HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-03-18, Page 44
The " HIM; Herod.`
the MOLSON'.,
te, et
L?VreI neon porated. 1885
CAPITAL - w - $3,500,000
eh REST ran)a $3,15OO,OOO iv
Has 65 Branches in Canada, snd Agents and Correspondents in alt
the Principal Cities in the World,
w at all Branches. Interest allowed at Highest current rate.
Zurich Branch -- J. A., CONS"ir`AN'rINE, Agent
V.tiluiltIWI......,...xwxm,.•..n.,...merneNs7:3:�5R.9: L9R1riSS
- (ID41172M4111. 'i ere
...:A v4).
'leiter, NotaryPublic, Hensel',, tai o.
&t Zurich (Zeller's office) every Mon -
div. FRIDAY, MAR, 18th, 1910
ristors, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc.,
Goderiob, Canada W. Proudfoot. K.C.
R. 0. Bays. G. F. Blair.
merly with Drs. Jansen,
Halle and Biers, of Berlin, Ger-
many ; also assistant surgeon at
Moorefields' (Royal London Opthal-
rio) eye Hospital and Golden
.square; Nose and Throat Hospital,
London England, etc. General
practice, with special attention to
eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes
tested (Retinoscope used) and
glasses supplied.
OFFICE DAuisWOt>.), a,,,.v e .
AUCTkONE.ER, Exeter.
Sales conducted iu all parts. Satis-
faction guaranteed or no pa._. Terms
-easonable. Orders left at this oflae
will L:; promptly attended to.
ee agent, representing the London,
Economical, Waterloo, Idonareb, Stand-
ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every-
thing in fire insurance.
eluate of the lt6yarCo lege o
Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu-
ate of Department of Dentistry, To-
ronto University. Painless extraction
of teeth'. Plate work a speciality. At
Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon-
day. ,--26
Notary Public. D e e ds , Mortgages,
Wilts and other Legal Documents care
fully and promptly prepared. Office --
Zeller block, Zurich, Ont.
C,,rr��,, '�t Court Znrich No. :'-b0
. LJ..1 • meets every ist and :ird
Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. rn.
in the A, 0. U. W. Hall.
.1. J. M Etas ER, C. R.
�-j AIT. Riekbeil I ede es
• V '1'T . • No. 3 93, meets
the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month,
at 8 o'clock, in their Hall, Merger Block.
�fitTwEIL ,M. W
Jane—•,Henry, what would you
ado if ye should go to the post
office, buy a stamp, ask the man to
stiok it on for you and he refused?"
Henry e, who is very serious) —
"'What would I dee' `;tick it on
Jane—"1 should sti: "
Are you frequently �.
you have that annoy,:
in your threat? Doer ,r e , eft
annoy Sou at night, and sur you
raise mucus in the morning? Do
you want relief? If so, take
Chamberlain's Cough Remeuy and
you will be pleased. Sold by J. J.
Merger. •
lowing is the report of 7uric h
markets corrected up to Thursday,
.Barley.... .. . .. ..... .. de to 53
Paten ... .. . . 81
Bran .... `);'.CO
• Shorts
(.fats.. :is ;le
Wheat ..... 1.05 1 e.;,
I -f ey . 1.2.0e
Dried. apples. - G :,
(!lover weed 5.0o 5. ea
Potatoes .. :15 :1:,
Butter,.,,.. ,..., 'del 2u
10 g8 ... , 1. 2u 20
Bons liveweiget 0.810
.Cook's Best Flour.. ,.... 2.75
• Wheat .... ...... ..... . 1.68
Oetta..., .• W lb • 1 / • • 39 40
tt,e rl ey ..... ...... :i>, tr:',
1't3tt rll ill
llk.i ;'s lisewcight.. , ..... 41,3(
At the January meeting of
council, a letter from Dr. R T`T .
Brace Smith was read, stating
that, if the county would estab
lista a consumptive sanitarium, the
Local Government would make a
grant of $4000, towards the build
ing, and $3, per week for each
patient cared for in the institution.
The council decided that we are
of opinion that the time has arriv-
ed when some action should be
taken in the matter, and we
therefore recommend that a
committee of three members of this
council be appointed to obtain all
the information that can he got in
connection with sites, cost of
buildings &o. and report at the
June meeting
By resolution of council the
Warden and Messrs Lamont and
Shearer were appointed a special
committee to report to the counoil
in the matter at the next meeting
The committee met in Clinton
on March the, 8th, Mr, Lamont
was appointed chairman. Dr.
