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The Herald, 1910-02-25, Page 5
FIRST CLASS TILE I have a large supply of the very best tile on hand, from 2e in, to six inch, If you need any call, write or telephone to John Foster, Zur- ich, Brick and Tile yards. 11 tf. ved! i §. '! a^ V th'caP �1�! 8OpAlkiST'GI( You will find this Establishment on , MAIN STREET directly West of Dominion House Ready to supply you with just a —little bit the Nicest— JEWELLERY for HOLIDAY GIFTS. Rings, Silver Thimbles, Fobs, Necklets, Watches Brooches, Bracelets, Veil Pins, Collar Pins" Everything in this Line. COME ALONG, We will try to PLEASE YOU. F. Y'.' • HESS JEWELLER G. R. HESS, Assistant. TE TAKE this opportu. �C9C pity of wishing our Customers a 'Happy g Iand Prosperous New Year, o :t and thank each and all for R. having made the past year ', our most prosperous year since we have been in busi- ness. We ask you again for your hearty support for 1910, and we will do our best to merit it, by giving you value for your money. �.. R.kr .WL9 t..! General Merchant, B L A K E. 1 DMmaDm9DODt®a OCSIDao¢=CncD®t1DmOVaN e Q aw a r MEAT A RKET SSrANL,EY TOWNSHIP The many frir,nde of ltr John Oitr)iphc'JI will regret to learn Unit be let at preseet in declining health and as a ctinse'gncnce is confined to his home. Mr, J. Spackman the well known cement contractor is at present ar- ranging for contracts which will form bis season's work. Mr Spnch man's cement outfit consists of a gasoline engine and steel mixer and;thet•e facts combined with tele mechanical. • Irnnwledge which 1)e has already"acquired enables his) to complete his,work with perfect tion and accuracy. The great bridge which spans the Bayfield river at Bayfield , and which. has recently been construct ed is rapidly developing into a great commercial highway and traffic between Goderlch and Stanley Townships can now be conducted with • comparatively little difficulty W. J Stinson the well known cattle dealer has at present in his possession a fine Herd of cattle which in the eyes of competent judges would be considered veLluab- le animals. Mr. Stinson has for many years past made a practice of buying feeding., and shipping large numbers of these animals and has no doubt reaped considerable pro- fit therefrom. E keep in stock a full line o fresh meats, halos, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesolnefecs. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our oW11 sausages. Give us a call. Y U Oi. U T DEIC E T. rea Most of the dogs in this northern part of Stanley ownship are found wearing muzzles. This is a, rather severe form of treatment to which the canines have been subjected. but it will no doubt materially as- sist in protecting the public in general from injury by dogs, INCREASING THE CROP, Every farmer knows that if bo plows up a clover meadow he in• creases the fertility of tliat ilc�id. One of the reasons for this is that the clover contains a large store of the valuable fertilizing element, nitrogen, and as the clover plants deceit, in the soil this nitrogen becomes available for the 'use of the succeeding crops Tho farmer may have noticed as he turned up i iii) root $t el' the eat v, W trees, filen' wore scattered ei.long the roots, especially on the finer ,rootlets, little whitish nodules or bunches. If he had cut one of these little nodules in two with a sharp knife he would have seers that the inside was pinikista white, and if he hacl a powerful mieroseope at hand be would find on exarninine this pinkish • white substance that it was larger a mass of very tiny rods, some straight. some onrved, and some T or Y shaped, These rods are bacteria. These bacteria get into the fine roots when the seed germinates, grow and multiply there as the clover plants grow, and as they grow they draw upon the nitrogen 'of the air in the soil and store this nitrogen up in the clover plant, Hence. the clover plant by the aid of these bacteria is able to grow, and tto store up more nitrogen than it needs and which it can supply to succeeding crops Without the bacteria, the clover plant rustyget all its nitrogen from the Boil in:t'tead of getting niuoh of it from the air, arc) hence when the clover is plowed under there • is no actual increase in the fertility of the soil. In feet, clovers make the best growth when there aro plenty of bacteria present i the soil, as shown by the presejce of lots of nodules on the plan's roots This is explained more fully in bulletins Nos. 164 and 169 of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, Tor- onto, which may be obtained by addressing that department These bacteria ca. bo grown under artificial condiilons in bac- teriological laboratoie, and cul- tures of them may be applied to the seed when it is sown, thus furnishing plenty of the ar)propri ate bacteria to get into the newly formed roots and form the neces- sary nodules When there is fail are to get a good stand of clovers, or when the crop does not