HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-03-11, Page 1The Official Organ of Zu Vol. X. cTi ,an.d Hays Township.g FRIDAY' anoRNirkla MAR': 11, 19l0. 3:Cife•Caf 34=X2812:10=1:C.A3cM ME:11.›'^<=0::05+Err:0ts.."-Sat=7,02e9eill yy t �1 c ' ),;til � �,F " � '�• We are ready for you with the bigggestand most up to date fi stock of New Dress Goods, new Prints, neva' iiingha s, new Car= pets, new Rugs, new Uinoleu s, etc., ever shown in Zurich. Our spring stock is now nearly C0111= piete and we invite the ladies of Zurich and vicinity to call and look over our goods. § PRINTS 0 A nicer line was rover shown outside of a city. We take special pride in our line 0 of prints. Regular 10 cents isi and 12 cents prints for 8 and 14 1(t cents. § Linen Suitings All the newest slueles in linen suitinge. • Afe0 a• line .election in White Wash 0 Goods. GIMGHL'1IdliS Be sure and see our line of giughante. Matra value at 10 cis per yard. They are going fast at this price. TJ L,INS See our line of lawns in :t11 qualities. Price 5 cental yard up. Special value in Tnd'a Linens, 1.0 ee1tt ,a, yd. :lenin. smile,' 10 its yd. Urgnndtc-', ailequalitieei faonr 10 cts per yard up. New Laces and Embroideries We have the biggest stock of Laces and Ein- l)roicleriec ewer bilOWtl by us. Come in and see them. \ nlencir't)ue.-+ 1:ii cs and insertion', fr'oi)'? 1 ceiit per ard up. CORSET. COVERS—Special Corset Co ,-a:'r Embroidery worth.50 cents for ,a.i (s a yard. DRESS GOODS Our new Dress Goods are yelling fact. All newest shades, Uhl Rose, `Pistons, Taupe, Cobalt, Smoke, Navy, New Brown, Greys, Blacks and Greens. Call in nn.1 eee there before you buy. Madras Curtains We have the latest in Madras Curtains. All shades and designs. Conte in and see this line before baying your curtains. Price 1 2 6 up. ORRNITEWARE SALE We are having a big Graniteware sale for two weeks only• Special value in. Grey Granite - ware. See below. (.zranito Dippers 15 cents <, Settee pans, 15 to 25 cts r, Wash basins, 15 e.ts << Pudding pans 10 & 12r;ts Granite Dish pans 50 cents " Pic plates 3 for 25 cts rz Pres kettles 15 ets up °C Cups 10 cents S gar Making Supplies See us about sap pails, sap spiles, bits, sap pans, etc. Let us give you figures on any roofing or e. avetrough jobs you intend . having done. Our goods are first class and prices right. it h'. Coil wire, barb wire, and Peer= less fencing alwas in stock. PRODUCE OF A .L KI EJ TAKEN `�a.. o Telephone 9 neer' t r9 ZURICH 5 LOCAL NEWS. a 1151 Miss Aline Johnson is visiting friends in .Clinton.` Mr. Mathias Wnrpajbas disposed of his farm to his e031 Louis. See our crown prince range With high shelf, for (tort' or wood; at $26.00, at l3artleib's. Miss Arletta Walpt Is in Strat- ford this week, attending the weddingof her oCtusin. Suits matte to order at $12.00 equal most $15.00 snits you Can find anywhere. Rev A. D. Giscliier ;end Rev. E. I3, Bean will exchange pulpits, next Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, J. Schmidt and Mrs. C. Tourny of St. Lo cis visited at the Lutheran parsonage, last week. If you want to get a snap an coiled or barb wire, see us. We bought 25 tons at oxae crack, at 13artleib's. .r (,.nod frame house, good frame stable„ and lot containing over an acre for sale Price $1000,00. Apply to JCI. Zeller, Zurich. Mr. john vdalper, who recently returned from Whtte River, has accepted a position in Jones and May's store, Exeter. Miss Colvin. of Brusens has re- filmed to take charge of Pr:eeter'st millinery department for the spring and summer setgbn. P Bender, the shoeu'ttia received spine of the nicest arid eltennest