HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-02-25, Page 2A MOTHER'S ANXIOUS TIME
Promptness Saved her Child
"'My daughter was in the last term
vof her High School work when it sud-
denly and forcibly dawned upon me that
her little rough had been hanging on,
even in spite of the warm weather.
Looking at her anxiously, for a fear had
come into my mind, I saw she had
grown pale and a lot thinner. It seemed
queer I hadn't noticed it all along before,
but, yon see, I counted on it wearing
away. What an awful risk for parents
to take! Of course, I didn't tell her
how anxious I was, but I watched the
effect of Ferrozone with the utmost
anxiety. My girl seemed so slow to
improve, and the first two weeks seemed
like a year. By this time not even the
first box of Ferrozone had been used up,
still she had greatly improved appetite,
and her progres..l after that was splen-
did. When the weather improved . sbe
walked a lot, and gained steadily'in
vigor and weight. The hacking cough
disappeared, and with it every trace of
weakness. I know of rao tonic so nour-
ishing; strength -giving, so beneficial for
growing girls as `Ferrozone.'"
Not only for girls, but for all who are
weak, tired, pale, run down and in re-
pressed spirits—there is no medicine so
sure to to win back vigorous health as
"Ferrozone" Try it, one or two tablets
at meals; 50c. per box, six for $2.50, all
dealers, or The Cata?rhozone Co., King-
ston, Canada.
Sir William's Mistake.
"Sir William Harcourt once told me
that he had dined out every night for
a whole week in advance of his invita-
tions. He only discovered his mistake
on the last night, when, on going to
dine with some people who gave long in-
vitations and large dinners, be found
them alone.
"After a very pleasant eyening he
thanked them for asking him in so
friendly a manner, whereupon they ex-
plained that the invitation had been for
a week later, but that they had been
only too delighted at his mistake.
"On hearing this, Sir William looked
at his engagement book and discovered
that this was the last of a number of
invitations which he had anticipated by
week."—Sir Henry Luey's Memoirs.
Try tiles
-s9te dCi 'Base t0 keow what your Goods
are made ef. SAME Dye for ALL --•No
chance of -mistakes. AU colors se cents from
, our Druggist or Dealer. Sample Card and
Sooktet Free. Tiro Johnson-lticilardson
Co. Limited Dept. J'.. Montreal, Que.
Mary's Cook Book,
Ice Cream Candy,-•iwo cups sugar,
one cup water, one tablespoon vinegar,
one tablespoon cream of tartar, butter
the size of a nutmeg, and flavoring.
This must not bo stirred while cook-
ing. Boil about 25 minutes, or until
it hardens when dropped in cold
water. Work as soon as possible
after taking from the firs. Flavor
while pulling,
• Stuffed Eggs—Take six hard-boiled
eggs, remove the shells, cut them
crossways, scoop out the yolks, fill
in the vacant spaces with caviare;
and cover over with a little mayon-
naise sauce, with which the yolks of
the eggs have been incorporated. Pro-
cure a few even -sized tomatoes; cut
them into slices; season them with
chopped parsley, oil, vinegar, salt and
pepper. Serve the eggs Un slices of
tomatoes. ])isle I•thern up garnished
with '.parsley. •
Potatoes a la Maryland—Pare six
potatoes and: eat in thin slices. Lay
in cold water for, 15 minutes. Drain
and put yin a htewpan with milk
enough to cover, put on lid and sim-
mer slowly until the . potatoes are
perfectly tender, but not broken. Add
a tablespoonful butter, salt, and a
teaspoonful of finely minced parsley.
Serve 'in heated dish. If necessary,
the milk may be thickened by rub-
bing a level tablespoonful of flour
in the tablespoonful butter before add-
ing to the potatoes.
There are thousands of mothers
throughout Canada who have no hesita-
tion in saying that the good health en-
joyed by their little ones is entirely due
to the,judicious use of Baby's Own Tab-
lets. And there are many mothers who
do not hesitate to say that at a critical
period Baby's Own Tablets have saved.
a baby's life. Such a medicine should
always be kept in every home. Mrs. J.
