The Herald, 1910-03-04, Page 2Man Shorn of Strength
Weak Liver So Undermined
His Vitality That He Al-
most Died.
"Early manhood vigor easily led
to view irregularities of my system
incapable of affecting my strength. 1
am a barrister," writes a well known
legal light, "and there are times in our
professionalmwork so exciting and ex-
hausting that any 'weakness reveals it-
self in all its naked. awfulness. Pressure
of work prompted me to ignore some
of the distressing symptoms of impaired
liver activity -sour stomach, fulness
after eating and dulness of intellectual
activity. It was not until a severe at-
tack of sleeplessness following an ex-
acting session of court, and a nervous
excitability that later developed, that 1
realized fully my condition. My physi-
cian ordered complete change and rest,
but my engagements rendered impossi-
ble this course.
"To correct the system I began using
Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and to my delight,
not only did they establish regularity,
but the liver activity of my earliery
returned. The solution of my health'
problem was immediate, digestion im-
proved, appetite became active, and my
nerves were speedily up to my old fight-
ing mark. Please head me as a Dr.
Hamilton Pill man."
No medicine so valuable for those
leading a sedentary life as Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills, sold in yellow boxes, 25e, all
dealers, or the Catarrhozone Co., King-
ston, Canada.
Many Remarkable Discoveries Made
by Assyriologists.
The Rev. G. W. Ii. Johns, while speak-
ing on Assyr.ulogy yesterday at the
Royal Institution, showed a number of
pictures and pieces of crude sculpture,
which archaeologists have assigned to
as remote a period as 0,000 or 8,000 B. C.
The lecturer, describing a great find at
Susa, in 1904, stated that for a long time
explorers were uncertain what such an
enormous amount of booty could evi-
dence. It was finally settled that the
articles were a deposit of the founda-
tions of a great temple. There were Hun-
dreds of gold objects, 400 silver, 200 lead,
statuettes, jewelry, 1,300 bronze objeetls
and an enormous quantity of articles of
stone and clay, as well as preeious
stones. They were of great beauty and
variety, and all apparently belonging
to oen period, 1500 B. 0, There were
children's toys which had evidently been
put with the deposit as a votive offering.
The explorations in Assyria and Baby-
lon had changed the outlook of human
history; we had doubled the length of
the period which we called historic. -
From the London Leader.
A Bird's White Feathers.
The occurrence of white feathers in a
bird'p plumage is very common. It is,
of course, clue to lack of coloring matter,
and is liable to appear in both young
and old birds. I have known of several
old birds to exhibit this" peculiarity
(mostly in the wing feathers, however),
and it may be due to imperfect nutri-
tion and circulation as the bird ages.
I have also noticed it in young birds
in a number of instances. The phen-
omenon, thus. cannot be said to occur
simply as a result of old age, but is
rather one of those slight changes in the
bird's system, the causes of which we
do not fully know. There is this much
more to be said, however: When a young
bird starts out with a few white feath-
ers, they are usually retained through -
life, molting each time in a similar
manner, Old birds may exhibit this loss
of coloring at any time. ---From "Nature
and Science" in March St. Nicholas.
Women Hanged in Canada. .
Following is the list of women execut-
ed since Confederation, 1807, in Canada:
Phoebe Campbell, at London, Ont., May
6, 1872; Elizabeth Workman, at Sarnia,
Ont., May 23, 1873;.Cordelia Viau, at St.
Seholastique, Que., March 5, 1599; .Emily
Hilda Blake, at Brandon, Man., Dec. 20,
You don't have to know what your Goods
are made of. SAME Dye for ALL ••• No
chance of mistakes. All colors xo cents from
Sour Druggist or Dealer. Sample Card and
Booklet Free. The Johnson -Richardson
Co. Limited. Dept. J.,Montreal Que.