stock in Ladies' ozfort's rind high button shoe. a that 31av ''ever been shown in Zurich. Mrs. Louis Durand, .evltn has been visiting with her parents, Mr and Mrs J a t::lana?1,1, for some months, left onti ednesday r her fight; tilt,. t? -r - . e te No. 33 c= ent lay of 111 l5i8SS GOODS We have placed an. immense Stock of the latest Dress Goods. We invite you to visit this Store before you purchase. The leading shades in dress goods -,--shepherd check, tan, reseda, taupe, navy, brown, myr- tle, red, and black. NEW PRINTS Etc. The best patterns ever shown in Zurich. New striped Mulls at 1`?Ac a yard, ill colors—tan, rose, cream, mauve, grey and black. Latest Novelty.. Louisine, in blue and sham Ne ►'cr Art Muslins New Embroideries New Allover Laces in white, ecru and black New laces. mercerised torcllon and Valenciennes Linen Suitings The newest shades in linen fur suits NEW LII�OLETi31.:CS—Swell designs. 2 and 4 yards wide NEW WALL PAPERS for Spring DIR +'CTOIBE CORSETS 20 inches in length. The new corset for the new princess dresses MADRAS CURTAINS --aa full range of these new muslins BROCADE LININGS in black, ereurn and grey RED SPREADS—White spreads $1.25, $1..60, ;;2.50 and ; 2.75 ic,n's Waterproof Coats A new line of thea s A. Anary�:�a„tY'� to �k'i[avN'ihei' t'ft`1.1 Sw�Ii,, �l d'w '1 C'PT1.., <,'naraftc,(.(1 tit tom .. ..a w 0„*. x, ' Or ,.>waterproof Coats. ��.:r'�,. ��.c:_. 1�len: s �z z� calcite, 1�+(: t 3 tt 'M t ri e r examined in ltreseilce f ' the con. gre:nation on Sunday emir ning. The s:nhject of examination heir) the 2nd Article of the Apoetles'1,Urred. .A very entimei,tt tic meeting of those interested in basebs.1l was held in Fritz' shop last Pricday evening. The larospcots for the 001111n Season aro very bright anti 1r,; all a.ppeurane s at. first 010.5stenni will be pot into this field tLi4 scar. Th rt1e,•til ;a e' ;Officers 1•e• grilled a follows: Hon. Pres., Dr. B. A ( ,mph ll ; lion. 1'iee•Pres. .1. 1'. lista ; Pres, E. Zeller : Vire Pres , .1. l'reeter : Manager, C Fritz, Captain. E 1). i%Turni ; Sec, charge of the Tnillinery departnhent Tress . Andrew Iless; ]Executive at 1). S. lauait. ,n f'r,111ittee, A. Elathoffer, T. L A number from here attended V` ural, M. R. Rannie, • • a. perry at Dir. Ed Stelcks' loth An Farm Produce taken in exchange asFA PIIO.NE 17 Z t RICH AMFAWARAWARMIWIPMEAMMTAWMFM `alis (.�ilt,ert has again taken d Mr John Deic':hert is back Mr. George. Simeon. whose death Con., on Monday evening. took place on Sunday evening, after a lingering illness. removes an- other old resident of this section. 13e was in the sixtytifth, year or hi a age, and leaves a widow, five sons and four dnughtere :to mourn his (loath. The deceased .Was or as quiet disposition anal Was well thought of by his neighbors rand by those who knew him best. • The funeral took places 00 :Wednesday afternoon, the interment tatting place 'in the Lntherutt 'Cemetery. Inc'many friends of the family ex. at I he; trade again and is working in IlolInut,u's tailor shop. A car loss of potatoes wanted 1 at once at .1. 3, Merger', general (store. l —We went For a neat and np•to•dtato spring 1 one c r ctw�c Ttl omillineryapprentices shoe, call at I'. Bender's. Prices I at once. J. l'reeter. reasonable. i 1111•. Hobert Douglas ofSaskatoon , I have a place for $ 000.00 on'sllillped a car of horses from Kip - farm mortgage at 5 per cent inter. I pen station on Thursday, est. Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich.' l I 0. Ha rt.leib sold 5 set of harness It you want to buy factors; to a party near Parkhill. who move - harness don't pay big prices. See I et1 to tun ('an:a.i1ui Nortlt Went. our single.. harness for 10.00, at ; D. 5 Fanet leas jfast received the liaartleib's• 'latest in dressbiittonw black, navy WANTED—Good girl to do gen.! brown, grey and light blue. Call oral Housework and help with.two and see then. tend the sincerest sympathy to small children. No washing. ,1.1 Mrs. Mullan:; of 13enniiller, thein in their loss, • a month. Apply Mrs. Uarrison, daughter of Mrs. Henry Ort.wein Mre and Mrs. Robert Arnlsatrrong Bank of Commerce, Exeter, died. on Tuesday afternoon and was of the Goshen Tette.14tnnley, mourn Next Sunday service in the buried on Thursday. the death of their son Robert :Evangelical church will he can- Thr. Woolen's Christian Temper - Milton, a bright ywntg fellow of ducted in the interest of the ante Union will naret. Wednesday 10 years and 5 nlontlia, which sad .Ladies Aid. .A special anniversary afternoon March 1 f tb. at the home event took place en Thursday sermon will be preached in the of Mrs. Moses Geiger. last The boy woe.; in. his usual evening by Rev. E. H. Bean No one should. miss this iin t•,- Everybody invited. data le'tim-e, bristling with truth, The old and yet ever new soul sparkling. with humor and ;strong stirring song "'1'he Holy City" was in its straight to the nark state., rendered as a solo in Sit. Peter's rnents. Remember the date. Lutheran church on Sunday night, Dt'. Oven's Snrgeon, ()enlist by Mrs. 0. Tourny of St. Louis. • specialist will be at Royal Hotel, The young lady who is an aceom- Hensall, on Friday, April lst. plislled musician, was twe0n:wani.ed flours all day. all asses 1>rr r rls' in'a masterly way by Miss Ida, fitted, Catarrh, dettfnos,tai?- Sippel. ; ing eyesight and throat troubles orae of the most sucoessfui I treated, auction sales that was ever held in Anyone baying stock or other t fn' ranlliiilaatinn sats health on the ?'enlay previous, although the disease, diabetes, hadno doubt been in his system for some time previonS. As . soon as he was taken ill medical aid wits surnnonecl and every attention given that was pasi.ibla,„bnt to no avail, and be was oaken away es above stated. Milton was a general favoritewith his school churns and his present teacher Mite; Jean' Camp- bell feels keenly the loss of a bright scholar, His former teach- the vicinity of Exeter was hold on i i) 7Peri li Saturday the 26th ins,., or Mr. Del' aty, who ecus nnn.ble to Lot 15 Con 'Stephen, on Wed. 1 mine to the funeral owing to i11. nostlay March 2, by Mrs. las. should not forget to send their nesse forwarded a letter of ooudol• • Ford, One pair of s pring colts'1 j !list v b to thio, office or to Ml Fred ence and spoke in the lhigb.est mouths old, brought m 280 50. Ont.. '? " y 1 s. terms Of Milton's bright and manly Brood mare sold for $250,00. One shale. disposition, The funeral was bold driving; horse sold for $182.001 Mr. John Gaselio of the 1•lth on Saturday, to Btty'tield • cemetery I Cows•sold from $43 to, $55.00. and 1 Con has purchased a hall' interest arid w as lax gely utteuded. 'rile everything else in proportion. ; in Mr. Moses Gaaseho's flour feed parents, who are well ,ltnown ' and The scale altogether realised over and grocery business and the new highly respected. . Have die fi1ncere x 2000.00. The farm was also sold firm will put in. a completeandsympathy of the residents. of this to .Tats. Willie for, $1.1000 00 13. S. a up•to-date stock, anti the' invite a town and vioinity. iii their, irrtl 1'liillalt, rauotioneer of tai' ter, ;share of ,your business, All order; pureb'.e Ions. wielded the hammer. i promptly Intel and delivered.