The Herald, 1910-02-18, Page 6TORONTO A BAD PLACE. Given Quite a Character by a Woman in Toronto. Mayor and Premier Annoyed Over Letter in Scotsman. Toronto despatch: "Here's a marked copy of the Weekly Scotsman, Edin- burgh, which I have received. from Pre- mier Whitney," said Mayor Geary at to -day's board of Control meeting. "An article in it annoyed him, and I may say it annoyed me." Mayor Cleary then read from a letter in the Scotsman, signed "Auld Reekie," It is from a woman living in Toronto, and working in a hotel. Part of the letter is as follows: "The rooms as a rule are left in a filthy condition. Men out here of all classes chew tobacco and expectorate all over the place. Cigars are cheap, and so they are constantly smoking. The rooms smell dreadfully. "By the by, the canny Scots get the credit of being great whiskey drinkers, but 1 must candidly say that 1 have never seen so much drinking as I have done since coming out here. Servants would refuse to clean such rooms on. the other side. "Their sleeping quarters are very dif- ferent to the nice, clean rooms at home, and the food is as a rule scanty, and not of the same quality as that of the average hotel. They make no tips, and have to pay for their own laundry, which, by the way, is a most expensive item out Here. Clothes are more expen- sive, and not so good in the long run. "If :i, girl is ill and is off work for a day or half a day her pay is stopped. The same applies to a holiday. No work, no money is the motto. The Canadians are great on 'hustlers,' and unless amen or woman can acquire this habit they, as a rule, do not succeed. "A good, steady, reliable worker is put on one side for those who keep the capital 'I' ever before the notice of their employers. Such would be termed `eye - servants' with us. They know every- thing, and we poor people know nothing. Their manners are anything but to be desired, and it is humiliating in the ex- treme to a woman to walk along the streets—men and youths evidently seek • their women friends in this way. "I would advise any girl to think 'well before deciding to come out here, as when all's said and done she is a great deal better off at home. There is, of course, good and bad all the world over, but all this business of Sack being as goodaa his master is greatly overdone, and although the money es more plentiful, one has to Work a great deal more strenuously than at hone. "There is scarcely a woman employ- ed here but is married and living apart from her husband, or unmarried and living with men. There are Chi- nese dens here In -great numbers;` and .' with offerd of big Money girls "areade-' toyed to them. The '`White ;.slave traffic' is carried on to an alarming extent. "The Rev, Mr. Wilson of this city,' (Toronto),.;has lately been, exposing' the cause of a, great.deal of:iipmoraluty.' "A. girl in lodgings Ire r, if`'she wish' es her friends to come and. see her, is obliged to have them in her bedroom, and as the male sex predominate- averaging about six men to two women --girls are early married. "A.s we are just on the borders of America a man can clear off, and the girl has no alternative but to make the best of things and go back to work again, as the law' cannot interfere once the man or woman is in America. "In case of illness, hospitals demand payment; there is no such thing as voluntary help; and as the climate is so extreme, both in summer and win- ter, a common illness for the freshly arrived immigrant is rheumatic fever, and also, owing to the water being un- filtered, typhoid fever is very preval- ent." "I want to cable a denial of this," said the mayor. Controller Spence—"If the newspapers here were to ridicule this, wouldn't that do instead of having you cable about en anonymous letter?" The mayor—"No, I'm going to cable. I wouldn't mind. if it were some other paper, but the Scotsman is as important in • Scotland as the Times is in Eng- land." Controller Church --"It ought to go to the Dominion Government." The mayor -"We'll attend to this ourselves. We'll have City Relief Of- ficer Taylor look up the faots and I'll sign a letter that will be written." MR. FAIRBANKS.' Ex -Vice -President and the Incident at the Vatican. ,l,he.'teem en ,Oa .the \I_e,tigaa Cmt11'41 are demanding an incrkstee in w.tgee, An outbreak of tr}1.'11om t has been dis-- eoverect,, anteing Rcgiu:t ,huol chidlren. A professor, at the University of Miah- igalt makes use of the natural man of conservation to give a scientific' proof of immortality. Dr. J. 0. Orr, Scert'tnry :cad.:ui:t11 ger ' of the Canadian N,ttienii Exhibition, has been given a $1,000 ieel'e.1Se of ha:- ary, making it. $5,000. Sir Henry M. Pellatt at the annual T,,eeting of the Toronto elleetrie Dight Company promised a revision of tire. rotes now in force. The C. P. R. will add another to its system of hotels, which exteuul across the