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The Herald, 1910-03-18, Page 2
Try his NEW and SURE You don't have to know what your Goods are made of, SAME Dye for ALL, ---No chance of mistakes. Ali colors zo cents from your Druggist or Dealer. Sample Card and Booklet Free. The Johnson -Richardson Co., Limited Dept, ,, Montreal, Que. She Was Very Particular. An organ grinder stopped in front of the house, and little Jessie, aged 4, was given a penny to hand to the Italian. She toddled out to him, and doubtless had in mind. a visit to the grocery, for she said: "Ef you grindin' . dot coffee for my manlme,, please 'member she wants it grinded fine." e.a FREE TO OUR READERS. Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for 48 -page illustrated Eye Boole Free, Write all about Your Eye Trouble and they will advise as to the Proper Application of the Murine Eye Remedies in Your Special Case. Your Druggist will tell you that Murine Relieves Sore Eyes, Strengthens Weak Eyes, Doesn't Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and sells for 50e. Try It in Your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes for Scaly Eyelids and Granulation. Ramrod Discipline. If it is true that the German 'damn Prince has received from his imps:a-as father forty-eight hours "stuben sr - rest," r -rest," or detention in his own palace at Potsdam, for some formal breech of court etiquette, this will not be the first time that he has incurred such a pen- alty. The Kaiser, himself, when a you'.g man was often in the saane hole, *Wine that rigid discipline of the iron -anneal Lind is still the rule of the Mahe •:el- lerns. The Emperor has more than t sae given "chamber arrest" to his Beraud cousin, Prince Frederick Leopold, son of the "Red Prince," who captn ed Metz; and was not even Frederick tee Great when Crown Prince consigned to prison at Custrin and threatened wi+h death by his father, the kidnapper of giants?—From the London Chronicle. Cure your bona of any Spavin. Curb, Splint, Stnggbone• Bony Growth Or Lantn,e.s with s $L bottle of KENT A.LL'S Spavin Cure Used by thousands for 4O years. One man writes :— bfiddto Balneadllo. rc.0., June 21, 15O9 •'I have tired your spavin Caro SO 10yoan andllnd in the gauntest moody ea earth for Inas and Jos,bout." ShermNo telling when your horse will lame heel. Get lsendans today and keep it bandy, Our book—"A 2Toatis. On The Gema" tolls how to cora 511 horse trouble,. Frau—atdeaters >.;r'h. • ss Br. 16. Sis $leneati C t r, yxY ,�3�iu:'�I l0.. ':'1:1.• The Postage Stamp's Inventor. Who invented the postage stamp? A writer in Chamber's Journal pdints out that the inventor of the "adhesive post- age stamp" was undoubtedly Rowland Hill. In 1837 he proposed the use of "a bit of paper just large enough to bear the stamp, and covered at the back with a glutinous wash, which the bringer might, by the application of a ilttle moisture, attach to the back of the let- ter." No evidence that will bear the slightest scrutiny, we are told, has been produced to support the various prior claims to the invention of the adhesive postage stamp.—Westminster Gazette. o P are not a new said untried remedy— our grandfathers used them. Half a century ago, before Confederation, they were on sale in nearly every drug or general store in the Canada of that day, and were the recognized cure in thousands of homes for Con- stipation, Indigestion, Biliousness, Rheumatism and Kidney and Liter Troubles. To -day they are just as effective, just as reliable as ever, and not'11ing better has yet been de- vised to 0 eao rasa 04= r -s -s ere ca re 111 si Embarrassing. "I'll have to get another typewriter," said the bustling man. "This one is constantly stopping my i ictation to ask how some word is spelled." "That's a great loss of time." "I don't mind the time, but it inter- feres with discipline for me to have to keep saying T don't'know."—From the Washington Star. 'Phones in Tunnels. The freight tunnels of Chicago will be need for a great telephone company to enter the field in competition with the present companies. The new company will start with 20,000 instruments. PLASTIC SLATE. Useful Material for Covering Wounds in Trees. Plastic slate, that is to say, mouldable slate, is a mixture formed by combining about one part of coal tar and four parts of slate dust and is recommended for covering large wounds in trees. This mass must be of about the oonsistenoy of a not too thiole glazier's putty, so that it can be balled and rolled out in the hand. Slate dust oan easily be made by crushing small pieces of slate. The mass sticks to wood, to metal, to stone, and in fact to everything that is not greasy and closes every opening air tight. Even if applied in a very thin layer, it hardens only on the surface, remains elastic, does not chip off in win- ter or run in summer. It is excellent as a tightening agent for water pipes, whe- ther of wood, metal or stone, for casks and many kinds of vessels. If the ordin- ary putty cracks away from the window panes of green -houses and hot frames the damage can be repaired without de- lay with the aid of this preparation. If extensive wounds on trees are covered with this mixture, which can best be ap- plied by means of a knife or a flat stick, they will remain for years absolutely protected from air and moisture. The edges of the wounds heal over rapidly. If the black color is objectionable, sand, ashes, etc., can be scattered over it and pressed in.