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The Herald, 1910-03-11, Page 4
kotantaannuccimannicitaixonarxacleuemacmad 44, r .. u ♦i i Y./4 Y (laC ©0*DC DEDt 4:31kii> eDe (t0 NS fi NK 1 Incorporated 1855 (, UPIITA1. - .. $3,500,000 REST FURD ., S,3,500,000 ILas 65 Branches in Canada, snd Agents and Correspondents in a1.a the Principal Cities in the World, A GENE-cAL 3AN1(ING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, G1 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. J. A, CONSTANTINE, Agent J QD( +TaQatD (.1/74223lIDCD4FAL3CIDO2iMed5 LEGAL CARDS. {THE t; .^1' LI, J. D. COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO -1 Bei ter, Notary Public, Hensali Outat is. i At Zurich (Zeller's office) every Mon- aay. PROUDFOOT, RAYS & BLAIR, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., Gouerich, Canada W. Proudfoot. K.C. R. 0. Hays. G. F. Blair. NMEDlCAL DR. T. 1'. Mc . AUGHLIN, for- merly with Drs Jansen, flalle and Biers, of Berlin, Ger- many ; also assistant surgeon at loorefieids' (Royal. London Opthal- mic) eye Hospital and Golden :square ; Nose and Throat Hospital, London England, etc. General practice, with special attention to t>ye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested (Retinoscope used) and glasses supplied. OFFICE DASHWOOD, ONT. BUSINESS CARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms reasonable. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to. 9 ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURA;ti- ee agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monareh, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire ansurar ce. DR. F. A. SJsLLERY, DENTIST, GRA- 3uate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plato work a speciality. At Dominion house, Zurich, every ^Mon- day. 1-2G E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. Deeds, Mortgages, y •. rr care �. Documents other T s ai 1)u�I "and Wills fully and p(IJ i is l.•• prepared. Otiice- Zeller black, Zaria,n, Ont. FOR SALE. Is .1^ PUBLISHED BY E ZELLER. FRIDAY, MAR. 11th, 1910 The following essay was written by a small boy of Monte Vista ; Girls are the sisters of boys an' has long hare. wares dresses an' powder The furst girl was called Christmas Eve though I never cud see why IIost every family bas one girl an' some of 'em that is is hard luck has two or three. We have a girl in ourn who is my sister Girls can grow older an' get younger. My sister has been twenty•five for three years an' some clay we may be twins. Girls play pianner and talk about eche other. Fat girls want to be thin an' thin girls want to be fat, an' all of 'em want to marry doods. Why the Lord made girls nobody nos' but I think it were to go to church an' eat ice cream. They is three kinds of girls, blond girls, brunet an' them that have money Girls is afraid of mice an' bugs, which makes bales. Are you frequently hoarse? Do you have that annoying tickling in your throat? Does your cough annoy you at night, and do you raise mucus in the morning? Do you want relief? If so, take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and you will be pleased. Soil by J. J. Merner. For Sale or rent -Frame building suitable for stable or warerooill. Apply to Louis Prang, Zurich. 50 acres, all gond land, with good bank barn, frame house, Itll in good repair. The farm is well daaine,i, plenty of good water and wads be sold for ;;1000,00. Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich. For Sale Or Rent -House and lot in the Village of Blake Plenty of day labor can be got in the vicinity. Apply t') Walter Amass, Blake P. 0. or E. Zeller, Zurich. LODGE MEETINGS +.: a ') .11' le Court Zurich No. 13,10 ineets every 1st and 3rd t.nth at 8 o'clock p. m. Hall. J. J. MEW:EI,, C. R. A. o TJ T liickbeil Lodge V . No. 3 93, meets the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month, at 8 o'clock, in their Ball, Merner $lock. FRED. WITwt•En ,M. W ,sTEPSE`1' CO t, W. C. 1'.. U. THE CRY OF THE. TWO-THIRDS Accept its God's handwork what has the unu istabthh1eileastampioif another upon 7i., The est tones reached Keith Weswick where he sat iae'si to Carmen Roy. den and beong`.,t his eyes to the speaker's • ftae:t•, something there held them and hi lost not a word of the conva rose:.on which ensued, though to an appearance he was denoted to his eoutl,aniolt '"Dear Intl t has .El 311}'era, begun ! now we she'd have enone11 of temperance. 