country, by ereeting a fine house at Arrowhead, north of Arrowhead Lakes. It will be the 'same as the Chalet, at Lake Louise, and will Bost $100,000. Robert A. Ross, of Montreal, has been appointed by the Council . to act as In- gersoll's arbitrator or valuator for the purpose of establishing the price to be paid for the real estate and equipment of the 'Ingersoll Eleetrie Power & Light Company. The promoters of the I. M. C. A. in Chatham have received a subscription of $5,000 and they have also received an option on a.ceetral location for $6,000, The canvassers have besides this been successful , in raising $1,500 to date. • A Melbourne despatch seys that Mr. Alfxed' Deakin, speaking 'at Ballarat, said the Government hoped to make further efforts in the direction of pre- ferential trade treaties acct Imperial co-operation, the hope and mainstay of the Empire. . ]Lome, Feb. 14.—Rev. George Carling, pastor of the Methodist Church in Rome, gave adinner last night inhonor of Chas. W. Fairbanks. Among the guests were Dr. Wallin Clark, head of the Methodist organization in Italy; the Rev. Walter Lowrey, rector of the Amer- ican Episcopal Church in home, and John W. Garrett, First Secretary of the United States Legation. Ambassador Leishmann was unable to attend. The conversation at the dinner centred iu the incident between the ex -Vice -President and the Vatican. With regard to the Pope's rc usal to give an audience to Mr. Fairbanks, ex- cept on condition that he withdraw from his promise to address the Methodist Church on Sunday, the 'Vatican explains that it is customary for the Pope never to receive a personage who acts in any manner other than that of it Catholic minister in Rome. s -s Prof, Thibault, of Kansas Medical College, has announced the discovery of an anaesthetic far more powerful than stovaine. It promises to, supercede cocaine entirely. Another Modern Miracle Paralysis Permanently Cured Word comes from Gull Lake that Jacob Henry, a Mississauga Indian, 72 years of age, was frozen to death at that place, in Peterboro couuty. He was Crossing the lake in company with an- other old man, Robert Sawyer; and be- eame exhausted. A large number of residents of North Winnipeg, headed by Jewish rabbis who have always slaughtered the beef which their people consume, are combining to form a co-operative botched an dabat- toir concern, whieli will enter into direct competition with the abattoir trust. William Leonard, 80 years of age, is dead at the Hotel Dieu, Windsor, of pneumonia, brought on by exposure and hunger. 1'ie lived alone in a tumble- down place in the outskirts of the city, and his condition was not known until reported to the city authorities by a neighbor. The Sufferer Paralysed From Waist to Feet—Encased in Plaster of Paris for Nine Months—Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Cure After Four Doctors Had Failed The Cure Vouched for by a. Well Known Clergyman. Paralysis, no matter how slight, is a. terrible affliction, but to be paralyzed from waist to the feet, to be a helpless cripple, totally dependent upon what others do for you, is a condition as wretched as man could possibly bear. Such was the state of Mr. Allan J, Mc- Donald, of Ries Point, P. E. I. For over a year he was it helpless invalid, Hp was paralyzed from his waist to his feet and for nine'month lay in bed encased • in a plaster of paris cast. Four of the best doctors in Prince Edward Island were unable to help him, and he seemed doomed for a life of misery and despair. But hope came to hint when he read of what Dr. 'Williams' Pink 'Pills had done for other sufferers from paralysis. He procured a supply of the Pills and be- gan taking them. Gradually they broke the chains of disease that bound him, and filled his whole body with new blood, life and vigor, Mr. Me - Donald says: "I tum a farmer and in cansequence have a great deal of hard work to do. One day while about my work I injured niy back, but at the time I paid little attentiou to the in- jury and continued my work. As time went on, though, the pain became more severe, and I soon found myself unable to lift anything no matter how light. It was not long before I had to stop work altogether and consult a, doctor. He treated me, but his treatment did. „tot help. ine and 1 rapidly grew worse. 1 had to take to my bed, and in the hope that my spine might receive strength 1 -was encased in a plaster of paris cast. 