HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-02-25, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township.1
Vol, X.
--FRIDAY MORNING. FEB.` 25. 1910.
3CIONCDOCNEICK Mr2a9C743030CIO 101:318CAM,484:30 istaleactit3Vii
1000d$. •
te-luR OPENING DISPLA.Y of New Spring
Goods is now on. Spring is just around
the corner and Spring Apparel needs will soon
be urgent. Only time enough now to have the
Ipretty materials made up before you want to
wear them.
In all the Newest Shades.
oar N®vr Prints and IOC. a and
Ask to see (3inghams selling at y
They are Special Value
Dress Goods
Now is the time for a
new dress. Biggest values
ever offeredr
Regular 60 cts, kr 40 a yard
50 cts, for 30 a yard
ets, fa20 a,R,'s'rd
All this season's styles.
Regular $17.50 for 11.50
" 16.00, for. 10,50
12.50, far 9.00
12.00, for 8 50
11.00, for 7.50
10.00; for 6.50
9.00, for 6.00
6.50 for 4.00
Save money. Buy your
Coatings now.
Regular $1.25 for 75 cts a yd
zL 85 eta. for 52 a yard
60 cts, for 40 a yard
Ladies' Fur Coats
1 Black Beaver Momot lined
regular $40.00 for 33.00 ire
1 Astrachan .Jacket, regular
$35.00, for $28,00
Astrachan Jacket, regular
$25.00, for 10.00
Astrachan Jacket, regular
$ 18.00, for 12.00
Fur -lined Cape, regular ex
$20.00, for 13.50
Wrapperettes, regular 12+ cents, for 10 cents
Prints, regular i 2+ cents, for 10 cents
iv arb ar 4.4141 -4 -s4 -s*
Mr, Hagey, it traveller of Berlin.
s pent Sunday with acquaintances
Miss Myrtle 'Pfeffer of Auburn,
is visiting at the Evangelioal Par-
I have a plebe. for $3000.00 on
farm mortgage at ti per cent inter-
est. Apply to E Zeller, Zurich.
Mrs: W. N', Glenn of Lumley,
spent Friday noon with Mr. and
Mrs. William ThetL
8 cents
Factory Cotton, 40 inches wide, regular 12k cts for 10 cts
Prints, regular 10 cents, for
English Flannelette, 36 inches wide, reg 12+ cis for 10 cts •
'.fable Linens, extra value at 18 and 23 cents
.A lot of remnants at your own price,
20 per cent off all ladies'
Fur Ruffs and Muffs. Regul-
ar °L's 1.50 to $15.00. These
values are unsurpassed.
A special line of Window
.4shades, mounted on rollers,
complete, for only 25 cents
Ilen's and Boys'
A special discount of 25
per cent on all men's and boys'
overcoats daring this sale.
Special prices on Men's alas
Boys' reaey-to wear snits.
Sewing Machines,
10 year guarantee 820.00.
Cross cut saws and handles,
sets, files, etc.
is still on.
Only one more week.
meet Miss
M.�rma•.'C�'..'iYn�vY: �.42e,s'�V.�am bS=Muco RSv:J1 Gu. .l.tr. ,101 1.,L.M. .M.TWM,wN2Y.7.1.6YW.x203.C1Ymseml6,.ftvnvveam,
Telephone 9
taco- e1 r
Miss Lizzie Doerr, nt Blyth spent
lett week with her cousin, Miss
Mary Gellman.
Mrs. Henry Weseloh and Mrs.
Chas. Weber opetili Thursday in
Loudon, visiting Miss Alvada
Mr. and Mrs. Doerr of near Au•
barn visited the tatter's snort her
Mrs. F. Demuth, ozl Thursday. and
Friday last.
Hood frame ,t hotzae:`good, :risme
stable„ and lot oonttsining over an
acre for sale • Price $1000,00.
Apply to E. Zeller, Zurich.
25.11a bag of flour found by Mr.
Geo. Campbell, c),EStsnley, on Tties-
day;• betvtaere'Zie ribh•: and:IP:assail.
Owner call at Tem 8 seri office.
Mr. Elmore Thiel Ws purchased
the dwelling owned P. W. Sass,
South of the Deenin o ;: House, for
Sam, and will get ple4iltissien 1st of
April. t '
Mr. Ed .Axt. recently disposed of
his 3 -year-old .drivi% ;g dole. for a
good figure. Mr. Peer lDucharme
of the Bronson L ; e was the
The L' adies•Aid of Ale. Evangeli-
cal chnroli pill meet on Tuesday,
March lata iit,''2,15 Ale*, in the
church. All'. are cordially invited
to be present.'
Messrs R. Weseloh Mia,A. Sehilbe
are thea Week makitise i,t e ailtera-
kions inest ] elate l,. a 4
platform iso tieing lite ' 'across tiste
front and ,atplace made for the
organ and: choir, which '.were
formerly located in the gallery.
Communion services will be con-
ducted in the Evangelical church
next Sunday. The sacrament of
the Lords supper will be dispensed
both morning and evening, Rev.
A Y. Heist of Berlin, will officiate
at both services.
The Council on Friday passed a
by-law for the suppression of
rabies. The fine fort violating the
provisions of the by-law is 850 00
and oosts. It is also provided that
any person may kill a dog found at
large, that is not muzzled. tr
Lutheran Church—The church
being under repair, the evening
service will be conducted in Ger•
man. The monthly meeting of the
Ladies Aid will be beld on Wed-
nesday, the 2nd of March, at 3 p.
tu., in the school room. All are
requested to attend.
