The Herald, 1910-02-25, Page 4D WED EMISED 4:3 GidlEttno3213D CORD 0 The M C(D CI DCei X3 I5t Incorporated 1855 C.NFor$3,500,000 RTA ^ FL' m�D- - $3,500,000 ro Has 65 Bianeb in Canada, Agents said Correspondents in all. tPipal Citsinthe World. es A GENE`l.AL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. ce SAVINGS BANK DE ART ENT 1 at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. cr iZurich Branch - J. A. CONSTANTINE, Agent 1 i7 DOZEEPGDew,YatrSIDC✓ ©DSIEEEDEtODDCEEStif3 EDOMMID es LEGAL CARDS. I. J. D. COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO - !leiter, Notary Public, Hensali • Ontaiic . Fit Zurich (Zeller's omee) every Mon- lay. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, .BAR-. ristera, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoot. K.C. R. 0. Hays. G. F. Blair. MEDICAL. R. T. P. 11icLAUGHLIN, for• merly with Drs. Jansen, Halle and Biers, of Berlin, Ger- many ; also assistant surgeon at Moorefields' (Royal London Opthal- xnic) eye Hospital and Golden Square ; Nose and Throat IInepital, London England, etc. General practice, with special attention to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested (retinoscope used) and glasses supplied. OFFICE DASHWOOD, ONT. BUSINESS CARDS. S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms -easonable. Orders left at this oa'ree ,rill be promptly attended to. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSUP.A.N- co agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monareb, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. THE. E J I L gra. PUBLISHED BY E ZELLER +,n FRIDAY, FEB. 25th, 1910 The proposition to have the as- sessment act amended so as to al. low any municipality to adopt by majority vote a higher rate of taxa- tion on land than on buildings, will come before the present ses sion of the Legislature shortly and as seven or eight of the municipali- ties in this County, including this Township, have sent in petitions favoring the change, it is hoped that the Provincial legislators will pass the measure. The present method of taxing property really puts a fine on the man who im- proves his holdings, while the speculator in vacant lots and un- improved farms reaps the benefit of his neighbor's industry. This is unfair to the thrifty individual and the change, we believe would benefit every mnnicipalityadoptin_r it. The act if passed, is not a, man- date, but is in the nature of "local option." as to the method of rais ing the municipal taxes. CDR. P. A. ST+.f,LERY, DENTIST, GRA - Sante of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speeiality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. De e d s, Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. Oinee— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. FOR SALE• ONTARIO'S INSANE. U. ented no temptation to his new �'" associate No, if Keith felt any. PIl1 CRY Or THE Twonta:RDS thing brit pleasure in his sn rntind- ings he was ton well bred to show it ; and if he indulged his taste for -Charming! exclaimed Justin." stimulants at all daring his stay at I wish we were to return with you, this home is was without the Mama and I. As it is I assure you knowledge of any of its inmates. it will. not be long are I shall make When they partedcompany it waH the acquaintance of the land !. with genuine regret and mutual love Meanwhile favor me by desires for a speedy reunion, As sharing our.. hospitality until the Mrs Droutly hissed Kate and her time of your departure. I assure slaughter good-bye, "we will meet you it will delight mama and give again shortly in Arnnrioa," she roe such a pleasure as 1 sccldoiii Said. and Justin t:e]iotaal her minis know. Sale yes, please, without as he waved bis friends out of delay ; end 'Keith did not refuse sight Six months had passed Smit, a week as followed 1 Beside since Keith Weswick returned to Keith there was this beautiful his native land He had been well woman, the Kate of mother's early cored, flattered, feted ; one Years, and a lovely maiden of fashionable reception after another fifteen, the first of his own rank had been held in his honor. The that Justin bad ever met familiar season wag q about ended. and he ly and in his own home" "I beg had not as yet seen anything of your pardon, continued Justin," his old time friend. Eleanor Myers but I omitted one whom I should Not that he oared for that ; the have inclined in the number, an young lady had scarcely entered abstainer also, archly. "Mr his thoughts He had, indeed, Fessenden of Philadelphia, who met her mother and father and with his wife an old friend of my sister ; the latter no longer Miss mother's visited us once when I Daphne Myers, sett Mrs. Frederic. was a little boy I liked him be Laughtburg. He had inquired as cense he took clic on his knee and in duty bound, after his termer. caressed me as I thought my playmate ; had listened at least in father thight have done bad he appearance, to her mother's ex - lived. At diener my mother said ; pressions of reguet that she was I am so glad, )ona, that you will not in the city this winter but he not miss what' 1 no longer supply did not know or care, neither did to my guests, and be replied, you her mother wish him enlighted as and I must tt: ,agree with all the to the cause of her absence ; for world 'Mrs. Droutly, until the this self willed daughter of hers world agree:) with ns ; I never was teaching, actually teaching it snpply stimuiants to any guest of a distant seminary. That she was mine either, "I was very young, winning the golden opinion of the but the conversation impressed honored president of