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The Herald, 1910-02-25, Page 6
Boys and girls thrive en its Shredded Wheat fortifies them against winter ills—builds shady, robust youngsters. Simply beat biscuit in oven, pour hot milk over it and salt to taste. Best for every meal. Sold by all grocers, 13c. a carton, two for 25e. �9 INC! LICE F RCE. Re -organization Completed and in Working Order. Policing of Unorganized Parts 'of New Ontario. Officers to Prevent Influx of Un- - desirables at Entry Ports.. • Toronto despatch— From the far west ern boundary of the Province to the or- ganized districts of older Ontario the reorganized Provincial Police Force now wields the rod of authority. The work of fashioning the force into an efficient organization has taken time, but it is hoped the desired result has at last been arrived at. With the exception of one or two appointments that have yet to be finally decided upon, the plan for the policing of the unorgan- ized districts and entry points of the Province has been completed. From Kenos down along the railway, line to Muskoka, at intervals of twenty - fife to fifty miles, men have been stationed, and their territory is so dis- tributed that a complete chain of police supervision is established. Although they have the same prob- lem of policing stretches of unorganized territory as the Northwest Mounted. Po- lice, the conditions confronting the Pro- vincial Police Department in their work of reorganization have been of some- what different character. The population of New Ontario is found almost entirely along the lines of railway, and the Pro- vineial police in covering the ground will improve on the horseback method of the Northwest Mounted Poli, y utiliz- ing the train. In this manner �ileh: man, although given a large stretch `6f :terri- tory to look after, can exercise an effi- cient supervision. Chief of Provincial Police Rogers in working out the scheme of reor- ganization has found a general mis- understanding existing concerning, the scope of operations of the new force. The impression has gone abroad that the force is intended to cover the whole Province, although it has never been the intention to have it cover more than the unorganized dis- tricts of the Province and the front- ier ports. The counties have the power to appoint a High Constable -who shall have charge of county consta- bles, and machinery is provided for the following up of offenoes against the law. The new force consists of about forty- five men. They will receive salaries of from $70 to $1,000. Each maxi, under the new rules, is required to make a daily report and these are sent ilk to head- quarters at the Parliament buildings ev- ery week. About twelve of the best men on the force have been allotted to "frontier duty." Their ohief care is to prevent the influx of undesirables, and al- though they have only been at work for a short time, they have already shown that there is important work for them to do. Three men have been stationed at Niagara Falls and one each at Fort Erie, Bridgeburg, Queens. ton, Sarnia, Windsor and Fort William. Some of the men at entry points in New Ontario will also keep a close watch for undesirables. Chief Caldbeck, of Cobalt, will have charge of the whole northern division. He will spend the most of his time, however, in the mining districts, mak- ing one or two trips over the western section yearly. Eight men will be sta- tioned at different points through the mining districts, having theiir headquar- ters at Latchford, Cobalt, Charlton, Oowganda, Elk Lake, Matheson, Porcu- pine and Cochrane. In the west the first man will be sta- tioned. at Kenora. His territory -will run along the railway line from the :Manitoba boundary ou the west to Dry- den on the east. The next beat is from Drt den to Niblock, with headquarters at lgnace. The others follow: Niblock to \''ipegon, headquarters at Fort Wil- liam, Nipegon to Heron Bay, headquar- ters at Schrieber; Heron Bay to Missi- nabie, headquarters White River; Mis- sinabie to Bisko, headquarters, Chap- .eau; Bisko to Warren, headquarters, Sudbury. An officer at North Bay goes west to Warren, north on the T. & N. O. to Trout Lake, east to Mattawan and south to Powassan. The officer at Webb - wood goes east to Sudbury and west to Spanish River, while the Hain at Blind River covers the ground. between Spanish River and Bruce. An officer at Sault Ste. Marie goes east to Bruce along the Algoma Central and also watches the frontier. There are three men on Manitoulin Island. One at Gore Bay looks after the western part of the Island while one at Manitowaning and another at Little Current looks after the east. On the Sudbury to Toronto