►Se'ttlerS IN MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA How Made and Ilow Reached jLO :�Y SETTLERS' RATES Settles with Live Stook and Effects Special Trains kava Toronto 1.0,10 pan. Taesdcys during RAIICII and APRIL Settlers and Families without Live Stock should use Rettilar Trains 10.10 p.)ti, daily WINNIPEG FLYER 38 hours to Winnipeg Through:Tourist Cars COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS ., sat which Berths are rt ree Apply to neatest Agent for to'yp of "Settlers' Outdo,' "Western Canada," 1'ourhst Cars," or write 11, L, Thompson, D.P.A.. C) ) Toronto, _ .. m:,gtr,,.,..eumaan tyttaW a IMMICt,•are, �. and Mrs. Gischler were visitors at the borne of Mr. and ars. L. K. Eidt, on Monday. On April the first the annual business meeting in connection with the :Evangelical church a i11 be held in the church when it is expected that all interested will attend. All church dues should. respondents. In commemorating be paid before that date. such events as visiting, fishing and driving in zero weather, they are DRYSDALE in general very successful, but it is strange that they fail to report The continuous mild weather of the horse races, tivhieb frequently the past two weeks has caused the take place and in which the snow to make a 'rapids disappear - part. steed" takes an actino ance and things in general have part. bent On ii, real spring like aspect. • (From another correspondent) Mr. W. 'Turner son of Mr. R. Turner Sr., of this place has been The heavy coat of ice that has successfn 1 at the examination for engineering recently held at Tor- onto and is now qualified to operate a locomotive on the Great Lakes. Tho present prices paid for good horses are exceptionally good Mr. A. Horner is all smiles these days. Albert's happiness is no doubt due. to the fact that ho will in the very near future be per. manently located in his beautiful home on the fourtheenth concession where he says pe itty girls abonn;i in large numbers, The hog and cattle markets as demonstrated by the buyers are unparalleled in live stock history, Coarse grain and other farm pre - duce in general are also in great demand and the market for each is considerably in advance of that of previous years. These facts cohnbinr'.i-'-itli tin' --nea:celled fertility of the land along Lake Huron has placed the furrier in it position to rapidly accumulate a substantial bane account. Some of the lady school teachers in Stanley Towne hip, who do not live tt mile away aro, according to external evidence r:tnidly develop- ing into clever newspaper cor- covered Lake Huron, is fast disap- pearing, and soon it will be when the huge steel boats will again, be plying back and forth over her dark blue water. The numerous friends of Mr. G. and the demand for animals of a , Murray, are glad to seehis pleasant; superior quality greatly exceeds! face in their midst again, after lus the supply. Western buyers are I recent illness. frequently making their appear. Mr. Joseph Ran Is 1'ucy tl:ufli: once anti the competition existing ; days boiling maple syrup. ,lees emote!. them. bus given a stimalus �;srs 11y all £t1)1)ea.ratrir,;,,.:, 1'1,11 N•ef,;tt'!': to the heat.: traffic. tc•t11 ter a a;hort snot. A peculiar fad has recently seized hold of the bachelors in this, Mr. Lotus Chanes of T,onami, r vioinitr and a number of themetit present recuperating under th have adopted the enstoni of shay_ Parental. roof, • ing off their moustaches. What: The roads still romain in a inlet their object in so doing is we condition, end the people tit tihe-t cannot tell but judging from their time find the phone a very :sefq. stratagetic movements the writer article, to have in the home, believes it is to hasten matrimony, DIr. .Totts Johnst in soya ±'tet owing to the mild spring, straw. berries will no douet be an entree. ant crop• Mr. Robert Turner has ret�:rnet will fail off and leave the ribgrass t fivancia,l eituEttI0 l lies t;Ietctly from hie visit to t;toderioli Bolt ':ticking to the cheese cloth. The'diminished the nnmher of farm says things are booming up .thee<, l ribgrass can then be scraped off laborers in this section and as a g and the operation repeated with as eereeegnence farmers in Inrtny Cltsos at present. mar's' sieves as eau be kept going. find it inconvenient to operates to This method, e)f° c'orrse. is low, ))lit adeediatryei the dere: ,.0 them 4•t`reed for smell ,ute ».:'e'.in ti �! t't t) i.Ur :•. r1f .1: ,.. t ` �.ie`1 `,'t l r.' ,'. , . of °lee a t'.'or ,., 1'1t to r;'(;4. supplemented oy bet:u.ilg on- evee prepared, clean laud and weeding1 in the field. T. G. RAYNOR. DA a!'iW000 The name contest in connection with the 7i . P. A. will close on Friday evening when the names wi11 be summed np. Mr. E. M. Brokenshire was in Zhtrich, on. Saturday evening, • Mr Darr Schroeder, who recently disposed of his butcher business to tMeseri+ Joseph tubes John Eidt bats tiller sold lee farms, the one to i?dr. George Schroeder and the! other to 11r. Henry tlnonther. . Mr. ; Guenther has since leased. the! 1\'orth Half of the one lee parches• l eel to Messrs Joseph and John • Etdt for a toren of two Nears. Rev. E. EI. Bear., of (Crediton , passed throathh the village on Saturday afternoon on his way to Zurich, where he preached, on Sunday. Mrs, OeStreieher had a rag -bee, en Friday after•nooii last. Chain, n:'r6d'^ tewe careen, art", )ta. iit'ttt?d •. Novo• Ti.t s Paint i i,'t'1ish ctr" T e ScrL1bikA, Burl .'S, n,. e•..- + . - , ell r .•• 1te,t, t.hn dirty Jlru)Y •:•r rrrrabllfnty n r..ht t • i - e ), h is w ..+ .) L,a ante --:L i,s:nteztCi ttc,or ear. Z. h3 1D ° hOOR PINT is ctal eoiarl3 pts etecr for boors. " It dregs gntc::l . "t t:it 11 rt reel s-1. gtoatxv )lniult. rrpreTits th+e i tiiereueee between the lu;ht,urad the dug'.;: side: of' Louar.^rywepl,tt),;. 50 LI.) BY JOHN PREETFR, ZURICH