HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-03-18, Page 1The Official Organ ,of Zuyicb and Hap owliship.2. • Vol. X. FRIDAY MORNING, MAR Our Millinery Opening will be held Mors ,y Salurd'y of next week and following days MISS COLVINti 1 is again charge this season, and has just returned from the big op;edin.gs in Toronto. 11 You Are Cordially Invited io AC to call and look through our millinery department, PRINTS A nicer line was raver shown outside of a eity. We take special pride in our line of prints. Regular 10 cents and 12 cents piints for S and 10 cents. ' • Linen Su.itings Allthe newest shades in -Alen `i n,: selection in White Wash Goods. GINGHA,.MS Be sure and see our line of ginghams. Extra value at 10 cts per yard. They are going fast at this price. MUSLINS See our line of lawns in I all qualities. Price 5 cents ' yard up. Special value. in India Linens, 10 ;:exits a yd _' a.in- evok, 1„i, to yd. (3i a)ni~eg! all qualities f,om 10 cts per yard up. New Laces and Embroideries We have the biggest stock of Laces and Ein= broideries ever shown by us. Come in and see them. Valenciennes laces and insertions from 1 cent per yard up. CORSET COVETS—Special Corset Co Ter Embroidery worth 50 cents for 35 ots a yard. - DRESS GOODS Our new Dress Goods are selling fast. All newest shades, Old Hose, Wistena, Taupe, Cobalt, Smoke, Navy, New Brown, Greys, Blacks and Greex:.s. Call to and see them, before you buy, 0RRNITEWL We are two weeks onl ware. See Madras Curtains We have the latest in Madras Curtains. All shades and designs. Colne in and see this line before buying your curtains. Price 12; up. E SALE having a big Graniteware sale for y. Special value in. Grey Granite - below. Granite Dippers 15 dents " 'Sauce pans, 35 to 25 els " Wash basins, 15 cts " Pudding pans .10 &; 12ets Granite Dish pans 50 dents Pie plates ;.t for 25 ots Pres kettles ] 5 et.s up Cups 10 cents ct Sugar Making 5 i pplies See sap p)anS, roofing or µ done. :right. Coil wire, barb wire, les: fencing alwas sa us about sal pails, sap spiles, bits, etc. Let 11;; gi o you figures o11 any eavetrougli :jot”v. fiaalltl having Our goods . c ;'c and prices and `Meer= hi stock. PRODUGE, OF ALL WIDE TAKE Telephone q le lit `mac i3 +s ZURICH 1 0 la 1910. No. 38 LOCAL NEWS. Dutch sets wanted at D. S. Faust. ' It will paq Yon, to get a new Truss, at Hemphill'% drug store, H.ensall. Messrs William Weber and Harvey Weber left for 'Cleveland, on Thursday. Child's shoe ' lost in town on Wednesday. .Finder please leave at THE HERA.LD office. Miss Freda Thiel, of London is home . visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Thiel: .An Baster .program will he ren- dered in the Evangelical church, on Easter Sunday. evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Thiel have engaged with Mr., A. G, Smillie. of Tuckersmith, for the summer. Mr, Joseph Kipper of the ].4th left on Taesdn morning for Manitoba. ITA Messrs. Bd. Le, nsn and family and Mr. Getli. ,13? son are leaving for the Went, ne 'week.. The annual me Sing of the Evais geli:eal oongregat on will be held an the ehurcli, ortgonday at 2p. m, Dutch sets are 'being shipped in large quantities at present, mostly to the West. Mr. Joseph Dee0son and family nave moved iiat,b their dwelling recently vacated by Mr. William Schenck. Mr. John Gaiinian and family have moved to l.:- rs. S. Rannie's residence which',' has leased for a year. D. S. Faust '>t dress tiinauii^,i,c5y,- cream, roset.;, bine. , t,• A r Via ee-n 4. Tuesd will leotui Don't miss collection. the latest in tt'n't incolors in . grey and ry List's illinery pining On Thursday and Saturday, i Mar. 24th 26th 1 and following days under the management of MISS GILBERT We invite everybody to visit this Opening A od Up4o=date !slay . of . f; ais Wire oar will be S Cwn. . re, t S 1stxeep and a rat.y , .,. -.- l2 �£1 -erg•+Z+-J,�d«..L�.r..�l�,�. � e ;Villa/. Man r a silver Hobbs - .. -, . Mr. Albert Sob • #10, son of Mr. and Mrs Willi; xn :Schwalm was awarded $4000 00 ;damages for injuries reoeivedlastr summer in a collision on the 0. N. R., in New Ontario. The soecaclx of M. Y. McLean M. P. of Smith Huron on the Naval Bill, as reported in Hansard, was a masterly effort, and we believe Dui ..___._ ____._.._.__.___ --.— _ .._ _ M. P's sentiments would be endor- Trusses fitted and guaranteed 1D. S. Fanst has a range of blue, sed by eight taut of every ton true at frlemphill's drug store, Hensall. pink and white cord frilling. Canadians. Lutheran Church --The confirma- tion of this year's cathechumens will take place on ;,unday, at 10 30 a, ;T.. The evening service will be conducted in English, the subject of meditation be4ng the last three words of the Dross. All are cordial- ly invited to attend. Mr. Norman Holtzman of Water loo .formerly of THE- HERALD stall All Farm Produce taken in exchange D. FAUST PHONE 17 Z (T ICH Our cheap graniteware sale is I Miss Luella Tteby of New Ha ni- still on. Be sure and secure some' burg is visiting with her aunt Mrs. i of these bargains. 