A. Porier, Paquetville, 1. B., says: "We
give Baby's Own Tablets all the credit
for keeping our little one well. They
are an excellent medicine for children."
Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at
25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams'•
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
The Only Relief.
"Shall we have prayer for rain, Thom-
as?" asked the vicar of the clerk during
a protraeted drought,
"Oh- sir, do exactly as you please."
"But don't you think it would be a
good thing? Rain is badly needed."
"You do as you please, sir. You'd
better 'ave it if to be as you do.want it."
"But, Thomas, 'you don't seem to real-
ize -the necessity for having the prayer."
"Bless you, sir, you 'ave that there
prayer if you he so tot on int, but it
won't rain till the moon do change"—
• rom the London Academy.
He Hated to Waste Anything.
Fetzer (in street car) —See that man
sitting at the other end —the big fat
fellow who takes up so much room?
Fetzer—Do you know why he doesn't
give up his seat to that little thio
woman standing in front of him?
Wallman —That's easy; he's too self-
Fetzer—No, you're mistaken. That's
Millionaire Grippes. He made all his
money by practicing economy and the
habit of wasting nothing is so strong
in him that he would feel guilty if he
gave his seat to a woman who was not
large enough to fill it.—Chicago mews.
is certainly one of the most dis-
agreeable ailments which flesh is
heir to. Coated tongue bitter taste
in the mouth—nausea---dizziness—
these combine to make life a burden.
The cause is a disordered liver—the
cure Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills.
They go straight to the root of the
trouble, put the liver right, cleanse
the stomach and bowels, clear the
tongue and take away the bitter
taste from the mouth. At the first
sign of biliouene,s take
Uradirart 'M Cb Faqiim
. e•
Dice Throwing for Charity.
A singular incident, which has not
taken place during the last thirty years,
occurred at the Town Hall, Guildford,
yesterday, in connection with the inter -
eating old ceremony of throwing dice for
the "maid's money," or John How's char-
Both se2vants on the first throw ob-
tained exactly the same total --10, but
on taking the dice box for the second
time Ellen Reeve totalled 1.2 and Dora
Palmer 8. The former was then given a
cheque for B11 10s.—London Standard.
Save the Baby—Use
"Mt ZY.S1 't4Eb%. Wit sol; CAMS E,aa itis
Should be given at once when the
Lilittle one coughs. It heals the del-
cate throat and protects the lungs
from infection—guaranteed safe and
very palatable.
, A11 Druggists, 25 cents.
"W indow-Lea ves.'
Dr. R. Marloth has discovered in South
Africa rix species of plants that possess
"window leaves." They are all stemless
succulents,. and the egg-shaped leaves
are embedded in ? „e 'ground, only the
apexes remaining lsible. Tliis visible
part of the leaves flat or convex on
the surface, and colorless, so that the
light can penetrate it and reach the in-
terior of the leaf below, which is green
on the inside. :With the exception of
the blunt 'apes.-, aro ,art of the leaf is
permeable to the light, being surrounded
by the soil in which la is buried.
PAZO OINTMENT is .(uaranteed to cure any
ease of Itching, Blind, cl=etling or Protruding
Piles in 6 to 14 days c. money refunded, 50c
9 •
When Siamese -fopnots Are Cut.
A Siame.ae child, I+l:ether boy or girl,
wears ita hair in a little topknot until
it has attained the age of 11 or 12 years.
On reaching this age the topknot cut-
ting ceremony takes place. The child is
dressed in its best and amid much re-
joicing of relatives -and friends the top-
knot is cut, one lock at a time. The
head is then completely shaved by the
All guests invited to the ceremony
bring presents—usually money, which is
carefully invested for the child by its
parents or guard'" ns. A young prince
or princess wil ometimes receive as
much as 25000 L resents at his or her
topknot cutting,eerersony, while a poor
child may get $10e or 515.—From the
Wide World Mauazl i.
'l —FOR—
A BRANCH OFFICE bas been established
at 107 St. James' Chambers, Toronto.
This important change permits of prices
being reduced to those prevailing in Europe,
r7postage .00; palf charges
quartedo. $35; express
Pamphlet mailed free on application.
