HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-03-11, Page 5FIRST GLASS TILE
I havo a large supply of the 'very
best tile on hand, from 2i in. to FAX
inch.. If you need any pall, write
or telephone to John Foster, Zur-
ich, Brick and Tile yards. 11 tfe
Moved! MovedF
directly West of Dominion .I3.ouse
Ready to supply you with just a
—little bit the Nicest—
Flings, Silver
Thimbles, Fobs,
Necklets, Watches
Brooches, Bracelets,
Veil Pins, Collar
Pins. Fverythrng
in this Line.
try to PLEASE YOU.
G. R. HESS, Assistant.
i7C i E TAKE this opportu-
nity of wishing our
Customers a Happy
and Prosperous New Year,
and thank each and all for
having made the past year
our most prosperous year
since we have been in busi-
ness. We ask :you again
for your hearty support
for 1910, and we will do
our best to merit it, by
giving you value for your
General Merchant, B L 4 K E.
locale le cDCZ¢aQDms3Q0DcEGD9D(XCMIIMEaeOTEao'g
s a
, to 561 tl I
WE keep in stock a.
ull line o fresh
heats, hams, etc. et(,
Our cuts are noted
for their 't(11I(ie1'11ess
and wholesomeness.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but the best.
We make our own
Give us a call.
UNCUT oti ``�� �
1 8
I wawa; every person that's
ruptured to know that my
.n)ethod will cure rupture
to stay cured. No matter
what your age is' or how
hard you work, my method
ivill cure apparently hope.
less cases, Do not wait
nntil your rupture become»
Write 'today. Fill in
Naive ...
Address ..• ....
Time Rupture
Single or Double
Retern to
J. S. SiiITlt,
88 Caledonia St.
Dept, R. . Ont.
For Znrich and surrounding
district an energetic z enable agent
to take order for nursery, stock.
Ctol li Acres
under oultivation. We guarantee
to deliver stock in good condition
and up to contract gratis. We can
show you that there is good money
in representing a well known re
liable firm Established over 30
Write for particulars.
D S. Faust has the prettiest
dress linens lust arrived. colors,
ton, pink, and pale blue, only 25
cents a yard.
Mr. Irwin 1Viotter was in town
last week vistting friends.
Constable Whiteside mourns the
death of his brother Wesley, at
Port Arthur.
Miss St Clair has resumed her
position as milliner at E. Rannie's
Tho question of building it new
school is still undecided
The South Huron Farmer's In
stitote held very successful meet
ings in the opera house on Satur-
day last, afternoon and evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas " Fitton
celebrated their golden wedding
on Thursday last, and have been
residents of this town since 186x/.
Thos. Handford shipped three
ears of horses to the West, last
The fishing seatson is a mos 'utas
close, Jt hasn't been very success-
ful this year, veru feW fish having
been caught. Simon stays "'the old
woman turtle rip oftt
We understand Mr. J, S1ao1ah
intends sailing this spring
Our genial merchant J. (.l. Cox'•
riveau, reports trade very
T,',Corrivralu is no. very ,bu dly
enge.i;ed hreaalt'ng in the fine colt
he ltttc+ly i)ilrele til from. iir Iia
t.. .r, a r yD „1 , - n „•;.. . �1^•r,, a
Chas .ljaol)0)'k. title ..,ilihiil tli'1Vel'
was it It !Milos as 11R ;•4t1,r, 171i. wnow
rapidly disappearing iast week, hat
he 1s again wearing : Ids -zero"
tuc'e Never mind. olheor lip, Charlie
vonr'e doing:' fine;
Albert Horner can't 'get reoonc+ll
est to t1)e money lie droippe+l + n the
1,indnri Co1linsgsehoo( 1ic3tskee i tieh
Try a'few bets en ;en early spring
Albert •
Mr, .ToIan • Laporte is indisposed•
with a sore leg.
Mr Alex Mouseall is again
soff exit g with r 11eumatism.
Mr David Mero delivered a
horse to i}1r. Reid; Varna, on Sat
urtl ay.
The following is the report of
the standing of 'the pupils of R O.
S. S. No. 1, Stanley', for thenlonthss
of .Jtlnnary and February. The
names are in order of merit and
are based on sante anis home work
and conduct.