—Scientific American. SLLEPING DRAUGHTS AND SOOTHING MIXTURES A mother should never give her child a sleeping draught, soothing mixture or opiate of any kind except on the ad- vice of a doctor who has seen the child. All these things contain poisons and an overdose niay kill the little one. When you give your child Baby's Own Tablets you have the guarantee of a government analyst that this medicine does not con- tain one particle of opiate or narcotic and cannot possibly do harm —but al- ways do good. TI1e Tablets promptly cure all stomach, bowel and teething troubles, and give healthy, natural mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. o -- Dog With a Wooden Leg. Teddy, the cream colored little dog which is widely known as Postman A. L. Davis' shadow, is proba5ly the only dog in New England which wears a wooden leg. Harry Ladd, who can turn his hand successfully to almost anything under the, firmament, has cleverly fashioned a wooden leg for Teddy, and Teddy has suc- cessfully worn it, though he doesn't eare just yet to wear it continuously. But with a little coaxing and after becom- ing a little more accustomed to the un - respondence Lewiston Journal. CURED OP LAME BACK WHEN 84. Mr, Samuel Martin, of Strathroy, Ont„ pas;.ed twenty years of his life in misery, suffering tortures from lame back. He tried nearly all advertised remedies and ]louses>old recipes, but received no bene- fi'• from any of them. Some months ago, seeing Gin Pills ad- ertised Mr. Martin purchased a box. The relief which Mr. Martin experienced after he had taken one box, was so great that he knew he had found the right remedy at last. He used two snore boxes and is now completely cured. 50c a box, 6 fOr $2.000. At all dealers. Free sample if you writr:•National Drug & Chemical Co., (Dept. H. L.) Toronto. .e World's Debt to Chemistry. The effect of chemistry oh civilization, says Dr. Maximilian loch, has been greater than that of any other science. "Engineering made but little progress until steel and cement, two chemical pro- ducts, were cheapened, simplified and made universal." Medicine owes to chem- istry the discovery of synthetic drugs and of anaesthetics, and the progress that has been made in the study of met- abolism. The twentieth century prom- ises even to outstrip the nineteenth in chemical progress, which well lie in the ddrection of controlling foodstuffs, ap- plying the raw materials in the earth, and refining of metals. #.. 1 quickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals the throat and lungs. • • • 25 cents. a.+ Products of Abyssinia. While in the valleys of Abyssinia ere grown sugar-canecotton, rubber and other tropical paints, the uplands have excellent pastures and cornfields. such as may be found in England. 4 . ► PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to eure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pilon in 6 to 14 days or money refunded, 5Do No Money In It. In one of George MacDonald's stories, a man has a dream. Ile le in heaven. it is a city, not a country place. The clos- est social life brings all very near toge- ther. He enters a store, selects his de- sired merchandise. When ho proffers payment he finds that his money is not wanted. There is no charge. Ho seeks other stores for various articles, it let the same. He cannot spend money. Everything is free. No one wants money; no one has any use or need for money. The commercial equilibrium of the city la stable, however. Everyone finds his highest joy in doing what he oan do best for others, and so no one lacks anything. Every want Is generously and cheerfully supplied, Everyone is perfectly content. This is 'a dream, but some dreams Come true, --W. S. Sayres in Pittsburg '.rimes. Farmer's Peps Story Fopd Lacks Variety ---111 Health Frequent. Everything one eats in town comes from the country, yet the farmer's table 'shows the least variety end his wife mi- doubtedly works the hardest. In this sweeping arraignment Mese X. Y. Tato give the cause of her ill -health: "I lost my appetite, gas formed in the stomach and caused great distress. A sense of fulness or distension, with aching pains in the left shoulder blade and back, inflicted further suffering up- on me. My system was sluggish, and with other troubles incident to woman, my state was mnniserable. I used to wish for this and that to eat, but farmer's table is mostly for well folks. It was a good thing I hoard of Dr. Hamilton's Pills—they fixed up the stomach some, and then I could eat, By acting splen- didly upon the system, my blood was made pure and I got color and strength. In a few weeks I had no more gas, nor the full 'feeling —everything seemed to get right it at once. I can eat anything now,do any own work and feel life worth living Don't fail to use Ls. Hamilton's Pills —they are the right medicine to made and keep you well. At all dealers, in 25c boxes, or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. • Post Offices of the World. According to figures just published in• "Postal Archives" there are at present 271,000 post orfices in the world spread over ninety-seven States, which cover an area of 30,000,000 square utiles. The United. States possesses the greatest number of post offices, 63,663; Ger- many comes second with 40,838 offices and the 'United I "Igdom third with 23,738 ofices. Russ as 15,000, !