the institu- me, and that night as I was being tion did not in the least console made ready for bed I repeated her lady mother for this lack of what I had heard to my nurse and asked her what was meant She told me that Mr Fessenden was like my mother and uncle John and did not use wine as many people did. He is an American then? I said.; Yes, she answered And I sue ose his nativity was the explana on of his abstinence. How the in aressions of childhood cling to ns." "You speak of your uncle. May Z, inquire if you refer to Dr. John Droutly of N?" "He is my father's brother for whom I am named," assented Justin. Mr Weswick arose enthusiastically. "I think we will have to shake hands again," he said. You must be Maurice Droutly's son and, therefore a former neighbor ot mine. Of course you know noth- ing about it and. I only by hearsay. My mother was • your mother's friend and tells nie 1 used to covet tl prive e'Y • of holding you when I• 'ate, , .e. iit;ia sister.; 'She was thy p?tryuiate, anc1 thave still soave dim, recollection of her, young as she was when she died she was theperfect sweet Eva Fessenden, shy yet brave and pure and strong both mentally and spiritually, was a revelation to the youth, All the chivalry of his nature came to the front in the friendly intimacy that followed He divided his interest pretty between her and Keith, whose easy, ur embarrassed way of es- eor ting this fair lady won all his wondering adluiiration. This be assured. his Mother was a taste of real life,the precursor of coming delights Indeed the advent of these friends seemed a benediction to Helen as well as to her son. Ann's eyes shone as she watched her beloved mistress. "It's better than medicine for her, this little bit of the old life," she thought ; "enough of it would make herself once morn." Yot Helen was not without some solitude from this contact of her son with one so wholly of the fashionable world as was Keith Weswick. Her fear was soon allayed. The gentleman fell into the, simple ways of the household as if always accustomed to then., seemed to realize no lack at their board and certainly pres The report on hospitals for the insane is invariably late in making its appearance, that for the year 1908 having only just been issued. It shows that at the close ot that year, exclusive of insane patients in the Homewood Sanatorium at Guelph, there were in the hospitals for the insane of Ontario .5,491 patients, of whom 2,614 were males, and 2,877 females, e. net increase over the previous year of 177, The daily average num ber of patients during the year was 5,400, and the total admissions 1,124. The deaths totalled 351, There were discharged from the hospitals 406 patients -224 as re- covered, 151 as improved, 28 as unimproved, and 3 as not insane. Sixty-five insane persons were deported during the year, oigteen in the month of November alone, arrangements having been made by the Provincial Government agent at Liverpool for their re- ception at their respective homes upon their arrival. Of the eigh- teen, nine were acknowledged as being mentally defective before coming to Canada, end two others were acknowledged epileptics, their relatives having no hesitancy in stating that they were sent to this country for the purpose of getting rid of them. The average residence in the hospitals of the 65 insane deported was one year and two For Sale or rent—Frame building suitable for stable or warerooni. Apply to Louis Prang, Zurich. 50 acres, all good land, with good bank barn, frame house, all in good repair. The farm is well drained, plenty of good water and will be sold for $3000.00. Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich. For Sale Or Rent—House and lot in the Village of Blake Plentyand a half months. Itis estimated of day labor can be got in the that the peouniary advantages to vicinity. Apply to Walter Amess, , the province by the deportation of l3lake P. 0. cr E. Zeller, Zurich. insane persons amounts to $534,000, The farming operations at the LODGE MEETINGS S several institutions resulted in a revenue of $13,484 05, and the — -- value of produce taken off the Court Zurich No 1240 farms and consumed by the hospi• t , , 1.r , , . <<: ;= plaeed at $75,690 04, making Te sn r. t, ._'c'ae'.. „ t e. .. 1.. . , 'r. ;il. if troubled wi ftndigestion, ronittiputinil, tiO eppetite or fool 1)iltt►l►4, l;'1 'o ( fli.a►n►l►urll►in's Stern. noir and Inver Tablets aa, trial and you will la) pleased with the re- sult. 'Ilmso tablets tnYigorute the std)itleoh n.1111 liver 5011 strengthen the ditteeturii, Held by J. J. Mer. Syuopsls of Cauatclinn Northwest Land ltogo lotions, person who is the solo head of a family, or any male over. 18 years old, may homestead e charter -section of avail- able Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask• aatchowan or Alberta. The applicant must appear iu person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub•Ageucy for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at •any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader, Duties.—Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in eood standing 'ray pre-empt a quarter. sue - tion alongside his Homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties—Must reside six months in each of six years from date of Homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre- emption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre. ' �preciation of her blue blood.. Duties -Must reside six months in each of a 1three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect When before, in all the history of their family, had a feminine Fairfax ever degraded herself by work ! Happy or unhappily, the course of her fore mother's seemed never to have disturbed or even beating of the young lady's heart who had come home for a few night's vacation. as the gay season was drawing to a close, but just in time for Mrs. Weswick's grand reception. (To be continued) Ethel M. Williams, Pres. Supt. While it is often impossible to prevent an accident, it is never impossible to be prepared—it is not beyond any one's purse. Invest 25 cents in a bottle of Chamber- lain's Liniment and you are prepared for sprains. braises and like injuries. Sold. by J. J. Mermer, v) , _,; iii; value of $80.181 69. 0 -I'1^ V T Rickbeil Lodge o J o "V • No. 3 93, meets the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month, at 8 o'clock,' in their Ball, Merner Block. FRED. Wrrw it ,M . W MARKET REPORT.—`Che fol- lowing is the report of Zurich markets corrected up to Thursday, 13arley .. 52 to 52 Peas 85 Bran 23.00 Shorts .............. 24 00 24.00 Oats ;37 37 Wheat 1,05 1 F:.:'i Hay 12.00 Dried. apples-. • ..,'.. _ 5 5 Clover seed 5.0'0 5.75 Potatoes . . . 35 35 Butter ... - 20 20 Eggs , , . 24 24 Hogs liveweiget 7.60 HEb7SALL 11: iUtKETS Gook's Best Flour, . 2.75 Wheat , 1.08 Oats ...... ..... 30 40 Barley . .. . 48 52 Dia-, .. t0 8C li' gs live woight ..- .. . , '!.'? (a De you know that croup can be prove.nted? Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even after the croupy cough appears and it will prevent the attack. It is also e. certain cure for croup and has never been known to fail, Sold by J. J. Merner. Looking forward over the corn- ing twelve months a good number of double holidays are in sight. The next Christmas and New Years will be on Sundae, and will no doubt be accompanied by a holi- day on Monday .Easter and Labor Day always bring a double holiday on Sunday a,nd Monday and tlnde r the new order of things in regard to Thanksgiving Day, fixing it on Monday, there will be still another double holiday. Another thing which is noteworthy about the year is that there is an extra Sat- urday, which meanis fiftythrc'n pay envelopes instead of fifty-two during the year. It depends upr,n 'Whyte 4 q 7 h th t one is receiving pay cal /`M :f'SsO r velopeQ or handing them ont how - - he will regard this feature of 1010. 4iASSEfaY-H i'i,3.2,IS CO, lie could lick himself, TO. Dn to Farmers 'Wanting Re= pairs for Spring AN ANALOGY I used often to go down to the paper mills in the old college town and watch the rags carried into groat vats where they were treated in an acid bath. They passed from one to another of the vats, until at length they had. lost all semblance of their old form, and passed a stream of thin amber fluid, through pipes that opened into one end of a long roon-i where shook and sunib- led the great' paper -making mach- inery. Onto swiftly moving screens fell the stream of pulp, and trickled over. them. It had no form, it was nothing, so far as the eye could see, save a thin liquid. Look 1 There it is 1 Paper ! Thin, almost invisable to the eye, but paper ! And I have stood there by the hour, wondering, watching to see if the eye could detect Where that master•change was wrought, but never did I see it—never did 1 know where the ono ceased to be, and the other began. Yet it was ! And all in plain sight of my eyes, but I could not see it Even so it lies with life. There it was .not ; here it is. And just as .1 believe that aL mind fashioned +he vats and screens and rollers where the paper care- ;et., z),+i n e. u , i • belie -'o. fait, r .re noniing lifts 1i lie o.,lilr ,.,G Ra ti' oliant:P, WIG` that a .1iVad ! ishir+'lr:tl lt,••- ItiLteIt was unacto .by 14 iSt;i.: ti :ia et,il tied. a house worth $300.00. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. B.—Unauthorized publication of this adverti.ement will not be paid for. se rickRural Savings and please order now. Anyone wishing New or Second hand Machinery, call and see if I can't fill your wants. Also Agent for Fairbanks Gasoline Engines, Weigh Scales, Feed Grinders. All kinds of Sawing Machines Buggies, Carriages ancl. l3AIN WAGONS HEAD OFFICE LONDON - - ONTARIO Money advanced on goo; Farm Mortgages, Prompt attention „ iven to applications for loans, E ZELLER. Zurich, IIER CHOICE. For a long Ulna his wife had been in need of a new muff, and after hinting to her lord that her happi ness would never be complete till she owned a new muff, lie at last decided to gratify her desire. So he went to the shop and picked out a couple, one of which was cheap, end the other very expensive. Upon these he changed the price tickets, putting the cheap price mark on the expensive muff, and took them hone. For a long time the poor wife pondered, and at last said : "Now, dear, the expensive xnufff is a beauty, and it is really very good of you to allow me niy choice. Some women would take it without a word, but really I don't think we can afford the expensive one ; and besides the cheap one is more stylish, too. Why, dear, what 1$ the matter? Are you ill'? But "dear" had fled into the ty a e' 1 t 1 night,where, alone, and unseen, tfi7nGiaW^.:nganutzatranysG,Gai, fCrzni SG izneu1"t..G','4 D u :r.6iss Fe) ig�asi' t 9a',P"' itfll Cil •mid`;:! aJ c ; i asecti to as inn 1Ce 25 costa lame slxe uta cents. A REPRESENTATIVE For Zuricli This is the time to sell nursery steak. We pay liberally. and offer steady employment. Our list of Specialties embraces a rare and choice list of ready sellers in both fruit and Ornamental stook. 'Seed :Potatoes, Etc, 'Write for terms and. catalogue.. STONE&WELLINGTOR The Fonthill,Nurseriee, Est. 1837 OW u Ontario'