Bruce Smith was present by ap-
pointment, and gave the committee
information concerning the estab-
lishment of a county sanitarium
for consumptives.
Sanitariums have been establish-
ed in the Counties of Lincoln,
eteetwenvii,,. .,y.,,:., ., f
ntzrzc by q. 'board of liircc'Coxs,
the county in each case is represent-
ed on the board by either two or
three members of the council.
These sanitariums expect to receive
considerable support from paying
patients, private donations and
some assistance from fraternal
societies. The deficit in the
maintenance of the institution will
have to bo met by the county
That where ten or more patients
aro being treated at ono time the
cost per patient is about $1.00, per
day, this includes eveevthing a
cept medical attendance, which
would have, to he provided for by
local doctors.
A head nurse would be required,
and an additional nurse for about
every five patients Besides these
other help would be required to
attend to the ordinary or general
work of the institution. That a
sufficient area of land be purchas-
ed, so that outside of the train or
executive building, there would be
room for the erection of cheap
shanks and a garden.
The committee is desirous of
obtaining all possible information
respecting sites, cost and a general
description of properties as can be
g-ven. and suggest that a provis-
ional board be formed, to make a
-report to ',lie committee, in each
central point of the County. •
1.t' 1, 51 1,0
xrry ;
W. C. T. U.
"Ali, now we strike bottom,
principles" said. Mr, Arlington,
stroking his nzustaobe. "Every
man must settle his habits for him-
self, no person has right to inter.
fere with my personal liberty." He
looked up to the beautiful face as
if this was unanswerable logic. "1
have a right to do as I please" then
you must please to do well" anew
ered the young lady quickly “In.
deed. Mr. Arlington,1 assure you
that no such liberty as you had
described is accorded to any of us,
neither would you consent to abide
in a cummuz ity where such ideas
of hberty were allowed to reach
their natural seciuenne, personal
liberty ends where public interest
begins, we hold this to be true in
the case of the thief and ruffian.
why not equally so in the case of
the distiller and the run seller?
„Yon take high ground. Dass My.
er.," said Mr, Forsyth, "no higher
than ray bible, my womanhood,
my common 'sense and our common
humanity demand, was the gravely
. 1�' m.o..., rd c
training for any caning, ere thrown
upon the streets to shift for tbem-
selves. They drift iu'te bad coy, -
pally and take to thieving ars
naturally as ducks to weeer because
of the lack of moral restraint and
being without references or re-
commendations, they can find no
other way for gettingtnouey to
supply their wants. .Unfortunately
there are alwu.yu older heads too
ready to direct titer; on the
downward path. We believe every-
body shonid have ad. chance. The
nation that neglects )ts boys
„browsa v.i�,W� sty rztd-•t valuable
asset and sows the seeds of future
disa.ttt�tr., to blossom in minimal
nettles and prisons or, worse still,
in the underground worldwhere
rebellion against alt author-
ityis nursed and anarchists are
- bred.
Chamberlain's Stoniaoh and
Liver Tablets are safe, sure and
reliable, and have been praised by°
thousands of women who have
been restored to health throtigh
their female aid and curative
properties. Sold by J. J. .Merrier.
unhesitating reply, the gen eutan
bowed profoundly, all honor to the
womanhood that bears euch senti-
ment. It might be better for socie
ty if her brothers ware more like
her, unfoetuuately we Hien are
made of sterner stuff, and there-
fore he hesitated. Therefore
tolerate what it is disagreeable to
fight, and what after all, is too pro-
fitable to be wholly banished, a
needtul evil le A ripple of laughter
went around t 9 circle, but Eleanor
was too terrib ' in earnest to smile
"I beg your p elon, Mr Forsyth,"
she said ; my onvictions on this
subject must I my excuse if 1
transgress the tales of gond breed-
ing I cannot b feel that the man
who helps to license this evil—and
every man who does not seek to
binder it does help—is a traitor,
consciously, to his horse, his coati,
try, himself !" Mr Foreyth was a
gentleman, hettlid not let his dis-
may at this stett terncnt reach his
face, but he lifted his hands as if
to shield himself froin what next
might come. it must be careful
what I say in ;he presence of a
white ribbonex. ` e said, "lest I get
and be ignomin-
m the field. And
Veswick made her
t and diverted
ther channel
s," she ex
471M* polities
,LttOI'B, which
f Z : osed to mon-
l the same time
pre in the music
our presence end
will be sansfiet: with no one else,
I fear you :ill have to defer the
settlement If these grave grtestions
until another tint,e and conte with
me." Keith Weswick had bean an
interested listener to this conversa-
tion. He was particularly struck
during its course by the respect
of Eleanor divers. She had not
in -Tressed hiin before as beautiful :
indeed, he lied hardly given her
more than a passing glance as she
caniein. Her modest white dress,
was not caicttlatetl to attract at
tention ; bat now he sat where ho
could examine it critically ; he
noticed the da ty perfect of its
every appointnx nt and admitted it
exceedingly becoming. It was little
less than magical the change
wrought in her appearance as the
conversation progressed, her f'r,ce
lighted, her eyes dilated, her slend-
er form seemed charged with some
divine electricty. she looked and
spoke like one inspired. Her voice
had ever been her great gift, low,
inusical, easily heard, her utteran
ce tea re, red erne -'fill 'newt?, ,^. ' her
\cords•veil chosen, i t UZ h titer
'.' .il it irsr'hlh'i.,1. Y."tr'(le
"tine tri aet.s".nei, lei i He
my just deeere r
iously driven f
just then Mrs.