line the men are distributed' as follows: Sudbury to Point Au Baril, headquarters, Byng Inlet; Point Au Baril to Scotia Junc- tion, headquarters, Parry Sound; Par- ry Sound to Washago, headquarters, :Balla; Powassan to Gravenhurst, head- quarters, Bracebridge. On the Cana- dian Northern the officer at Rainy River goes east to Ero and north to the. Lake of the Woods. The officer at Fort Frances covers the ground as far as Autikokan, while the Port Arthur oficer goes west to Atikokan and north to Superior Junction. �✓ cos in rief (,9 ot0000000000ao.O Toronto policemen will have an ex- tra day off in every month. er, Havana, died of pneumonia, aged Gu 73 years. Bock, the cigar manufactur- stave Tho Mackay companies have decided to sell their holdings of American Tele- phone and Telegraph stock. At Oigocile Hall it was decided that a master was justified in dismissing a servant for lewd conversation. Mr. P. H. Roy, ex -President of the de- funct Bank of St. Jean, is critically ill at the St. Vincent cle Paul Penitentiary. A 'merger of the fresh fish firms of Nova Scotia has been formed, and an effort..vvill be made to secure the Can- adian market for fish. Capt. Howard, of St. Tohn, N. B., was martied at New York to a lady whom he found two years ago lashed to a mast `off Cape Race. A detachment of French troops were ambushed on Jan. 4th by the Sultan of Massae near Abeslir Wadai, Senegal, and Buffered severs losses. The financial statement of the Ottawa civic electrio plant for 1909 shows a net profit of $23,643, an increase of $5,000 over the preceding year. The Yollowhead Coal Company, which is composed of Toronto capitalists, is seeking incorporation for a road to tap their rich field in the Yellowhead coun- try.. e The,.'stock in the Kingston Standard Publishing Company held by G. Y. Chown and W. E. Niekle, M. P. P., has been purchased by W. R. Givens, man- aging :,dieeetor, and editor of the paper. BOOMING WINDSOR. Windsor, nOt., Feb. 21. --At a joint meeting of committees of the City Coun- ciland the Board of Trade it was de- cided to buy a tract of 75 or 100 acres of land on the southerly outskirts of the city, to be used as a part of the scheme to induce new industries to locate here. The city is authorized by l special legislation to spend $20,000 for this purpose. In connection with this the committee also discussed the plan of buying the Grand Trunk property at the foot of Church street, to be converted into a city dock. Unto! men Suffer Tortres Silence Father' O'Hanlan, curate at Smith's Falls, has been appointed to the parish of Beafoxd: Rev. rather Crawley, of Treyelyan, has been appointed to Rail- ton, both appointments being made 1-y Archbishop Gauthier. The Secretary of Cornell University has wired Pro& Goldwin Smith at To- ronto congratulating him on his improv- ed health, and has -received from the distinguished 'publicist a message ex- pressing his appreciation. Brantford theatorium managers made a strong effort to have the license fee of $300 per annum reduced to $150 in the City Council. Brantford, it is stated, has the highest fce'in the province. The Council refused to make a reduction. Police Magistrate Burger, of Welland, fined Angelo Santon° one hundred dol- lars and ceets for selling liquor without a license, t"hief of Pollee Tones laid the . eomjea, eneiderable: illicit liq- nor-sellir<g hos lawen carried on here. The failure of seven grain firms in the Provinces of Schleswig-Holstein and Hanover was announced ih the Ham- burg produce exohange on Tuesday. The failures, were due' in part to specula- tive engagements in soda nitrate and partly to short selling of barley. They Can Be Relieved by Keeping the Blood Supply Rich end Pure With Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. A woman needs a blood -building medi- cine regularly just because she is a wo- man. Bron maturity to middle life the health and happiness of every woman depends upon her blood, its richness and its regularity. If her blood supply is irregular she suffers from headaches, backaches, sideaehes, and other un- speakable distress which only women' have grown to expect this suffering at regular intervals and to bear it in hope- less silence. But women would escape much of this misery if they took a box or two of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to help them over each critical period. These Pills actually make new blood. They help a woman just when nature makes the greatest demand upon her blood supply. They have done this for thousands of women throughout Can- ada, why not for you? Mrs. Joseph Kinney Gilbert's Cove, N.S., says; "For ten years I Suffer- ed from uervousuess and those trou- bles that make the lives