3. Preeter. Fred Wit:ver, Dr. Oven's Surgeon, Oculist i Red Clover, Alsike and Timonthy specialist will be at Royal Hotel, eee:ls for sale. J. Precise. Hensall, on Friday, April 1st• T eme,mber the combination sale Hours all day. Glasses properly , on Saturday, 36th seat., at the fitted, Catarrh, deafness, fail. I on Sa trnnery, ing eyesight and throat troubles treated. i Suits made io eider at $12.00 most cast :51),00 suits you can is home this week and intends Dr. E. J. Hagan, formerly grin-� find anywhere. W. H. Hoffman. leaving Thr the. west shortly. cipal of the public school here, brat; A new stuck of laces at D. �. Norman is a good steaclygoing at present enjoying a big medical , young mai anti has the necessary practice in North Dakota, visited , Faust. grit and ambition to make good his home at Hillsgreen over Sun- I Our line of silks, dress goods, I wherever he decides to locate. We day. He is just recovering from muslin, etc..., was never so emit - an operation for appendicitis and plete. Also a tull line of dress the bad state of the roads prevent. trimmings. J. I'reeter. ed him from visiting his many ! Mr. .1'. J. Merrier intends taking friends in Zurich, • a trio to tho west shortly. Mr. and intend orcrtfng a church. The i The revenue of the Dominion ;?denier is heavily interested in land 'building will be 30at50 and will be : continuos to sh zw a largo em. i n' % in the western provinces and his built either c:1 brink or cement over that of last year, indicating foresight is being well repaid. blocky and will in,c+lude a, fine ( the steady increase in the trade. of ; 1v Vil'ED—(food girl to do gen- basement. The new edifice pro- i the country which is apparent; c rat hnnsrwaria and help Willi two ni.se, to ne fine ytruoturo and will upon all sides. 1t now shows a mall children, No washing• i.'3 be a nreciit to the toren as well as; jar surplus over the expenditure 1L ntnnth. rllaply Mrs. Harriett t„ this 1lcaariaa)n ; congregatton- on .account of the consolidated! Rani of O' arxzxzzerce, Laster. In some i,)c�alities the Govern I fund. The 'revenue for the month: ' nlens has been asked to send in !of February nninnnted to $;8,t 73,i-1:17: Rota 'Richard Hobbs of Exeter, spectors to imlrtlre into the genu- 1showing an increase of $1.,t100,T )1' the fatuous lecturer, will deliver tvencss of tbnian-pie, syrup product' over the corresponding month of his popular lecture. "The Trangu- It would appear there are devices 1 last year, This brongbt up the ; lar Man„ Tuesday evening, at g for retaining the dolor and taste at I total for the eleven months of the o'clock. A silver collection will be the expense of the qnality, some current fiscal ;year to $811,tiSl,40O taken at the doors. Come one 1 thing like pio-nic'lemoniade, Many ; An increase of $1 4,179,6;17 9,6;17 is thus ; Come all! of the sugar iztukexs in the adjoin- ;shown over that for the sa,rric ; The annual meeting. of the Subtle ing townships have gong to no in ; period of 19(iii One month more i Iltiron Liberal Association has: eonsiderable e:laense and trouble' will complete the current fiscal been called for Monday March Nath in the past fen years in procuring i year, and shottl'l the revenue Feb-nx ,:at. 1 3t1, at Dixon ann. FhncF+field, the most mato-date methods of that month equal that for. ll'ht� taaeetin; will be itdclre�terrrl i>v producing this mast tnothscime rusty the total revenue for the I tl ", McTaean. Vl,. P. and others. sweetness and guarantee the purity twelve menthe zt ill amount to wish bins every success. The Mennonite congregation have lnirchased a lot from MrOscar Koehler at tine North end of the syrup�3< Quito a revival has x'17 b)tt,.11K Upon the delivery of taken place in maple syrup manta : the budget speech three month. . days of long ago with the wooden . timated the revenue sot, i. eurr nt A meeting of creamery patrons troughs, the tapping with an axe,' year at apptnx.intately :07,50o,(100 i will be held in the Town Hall the ' eugariuz off" &c,. Business, with the possibility that it might Zurich, on Saturday March 28th cornea instead of pleasure now in reach the hundred million mark.! at ' p. x11. the modernized and less laborious' It ie reasonable to expect the A demonstration with t .e Bab - 1 •ty cr)n• c:nc+ test will be riven. Ladisa facture and often. galls to mind the , ago the Minister 0f finance es. NOTICE . pi manner ca work. f k A heavy fine may re\ sear ter ilia �c B• ab - 11 syrup or sugar, • runty.. 1igare. x be imposed on rnul,er3 of '.fake" sidc'rahle inc.rense over the Tab- i invited. .1120. B, Scott, l Prop. Exeter C .roamerir.