way to tri
"My dei
()polkas, R,li.i
the young pct
room denir•nit
,was ever so earnest yet so quiet. so
gen'erons and frank, giving the
most raisible opponent the fullest
benefit of every argument that
ooald possibly see hints that many
before Keith Weswick had sue
combed to the fascination of her'
spoeoh and learned to hang open
her words. FIer daughter's out-
spoken opinions had long since
ceased to horrify Mrs Myers, what
oonld not be controlled must be
utilized She spoke of Eleanor's
peculiar notions as if they were
stook in trade, she Was wise enou
gh to discover that the maiden
could hol.l her own in spite of these
"notions" Indexed, they seemed to
add not a little to her eclat, she
was never so ohernting as when
giving expression to some living
thought whose fire transfigured
her whole pert:)n Mrs Byers had
noticed Mr Weswick s sudden in•
terest in her daughter with intense
sat.isfaotion, and as he studied the
fresh young face she studied him.
She had spent so many years in
weighing the marriageable qualti•
ties of young men that she could not
quite overcome the habit, though
her last born's very decided ways
of oaring foil: herself were proof
positive that she would bear no
interference ie. snob platters And
truth to tell, Keith was interested
He was not sorry, therefore, when
for Spring
please order now. Anyone
wishing New or Second hand
Machinery, call and seo if I
can't fill your wants.
Also Agent 1' r,
later in the evening: he found
Eleanor alone in the conservatory.
She greeted him with a smile of
welcome. "Yost look very much
like yourself," she said. '•1 woad
er if it is to be found again your
native land?" "I ani certainly,
glad to find my friends have not
forgotten me," he answered gayly.
•'Oh, I have abundant reason for
a good memory," she Iaughed.
"You used to be a very nice boy
giving up your time from top and
ball to a very small girl I once
knew. Such favors he got lasting
;.-_ttit ede. " "Thank you, he
torted in the same vein." I hope
you will not have to change your
good opinion of me, Miss Myers.
(To be continued)
Ethel M. Williams,
Pres. Supt.
Folly nine out of every ten cases
of rheumatism is simply rheu-
matism of the muscles due to cold
or damp, or ohronio rheumatism,
neither of which require any in-
ternal treatment. All that is
needed to afford relief is the free
application 'of Chamberlain's Lini-
ment. Give it a, trial. You are
certain to be pleased with the
quick relief which it affords. Sold
lig 1. Merner,
C. NAD -
Apr. 5,19 June 14, 28 Aud. 9, 23
May 3, 17, 31 hely 12, 26 Sept. 6, 20
Leave Toronto 2.00 p.m.
on above days
Through First and Second Class Coacbca,
Colonist and Tourist Sleepers.
Apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent or write
R. L. Thompson, D.P.A., Toronto.
Snow Tratis, a story of a profes-
sional man spending some weeks
trapping with an Indian in the
Canadian backwoods, is the leading
feature of the March issue of Hod
and Gun in Canada, published by
W. J Taylor, Woodstock, Ont.,.
and one that no sportsman should
miss. Stories galore have been
written of experiences in the
backwoods in summer and fall,
but not too many genuine instances
of personal experiences by out•
siders to the woods in winter have
been given to the world Mr.