Beware of epurious imitations. All pack-
ages of Trench's Remedy must bear our trade-
mark seal in unbroken condition on each end,
Jim's Cost aD� oliar More.
Richard Le Gallienne, the poet, was
entertaining a group of magazine edi-
tors at luncheon in New York.
To a compliment upon his fame Mr.
Le Gallicnne said. lightly:
"But what is poeticalfame in this age
of prose? Only yesterday a school 'boy
came and asked tee for my autograph.
I assented. willingly. And to -day, at
breakfast time, the boy again presented
"`Will you give me your autograph,
sir?" he said.
"But,' said I, '1 gave you my auto-
graph yesterday!'
"'I swopped that antra dollar,' he an-
swered, 'for the autograph of Jim Jef-
fries.' "—Washington Star.
Better the a l:tes;nrd Piaster. Mees Net Blister.
Msn•b _m+'�ited,norsl''i;'car
bolated, oxide of Sine, etc. Write'for.
Free Vaseline Look.
379 Crag 3t. W., Montreal
To All Women: I will Bend free with full
instructions, my home treatment which
postivo;+ cures Leucorrhoea, Ulceration,
Displacements, Failing of the Womb, Pain-
ful or Irregular periods, Uterine and Ovar-
ian Tumors or Growths, also Hot Flushes,
Nervousness, Melancholy, Pains in the Head,
Back or Bowels, Kidney and Bladder troubles,
where caused by weakness peculiar to our
set. You can continue treatment at home at
"Woman s Owcoat of onlyn Medical Advisor,k.
a32 cents a weelso se book,
free on request. Write to -day. •Addreas,
Kra. M. Sommers. Box H. 8, Windsor, Oat.
The Only':Gcovernment Departrnent.to
Show a Profit.
The patent office is the one d'port.1
met of the Government which actually
-yields a 00M—something over $a0,000
for the last fiscal year, during; which the
fees ame:fitted to $1,887,000. The .te-
cords show 02,000 application for int'.
-chemical appliances, on wltielt 35,000
and practical ideas.
Inasmuch as the past year shores an -
increase of 4,000 applicationrt, it is evi-
dent that invention, instead 'of growing
less, 15, "on the contrary, steadily ial-
ereasing, and while- many p.tt•euts are
secured : on which the inventors realize
little or. nothing, yet fortunes are now
and will continue to be .made: from now
and, practical. ideas.
' Iu most cases the causes of failure to
realize• expectations will be :found, says
Popular Mechanics, in the natural ten-
dency of an inventor to Magnify the
possibilities and minimize the dififeulties
of selling his invention. While an oc-
casional "find" is made by some one
working along a Iine in which he i,s poor-
ly informed, hundred waste' tient and
money ec1 eloping some device 'which,
when finished, proves to -be either old or
without demand.
if the inventor would have his attor-
ney .make a search of the records 1.1e -
fore instead of after, completing his in-
vention he would save money and' be
able to work out his ideas along differ-
ent lines from those already protected
by patents.
TheSecret f Bronze.
It has been s'rppos'ed that the ancients
bad some meteed of hardening bronze
tools, the secret of which had been lost.
Professor Gowland, of the British Insti-
tute of Metabb. Rays that the ancient
bronzes were v:r-r impurse, so that their
hardness could -tot, have been due, as
sometimes ass-ured, to their exceptional
purity. On th, other hand, inasmuch as
modern bronzes, by careful hammering
can be made as hard as the ancient ones,
the legend of a lost art in bronze -hard-
ening seems to he exploded.
A Useful Wasp.
In the "Comptes Rendus" of the Bio-
logical Society of Paris M. Picard gives
an account of a useful wasp found in
Senegal and Nigeria. It is one of the
burrowing wasps, and feeds its larvae
on a species of tsetse fly. In view of the
part played by many species of the lat-
ter in spreading disease, this wasp
might prove a useful ally to those who
are fighting malaria in tropical coun-
Lost Forests,
In New York State, during the past
season 11,087 acres of forest lands burn-
ed by fires, and the loss was only $25,-
101, as against 177.000 acres burned last
year and a loss of $044,000.