thrive, it indicates usually that the neees• sary bacteria are not present in the soil, and in .such oases the treatment of the seed in future seedings, as menti ned• Above, us- ually aids irr tetfftiertir better crop. Further. the rite of -such cultures is usually tsdvisable when seed of any clover is sown on new land or on a field that bas not pre- viously grown that crop. Each year since 1905 the Bacte- riological Laboratory of the Ont- ario Agricultural College at Guelph, has sent out Bitch cultures to all farmers who applied. Each year, Owing to impaired health Mr. James Delgatty who has been Prin- cipal of the Zurich public school since the new year has tendered his resignation which has already taken effect We wonder why the Drysdale corresponpent of "THTC HERALD" tails to write any news. Wake up John and dont think too much about the "willows" Easter holi days will soon be here and then everything will be alright. Clubbing rates An attack of the grip is .often followed by a persistent cough, which to many proves a great annoyance. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been extensively used an'i with good success for the re- lief and cure of this cough. Many oases have been cured after all other remedies failed. Sold by J. J. Merner. ffer the following low clubbing, ubbin to rates with Tem HentanD ; $ :25 Daily Globe Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe . 1.60 „ Mail '& Empire 1.60 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Advertiser , 2.75 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun 1.75 Fariner's Advocate 2.25 o f t•.1ERE IS BUT ONI e t.urr •; farmer shoald know that the -lee offered by the dealers for tattle, .•y. eta., is a fair one. How ea.n he ,,oiy this if he does nob take rL farm ,.un, • posher.? 'what doctor er law. .-r ;,;r business man would be without •,,,t. •ir',Mess paper? There is but enc l,Lrtne't y business and market paper, that k 1'h,' Weekly Sun. aStart:1910,rig1Lt by, subset.biri'g: HELI SALL, The funeral of the late Alvin McLean on Thursdsy last was largely attended. Miss Margaret Bonthron is visit- ing, friends in Barrie. Joseph Ellis still continues very poorly. Oliver Geiger of the Molsons bank, Waterloo, whose home is in Hensel), was married to Miss Frances Longhurst, on Wednesday lust. Dr. kidney Weismiller., eon of D. Weismiller, formerly of this town was married on Monday 'last. in Toronto, to Mies Hertel of •that city. Hensel) bent Ailsa Craig on Thursday evening last, in a. fast game of hockey. The score was 9-4, q,..: ee . Store I have bought the in concluded by the late 5 " ., ; i ', i i. prepared to supply yo u• 'i' U !“' •r,,,,." goods at fair prices, Give :He a i,siai or Telephone 11,0 for proio'pE P 1• O K E TAKE fiASCH ° Sy t sit Dae.t.ro1DaILMoD®aDCESDaDCIEESDaDCEILIDaDC=DaD®ao0.-riSPDa:,;nn DRYSDALE A number of our young folks Me gat Scotohmers Sr., Bronson Line TORONTO- last Friday evening, and all re- ported a pleasant time. Those who are pushing for an extension of time for the veterans who desire to take up their claim, are, we uuderstant, receiving some encouragement in their request. There is no good reason, however, why the government should extend the time one iota Every veteran has had sufficient time or will have b thed f the present year to Quite a number of our young people attended the social hop in the town hail in Bayfield given by the (Very best club) last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stevens of the Bronson Line, visited at the home of Mr- Angus Murray, on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. MeKewen. of Welland are visiting friends &tno relatives. We are pleased to see them looking hale and heartv fter a two years absence. Theti a have also been visiting friends in Detroit, Chatham and Landon. Mr. R. J. Talbot has been bnsv drawing hay this winter. Bob says the roads are heavy and says he appreciates his neighbcrs' help. i A few minutes delay in treating some cases of croup, even the length of time it takes to go for a doctor often proves dangeroue.I The safest way is to keep Chamber JJ lain's Cough Remedy in the house and at the first indication of croup give the child a dose. Pleasant to take and always cures. Sold by J J'. Merner. Something of the degradation that grows ont of drinking is to be learned from a press statement of the probably fatal termination of a drinking fete performed at Pitts burg by a young than name 1 William Thaw, who succeeded .n drinking 68 brandy -and -sodas at one sitting. It is stated that his mother, who two years ago tried recipients of the- cultures htt"vo i to have hiss declared a habitual been asked to report as to whether drunkard, is once more conferring the treatment of the seed hall re- j w ith her attorneys regarding- ;til salted in ham fit C i :tint, .slits. nt ' ter t:,)LL age]L':•t tL ,. ung ratan T ' e these rc-pt;rt i.l t +I i. f;i 1'c,r ('tint. Allegheny, Country tr t.1ii !, 1 ilt- i . , t� stated that