1 warrant, eiaitl the young lady you languidly, Mr.Weswick, if wish to save yuuletslf from to cold water deluge, 1 will go into banish went'with yon to the balcony" "Bet if for,veriety's sake I make a martyr of :self, Miss Royden and remain -a .re., I trust you will still consent ;. veep me company, the gentleman answered lightly, but with a gl :nee from his blue eyes which ha,irl the lady a willing captive. "Tia') :rue !" said a slight ly tremulous rut richt and manly Ivoice in reply to Eleanor's words. "Miss Myers, the liquor traffic is responsible far three fourths of the misery and crime on all the face of the globe" the speaker was the Rey John A. Turner. • 'And what is responsible for the liquor traffic? It WKS Mr Myers quiet voice, from his place close at Eleanor's side, that asked the question. Well, a number. of things, chief among witch is unrestricted immigration, answered Mr. Forsyth, a gentle- man • from the other side. "Of course our legislators are to blame for the inflow of bad blood, and it is a fact, a lamentable fact. that drunkenness is on the increase among us; but the foreign element in our midst should shoulder the most of the blame for the state of things. These aliens are over- whelmingly in the Majority among our criminal classes ; they drina. most of the spirituons liquor sold and do moat of the selling." "But where do they do their selling? up- on whose premises? I think you will find, Mr Forsyth that the ma- jority of liquor dealers hire their saloons from us, answered Mr. Myers stili cpuety. The owner of the property lets his buildings to i Ba sure you really know ilirn. the highest bidder, asking no Be quite sure he is a good s on questions wncerning the business and brother, to be cariic l on lest it prove un- Be quite sure you respect as well pleasant. vti'hy is not he a partner as love hint. I if crime it is to seBesure a ru y lovesyou as intoxi ' wv1 o shall take care of much as he thinks he .does. t? o , •'a Make opportunity to see hini s ander all sorts of circumstances. .,s az• ;,, the law inaki'g Be absolutely certain he is the xoperty largely so, we only loan in the world you could American, citizens must sorely be in great tneasnre responsible for what is ailow.ed among us ""Accord- ing to that, Myers, you would in- criminate is all; that ie." bowing to the ladies" all of us who have gative of lioeaiwtng ett'izne? and who deludes himself into believing it anything but crime, however miul• indorsed? give mon right to do wrong 1 Itrtpossibitt ! eon till diotory ! Absurd upon its very, face ! Do dol lees and cents give a poen permis- sion to deetr oy 111s brother, Nall] and body, while the (holden Rule end its Divine Ani:hor a,ti11 exist. Cron maw b0 framed to <Shield law- lessness? was Robespierre leas a• murderer than any ruthless wroteh who stealthily enters the home of another oil blood intent, beenne e at legal enactment stood behind his infamous ttlalighter• of innoceeee? Mr Forsyth turned to the speaker It was a. very charming face that. met his gem' fleshed and enthused es it was, I brag your pardon, iliss Myers,'• he said graciously not like to even seem to differ from a lady ; niay I say especially so fair a lady? But ih not every --man to judge for himself what is .right?„ "Not where his shaker has himself passed judgement" replied Eleanor The gentleman shook his head and smiled ." you will admit, Miss My ors that at least our liberty, our freedom to•ohoose, is the gift of God?" 'Yes, sir, certainly ; but it does not necessarily follow that what dvo -choose is therefore always of God?" He smiled, ""but surely you can see that every man must be the arbiter of his own destiny The thoughts of mortals, their judgemnts, their convictions vary as do their faces ; a man may be honest and yet differ from you on his opinion ""True a man may differ from me and be not only honest but right, Mrs Forsyth. But sir is it possible for a Ivan to he either and differ from God, when FIe is always right and has expres- sed His opinion?" asked the young lady modestly yet earnestly "Miss Myers, let hie ask yon one more question, would you honestly en t;haniberlamn'rl Stom eels and Liver Tablets invariably bring re- lief . to women suffering from chromic constipation, . headache, biliotisiaess, dizziness, sallowness of the vain and dyspepsia. Sold by J. J Merner, Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Traits Regulations. 