The Editor Gets Mad.
if the freight -handlers of that streak
of rust, the Illinois Central Railroad,
landed where we wished them last week
they would need plenty of ice water,
palm leaf fans and absestos foot pro-
tectors. Besides., they are in none of
the best company, either. We got the
Argus ready for printing at noon on last
Thursday, but could not move a wheel
because that abortion of a railroad, this
division of the Illinois Central, had fail-
ed to bring our paper. An ox team in
the hands of Leo Brown could have done
better than the railroad,--Muhlenberg
(Ky.) Argus. -
12 Vaseline Remedies in Tubes
Capsicum, :Borated, Mentholated, Carbo-
lated, Camphorated, White Oxide of Zino,
ete. Eaeh for specie) purposes. Write for
Free Vaseline Book.
CI•i£SEBi1OLICH rtWC. CO. (Cone•d)
370 Craig at. W., Inontrcal
The Point of View.
William had just returned from col-
lege, resplendent in peg -top trousers,
silk hosiery, it fancy waistcoat and a
necktie that spoke for itself. He entered
the library where the father was read-
ing. The old gentleman looked up and
surveyed his sor The longer he looked,
the more dirt'tested he became.
"Son," he finally blurted out, "you
look like a des -feel!"
Later, the old major who lived next
door came in and greeted the boy heart-
ily. "William," he said, with undisguis-
ed admiration, "you look exactly like
your father dire 20 years ago when he
came back from school!"
"Yes," replied William with a senile,
"so father was just telling me"-Every-
bodys' Magazine.
PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any
case of Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding
Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50o
Mothers who have used Baby's Own
Tablets say they feel safe when they
have this medicine in the house, as
the Tablets are a never -failing cure
for the ills of babyhood and childhood.
And the mother has the guarantee of
a government analyst that this medi-
cine contains no poisonous opiates.
Mrs. Walter Ban', Mountain Grove,
Ont., says: " My little boy suffered
terribly when teething, and from con-
stipation. Nothing I gave him did
the least good until I gave him Baby's
Own Tablets and these brought him
speedy relief. Every mother of young
children should keep the Tablets in the
home." Sold by medicine dealers or by
)nail at 25 cents a box from The 1)r.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -
ISSUE NO. 9. 1910
A Clergyman in Racing.
It is seldom that a clergyman has
official correction with horseracing, but
Dr. Noyes, who has just written au ac-
eount• of ]us chaplaincy in Paris, was
for many years the only Englishman on
the board under the Societe des Steep-
lechases de France for adjudicating up-
on any question that might arise con -
meted with the riders, many of whom
are English. Until the date of his depar-
ture from Paris he regularly received
ticlrots for the reservecl enclosure, ---
From the Queen.
All wlio delight in a clear skin, soft
white hands, a clean, wholesome scalp
and live, glossy hair, will find that Ceti
cora Soap and Cuticura Ointment Inose
than realize every expectation in pro.
moting skin and flair health and the
bodily purity. A single cake of Cuticura
Soap and box of Cuticura Ointment are
often sufficient to cure torturing, dis-
figuring eczemas, rashes, irritation, scal-
ings and crustings of the skin and scalp,
with loss of hair, thus rendering them
the Inst economical treatment known
for affections of the skin and scalp.
Gobs of Gloom.
To have your sweetheart far away,
It makes existence dark and drear;
But worse it is-alackaday!
To have her distant when she's near.
-Boston Transcript.
A Peeress's Busy Day.
Never perhaps since the Hastings trial
have happenings at Westminster attract-
ed the peeresses as did the debates on
the finance hill. The trial of Hastings
of course was -: society function. An
attendance at ;.0 hall was quite in the
day's work of she lady of fashion. The
Duchess' 'of tic r dt.n's round. of duties on
a day of 17: i gives the illustration.
For the duchec'a 'went to Handel's music
in the Abbey,A then. she clambered over
the benches s'..,1 went to Hastings' trial
in the hall; :'ter dinner to the play,
then to Lade Lucas' assembly, after
that to Benet ge, and returned to Miss
Hobart's faro table. gave a ball herself
in the evening of that morning, into
which she have got a good way,
and set out for Scotland the next day."'
The scurry and rush of society folk is
not so modern i failing after all, -West-
minster Gaze. 'e.
Spanking .•.t es not cure children of
beef -wetting, rime is a constitutional
cause for •in=to able. Mrs. 12. Sum-
mers, Box it': S, Windsor, Ont., will send
free to auy mother her successful home
treatment, with full instrutions. Send
no money, but write, her to -day if your
children trouble you in this way. Don't
blame the child, the chances are it can't
help it. This treatment also cures adults
and aged people troubled with urine dif-
ficulties by day or night.