of so many women one of almost mutant misery at times I would be confined to my bed for weeks. I spent sleepless nights and seemed to lose all cour- age. I tried several doctors but they failed to give me any relief. The last doctor I consulted told me frankly that he could not undertake my case unless I would undergo an examina- tion. It was then I decided to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial. Af- ter taking six boxes I was much im- proved in health, but I continued to take the Pills for a couple of months more when I felt like a new woman, and was enjoying such health as I had net experienced for ten years be- fore. I have had no return of this trou- ble since, but I have used the Pills once since that time for the after effects of la grippe, and the result was all I hop- ed for. These are plain facts from my own experience, and I have always felt that I cannot too strongly recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to the many women who suffer as I did." You can . get this great blood build- ine', health restoring medicine from r t: i:ealer in medicines or direct by mail at 50 omits a box, or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. At a meeting of representatives of the W. C. T. U. and the different churches of Guelph, a resolution was passed in favor of a Temperance and Moral Re- form Citizens' League for that city, and for organization purposes a public meet- ing will ha called in the near future. The Daily ()uterio Belleville has changed management. Messrs. T. S. & S. R. Carman, who have conducted the paper for many years, announce that they havo retired, but the names of the new managers are not yet made public. The Ontario is a Liberal paper and was established in 1870. At St. John, N. B., the case against R. D. Isaacs, manager of the D'Israeli Asbestos Company, on a charge of ob•• taining $350 from Thomas Green, a Ring's County fa':mer, by false pre- tences in the sale of stock, was amicably settled. It was shown that a clerical er- ror had been made in issuing the stock certificate. The Rev, Oliver Stocking, pastor of the Emanuel Methodist Episcopal Church of Roxborough, a suburb of Philadelphia, was found dead in the bath tub of his home with his throat cut. A razor was found on the floor of the room, and it is believed the clergy- man committed suicide while temporar- ily insane. 447 }A fi'No .407/2 +a'f� VERY single telephone weput out is as perfect as ts�m * the pattern instrument from which it is made— the original instrument that cost $10,000 and years of time from the best electrical engineers in the country, THAT'S our newly designed No. 1317 Type Telephone Set we're • talking about—the beat rural and farm 'phone shade anywhere, • 1; is• ten to these details of it. Thetrans- snitter is standard long-distance type ; the receiver entirely ptecludes your hearing local noises while using it; the generator will ring snore 'phones ou a longer line than any other 5 bar generator in use to -day; our new 38 type ringer operates ou fromeus-quarter to one-third the TEt tiidl ; �1T 1 a AND Oi AStintstr liiffe CO, Mina Manufacturers and suppliers of an apparatus and equipment used in the construction, operation and maintenance of Telephone and Power Plants. Write to your nearest office.' r } MONTREAL TORONTO l{� Car. Notre Dame & Guy Sts. REGINA 6 Front St. W , 6 VANCOUVER WINNIPEG 016 Pander M. W. CALGARY 503 floury Ave, tIi' 5s F M 212 current ordinarily required; our ex. tra large brass.gongs snake half es sntxch noise again as gongs on other sets; the switch hookmakes all con- tacts on the best grade of platinum points, But there's more to know—snore that wehaven't space to tell here. Send for our Free Rook, Bulletin No, „3133and let it telt you the whole.,ptory In detail. It also tells • all" 'about organizing a rural phone com- pany, Send to -day, AFI EL ;9.9t yy 3 ROYAL T EMPLA ' S. Nearly Wiped Out Deficit During • Past Year. Toronto despatch: The Grand. Council for Ontario of the Royal Templars of Temperance, which began its 26th an- nual session in the Temple building yes- terday morning. with Grand Councillor Rev. W. Y. Fletcher, of Drayton, in the chair, while not able to report any ad- vanee in membership during the year, was cheered with the gratifying news that the deficit in tile general fund, which had been accumulating fur some years, had been reduced from $1,305.14 to 4450.31. The number added by initiation and reinstatement, as reported by the Grand Secretary, W. M. McMillan, of Hamilton, was 703, 57 Councils having added new members, but only 31 of these made net increases. The loss in membership for the Province through suspensions and resignations totalled 