1<Y parson who is the solo head of a family, or any male over 18 years old,. may homestead a u't ter -.section of avail- able Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask- atchewan or Alberta. Tho applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands. Agoney or Suh•Ageney for the district. 'Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader Duties. -Six trionths'residence upon and cultivation of the laud in each of throe years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, another, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in (rood standing tray pre-empt a quarter. sec- tion alongside his homestead. ''Price $3.00 per acre. Duties -Must reside nix months in web of six year.; from date of homestead entry (including thn tone required to euro homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his• homestead right and cannot obtain a pre- emption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties -Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.00. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of tho Interior. N. B. ---Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. n:Itli l :� inter fe,ren"e with n genus'• • roan's personal liberty in this mat- V Ig r{ • ter or any other?" A murmur of ,1 sea E�, req .roa approval greeted this question, and all eyes turned toward Eleanor. m� (To be continued) .v ffi s ; an a Ethel M. 'Williams, Pres. Supt. IN CHOOSING A HUSBAND. in the ori 111 I3 h t l The council of the Township of Stephen convened in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the 7th of Mar. 1910 at 1 p. m All mem- bers were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Anderson-Weerth "That the Bond of 5 Brown as treas. of the Township be accepted and filed withClerk." Carried. the CiP>al..,t (:axtriecl. Yearley -Love •"That the auditor:; report be accepted and that they be paid their salary" parried. The shirk informed the oacunii that E Zeller had inaale applica. tion to have the council pass a By law empowering his Telephone Company to construct and equip a Telephone line on certain Ilighways in the Township. The council de• sided in view of the Legislature passing a new law at its present scission, to lay the smatter over un. til the next meeting. - . • lh -That By-law Andersen Wttt"it yla No 1(11 to borrow the sural of 10,- 000 to meet the current expenditure of the Municipality, having been iread the third time be passed and e e v an d MARKET REPORT. -The fol. lowing is the report of Zurich markets corrected up to Thursday, Earley ,. 48 to 52 Peas...... Bran Shorts Oats `Wheat. Hay Dried app'es Mover seed Potatoes 81 22.00 40/ 24 00 24 00 38 38 3,05 1 c5 19.00 ...r 5 5 ,... 5.00 5.75 • .1') e), Butter.. .. ':ti t Eggs.. . ., 22 22 Hogs liveweiget 0.t,0 HENSALL MARKETS Cook's Best Flour" 2.7 �tziltaat,,.,.. 4..104 1.0 Oats .. , . , , , , .. 39 4 J3 n•" ep 4h 5 !,signed by th Ree d Ulerlt an the Seal of the corporation attach- ed thereto. •' Carried, License !" her well modulated an unprecedente d demand for poult• Resolved that I'atlimasters, vain pierced every corner of the ry and eggsithatithislints also tended Poundkeepers and Fence -Viewers spacious room, it was so clear, so to reduce the size of flocks, and conn ours, the i marry. The than who marries for a mere passing; fancy will never grow to love his wife One breakfast at the same tibia) on a. wet or foggy day will teach the power to control in any degree • you more about the gentleman the law -making of our land? -A • than a dozen dances, scared; r," Was the earns st response. If the girls only realizel that -Providing! ,t . C1 ,.r I - c\tae 1 as he Bea .