To Tell the South.
A new qualified" judge in one of the
small towns of the south was' trying one
of his first criminal cases, The accused
was an old Barky who was charged' with
robbing a hencoop. He had been in
court before on a similar charge and was
then acquitted.
"Well, Tom." began tltc judge, "I see
you're in trouble again."
"Yes, sal)" replied the darty, "the
last time, jedge, you was ma lawyer."
"Where is your lawyer this time?"
asked the judge.
"I ain't got no lawyer this time," an-
swered Tom. "I'm going to tell the
truth" ---Baltimore American.
Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for
es -page illustrated Eye Book Free. Write all
above. Your Eye Trouble and they will advise
es to the Proper Application of the Murine
1®ye Remedies in Your Special tlasc. Your
Druggist will tell you that Murine Relieves
Sore Eyes, Strengthens Weak Eyes, Doesn't
Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and sells for 50c.
Try It in Your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes for
Scaly Eyelids andGrantion.
World's Largest Room.
The largest room in the world is said
to be in St. Petersburg. It is uider one
roof, unbroken by pillars, and it is 620
feet long by 150 feet in breadth. It is
used in the day for military displays,
and a whole battalion can manoeuvre
in it. Twenty thousand wax tapers give
it a beautiful appearance at night. The
,roof is a single arch constructed of iron.
• ase -
Power Going to Waste.
It is claimed that enough horse power
goes to waste in the rivers and streams
between Austin and San Antonio, Texas,
to run all the industries in the State.
0 m
Dr.. crs 'E.
ei I-% re‘ 4=5 clot FD11111
Owe their singular effectiveness in
curing Rheumatism, Lumbago and
Sciatica to their power of stimulat-
ing and strengthening the kidneys.
They enable these organs to thor-
oughly filter from the blood the uric,
acid (the product of waste matter)
which gete into the joints and mus-
cles and causes these painful
diseases. Over half a century of
constant use has proved conclusively
that Dr. Moss's Indian Root Pills
strengthen weak kidneys and
= las rhe !tom h see a -a s->r's rrr9
The Atmosphere of Cities.
German cities are studying their at-
mospheric conditions, says the Chicago
Tribune. The fact that sunshine lessens
as population becomes more dense, and
especially when the activity of industrial
onernsonntressroommostornowistni.oismain •1211060.0•00110=.11011
centres expands superficially and in-
creases in intensity, has long been noted.
An increasing tndeney to fog has alsrt
been observed, and both are effects of
the imperfect and incomplete minibus -
tion of coal.
Modern industry pays toll for this in
the injury of delicate fabrics, the general
depreciation in the value of many arti-
cles of trade and household use, and the
increased cost of cleansing. Since the
battle is waged with growing energy
against tuberculosis, physicians and stn.
dents of social science feel that the pro-
blem of purer air for the dwellers in
cities has become primarily important.
Statistics have been collected for some
time past. They demonstrate how little
sunshine falls to the lot of the residents
of industrial cities even when the sun is
obscured by smoke particles. In no Ger-
man city has the loss o£ eun.shine, due
to fog, equalled that of London, where
the foggy days during the three months,
December, January and February in-
creased from eighteen to thirty-one due-
ing the last half of the lasteenutry.
I OWE MY LIFE yp@, GIN TOG N ii �ya7�yy gqy
Don't Cough!—Use
If you want to see a happy woman, just
calf on Mrs. Mollie Dixon, 59 Hoskin Ave.,
West Toronto.
"Atter ten ewe of suffering from kidney
disease, I belielf. I owe my life to Gin Pills.
Before I began using Gin Pills my back ach-
ed so much that I could not put on my shoes,
but after taking three boxes of Gin Fills
these trouble are all gone. It is a pleasure
for me to add one more testimonial to the
grand reputation of 'Gin Pills.'
"Mrs. M. Nixon."
50o a box, 6 for 22.50. at all dealers. Sample
free 1f you write National Drug & Chemical
Co., (Dept. 11. L.,) Toronto, Ont.
a es
Imitators of the Rattlesnake.