970, chiefly eharge- able to' three or four districts. The state of the Sick and Funeral Benefit Department is very satisfac- , tory in every respect. The record of pay - BITTEN BY DOG. Suit Against Hendrie Company for Damages. St. Catharines, Ont., despatch: Herbert Cole, of Louth township, appeared in .01 - vision Court before Judge Carman yes- terday in an action to' recover sixty dol- lars damages entered by A. F. May, for medical attendance for 30 days, owing to having been bitten by plaintiff's dog, afterwards destroyed. Judgment was giver in favor of the plaintiff for $50. Swayze Bros., of this city, had an ac- tion in Division Court yesterday against the Hendrie Cartage Company for $75 damages to a mangle, which fell while being loaded upon one of liendrie's wa- gons. The company claimed that they were not required to load articles for shipment, and therefore incurred no risk, His Honor reserved judgment, but Wm - wonted upon the need of a city by-law to compel cartage companies to load frieght upon their wagons. meets to date for sick benefits is 838,- 173.05 in 3,178 claims, and for funeral benefits $5,835 in 125 claims. The sur- plus in this department is growing fast.. Six gold medal -winners in previous contests competed for a diamond medal awarded by the Council in the annual or- atorieal contest last night held in Jiond Street Congregational Church. Miss Ir- ma Adcock, of this city, carried off the prize with "The Old Man's Story,' a temperance tale. exceptionally well told. THEFT CASE. Prisoner Implicates One of the Partners of the Firm. London, Ont., despatch: Solomon King, bookkeeper for Klein & Schwarz, whole- sale cap manufacturers of Toronto, sprung a sensation in court this morning when he pleaded guilty to stealing 43 dozen caps from the firm, and implicated the senior partner by stating that Klein had shipped. goods to London, and told him to come here and sell them, and turn the money over to him. King said he understood Klein had taken the caps without Schwarz's knowledge. t 6G VIP As this very remarkable preparation is now called, is the greatest ConstItutiOjial Re a ever known for Brood Mares, sorts, Stall and all other horses; also Distemper among Dogs and Sheep. This connpound is made of the �l r, poisonous nients inaturenot orjuro s enters into its composition. Many persons are now taking SPOIIN'S for Le Grippe, Colds, Coughs, Kid- ney Trouble, etc., and it is always safe. It expels tho Disease Germs from the body ; acts directly on the Blood and Glands. SPOBIN'S is now sold by nearly every drug- gist and harness dealer in the land. and any can get it for you. Fifty cents and $1.00 a bottle, and $6.00 and $11.00 the dozen. t- wit. PRE V ap FORr/ � / rmss , 711:i: • y�r.,,.•1 fYe , Bpi..00tis lit Cxttarrhal Fcvec:'ye; X010aelo d inetlie;if' Phearentia Catosr f L -'tiaad C#IceCr /.� poi to i Rtee, 1 ha G reatbstol811e e'Itnic • Can be used successfuil all domestic 0.0.14ala.• y �SPd3HF1 N/L171fG&k. °4; Role Prowkiee x.4 ii&a:Altur 'Goshen, iadlatta „// F Record oY Annual Sales. 1st Year l,053 Bottles 2nd Year . 4,364 3rd Year 9,256 " 4th Year 19,150 5th Year 40,284 6th Year 72,380 7th Year 100,532 8th Year 124,500 9th Year 172,485 10th Year 221,760 11th >: r-a.r 237,620 12th Tear 378,962 13th Tear 508,720 14th Year ...548,260 15th Year 607,354 Send for our Booklet of twelve good recipes for family and stock medicines, FR15E, Distributors All Wholesale Druggists SxOffill Medical Coe Ci4EiIISTS AND GACfEMOL©IMSTS GO5 F. s iiN M TN ,, U. S. Am I 10 Sold EEr�� OCQQKpp ��pnpyy++ 1�.ND CHAIg1Q• 8 L ARIES AN , �Yli.1LS This beautiful Gold Finia'b Locket, mounted with precious stones, with this lovely ue. is chain is one of the latest ornaments. No dress is complete v :.:.out an ornament of this kind, SEND NO MONEY. head your name and address and we will send you 9 boxes of i». IViatarin'a Famous Vegetable PilIS, the most powerful Tonic and Blood Purifier known. Sell them at 25 cents a box, giving free to each purchaser one of the pins sent you with the Pills. This helps you to sell rapidly. As sooxx as the Pills are sold. send us the1,00 collected and we will send you this handsome LOCKET & CHAIN FREE, Write tc-day. ADDRESS Tho Dr. Maturin Medicine Co., Dept. 429 Toronto, Ont. '�i�s1 K•:x'ti1ti$ltbtvx'a INI' VNtf`x ,3; 'l1t"`iiL%5F''FOOfa'i�ti0: SHIP TO US YOUR Fa RH ur thrice to Our Sa peers @Mau Correct Se now evoul i mcfsalzo to ship goods to no and obtain the High Prioes vehIc i we are now paying. Write for price hast and misipping tag, which will be cheerfully furnished. Rotereonaes, Dominion Bank, iYisantrcel A. �Au� '• O 1 tbras t4` C Pets GOO and t07 ant. Pati. Street, Flolontroal '0M om'svv0111,04n4,1,