� his mother • 1 rovidi,.;, . put hi p:iva , �.. ty n t yt t fzoutl gentleman :sanding near will a man treat his wife six Deanne, that is providing th.r ui':ntl,s after marriage they sll')uld SellII1'; 'wf ardent spirits Is woven to I't'jniee instead of being jealous of C'ritle. 1 1toltl it or tiot. 1i I: len:al- site lera he ;nevaa i:t ale own ly•a:°>i t , ..1 and Protectt•'t as any family, other business. Those men have license to do as they cit, "License !" A GOOD YEAR FOIL POULTRY the word fell involuntarily from Eleanor's lips. Sbc hard been listen MEN, in:; with an interest so keen, so ff intent, that it could not e grape the ! Opp''rtunitles to make mnney in na•tice r.f any onlookers. Her iinelc T lioultry raising shoring 1010 have poised head was half tamed as it if never been equalled, stays the in eager waiting for every word I American Agriculturist. Com- thatspecialists poultryti s s )Bae a t mission hien and that fell,her dark eyes burned and 1 glowed under their fringed lids. The sudden lifting of those lids, as the closing sentence dropped, from the last speaking lip, was like the flash of Iightning across Keith Wessvick's face as he watched her. all over the country agree that the high prices of grain have tended to reduce the number of fowls kept, more espeeiatlly of the poorer ones; that the higher prices of meat in the cities leave produced be appointed at the next etiuiae'il sone'nt••r 1'1 i.t".i fire wwlie- tb„t iso+r+9+ ;+ ,i•a a -n ,yw :•a,•r •• meeting for for h' tali' :5 .ii ,ta bitneeli Lite J li ;. pit 1` tha "tag i The following a ai sed -0 Prouty t;. , .-_ Sun Ins Office Ins -al .:'o tee Shea, 11.50 ; .Banfield & S:3ils cow tags, 6 00; Advocate Printing Co ace 125.07; Dickson & Carling legal advice, 16.00:13' W Farncomb Me Lellan Drain, 15 00; J Banes Bailiff fees re Morrison Drain, 1,27; John English work Crediton road 50 cts ; J Keys rep M C D Bridge, 50; C Fanner removing snow en Crediton rd, 2.35; 3 Wilhelm removing soot on 0 rd, 5 50; G Mawhinney re moving snow, J.00; G Fahner disking rd, 1 00 ; M Beaver remov ing snow Ord, 2.50 ; Wm Sweitzer and others, removing snowy U rd 5.00; )d Switzer auditor's fees, 8.00; 0 K Blnett, auditor's fees, 8.00: W Finkbeiner and others re moving snow 0 rd, 5 00 ; J Woods t*iaVel 4.71 The Council adjourned to .meet again in the Town Hall, Creditrin, on Monday, the 4th day of April, 1910 at 1 p. ni. Henry Bilber, Clerk 8 Lionii 0 2 Ts -mon -At the Sauble Line Hay, E', t- . ... : '..... 80 SC! to Mr. end Mrs. ;Sans Taylor, a rine live eight,,..,, .. 11.(' 1!, Cxei,•tatl 1. it.. �g Re _ Clubbing rates. pairs for Spring WWe have made arrangements please order now. Anyone wishing New or Second hand Machinery, call and see if I caul Bill your wants. Also Agent far Fairbanks Gasoline l ngtnes, Weigh Scales, Peed Grinders. All kinds o Sawing Machines Buggies, Carriages and GAIN WAGONS to offer the following low clubbing rates with THE III;IIALD Daily Globe . . $ 4.25 Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe . . 1.60 Mail & Empire 1.60 Berai•-.er Journal (German) 2,50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.75 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun 1.75 Farmer's Advocate :4.25 Fully nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism is simply then matism of the Inmmcless due to cold lox damp, or chronic rheumatism, neither of which regeiro any in- ternal treatment. .All that is needed to afford relief is the free application of Chamberlain's .Lini- , anent. Give it a trial. You are Jas. hVie .Ag't ; certain to he pleased with the a quick relief which it affords, Sold IMASsEY4HARaIS CO. `by' 3. 3, Merrier. L'an C HEAD OFFICE LONDON - - ONTARIO Money advanced 011 good Tarin V Mortgages, Prompt attention given to applications for loans, E ZELLER. Zurich, d •r. • • cove hsCoI D 10. na jt �ti„r„n4t..,a 14n F,.�,n:7 Jed ero%i' ' .tt a'. •. es!:Olir IN N p L A REPRESENTATIVE For Zurich This is the time to sell nursery stock. We pay litseally And Offer steady ern,)loymeut. Our like of Specialties embrace:4 a rare and choice list of ready sellcre in both fruit and Ornamental stock. • Seed Potatoes, lite. Write for terms and 'catalogue. STORE&W ELLINGTON The Foothill Nurseries, W. 1837 Toronto - - Ontario,