HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-03-11, Page 6R
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You are losing strength and vitality. That listless. languid feel-
ing is due to the weak condition of the system. These are sure
signs of a breakdown, Check the breakdown quickly and effect.
ively by using :PSYCHINE the Greatest of All Tonics. If you
feel worn out, and run down, it is time for a tonic, Use
PSYOHINE early, do not wait till you are -worse, It will tone
up your system and restore you to your old-time vigor and health,
Seep your stomach in order, increase your appetite, restore your
system to a healthy condition by taking PSYCHINE to -day, Mrs.
J. T. Miller, of 63 Notre Dame Street, Winnipeg, proved this,
for she says : " I am thankful for what PSYCHINE has done for
me. I was laid up with weakness, Oh, how I suffered 1 My
appetite was very poor and my stomach was greatly disordered.
To -day I am strong and well, for PSYCHINE has brought me
permanent relief. I feel like a new woman now to what I did
before taking PSYCHINE. I feel the vigor of girlhood in my
veins once more."
For Sale by all D-ur.ffistn and Dealers, 50e and 61,
Dr. T. A. SLOCUM, Limited
Vaal"' ik; +fit 4Ya'
New York Woman Thinks She
Owns Plains of Abraham.
Toronto, Ont., despatch: Mrs. Caro-
line .Augusta Campbell, of New York
1,ity, the woman who lays claim to the
largest private estate in the world, is
in Toronto to -day. Mrs. Uampoe,l 1s
here conferring with her counsel, John
Creighton, and has things so arranged
that her claim has been forwarded to the
Exchequer Court. Here is what she lays
claim to, as laid down in the papers for-
warded to Ottawa: The property known
as the Lanzon property, being north and
south of -the River St. Lawrence, includ-
ing the town of Levis, being about fif-
teen square miles north, south, east and
west of Quebec, a part of the city of
Quebec, the property known as the
Plains of Abraham, a part of the upper
town in Quebec, part of the city of Ot-
tawa, fifty thousand acres in the Pro-
vince of Quebec, consisting of Foueourt,
of Caldwell Manor, the back rents and
profits amounting to several million dol-
lars, and property in New Brunswick
consisting of several leagues. The value
is placed at many millions.
To get at the bottom of the claim set
up, one has to go away back into his-
tory, for Mrs. Campbell maintains that
she is the only heir-at-law of one Louis
Joseph Lambert, and has descended from
King James II. "About the year 1750
the British Government, having con-
quered the French in Canada on the
Plains of Abraham, seized and confis-
cated the properties owned by Louis
Joseph Lambert, son of Louis Joseph
Lambert. Your petitioner is informed
and believes that an Act was passed by
the Imperial Parliament or a decision of
the Private Council was given ordering
the Government of Canada to return the
properties so confiscated as aforesaid to
•the rightful heir, which your petitioner
says she is. ,
"Your petitioner believes that the said
Col. A. Audet made his report to the
Government and that deeds of the pro-
perties were made out to her, but for
some reason were not proceeded with,
but your petitioner could not obtain any
satisfactory answer why she was not
given her properties.
"It seems like Aladdin's lamp story,"
she remarked to the newspaper man, as
she showed him paper after paper upon
which the claim is based. There are
numbers of marriage certificates, to se-
cure which she has made trips to France,
to England, Queebc and to Washington.
In her spare moments Mrs. Campbell
has traced her lineage back to James II.,
and she is connected somehow or other
with Lady Laurier and the wife of J. J.
Foy, Attorney -General of Ontario. She
is a woman pretty well up in years, but
one who looks much younger than she
is. She has a distinguished appearance,
is still good looking and one who has
acquired a fund of interesting informa-
tion in her chase around the world after
the large estate.
Butcner so Terribly Bittenhat it
is Feared He Will Die.
London, Oat., despatch: Elgin Hayes,
a butcher, living at Dorchester, ten
miles west of here, sustained such ter-
rible injuries yesterday by being bitten
by a mad dog, that it is feared that he
will not live to reach Pasteur Institute
in New York. Hayes was out for the
first time in weeks, having broken his
leg, and was sifting ashes in the, back
yard when the dog rushed in and jump-
ing at him, fastened his teeth in his
shoulder. Hayes was knocked down and
the animal bit viciously at him, tearing
the skin from his shoulder and all down
his arms to his hands. his fingers were
fearfully mangled by the teeth of the
The dog finally ran away and Hayes
was found by relatives some time af-
terwards, very weak from loss of blood.
He is now on his way to New York.
