The Herald, 1910-03-04, Page 1Tho Official Organ of Zurich ;;:and Hay Township.g Vol. X. FRIDAY MORNING. MAR. 4, 1910, No. 32 3.CW VI L". 0 PRINTS We are ready for you with the biggest and est up to date stock ©f New Dress Gods, new Prints, new Ginghams, new Car= pets, new Rugs, new Lin leurns, etc., ever shown in Zurich. Our spring stock is now nearly C01111= plete and we invite the " ladies of Zurich and vicinity to call and look over our goods. A nicer line was Levershownoutside of acite. 11'c take Fpeuial pride iu our line of prints. Regular 10 cents and 12 cents paints for ti and 1.1 10 cents. Linen Suitings All the newest sit ad( s in liTit'31 • suiting9. Also a fine selection in White Wash Goods. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fix` INGHA.I1-i S Be sure and see our line 1)f gingbants. Extra value nt 10 Cts per yard. They are going fast at this price. MUSLINS See our line of lawns in all qualities. Price 5 c'c•nts yard up. Special value in India Linens, 10 cents a v1, hain- s(tok, 10 ets • y(1. Organdic=, all qualities fMorn I0 els per yard ill). New Laces and Embroideries We have the bigec`': t stool; of Laces and Ein= broideliec (?'Fel' shown by us. Co]no ill t.t.l:tcl see there. Valenciennes 1 t' te; and insertions from 1 cent per yard up. CORSET COVERS--Spc'oial {`Dorset Co ,-er Embroiders worth 50 cents f'(r 85 ets a yard. DRESS GOODS Our new Dress Goods are selling fast. All newest shades, Ula Rose, Wistena, Taupe, Cobalt, Smoke, Navy, New Brown, Crcys, blacks and, Greens. Call In an 1 see there before you buy. Madras Curtains s We h eve the latest .a iI:!iraly Cartains. All shades and designs. (.'on1. in +n see this line it -fore buv izr; ycior c ria talus. Price 1 r2', up. O RRN EWA'1 E SA We are having a big Granitewarc sale for two weeks only. Special value in Grey Granite- ware. raliite- ware. See below. Granite Dippers 15 cents (.lr,9itite Dish pans 50 rents cc Sauce lams, 15 to 25 el8 " 1'i(' plates :3 for 23 (:t:; '' Wash basins, 15 as (. Pres kettles 1.) ets up ,( Pudding bans 10 & 12cts Cups 10 cents Sugar Making Supplies See sap pans, roofing or nolle. right. us about sap pails, sap spiles, bits, etc. Let us give you :figures on any eavetroug1i jobs you intend having Our goods are first class and prices Coil wire, barb wire, and Peer= less fenci a } g .was in stock. ti e^; ( Vi PROBJCE OF ALL KINDS TAKEN wl ._..............,,...,m..... ,,...........,.,,.a.... ,.,.,..w.a�".�..�....�...s..� ... W Telephone 9 161 �zlue oma'' Zui; 1Cl-1 :3a3stFk 1 LOCAL NEW'S Dierlatim's Pipthea uai ..,m's at D. S. F Lust. Mr Philip Hertrnan,;?of Parkhill was in town, on Tnesdeete Mr. C. Iiartleib last allteek shipped a car of dutch seta, tod: West. Alpheu Krautr a b (\Ods purifier always on hand, at A Faust. Mrs. Wm Thiel and Misr Ellen Prang visited friends' in London, on Saturday. Messrs Samuel Geiger and Dan- iel E'))lenbaum of Michigan visited relatives in town, this.!week. I have a place 2or,3400,00 en farm mortgage at 5 pct cont inter. est;. Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich. Mr. Jacob Itogier.,•of the Goshen Line, is laid ul) thiEs- week and as under medical treatment. Mr. Ben Charrett, of the Sa.uble Line killed his dog a few days ago. as it. ::bowed unmistat.icable) signs .,f rabies. rhe Sunday •ovening service in the Lutheran ohurgh will he con duetted in English and a curdial invitation is extended to all, Misses Kate and Lena Cl uu'ius of near 13]yth, are vt'sztin{g then uncle. Mr George Cnsius and other friends, this yceef'; Owing to the scarcity of dwell- ings Mr. C. IIartleib i4fittinnr up part of the upstairs of 'hie bloc,: into living rooms. The roade aro in a po s11.. a 111 at present, although noel work )1=1s been done b;(' ploughing tind other- wise. The snow is still six feet deep in some places. The reconnt of the 14,al option' ballots in the Township h Tneker- sinith has increased eh-emajnrity, in to ver of loea.i Opti n e -n three �e et ito fear. 1 'eft I,rntheran Chords-Tlie evening cervico in St. Peter's Lutheran e enrch will be conducted in Eng- lish. The subject of meditation will be Christ's suffering in Geth.• enernane. All are cordially in- vited to attend. Mr. C. (reb was unable to make ! a u14ipment of the hark from the loc,;l tannery. owing to the quality. ' It appears that the water got into the pile and injured it. It will make good fuel however and will likely be sold for that purpose. A eembination spring auction sale will lac 'held here on Saturday March with., full particulars of which will appear later. Parties I having stock or other articles to} Milton isserionsly ill with diabetes. s. } diepose of should hand in their! Good frame house, good frame !list to Mr. "Fred V. iter, or to E. t stable„ and lot containing' over an acre for sale Price r 10':(0,0c1. Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich. Tho hoekey match at Stratford Come and get one of f) s. 1' •i ,,t nn tifonday evening 'between Lon- $1 0() dress shirts for iso cents while don and Goderielh, to break 'the they last. Display i11 the window. tie, was won by London, 5-2. A meeting of all those interested This nuts the Sailors down and in baseball will be held in C. Ont. The tusele between these Fritz' shop tlhis (Friday) evening at two seams has been watched with 8 o'clock sharp. All the boys are a. g;rr,it dost.] of interest by hockey requested to attend,., as oftie,srs for on tirt:niasts all over (?.:tario. IMO will be (goofed, A petition line been circulated London beat (rdlingtro el in the and lar„e_Iv nieen.e1 by t'iose receiv- ing their mail at Hay 1'. 