In the treatment 'of affections of the
skin and senip which torture, disfigure,
itch, burn; .scale and destroy the hair,
as well as for preserving, purifying and
beautifying the complexion, hands and
hair, Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Oint-
ment are well-nigh infallible. Millions
of women,. throughout the world rely on
these pure, sweet and genere 'emollients
for all purposes of the toilet, bath and
nursery, and for the sanative, antiseptic
cleansing of ulcerated, inflamed mucous
surfaces. Potter Drug &!- Chem. Corp.,
Boston, Zr.. S. A., sole proprietors of the
Cuticura Remedies, will mail free, on
request, their latest 32 -poke Cuticura
Book on the skin and hair.
A Nasty Dig.
"As nasty a dish as I ever adminis-
tered in my newspaper career in Vir-
ginia City," said Mark Tvi•ain, "was
directed against a man named Ferguson.
"Ferguson at Christanas time invited
me to see the present he had given his
wife. They were magnificent gifts. The
man. of course, expected a write-up.
"Well, he wasn't disappointed.. The
next day, in a prominent place on the
first page of the Enterprise I inserted
this paragraph:
"'John H. Ferguson's Christmas gifts
to his wife are being much admired.
Theyinclude a diamond stomacher and
many other beautiful specimens of cut
glass ' "
Send for free sample to Dept. H. L., Na-
tional Dru & Chemical Co., Toronto.
Preserving dour.
A new method orpreservmg flour has
recently been adopted with success in
England. It is done by means of com-
pression. With hydraulic apparatus the
flour is squeezed into the forms of bricks
and the pressure destroys all forms of
larval life, thus preserving the flbur
from the ravages of insects, while it is
equally secure from mould. Three hun-
dred pounds of eompressed flour occupy
the same space as one hundred pounds
in the' ordinart state.
.1 169
quickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals
the throat and 'owls. • dcalms
(Buffalo Express.)
"Have yon had any experience in our
line?" asked the owner of the drug store.
".i. was stamp clerk at the post office
for several years," replied the applicant
fora job, confidently.
for That
E, Look
the etgnaturo ef 15. W aGROV17 INUsed the
World over to Cure a Cold in One bay, 25e.
Humility, wall at my elbow —anti
keep my proud spirit from quailing.
lSS U Iii NO. 8, MO.
,,,,,,p,.w,V,y+.-'-_'-'.A',•,"•'+WM4'tt(y,', app l,''f, (�1j(ty/� WANTED apr_'r
le every locallLy to nnll goods es necessary
Int ivory home as broad. Salary, $2,09 per dal'
ilntl. eDailtlalnelalr. Write
The J, L, NioIhols Co„ Lhi'.iled, Termite, Oefe
1'O1i SAL11;,
IM-.+r,4'k•V•M....rvl,lwRY+ Mn M.vMd,..�^�',"���.
18. Attlf,:t1ON, suONeMbi,tROft L0eOWINf
Iievcluinitnt' wino
they are low; they are
bound to increase rapidly In vttluo, Choice
lost, 2;, s 100, fur $01375 to 5100 per let. Bpo"
rJ tl never ter ono month -65 down and $1 per
w,+ctoN buys two loin. Write for tree booklets
and leaps. Murk:, & CJs„ 205 ring street east
Write Murine Bye Remedy Co:, Chicago, for
48 -page illustrated Eye Book Free. Write all
about Your 11ye Trouble and they will advise
a: to the Proper Application of the Murine
Eye Remedies in Your Special Case. Your
Druggist will tell you that murine Relieves
Sore Byes, Strengthens 'Weak Eyes, Doesn't
Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and sells for 50e,
Try It in Your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes for
Scaly Eyelids and Granulation
Dr. i rte Fs Female POls
PrecriLcd and recornmencied for wo•
me.n'c::ailrnents, a scientifically pre.
pared ;'remedy of proven worth.. • line
result from their use is quick and per-
malnent•. For sale at all drug stores.
Do you trap or buy
Furs? lam lanada s
largest dealer. X pay
htghestpricns: !tour
shipments solicited. .