tlae ct ltru es hail aided ; fashiouable Organizat;on in in securing a better stains) L: nil in ! burg, was the scene of Ihi:s l rtt i�t. ereti 'cl growth of file er'ti?. The mesa tit. Thaw appears, to It�tt'-!' ()nliego is prep;erit,'„ to send out !resented au insinuation thtet itt' i cultures of thew; nitrogen gather- I could not drink 2+.l brandies -and. ing bacteria chime. the coming I sodas at ane sitting. and he start t tx sin•itig for the inoculation of the ; ]n to pass the ivark. f ::0- After following seeds; Alfalfa, red or lee he c':1i::pe.ed mammoth. clover, alsike clover, - �• ' white clover, crimson clover, vet- ? PROFITS cher peas. beans. sweet peas. Eaoh h i IVE e r i. .t r a 4 ll i:�v' n t C kind of Geed requires a" different f5 .^t o 1 'A& /!tin o , i , 'S i.tv ec culture. The cultures are sent by ; �� t , , r ii•r (+` t'..' t r t etI r t mail with full instruction;: for ! rM t 1 i s c•ciCL C 1.11 their use. There is only one size! , c, ftc t; ,t "� package prepared, that being suffi- I •T,: fi ; .: 1 tient to inoculate sixty pounds of ! c ti ,na i, �.,,• , 1 . cirr�e`. 7 r, spiral for tiered. at the hone of Mr COLLEGE 87'•, edren T That Every Sick Chihli HERE' an Ontario Whose Pa - ants Cannot Afford to Pay for Treat- ment is Treated Pres. The Hospital for Sick Children had lest year in its cote and beds 1,155 patients - 383 of these were from 267 places in the Province. Sixty- five per cent. were chitdren of p o,o r people who could nob afford to pay. Since its organiza- tion the Institution TWO OLL'B rrOOT CASES has treated 15,61;1 IN PLASTER. children ; 11,550 of these unable to pay and wet° Treated free. If you know of any child in your neighborhood w ho is sick or has any deformity send the name of that parent to the Secretary.. The hospital for Sick Children isnot a local but a great Provincial Charity for the sick child of the poor man in any OOINu irons INA WEER part of Ontario has sa tie claim upon its ILein as the child wholivoa within the shadow o f its walls it Toronto. There were 60 .•:e• ate) ut Club P'eot treated i r. MASSAGING A rATIENr•. the 1ic•spi• tal last year and 67 hal p•'rfect correction. seed. There is a nominal a t• c; prat; :•e.: ,L: fl of ?.c) rants fol. • ,,-3a. liiic•lza�*n . r .y eta o •• culture to cont prepare prepare to take tip his free hind, lie: n re Post cover enema, of , r t• t. i, if he so desires. An extenticn I;t . br;ctr - it time would be of rho i reete8t i,rl 1 is J• ; to :tont) ir: vantage to the man who has turfstrre'.r asp at, rear r;.* ut, lit'`a bought veteran some, and he is the one who is pushing for the extention. It is reported, though we cannot youth for the statement, that several members of parlia- ment have purchased largely of this veteran scrip, and that it is to help these fellows out that tho extension of time will be granted by the government. Even if this is so, it furnisbes no adequate reason for granting the extension. To repeat what we have asserted before—no extension of time should be granted under any con. clition. If the government is being forced to do so, limit the extension to veterans only, and compel speculators and others who have bought up veteran sorip to per- form the settlement duties required within the time specified in the Act. Born RAtl--At the Sauble Line, Stauloy, on the 22nd inst., to i\fr. and Mrs, Henry Ran, n, eon. • Drteraio1Y—At the Blind Line, Bette on the 18th irisi; to Mr. and alre, 4i.n, ,t Di'triob, a dangl.]'er" they may be st'u:' '.i getting; ilie culture in ample tine for seeding Applications should state the kind and amount of seed to be treated, and should be addressed with en- closed postal note, stamps, or money order to, Professor S. F. Eclwards, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Canada. EXETER. 0. Becker, of New visited Dz . Browning, days last week. Al MODonell has purchased the old Jas Pickard block. occupied by Hawkins & Son hardware. John Farmer of London called on friends here, list week., Mr. A. E. Buswell, who for some time has been employed with. Carling Bros,, has tenderest his resignation to .take effect in the near future. I3e will leave for the west where he intends entering into the mercantile business. Ern is President of the Janes Street ttpworth League and is 0. steady young Baan of sterling character, Hamburg for a few Ff' ii IIE.D'ORE AF'T'ER Just think of it—Your looney can help the Hospital to do the good work of straightening the crooked limbs and club feet of little children. Please help us. • Please Send Contributions to J. Rocs 3 obertson, chairman, or to Douglas Davidson, Sec. -'Frear., The Hospital for Sick C1,i1oirair"C":'r, otit„'Xa.'c7n'teo. Tr. pf yaLl found m purse year ftrs£, imasd ao would be to look In the " Lost and Fouad," • columnsto9, our paper!, ,If you have tont a ours n't you think the TIndcr-vvould ni© the! pf you wieh"to flied the finder mai) our Glasisl•TLad Want Acts, �Y Y SM1 a /'tIft,.t „mow',S i r" illi l !3' Y,E td