0 , asking that the government arrange the mail route so that they r()ceive the 4BACW,9 i9 bi S9 a :i ii. tit d 'f !i '`F'a'ds a DRESS 0000: We have placed an immense Stock of the latest Dress .Goods. We invite you to visit this Store before you purchase. The leading shades in dress goods—shepherd ;heck, tan, reseda, tollpe, navy, brew,), myr- tle, red, and black. AS =Xi AR 11 mss . (eizta NEW PRINTS Etc. The best patterns ever rit shown in Zurich. New striped Mulls at 12c a yard, in colors..tan, rose, cream, mauve, grey and black. Latest N'ovelty..Louisiile, ill blue and char New Art Muslius New Embroideries New Allover Laces in white, ecru and. black New lasses, mercerised torehou and Valenciennes Lunen Suitings The newest shades in linen for suits JLEW LINOLEUM'S —Swell designs. 2 and 1 yards wide NEW WALL PAPERS for Spring DIRECTOIRE CORSETS 20 inches is length. The now corset • for the new princess dresses MADRAS CURTAINS—a full range of these new nhuslins BROCADE LININGS in black, cream enol grey BED SPREADS—White spreads $1.25, $1.50, $2.50 and $). '5 Lien's Waterproof Coats A new line of men's rubber coats in olive green, guaranteed to turn ~rate:.'. Men's Cra'renette waterproof Coats. All Farm. Produce taken in exchange PHONE 17 s., W F� D ' zt:RICu D. S. Faust has potatoes for sale. Mr. Robert Armstrong's son, Toiler at Tine HERi.r) affcce, not later thnn Tuesday 15th. Ci nale of the 0, II. A ser zee, on Wednesday evening, at London by (]---4. The return game will he played at Cyo]linrwood this (Friday) saute evening, snail tirriving at evening. Easter Station on the evening It is mighty mean to patr.:nize a. train. At present mail Contin; merchant who will trust you until here at night is net taken to Hay von get so far in debt to ham that P. 0. until the following morning, you are ashamed to see him. and which is very inconvenient. then go and spend your cash some- where else where. you eouid not the time extended for beginning get credit; hut there are people' settlement duties on bind claimed who do it. Tho lx)norabl© way under South African sorip. Asa would be to spend your cash with ninety per cent of this scrip is its the )nerchant ho trusted you, the hands of speculators It Boerne even if seta neverwexpected to pretty likely that the extention square up the old account, originates with leen who want to A lady inexperienced in news cultivate the real estaste market paper methods asked the editor rather than with veterans who how ]nisch he would charge for want to till the soil. inserting a note regarding a visit ing friend. The editor charges nothing whatever for such notices ; he is glad to receive theist any time without money and without, price. If you pay an important visit ; if friends from a distance at large comes or goes; and their is no good reason why the fact should ASSISTANT MATRON. AND NURSE W ANT1i), A1)plida.tions for the position of second assistant matron and nurse for the Huron County house of refuge, will bo received at once, not be published—tell us about it bee John Torrence, Inspector, Olin- Such things aro of importance far ton P. 0. Applicant( will .be re« beyond their apparent valne, ser. quire(, to fnrnish references. wing at all titres as pleasing re - I ersonal applications perform'. znemisra,nces of friends far or near A liberal salary will be paid. and becoming pot infrequently By order of committee,„ • links in the elinin of association Jas, WatS0n. whioh binds scattered families Dated, March 2, 1010. C'hairitian, together, M.r..1oeeph Dawson's sale taI;es i place to nay (Friday) u'hd Mr. �rillitlni l)owson's, on Monday. Cholera Medicines a sure sere cure f cholera and internal i pains, at D. S. Faust. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Roit'bert and Miss Mary Reichert. from. Hillsgreen, spent last Sunday at the ,rano of Mr T Ot;b Gellman, Dr. Oven'e or-;een. ()enlist specialist will he at ,loyal Hotel, Hensall. r(n Friday, March 4th Hours all day. (,lasses proporiv fitted, (:ntar•h. deafness, fell- ing eyesight and throat troubles treated. It is a fart, Hint there are always some smart sleeks who, no matter where they are or where go. they always try to make it• nnpleannnt for others. If they are on tate road yon mast listen to their filthy remarks, if at ehni•eh or in n niece of a.tnusement, than yon mnst put lip with the annoyance of their brilliant th( ,;-hts delivered in a. stage whisper. In society their nit land puns mast be endure:,. We imagine that. our readers hf.'o met nil this genie and with aid will say they are about as greet nuisances as the Creator saver clothed in flesh and endowed with the spark called life. GOING TO (IAffT—i ” r,. c'. Flemninir is regretfully set•+•rang his connection with the Huron County Y. M. 0. A. and with the people of Clinton. having accepted an ap- pointment to the stall' of touchers of the Galt Collegiate Institute, where he began duty 14]Strcih lc1t. The Y. M. 0 A, of Huron County will indeed be sorry to hear of this, but the church people at large have not gond into the important work, hence the interest is nut be- ing ,rept up and it would only be a matter of time when Mr, Fleming would have to look elsewhere for a position, Mr, Fleming has done good work and all will wish him success in his new field of Leber,— Clinton Now Era,