•'ranee 13,000 and Italy- an 4.ustria each 9,500 offices. The ,vena daily postal busi- ness in the world a nts to 110,000,000 mail pieces of all s, s, representing on the estimated vain f the content, of registered letters st -um of $68,600,000. The number of the vorld's postai offi- cials is 1,394,247, to vhich Germany fur- nishes the strongest leontingent, 314.251. There are 767,898 mail Imes in the world. c��yarset Cam hot. ice MR CHAPPED COLD SO 12 Vaselin Capsicum, gated, Camp etc. Eae . r. Muss mals. The County C'tlnei of Lancashire has found it access .ry appeal to the Board of Agric ailuro and Fisheries to grant powers trprohibit the taking of mussels for hue an consumption from beds known to e dangerously contam- inated. When tae Council approached the owners of the foreshore they were met by the objections which had been upheld, that mussels were wild animals, and there was no property in them until they were captured. One hundred mil- lion mussels are annually consumed in Lancashire.—Frons the Westminster Ga- zette. A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL, To All Women: I wil send fres with lull instructions, my hemp treatment which postivety cures Leucorrhoea, Ulceration, Displacements, Palling of the Womb, Pain- ful or Irregular periods, 'Uterine *and Ovar- ian Tumors or Growths, also Hot Flushes, Nervousness. Melanohoiy, Paine In the Head, Back ar Bowels, Kidney and Bladder troubles, where caused by weakness peculiar to our sex. You Can continue treatment at home at a cost of only 12 cents a week'. My book, "Woman's Own Medical Adviser, also sent tree on request. Write to -day. 'Address, Mrs. M. Summers, Box I3. s, Windsor, Ont. Pole's Curious Will. A Polish gentleman has died at Etampes leaving a curious will deposited in the hands of the notary publics He had formerly been an inspector of the native troops in Tonkin and wise 44 years of age. In his will Ise sets apart a certain am• omit of his fortune to be spent in organ- izing an annual concert on the anniver- sary of his death in the top of an old tower in his native pleee. He does not specify the kind of tnitsic to be played.-- lerom the London Telegraph. PFZEIE THIS HANDSOME EXPANSIt)N GOLD- PLATED BRACELET, one of the latest Nov- elties In Bracelets; will fit any wrist. WE GIVE FREE for selling only 8 boxes, at 25c, a box, of DR. MATURIN'S FAMOUS VEGE- TABLE PILLS, the greatest Remedy known for Weak and Impure Blood, Indigestion, Cons titivation, Rheumatism, Catarrh and for all Liver and Kidney Troubles. SEND NO MONEY -.•w B TRUST YOU. Only send your name and address and we will send you 8 boxes of Pills and Si Fano)" Pins to give away with the Pills. Sell the Pills 25e. a box, and when all are sold send us the proceeds of your sales ($2.00) and we will send you at ones, by mall postpaid, thio handeom. Bracelet, Which will please you and ddress°THE DfrieGR. M MEDICINE CO., CO., DEPT, 207. TORONTO, ON's. The Lost Day. Lost ! lost I lost A gem of countless price, Cut from she living rock, And graved in paradise; Set round with three times eight Large diamonds, clear and bright, And each with sixty smaller ones, All changeful as the light, , Lost—whore the thoughtless throng In Fashion's mazes wind, Where trilleth Folly's song, Leaving a sting behind; Yet to my hand t'was given. A golden harp to buy, Such as the white -robed choir attune To deathless minstrelsy. Lost ! lost! lost! I feel allsearch is vain; That gem of countless cost Can ne'er be mine amain; I offer no reward— For till these heart -strings sever, I know that Heaven -entrusted gift Is reft away for ever. But when the sea and land Like burning scroll have fled, I'll see it in His hand Who judgeth quick and dead, And when of scathe and loss That man can ne'er repair, The dread inquiry meets my soul, What shall it answer there? —Mrs. Sigortrney. FOR THE SKIN AND SCALP. Because of its delicate, emollient, san- ative, antiseptic properties, derived from Cutieura Ointment, united with the pur- est of cleansing ingredients and most re- freshing of flower odors, Cuticura Soap is unrivaled for preserving, purifying and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair and bands. Assisted •by Cuticura Ointment, it dispels itching, irritation and inflam- mation and tends to prevent clogging of the pores, the cause of many disfiguring facial eruptions. All who delight in a clear skin, soft, white hands, a clean, wholesome scalp and live, glossy hair, will find Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment realize every expectation. 