At least two observers, Messrs. F. B.
Loomis and T. A. Barris, have within the
last two years noted the curious fact
that the brairie dog or burrowing owl
sometimes imitate,iu a most realistic
way, the rattle of the rattlesnake, among
whose dens they arc often found. When
the owls are disturbed they utter this
warning sound in such a manner that
even experienced horses aro startled and
deceived by it. Mr. Barris suggests that
this trick is intended as a measure of
self-protection. Even young birds, he
says, make the sanlo sound when taken
from the nests.
Fishguard pl'ondses to supplant
Queenstown. as a stopping place for
transatlantic passenger vessels.
The favorite song of the bueineas
man is "In the Sweet Buy and Buy."
" T j r
Zcs l ��lc4tal; �! kilVAS�
Will blatantly roliovo your selling
throat. There is nothing like itfor
Asthma, Bronchitis and lung
troubles. Contain no opiates.
Very pleasant to take.
All Druggists, ks cont,.
Very Proud.
b'rederick Townsend Martin, at a din-
ner in New York, said apropos of the an-
evettal pride of an old .iiniei,erboek r
"1;ut the Scotch have the greatest a):'.•
c:'.:tral pride. MacDonald, the Lord of
t.1," isles, was melted to an tnitertain-
leent given by the Duke; of 13uceleugh,
loll. teeming late, he took a seat near
the door.
'Ile Duke called to MacDonald eo
came and sit beside him at the head of
the table. The Lord of the Isles frowned
and answered0 in his pride:
"'Wherever MacDonald site, there is
the head of the table."-Washiu_ton
Take LAXATIVE DROMO Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund money if it falls to cure. E.
N. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 25c.
Force of Habit.
"I understand that all-star cast was
rather languid."
"Yes, they played poorly for stars.
Even the life they put into the mob
scene was accidental, and came about
merely through each of them trying to
grab the centre of the stage." -Philadel-
phia, Buleltin.
Maybelle-But it has been said that
you are a gambler.
Harold -That's a mistake. Gamblers
sometimes win.
it Doesn't Pay.
It doesn't pay to be a grouch,
It doesn't pay to wear a frown,
Nobody ever made his pile
By knocking everyone in town,
There are some better reasons why
A man should smile upon his way,
But here is one, financially
A gloomy visage doesn't pay.
There's money en a cheerful smile,
A fortune in a cheerful word,
And money often reaches souls
That finer things will leave unstirred.
And so I put it up to you,
Don't mope and whine along your
If it is money you desire,
A gloomy visage doesn't pay.
'Twere better that you smile be-
You wish to cheer your fellowman,
And speak the cheerful word, to help
A. weaker brother, if you can.
But if these reasons don't appeal
To you, I write it down to -day,
There's money in a happy face,
A. gloomy visage doesn't pay.
"You must have struck it rich, old
man. I see you in this taxicab every
"It isn't that. You see, one night I
told the Chauffeur to drive me around
until 7 told him to stop. I fell asleep,
and when I awoke I did not have enough
money to pay his bill. go I've got to
keep on riding in it till 7 die."
Cuts, your horse of an
Spavin, Curb, Splint,
n1ngbone, Bony Growth
bot lonof ees with a +1.
KENDDALL'S Spalsifs Cure
Used by thousands for sO years, One num writes r-
"I hove tyour SppnCurfrlyeaso find
it the greatest
remedy ea carth for ream and boast."
Shenna., Jones,
No teeing when out horse will lame itself, Get
Hendon's today and keep It handy. Our book-" A
Treatise On Tho Rom" tens how to cure all horse
troubles, )Yeo --at dealers or write ns,
Dr. .5. Rendall Co., ttnosbnrgi Fails, iia,,
.n, eraWWlt71 1's?MTZI4l6'i ''ZM
PLATED BRACELET, ono of the latest Nov-
elties in Bracelets; will fit any wrist. WE
GIVE FREE for selling only 8 boxes, at 25c,
and Impure the Blood, Indigestion, Reale Con-
n-stipation, Rheumatism, Catarrh and for all
Liver and Kidney Troubles.