I pay mail and ox -
press charges; remit
promptly. A1soargest dealer in Ieefhides,
aguel,okas, etc. Quotations and shipping tags
sent tree.
Electric Waves and the Eyes.
The experience,of the corps of telegrit-
pliers employed to operate the wireless.
appartus used by the French in the -re-
cent campaign la -Morocco suggests that
the'I1ertzian waves develop various af-
fections of the eyes. A slight conjanc-
tivifies, resembling that occurring among
tlto i,' who work with are lamps, was
eorsnionly observed, together with a few
easesof a more serious nature. Two
eases of eczema were apparently due to.
thwelgme cause, and one Man suffered
from palpitation of the heart after
working for any great length of tithe at
tlid- sending instruments. '.Jr. l)oli'•',t is
inclined to, think that many cases of
neurasthenia and nervousness, now be-
coming common in the navy, may be due •
to the influence of the waves used in
wireless telegraphy.
PLATED BRACELET, one of the latest Nov-
elties in Et:acclets;. will lit any t.
GIVE FREE for selling only 5 bo. es, atsoocc,�
TABLE PILLS, the greatest Remedy known
for Weak and. Impure Blood„ Indigestion, Con-
stipation, Rheumatism, Catarrh and for all
Liver and Kidney Troubles.
Only send your name and address and we
will send you 8 boxes of Pills and 8 Fancy
Pins to give away with the Pills. Sell the
Pills Zoe. a box. and when all are sold seed
us the proceeds of your sales ($2.00) and we
will send you at once, by mail postpaid, this
bandsom. Bracelet. which will please you
and all your friends. Write to -day.
This elegant watch ladies' or gents' size, stem wind and set, fancy engraved cases,
fuliv guaranteed, wilibesent to you ABSO LUT.ELY FREE, Hyatt will sell only$3.fo
worth of Lovely Picture Post Cards,6foe 100. These are the most artistic, beautl-
fnIly colored and embossed cards issued this season. Views,, Mottoes,Fiorai Hoil -
day, F,,c. These are the fastest sellers. Get the best. Writs to -clay and we w`111 send
you a package. Sell them and return the moneyand win this Handsome Little Watch.
You can also win a lovely Tee Set FREE if you will help us to enlarge our business by
getting only 6 other agents and without having to sell any more goods. 9'
COBALT GOLD PEN CO., Card Dept. S8 Toronto, Ont,r
-:'a'k vita l t s:trm1r +10 33, 1i ,?" ;%,i ktar I111r11 V.REZEZEN BW 11. lc' kt, 174
Mt.-. 5? t.81lSi�Ch'91f551 I et:.�!{'4 t°t--.- -i)e sW, F:5 11 5 .ammo r , 'ZF h 5}051 '1 +MS
Everybody Wks Eats ' read
Should avoid danger of impurities In delivery from the oven to
the home. Insist on your baker wrapping his bread in
We are the original manufacturers of bread wrappers now
used by leading bakers of Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and other
The E. it EDDY COMPANY, United; Hull, Canada
Swcettonecl, deep voiced instrument, with which you can
play beautiful music for concerts and dances. Large frame
10 keys, full set of reeds, two stops, double bellows, ebonlzed
case, nickel plated valves and trimmings.
To advertise Dr. Maturin's Famous Vegetable Pills, a great
remedy for the cure of weak and impure blood, indigestion,
headache. constipation,nervous troubles, liver, gladder and
kidney diseases and an female weaknesseat a Groat Blood.
Purifier and Invigorator, a Grand Tonle and Life Builder,
we will give this Beautiful Accordion FREE, for the sale of
12 boxes of these Famous Vegetable Pills at 25 cents a
box, Every person .,eying from you a boa of these Pills, also receives a piece of jewelry which
we send you with the Pills. This makes thein easy to sell, Fend us your name and Rehires*,
and wewill send you the Pills, postpaid, As soon as you have them all sold, remit 10 us the
Proceeds of your sales, $3.00, and we will send you this Grand Accordion, Immediately, Wa
trust you with the geode until sold, Write to•day. Addfess,--