The London Board of Health at its
meeting yesterday decided to issue
an order to have every dog in London
chained up at once, provided they have
power to enforce the order. The action
was taken at a special meeting called
as a result of the report from Ottawa
on the dog killed there while angering
from rabies, If the City Solicitor says
that the order can be enforced the Coun-
cil, will be asked to put it in effect at
New Health ani Strength
f.r We.k and Aiii i Girls
'News h s � ts
. rer
1111. J. Mel:L*10u.' bison, a Toronto
newspaper man, liar bought the St, Cath-
arines Journal,'
1•lc ProvincialCI-Tvernlnent is opposing
the: incorporiition )f the St. Lawrence
rower Transude -dee Company.
A number of u,,L :ped five dollar notes
on the Traders Ba,• have been stolen at
Ottawa, and the .,matures forged.
Joeo Domingo I. Obaldi, President of
Panama died from heart disease at 2.-
30 o'clock ou Monday afternoon. He had
been sick ,only. since last Friday.
Dr. Gcldwiu Smith's condition indi-
cates a gradual improvement. "Passed
a very good day" was the bright report
given out at ",•„ he Grange" last night.
Lady Mackenzie, who owns ranches
in Wyoming, is in New York, to sell her
ranches. She blames Col. Roosevelt for
the failure of the ranchers, saying he
deceived them into bankruptcy.
The U. S. House Committee on Naval
.Affairs has voted for the construction
of two battleships, one repair ship, two
fleet colliers and four submarines. This
represents the naval increase for the
present year.
The suffragists of New York State
are preparing arguments for the Legis-
lative Committee, opposing a test vote
to see whether the women want the
franchise. They say the result,would not
be worth the cost.
Lt. -Col. John 1. Davidson, who has
been ailing for some time, was yester-
day operated on at the Toronto Gener-
al Hospital for an abdominal trouble
and passed through the operation in a
most reassuring fashion.
Sheriff Brady sent nut notifications to
the Oxford Conn. y Grand Jurors, sum-
moned for the court next week. inform-
ing them that tla',r summonses had been
cancelled, there "Wising no erininal eases,
nor any prospect of any.
The marriage of Miss Marjorie
Blair, youngest daughter of the late
Hon. A. CO Illair and Mrs. Blair, to
Mr. Sutherland. Gilmour, son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Gilmour, is announced in
Ottawa to take place in the ;piddle of
April. ••
Without heat, light or drinking water
and with the food supply getting limit-
ed, the village of Herkimer, N. Y., is in
a sorrowful p1•'.ght. Prncticaliy every
street in the village is ruder water, and
but few of the houses can be reached
except by boats.
A. C. Clayton, a highly respected and
well-to-do lav:yor and justice of the
peace of Role d, Man:, shot and killed
himself i t the Empire Hotel,
`"V!'lnnipe itfte.rtilifo 1. lie wa
about 34 i -e or age and unmarried.
'No cause 's assigned.
Can Be Had Through the Rich, Red Blood Made by
Dr. Williams' Pink Fills for Ple People.
There comes a time in the life of
almost every girl When sickness at-
tacks her. The, strain upon her
blood supply is too great, and there
comes headaches and backaches, loss
of appetite, attacks of dizziness and
heart . palpitation, and a general ten-
dency to a decline. The only thing
that cats promptly and speedily ewe
these troubles is Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. This is the only medicine
that actually makes new, rich, red
blood, and a plentiful supply of rich
blood is the one thing needed to
maintain the health of growing girls
and women of mature years. The
truth of this statement is proved in
the case of Miss Bather E. Sproule,
Truemanville, V. S., who says: At
the age of sixteen years I left my
country home to attend high school.
The close confinement and long hours
of study nearly broke me down. My
blood supply seemed to be deficient,
and I grew pale and depressed. I was
dizzy nearly all the time, and pim-
ples broke out on my face. I was
altogether In a miserable condition
and it seemed impossible for me to
continue my studies unless I found a
speedy cure. 1 tried several tonics
prescribed by the doctor, but they
proved useless. My mother urged me
to try 13r. Williams' Pink Pills, and
I finally consented to do so. I had
hardly finished the second box before
a change• for the 'better took place,
and the use of a few boxes more
fully restored my health, and I have
since been well and strong. I feel
that 1 cannot say too much in favor
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I
strongly recommend them to other ail-
ing girls."