Only send your name and address and we
will send you 8 boxes of Pills and 8 Faf1Cy
Pine to give away with the Pills. Sell the
Pills 25c. a box, and when all are sold send
us the proceeds of your sales ($2.00) and we
will Bend you at once, by mail postpaid, this
handsom.i Bracelet. which will please you
and all your friends. Write to -day.
lig tof ,, v Pink In grriG
�T�+`+ �sltll9Ptng Beyer
'� 1; y & Catarrhal Wever
Sure cure and positive preventive no matter hew horses at any age are
infected or "exposed." Liquid. givena.,n tho tongue: acts on the Blood and
Glands, expels the poisonous germs front the betty. Cures Distemper in )Dogs
and Sheep and Cholera in Poultry. Largest welling livestock remedy. Cures
La Grippe among human beings and is a fine Icidney remedy. 50c and 81 a
olwilllget i )1 a for yo . Free Booklet, " DisCut this out. temper, Causes it. Show to ur and nd Cures."
9POIIN MEDICAL CO., Chemists and Baciarioloeisis, G0511ERi, CND., ESA.
(Ottawa J'oul'lial.)
The wooden -legged man who tells a
tale of falling through a hole in the
ice and being forced, to swim half a
mile, against affront, under the ice till
he came to the nextair-hole, seems to
be making an effort to win that place
in history which Dr. Frederick Cook has
marked for his own.
gra ilk3. �*e'' OUP .:. of . et'a :, ,;5,
This elegant watcb, ladies' or gents' size stem wind and set, fancy
enOgIra ed ea Ir'. FULLY GUARANTEED, will bo scut to you A13-
if you will sell only
$3.00 worth of high
grade collar buttons
at 100. per card (4
buttons on each
card). These but-
tons are very fast
sellers. Write to -day and we will send
you a package; sell them and return the
.n-WTH this
lovely TEA SET VEER if you will help
us enlarge.our business by getting only
;, 6 other agents and without having to sell
any more goods. Only 53.00 worth -no
more, no less, and you can win both these splendid premiums -FREE.
COBALT GOLD PEN CO., Britten Dept. 19 Toronto, Ont
neva*oi 4as. , rF,
rWiiti illaran, "' ill'
Rpt tl i lt&o Nit)!''°r'" �I"i, C
snrg'Netin, tui; :i.Vil st))•w^rnot:1, : u,,,.;i ala,: ARAfti ,s ; ,, , tt l.>
Everybo y Who Eats read
Should avoid danger of impurities In delivery from the oven to
the home. Insist on your baker wrapping his bread in -
Wo are the original manufacturers o1 bread wrappers now
used by leading bakers of Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and other
Th E. B. MY COMPANY, Limited, HuH, CC oda
COI r }.' -A.'p .. 4'4" Ir.4.4hhhgff.OhtiVoir07747.1.1.411,,g,:R$1!',"irtC`I'@`ii,lin a 4
lo'ini ' %�;i'.f 54M1i'r tt p i t
Dr. Martel's Female Pills
Prescribed and recommended for wo,
men's ailments, a scientifically pre.
pared remedy of proven worth. flu
result from their use is quick and per,.
manent. For sale at all drug stores.
Sweet toned, deep voiced instrument, with which you can
play beautiful music for concerts anddances. barge frame,
10 keys, full set of reeds, two stops, double bellows, ebonized
case, nickel plated valves and trimmings.
To advertise Dr. Maturin's Fantoua Vegetable Pills a great
remedy for the cure of weak and impure blood, indigestion
headache, constipation, nervous troubles, liver, bladder and
kidney diseases and all female weaknesses; a groat Blood
Purifier and invigorator, a Grand Tonic and Life Builder,
we will give this Beautiful Accordion ME, for the sale of
b' 12 boxes of these ramous Vegetable Pills at 25 cents 'a
box. gvery person .,trying from you a box of these Pills, also receives a piece of iewetry which
we send yon with the Pills, This makes theta easy to sell. Send ns your name and address.
and wewil% send you the Pills, postpaid. As soon as you have them all sold, remit to us the
Proceeded your sales, 53,00, and we will seed you this Grand Aecordicn, imhtedlatcly. We
trust you with the goods until sold. Write to -day, Address,..