4_a HIS CAPITAL OFFENCE. (Buffalo Express.) "I hear there was ry burglar in your house who got away with a good ileal without awakening anybody. What dill he take':" „ "Olt, the silver, several rings and watches and some money, but 1 don't mind them so Bruch." ''You don't? I don't 1:understand." "The wretch put the fire out and left the hot waterrunning." is the word to aeme> rebs.' when you need a t'e',illedy Gii3& ISSUE NO. 1.1, 1910 HELP WANTED. VITANTED—GIRLS TO LEARN KNIT.,v slug; can make good money with short experience; permanent position as- h sulsterimll. ton, ChOnt,ipman-Holton Knitting Co., Or. Marte's Female Pills SEVENTEEN YEARS THE STANDARD Prescribed and recommended for wo- men's ailments, a scientifically pre- pared remedy of proven worth. 1 he result from their use is quick and per- manent. For sale at all drug stores. Entomological Hessians. The predaceous beetle, Clerus formi- eerie's, which has been found useful in the United States as an enemy of the pineboring Scolytidae, is to be introduc- ed in Ceylon to make war upon the "shot -hole borers" which are ravaging the tea -plants in that island. The ex- perimenters are only doubtful as ;o ea -e- ther the imported insects will thrive in the tropical climate of Ceylon. The need of a foe capable of dealing sffeo, tually with the borers is emphasized by the fact that an allied species of bones is attacking the camphor plants also. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money 11 1t Pails to cure. 21, W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 25c. _�. IIORE THAN THAT. (Chicago Tribune.) 'Elderly Stranger (disposed to be so- ciable)—I s'pose this is one o' them new fashioned pay -as -you -enter cars. Conductor—Yes, uncle, and it's also an enter -as -you -pay car. Please step inside. You're delaying the procession. 1 In. all caneslot :e'iSTEM PED,'PIN KETE,li6ltiit'LUENZA, COLDS, ETC. sI all horses, broodmares, colts, stallions, Is':to (bbSPO'1N THEM" en their tonaves or in the feed put Spohn's Liquid Compound. Give the remedy to all of them. It to on the blood and glands. It routs the disease tat expelling the disease germs. It wards off the troable no matter how they are "exposed." Ab- solutely free from anything incurious. A child can safety take it. 505 and y1.00; 55.50 and $fig. oe ,i the dozda. Sold by druggists and harness dealers. Distributors: All 'Wholesale 1,rn„gia5. SP N MIED C L C .5 Chemists and Bacteriologists GOSHEN. Ilei©., U. S. A. SLO ACCORD/0Na FREE Sweet toned, deep voiced instrument, with which yon can play beautiful music for concerts and dances. Large frame, 10 keys, full set of reeds, two stops, double bellows. ebonized case, nickel plated valves and trimmings. To advertise Dr. Maturin'a Famous Vegetable Pilina great remedy for the cure of weak and impure blood,. indigestion headache, constipation, nervous troubles, liver, bladder and. kidney diseases and all female weakucsses; a Great Blood Purifier and Invigorator, a Grand 'tonic and Life Builder. we will give this Beautiful Accordion FREE, for the sate of 12 boxes of these Famous Vegetable Pills at 25 cents a box, Every person .,uying from you a box of these Pills, also receives a piece ott jewelry which we send you with the Pills, This maks them easy to sell. Send us your name and address, and we will send you the Pills, postpaid. As soon as you have thein alt sold, remit to us the proceeds of your sales, 63.00, and we will send you this Grand Accordion, immedlately. We trust you with the goods until sold. Write today. Address.-- THE ddress•—TIE DR. MATURIN MEDICINE CO., DEPT. 75, TORONTO, ONT. ,meat 4:e, „•-• Everybody ho E is Bread Should avoid danger of Impurities in delivery from the oven to the home. Insist on your baker wrapping his bread In EDDY'S BREAD WRAPPERS We are the original manufacturers of bread wrappers now used by leading bakers of Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and other cities. The E. B. EDDY CO 1PA d(, limited, Hull, Canada muceassesi .00.?4,11s47:iifidfaufii"Z41xS Hl "'F1S�1 w1 124SilleSt ?`:re raA.r, ...,.,,� , ,..,., r.q :"I!M:y iCl iP' r" •';, FANCY ENGRAVED WATCH DECORATED TEA SET This elegant watch ladies' or gents, size stem wind and set, fancy engraved n ra edLY s, FULLY GUARANTEED, will be sent to youAl3- if you will sell only $3.00 worth of high grade collar buttons at lee. per card (4 buttons on each Card). These but tons are very fast sellers. Write to -day and we will send you a package; sell them and return the money and win this HANDSOME LIT- TLE WATCH. You can also win a lovely TEA SET ERRE it you will help ne enlarge our business by getting only 0 other agents and without having to sell any more Roads. Only 83.00 worth—no more, no less, and you can win both these splendid premiums FREE, COBALT GOLD PN CO., Button Dept. 19 Toronto, Ont. . 4....e 4.12ahi4attunvc-: ,m.. n