Jr I Claude Rau.
Sr Lawrence Docharme.
Pt II Mary .Nero; Deter Duch -
arm e
Cts II Beatrice .Riau, Caroline
Bedard, Sidena Mero.
III Josephine Nero, Madeline
Mero, Ivlarie Duohartne, . Verde
Rau, Peter Ducharine, Annie
Jr eV. Jerry Mere. Gertrude
Sr IV Maggie Mere, Bertine
Moro, Teddie Rau, Maggie Bedard,
John. Ran and Tillie Bedard (equal)
Kathrine McCoure, Teacher
Since Mr. A. McDonell bought
the Pickard Block, and the Bank
of Commerce next of the Treble
property. W. J. Beer has purchas-
ed the brick building occupied by
Miss Morlock from Treble Bros. ;
J. G. Stanbury has purelhased: Wm.'
Ktinz's residence on Andrew street
and made a deal of same to P.
Frayne for his residence. retain-
ing part of the land ; Dr. Roulston
has purchased from Jos. Davis 30.
feet of frontage next south of W.
.T. Beer's new stand, on which he
will erect en office and honFe
combined ; C. E. Hackney has sold
his farm in Usborne to his uncle,
Ater. Hackney, and has pnrohased
Moore's lined vsnre store in Kirk.
ton ; and A. E. Perm has sold his
resiclsnce to Elelipr Williams
,lL.t°t t ' c°>i$l91
Venture Moro. bast.
Little whips Must..St.ay%
Naar Shor'e.'-"'
The I .rgo dispiay'oda: are goods
for the large business: and tact
Classified Want A. are proper::
ttonate tr good for the small firm.)
In fact many large firtam,tiecauto
nu 'eh, br.the`.diligent.uaesof,tlao
Classifist Columos.VhereeLer¢*
csrtplc is good -store nowt
loern,D..E ,D' D, fl W Gtenra,
eC':lIresemsse a'.. See.
VC1IPr. 1.,' neer led Idinee; are creel, aatr�)r:rr1 1>t • f t nj
ed on Main street, the east side
will be considerably improved.
It would loot: as though the town
were on the boom,
Mr. N Kennel moved from the
village to the country lot on
Bronson Line, which lie purchased
from Mr. Gascho.
Mr. H Walters moved into the
house lately vacated by Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Redmond were
visitors at Mr. J Keys, this 'week,
ivlr, R P Douglas left on Thurs.
dray with his scceud loud of horses
for the Went. Bob's s hustler.
CIR`i ,r'AF kc'
iseleesrs, (;Rtes anti .• iii''rt :e“ sift
are spending a few holidays with
their relations in Chatham.
Mr. Chas Andrews of Seaforth,
silent Sunday in onr burg,
Some of our ferment report a
brisk run of maples sap Saturday
and Sunday, but the cold snap is
unfavorable for syrup makers.
Mr. and Mrs, Eli Gelinas spent
Sunday in Zurich,
Mr. (deo. Deuotny has returned
from visiting his sister Mrs U.
Bedard, Holmesville.
33111 Sheilah is at 'present on the
sick list. We hope to see hint orat
Some of the youthful swains we
hear had a decidedly damp time
cc'tning home Sunday night.
lstr, H. Howard has returned
from a business trip to Detroit.
Mr. Alex Sheilah is at present in.
Goderioh :attending the Airy.
Mr. J. Horner is busy moving
some of his household effects to
his new premises on the lath. The
Condition of the roads, however,
will delay him sotnew.bat,
sensitivon e•ss. They :ere tclwnys on
the lookout for srncwtbing to. give
them ruin. Thee etre much like it
crit wr,allrl l.e !vide r. twit forty feet
lona.'tlrnering ccroend :on the floor
rera:Iv to be tr.t'np'tl upon. We are
r•rowtleri prettc thickly upon life's
great ihreeeefar,'., and can't well
help elbowing earls other as we
pass alone. Ninety n nett tines out
of a h indret'1 n'. harm .1s- intended,
but tho:-e sons;ti‘ tt people, who
have the longest and• - sharpest
elbows of.an-hodv, ;ire always at-
tributing n motive to every acas
dentin' joI) they eels The fact is
personal icnpnrtance is at the bet -
tom of the whole thing. The world
i9 riot thh111,Ie aleest j"01i-^•liar itrl
desire to'hurt you--hut,yon iniac .