We have decided to extend our
big clearing sale for one week more.
The Iarge number of satisfied cus-
tomers will vouch for the genuine
bargains we are giving. Remember
only ono week more when all win-
ter goods must be cleared out. J.
People venturing ont en Wed-
nesday morning experienced a
feeling as if the cold was cold
enough to—well, to freeze anrggar
in two minutes. The mercury bad
gone away down and the blust
from the West made us wish we
were in Jamaica. Cheer np, Hicks
predicts warmer weather in June
and July.
The public Nvill warmly welcome
the new 1910 Editon of that in-
dispensable booklet "5000 Facts
About Canada,'' compiled by Frank
Yeigh, whose writings and
Lectures oii Canada are widelyanti and talo to thieving as.a man -
known. The popelarity of the, malls as duck:; to water because of
publication is shown by its sale of the .sack. of moral restraint and
nearly 00,000 copies, not only in being without references or re -
Canada, but through the Empire, commendations, they can find no
and indeed the world. Tho 1910 other way for getting money to
tains at large percentagei supply their wants. Unfortunate.
No. 31
Sale of . .
Men's Dress Shirts
Regular priced shirts ‘fl
• $i. now selling for..uuC
Everybody wears shirts and
Nobody should miss this Sale.
New Spring
is •arriving. • 1: invite you to visit this
For your Spring supplies
Fine Range of
. Dress. Goods, Prints
Mulls and fluslins
Solve of the Newest Designs
;l1 Farm Produce taken. in exchange
Mrs. Henry Walper Sr., had the Mrs. F. Demuth continues in
misfortune, on Sunday, to fall and
break her arm.
Big graniteware sale now on at
Procter's. Best values ever offered.
J, Preeter.
Owing to the illness of Miss
Keys this week one of the rooms
in the public school was closed.
Mr. John Kipper who was work-
ing in Luoisville, Essex Co for the
winter has returned to his home.
14th Concession.
The two sons of Mr. Jacob
Geiger of near Pigeon, Mich., re-
turned hone on Wednesday, after
a visit with relatives in this
Tho absinthe business of France
is taxed to the extent of $12,000,000
yearly. The use of this green li-
quor means the physical and moral
paralysis of the French people, yet
makers and vendors are up in arms
against the possibility of the pro-
hibition of its manufacture and
sale, The farmers who cultivate
hysoy and other herbs which enter
into its composition, in company
with the makers of the bottles and
corks are also joining in this hew
and cry. They are straining at a
11 win acamel.
gnat and swa
Boys badly reared, and without
training for any calling, are thrown
upon the streets to shift for them-
selves. They drift into bad comp.
Edition earl
of new matter, under such heads iv there are always older heads to
as—a.gricniture, mining, banking,
trade, railways, wheat growing,
education, religions, etc., while it
new feature is a hmlg(t of Empires
Letts. The book iia re ela-tiee of
the riebea a.uu re:Wur0es of the
Dominion It ii published. at 25
cents a copy by The CaatantA.t
FAors rUilLTa"iit`•o Co.. 00'n t3padina
Ave., Toronto, Canada, or may be
'�' ' ` ` had from Newedc a.a rs,
ready to altrect them on the down-
ward path. We believe everybody
should have a chance.. The nation
that neglects its boys throws away
its most, eelnable asset and sows
the seeds of future disasters t„
blossom in criminal courts and
prisons. or, worse still, in the un.
derground world where .snllen r e. ,
hellion against all authority- is'
I nursed and unarchi,ts are bred,
very poor health, this winter.
Messrs Herb Elowald and Willie
Walper left this week for the
Mr. Charles Greb of Berlin, is
in town this week on business,
and renewing acquaintances.
Mr. Fred Witwer visited London
on business, Tuesday and Wednes-
day. ednes-
The special services conducted in
the Evangelical church during the
past two weeks, were well attended
considering the stormy weather.
New Spring Goods arriving
daily. All the newest and latest
in Dress goods, muslins, prints etc.
J. Preeter.
Mr. William Cane of near Ling, -
don, .N. D., is home on a visit•
Mr. Cane has been in that country
for twenty years and looks hale
and hearty.
Mr, C. Greb has purchased the
hark at the tannery, about 101)
cords, and is shipping it to Berlin.
It will take sone teaming to get it
to the station.
Everybody enjoys the singing of
the Stan 1.:'ant choir, recently or-
ga.n:zM. by the ls.-tor of the Evan-
gelical church Come and hear
then Rini; on 1 l rr+ irt' t- ening.
Dr. Oven's Surgeon, Oculist
specialist will be at Royal Hotel,
Hensall, on Friday, March lth.
Boars all clay. Glasses properly
fitted, Catarrh, deafness, fail-
ing eyesight, and throat troubles'
1)r. 'Tennent of London received
word from Toronto on Monday'
morning that the head of the' dog
which bit the bull at Dashwood
rceontly, had been examined, end
that the brain contained largo
numbers of.•the negri bodies,. which
produce, rabies. The bull, it is be.
lievod, unquestionably had the
disease also,
1'b'ord has also been received.
that the dogs sent from. Port Bur-
well aa.rltl Sebringville also had