You can get thee° Pills
modish -le dealer or by mail
l,ox or six boxes for $2.50
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
from any
at 50c. a
frotn The
17. S. 7 cpresentative Henry introduc-
ed a bill in the House, the effect of
which, jf passed, would make the of-
ficials of the "beef trust" fugitives from
justice, unless they responded to the
summons of the New Jersey court in
which they were indicted.
Official announcement is made in Lon-
don of the peerage which it has long
been known that Herbert Gladstone was
to .receive on his appointment as the
first Governor-General of the Union of
South Africa. The title conferred is that
of viscount,
The joint congregations of Flesher -
ton, Eugenia And Proton Station, in the
Presbytery of Orangeville, have extend-
ed a unanimous call to Rev. G. S.
Milligan, M. A., a member of Kingston
Presbytery. The call will come before
Orangeville Presbytery on March. 8th.
Miss Anita Simmons, of Frankford,
Ont., met with a peculiar accident at
her home. While moving an electric
reading lamp a ring which site was
wearing came in contact, it is stated,
with an exposed wire, melting the ring,
burning her hand, and almost paraly-
zing her arm.
A Government act has been introduced
in the Nova Scotia House of Assembly
which confers manhood suffrage on the
people of that Province. In order to vote
a man must be 21 years of age, a British
subject by birth or naturalization, and
he must have been a resident in the Pro-
vince for one year.
Sir George Reid, Australia's new High
Commissioner, interviewed at London,
said there was only one reason why Can-
ada was so far ahead of Australia in
immigration — namely, advertisement.
"We hope, to change all that," he said,
"though we hope, too, there never will
be any unfriendly rivalry."
W. E. Castor, a wealthy resident of
the Province of Alberta, complained at
Detroit police headquarters that some
one had stolen a five hundred dollar bill
from him while he was seeing the sights
Ile was unable to identify the place
where he thought he lost It, on being
taken to different resorts by detectives.
Hopes that the strike of the oloakmak-
ers of Montreal would be speedily ended
have been dashed to the ground, and
it is now "war to the knife," Twelve of
the largest firms in the city in this line
of business have agreed to work, togeth-
er, and a destaration has been issued.for
the "open shop."
The Pacific Whaling Company, of
Victoria, 13. C., at the annual meeting,
decided on an increase of eapitalization
from half a million to one million dol-
lars. A dividend of eighteen per cent. en
tate preferred and eleven per cent, on
the common stook was declared. Thirty
thousand dollars was added to the re-
eerve ,fund.
Charging that lands amounting to
one-fifth the taxi area of Wales have
been "grabbed" by aristocratic freeboot-
ers in the last century, representatives
of the Cazaisrvonshire County Council
arrived i11 London yesterday to ask
gorez'anient aid in i,+suve ^.'lllg fur Gut!
principality the proper t,. th.nett they
say it hes been ere: )o led.
Le' Devoir, which is edited lily. Henri
I rtiliassn appeared last night with LUL at
Carl: on the tloveI•n111-Oelleral to the. ef-
fret that his 1 xeelleney's conduct is a
ulk•rllteo to the constitutional eights
of the Canadian people, and that the
secretary of State for .tbo Colonies
should be asked to recall him at once.
The Montreal Board of Control en-
dorses the proposal of the City Improve-
ment League to apply to the Queboo
Legislature for the appointment of an
independent commission of five members
to cork for the improvement of the
city and district of Montreal, and the
provision of better means of street
communication and transit, and the as-
surance of suitable parks and recrea-
tion grounds.
The first report of the death in the
great storm reached Regina early yester-
day afternoon, when Wilfliam Smith
cane in from Kronau with the tale of
the freezing of John Delsieheider, aged
17. The lad had lost his way while go-
ing from the barn to the house, •so
blinding was the snow, and the body was
found this morning in the yard, frozen
stiff. He had been in town the previous
day and had been drinking.
Lord Mount Stephen Sets kid
Puud For Emigration Purposes.
Montreal, March 7.—Lord. Mount Ste-
phen has again demonstrated his interest
in Canadian affairs in a characteristical -
]y munificent and praetical way. Secur-
ities amounting to $300,000 in value,
with a yearly earning power of $14,000,
have been placed in the hands of a trust,
who will administer the funds to foster
desirable British emigration to Canada.
The trustees are Mr. Robert Meighen,
Mr. John Turnbull and the Royal Trust
Dr. Barnardo's Montes. a National
Incorporated Association, will be the
medium through which his lordship's
ideas will be carried out. The best
Class of ihoneless boys in the care of
that institution will be sent to Canada.
It is Now Compulsory and iilas
Been Raised on Females.