iMP 41, ,: 91
run in rr ni
For l)etttle`s
ALBE r'�, TA
How Made and How Reacher
Settlers ant' Vamilies
without Live Stock
should use
Re n1arTrains
10..10 p.m, daily
;8 tours to Winnipeg
Throuirh'Tourist Cars
Settlers with Live
Stools and ?affects
Special Trains
leave Toronto
10.10 p.m. Tuesdays
in which r,ertbs ori Free
Apply to nearest Agent for col?y Of "Settlers'
(&aide. Western Canada" Iotl1cst Cars,"
or write
P. L. Thompson, 1?.P.A„ 01'.R,, 'Toronto.
I have bought the bu'sinCas recently
conducted by the late S. Ranuie, and ani
prepared to supply your w;ia.to with good
goods at fair prices, Give me a call or
Telephone to No.
for prompt delivery
sly.¢ 11
441/ sr2 DD QD9u 9DOMMQD9®'. OCi4:>9Denflaa642S7DQDC MCID®01.5 C>(1Dn...=000rADCIN=UD6ZITOODOZ:BilD3'..E 9O
In the green hills of Scotland
are to be found some of the finest
roads in Europe. This is the case
not only in the well populated
districts, but in the craggy
mountainous parts where poor
highways might be expected.
The farmers of Scotland do • not
have to spend their time improving
the roads, but work where their
training tells to the best advant-
age, namely, on the farm.
The roads are under the manage
went of the country and are looked
after; by engineers and inspectors
in charge of staffs of workmen
engaged because of their know-
lede of this class of labor. Where
the work is not done by the coun-
cils themselves, the inspector
advertises tor tenders for so many
miles of road, and the contractors
must do the work up to specifica-
tion. Particular attention is paid
on the Scottish roads to the
Material which enters into the
foundations and the surface dress-
ing. This is always of the hardest
material obtainable in the respect-
ive localities through which the
reals pass.
The moment that a rut or hollow
is noticed it is immediately repair-
ed, t.n3. in consequence tbe Scottish.
roads have become the pride of
the coli e.y.
Scottish roads aro as smooth as
the floor and represent just tbe
type of highway required in tbe
settled portions of the Province of
Medicines that ail nature are
always most successful. Chambei-
lttin's Cough Remedy acts on this
plan. It loosens the cough, re•
Heves the lungs, opens the secre-
tions and aids nature in restoring
tbe system to a healthy condition.
i „l,i by :.3..1. Monier,
This winter wit:: its rrc'ir ci.
hreaking enowfell, is a reminder
, to old settlers in the Niagara
District c•f the old days when the
rigi:l winters used to drive the
famished: wolves almost into the
;towns its search for to:)d. Only in
the present insttln.,e it is cranes
and not wolves. There lining no
!food for the crows, hundreds hare
died of starvation, and great flee)c'
are frequently seen flying• over St.
Catharines Like the wolves, the
tcrows devour those of their kind
I who tall t)1 the wayside, tea rl they
1d.) T1t.t to attach: other
bili r, t.lt c 'ug the English i;heas.
17t M.., • i•F, %a. fP„•
a_ .
than any other winter in half Al
Chancll.erlaain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets is a.re safe, :cure and
reliable, and havo been praised by
thousands of women who have
been restored to health .through
their gentle aid and ,nirnti'E'
properties, Sold by :T• .1. Iticrner.
• There *a711.9 a day rrben Canada
rather tl:died to the 1. S. in trade
relations and was rnth c•r anric;nus
to have uncle Stun senile on us brit
techs with; the growth aarctlrlevelop-
n,ent of this; land and 11.e ,)penir z
of other markets we don't i;ave to
get down on. x111' ktt('d1 tont snppl .
ontrl ftu' 1,* s.iness from onr Ameri-
can cousins. Personally we do not
fanny high. tariff' walls 'nit if cur
neighbors are determined to erect
and maintain as high fence why we
will just have to let.thein have
their fill of it and attend to our
own busiliess. Canada is not very
paz't•iotllar about it its there ars
open doors willing to receive al
her output Ex.