Auer'e narrative is full of interest
and demonstrates the ,health and
pleasure to be obtained from a
visit to the winter woods. To
penetrate too far is as the author
says. only for the strong. but there
are few eases which would not be
benefited from following the
teutbor's advice and, example. The
time may come when winter
visitors will only rank second in
numbers to those enjoying summer
outings The difficulties of pro-
specting trips in Northern British
Columbia are well brought out in
the story of a Wild Goose Chase
by Mr. F. Bullock Webster. The;
experiences gained by fire ranging
for two summers in the Metagatni
Forest Reserve are told. in an in-
teresting style by Mr. H. W. Lyons.
These are supplemented by a full
list of contents, dealing with big
game hunting, woodcock shooting,
fishing, protective work, moun-
taineering, 'and kindred subjects,
the whole bringing with it the
whiffs of the woodlands in very
full measure and largely accounting
for the wide spread influence the
magazine has gained amongst
sportsmen on both sides of the
Love is a life, not an act.
'41'ti wry life natty 'be known i y the
r1 Trus it loves.
vnrlcl gets no here . 'f
,v•'t' colla.;• serfilOnr.
erne (iep.,t
that iliends he can mt k:'.
lozl., tib ('."lith ) + s 1 rt t o NY' i
outgrow all your tape lines.
The lamb never converts the
lion by leaping into its jaws.
He who cannot laugh like a boy
cannot labor like a man.
A. fertile imagination often mis-
takes itself for a generous heart.
Most of ns would be miserable if
we could manufactttre no enemies.
Doubt is a, good thing to forge
through but a poor thing to fatten
Fairbanks Qasolj.ne
Engines, 'Weigh Scales, lar yes
k e�;ci
All kinds of
Sawing Machines
Buggies, Carriages and.
Jas. Whyte, .A '''t
ASS! I'•a.3(.'iltl:ul4S
',107Wo have made arrangements
to offer the following low clubbing
rates with Tmt Heinen') : ,
Daily (dobe . $ 4.25
„ Mali ae Empire 4,211
Weekly Globe . . 1,00
Mail tle Empire 1.00
:Berliner Journal (German) 2.50
Family Herald & Star 1.711
Daily Advertiser :3.11i
Weekly Advertiser 1.50
Weekly. Sun 1,70
Farmer's ., .civoOittc 2.2e
Cb arnberlain'a Stomaoh and
Liver 'ea ble ts invariably bring; re-
lief to women suffering frons
chronic constipation, headache,
biliousness, dizziness, sallowness of
the skin and dyspepsia. Sold by J.
J Merger.
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land
ANY person who is the sole head of :t
family, or any male over 18 years old,
may homestead a quarter -section of avail-
able Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask-
atchewan or Alberta... The applionn4tnttist
appear in person at the Dominion Lands
Agency or Sub -Agency for the district..
Entry by proxy may bo made at Tiny'
agency, on certain conditions, by father,
mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of
intending homesteader.
Duties.—Six months' residence upon and
cultivation of the land in each of three
years. A Homesteader may live within nine
miles of his homestead on it farm of at least.
80 acres solely owned and occupied by him
or by his father, mother, son, daughter,
brother or sister.
In certain districts a homesteader in
good standing tray pre-empt a quarter•see-
tion alongside His homestead. Price ti3.00
per mere. Duties—Must reside six months
in each of six rears from date of homestead
entry iincia'ling the time required to earn
homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres
A homesteader who has exhausted his
homestead ri ;lit and cannot obtain a pre-
emption may take a purchased homestead
in certain districts. Price 83.00 per acre.
Duties—Mast reside six months in each of
three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect
a house worth $300.00.
"Deputy of the Minister of the Interior.
N. 13.-{Jnauthorized publication of this
advertisemer't will not be paid for.
Medicines that aid nature aro
always most successful. Chalnbei-
lain's Cough Remetly acts on this
plan. It loosens the cough, re-
lieves the lungs, opens the secre-
tions and aids nature in restoring
the system to a healthy condition.
• •r ' .T 1.4c-•
.Q \.
, C :.1
For Zurich
'!his is the time to sell
nursery stock.
We pay libt rally and offer
steady employment. Onr
list of Specialties embraces
a rare and choice list of
'Ready sellers in both fruit
sect OrInanzental stock.
Seed! Potatoes, Etc.
Write for terms and eatal cue.
The E'oiithill Nitrserles, Est. 1837
Toronto - - ' Ontario
All store accounts, owing the
estate of S. Ronnie, must be paid.
by April 1st 1010, or they will be.
put into other hands for collection.
• M. R. Hawke,