To -onto despatch: P. H. Bowyer, Al,
P. 1'., is aut after the dogs, not to put
nuzzles, but a heavier tax on them.
His bill to increase the tax on dogs
from $1 to $2 and on dogs of. the weaker
sex from $2 to $5 came before 'the Agri-
culture Committee of the Legislature
this 'morning. • A number of gentlemen
interested. in sheep raising were present,
and said hard things about the whole
canine race in general.
Mr. Neeley, M. P. P., 'of Middlesex,
was about the only strong friend the
dogs had, -and the best the could do ryas
to suggest' a compromise by which the
tax . on dogs of the disfranchised sex
should be placed at $3 for the first and
$5 for every additional one kept.
After muck discussion the committee
adopted Mr. Neeley's suggestion, by
whieh the tax for the first female kept
will be $3 and $5 for each additional.
It was over those clauses of the bill
which•would make It obligatory for a.11
municipalities to tax dogs that the
warmest discussion took place. It was
.decided that municipalities should
be obliged to tax dogs instead of being
permitted to do so, as at the present
Schooner Run Down by the Steam-
er Tagus.
Nee York, March 7.—The Royal Mail
Steamship Packet Company Steamer
Tagus ran down the schooner Republic
in the fog about 20 miles ease of Berne -
gat, in the New Jersey coast to -day.
The Republic was damaged to such an
extent that a call for assistance was
sentout for her.
There was no report 'of any damage
to the Tagus. The Tagus stood by the
Republic to render any necessary aid
pending the arrival of the relief boat.
We have satisfied our thousands of
shippers and can satisfy you, we know,
hut it is for you to find out, by shipping
to us, that what we say is correct.
Wo remit same day on receipt of goods.
Wri".o for Price List and
Shipping Taps, which will be cheerfully furnlshotl.
A. & E. PIS CE & CO
500 and 507 St. Paul Street, Montreal
Sfe.lee 5s-.1
A Gents' or Ladles' Solid Gold Watch costs from $25
to $60. Do not throw your money away. If you desire
to secure a Watch wvhichto keep time and last well wilt
be equal to any Solid Gold Watch send us your name and
address Immediately and ag-ee to sell 10 boxes only of
Dr. Maturin's Famous vegetable Pills at 26c. a box.
They are the greatest remedy on earth for the care of
poor and Impure blood, indigestion headaches, consti-
pation, nervous troubles, liver, bladder and kidney dis-
eases, and all female weaknesses• they are the Great
Blood Purifier and Invigorator, a Brand Tonic and Life
Builder. With the Pills we send 10 articles of jewelry to
give away with the pills—this makes them easy to sell.
This Is the chance of a lifetime. Do not miss it. Send us
your order and we will send you the 10 boxes, post paid.
When you have sold them send us the money (52.60) and
we will send you
the same day the money is received.
We are giving these beautiful Watches to advertise
our Remedies. This is a grand opportunity to secure a
valuable Watch without flaying to spend :s cent. And
our Watch is a stem wind and stem set and not the cheap
back wind article generally R6'7en as premiums, Send
for our pills without delay. Address
THE DR. MATURIN MEDICINE CO. W:,tehDere 2e 'Toronto,Out.
,..rrrr-a.Mom.....,T.,..,,,,,..,,,,....,,..a...,:,_, . .a,..,....,..
:;,ct:!Syr,AI47'R6V4f L . "54.10'Mylt 1P 6,514.?;:/ %!WIi' "i.:. ttteX 1w h.3; t
For making soap, softening water, removing old paint,
'disinfecting sinks, closets, drains and for many other
ptzrpoaec. A can equals 20 lbs. SAL SODA.
Liseful for 500 purposes—Sots Evergtohere.
iu1�.t"w vFtS'rs?�'
is "l a y RY',la!'✓><' • ' i,5u M l.;oettto`trxrx!1 •,3
This beautiful Gold Finish Locket, mounted with precious
stones, with this lovely neck wain is one of the latest ornaments.
No dress in complete without an ornament of this kind.
SEND NO MONEY. Send.your name and address and we
will send you 4 boxes of lir. Metarin's Famous Vegetable Pills.
the most powerful Tonic and knead Purifier knows. Bell them
at 25 cents a box, giving free to each purchaser one of the vias
sent you with the Mils. Thiia helps you to nen rapidly, As noon
as the pills are sold Bend us the 1.00 collected and we will send
you thin handsome LOCKET &CHAIN FREE. Write today,
The Dr. Meturin Medicine Co., 429 Tolrooto, Ont.
_ _ ._ rNMRJs,�s5r1