The Y. P. A. Contest closes next
week. The list of names and the
money are to be handed in to the
captains on or before Firday, 18th
inst. Tho names will .be counted.
and the decision given S.tturday
evening at the church
The following is the report of S.
S. No. 8 Hay, for the monthpf
February. Names in order of
IV el Ohlen Truemner, Luella
Kuntz, Tusnelda 'l'rnernner, Mien -
hold Miller, Susie Rlienfeldt, Lillie
Messnr, L't 11 s i1 :':•.
III Tillie Kuntz, Emily Schroed-
er, CAertie Wiegand, Edwin Hart-
man, Theodore Miller, Lydia
lllessner. Ottis Traenaner, Florrr.
Klienfeldt, Ida Messner:
Sr II Lillie Broderick, Clara
Wiegand, Emma Messner. Charlie
;Hartman, Norman I<lienfeldt,
Ethel Klienfeldt, James Wiinproy.
Jr IL Clara Kuntz, Nora Miller,
Christina Becker. Henry Becker,
Beulah Wiegand, Herbert Messner.
Sr Pt I Tillie Messner, Willie
Ziler, Howard Truenzner, Ernie
Miller; Valentine Becker, Agnes
Jr Pt 1 Elmore Klieefeldt.
A. C. Milligan, Teacher.
The following is the report of S.
S. No r, lay, for the month ofFeb-
Sr IV ?.cis~rctta Locher •193;
Oorneliror Foster 317; Adeline
Bec'hlh r
,Jr TV Lei. ie Eisenhach 599 ;
Herbert ileal 301: c'or.t Haugh 359;
Kolett=a Foster (.2; Albert Hey
1230; Ad'esibert Smith er>1l ; Fred
Regier .'t r%r't t ice Rennie 207.
Sr III .Tc.r ilr n=ori 1 3.11 ;
tiir� Hey 4: t ; Itotert l+�i-ext :tR
6.Tr iI1 !furl vv 33 .. ;i'1 "Y (Tri s.
t' .l t'' ,.
Witmer 177.
• Sr II mili't'ia P'nith :h..1 : I4idrlre
It•'ggit'r :111%
Jr II Isy;i;\i'li•ifnng y>:;4
Si1tts, Herbert Fi:tl'nt•
.Tr Pt I "'ri.l')r 'rititit 011' Heine -
titan 1'a+.'.T:,. , ,' ; Ile:Jettra Patel;
•i 1.
Cl A. ''gar net :\V' ildfor,
ill . Sport,.:;, Teti tiller,
Jt h4F.PIT J. E aL1.S
After a Iong period orf taat'rt'i:'in{;'
borne with manly resigna tion„
Jose lilt rots pates 1 away on San-
d y mornirg Borr •; (;•tyn',iclt
orf r 0o years ago he )'tst most of
1 1,
..,1 ITS •. isC:ltr•
suit) 1 u is .f ,.IcS+
deptu•tmen f, and aatter w ird, of
other parts of the. business. Being
of a quiet even disposition he was
well liked FTe tr'ok quite an in
rerest in sprang.; and attained con-
siderable proficiency at the game.
He gave great e'coriragenit:nt to
sports and in 1'aitnc•rdnlp with his
son•in law erected the skating rink
Ile oeci:piecl the: responsible line,
tion of village treasurer since the.
incorporation of Henfaa:ll and con
ducted tne bueiness with care a ,d•
r'igttl honesty. He was a member
et Zurich Lodge A, l`, nr. A. M and
took t]tiolt interest in the order.
Ho also belonged to the ( U. 1",
and Home Omit,. in both of which
he carriers insurance. The funeral'
which tock plan e•e yestcr .sty tc' ter -
noon was condntetlby the M.r.,iins,
many of Whom attended 1'rtv). act•.
fitment places. Rev. :i r .MeL timet -
conducted an appropriate service,
in Carmel Church. Joe. Ellis wilb
be missed greatly by his vrifc and:
two daughters to whom be wage,
greatly attached and who hate) the,
eycnpnihy of the whole coratnnnite,
to their sari boreavcanont_'")bso. r:er ,