'This did not help me and I could feel the paralysis slowly creeping over me till I was totally paralyzed from my waist to my feet. 1 lost all control over my bowels and 'bladder, and my lags had no more feeling than if they. were made of wood. Three other doe- tors strived to cure me, but thein treat - went also was a failure, and for eleven months I lay in bed unable to move. Dr. t'llillia nee Pink Pills were then advised them. 1 bought a supply and jn less than three months they made a remark- able change in me. I was able to get out of bed and crawl along the floor on my hands and knees. Gradually my limbs became stronger. Soon I could walk with the aid of a cane and. inside of nine months after I had begun the use of the Pills I was totally cured, and once more able to do light work, Now 1 am as strong as ever I was, and can do my work about the farm without the least trouble. I think Dr, Williams' Polk Pills are without an equal, for, besides my own case, I know of two other cases of paralysis cured by them. Two young girls who had been cripples and whore 'I advised to try the Pills," In corroboration of what Mr. Mc- Donald says, the Rev. D. MacLean, of Charlottetown, 1'. E. 1.: writes: "I vis- ited. Mr. McDonald many times during his illness, He was attended by three or more doctors and put in plaster paris, and everything imaginable which might be of benefit was done for him without success. He had lost all power of his body from his waist down and I think he was nearly a year under treatment before he began to use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I was with him the first day be moved his bug toe, and from that tittle on he gradually improved and for the last few years he has been perfectly well. 1 can vouch for the care .Dr. Williams' Pink Pills effected in bis case," If you are sick and the treatment pia are now taking shoes not help you, give Dr. Williams' Pink Pill a fair trial. They have -cured thousands' after doctors and other inedieal treatment bad hope- lessly failed. These Pills actually stake new, rich, red blood, feed the starved nerves and bring health and strength' to every part of the body- This is why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills care such ap- parently hopeless oases as Mr. McDon- ald's, and it is why they bave cured thousands and thousands of siok, dis- couraged people in every part of the world. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a. box or six boxes 4,0 �ro 't'k3b St anden-a Article Ready for use in ani( quantity. Useful for five hundred purposes. A can equals 20 ll . SAL SOBA. Use only the Best. , %S Wag. 11011"1{6611.1 107,17. 4-' F IL a ll • L MUTT uo. cede To r r;. aiegiSeatileseealweieareieseaa : r, ms SOLD . E.V IE:RB For Makin@Soap. For SofteninK, Water. For.I .emovingPaint. For Disinfecting Sinks, Closets, Drains,etc. waste' t;r An employeew ;:Che Montreal registry office has absconded, leaving a shortage of over $5,000. It is said that the ,, hort- age covers a period of over seven years, and all that time he suecoeded's' by a series of continuous embezzlements to fill the gaps made by his first losses in mining speculations, - Rev. L. , S. Hughson, pastor of the Bruce Avenue Baptist Church, Windsor, denies that he was an applicant for the pastorate of Ossington Avenue Baptist Church, of Toronto, He had been asked by the Pulpit Committee to allow his name to go before the copgregation, but had declined to do so. Mr. Recorder Weir, of Montreal, an- nounces the formation of a new women's court. At present men and women are tried. in the same court, before the usual ging 'of morbid spectators, and it was is o do away with this detriment to re- form and progress that the recorder has decided on the new step. A pitiful tragedy of 'New York's ex- treme cold weather is the death of. three-year-old' Cecilia Roanie, who was found to -day frozen to death in her lit- tle crib near a window. The baby had kicked the blankets from the cradle dur- ing the night. At the child's side was a half-filled bottle of Frozen milk. • DOG ORDER Which Explains What Owners of Canllies Must Do. B ere is a copy ot• the order -in -Council passed by the Cabinet yesterday ntd is- sued. to -day: 'Upon the recommendation of the 13on- orable the Provincial Secretary, the Committee of Council advise that in view of the fact that rabies exists in the Province of Ontario, and is readily trans- misible from animals to human beings: the Committee of Council advise that all dogs within the following counties namely: Brant Huron Bruce Kent Dufferin Lambton Elgin Lincoln: Essex Middlesex Grey Norfolk laldimand Oxford Halton' Peel Perth Simcoe Waterloo Welland Wellington i'1' entworth York shall be either securely chained in an outhouse or other building, or kept under lock and key, or efficiently muz- zled with metallic muzzles, in amanner satisfactory to the inspectors of the .De- partment of Agriculture of the Domin- ion of Canada; provided, however; that in any municipality where rabies is ac- tually known to exist, the muzzling privilege - maybe withdrawn, in which event all dogs shall be confined or iso- lated.by being chained up or kept under lock and key." 0 • 5 f tit l was shown testimonials of others for $2.50 from '.i'ho Dr. Williams' Meda e had been eared of paralysis through eine Co., Brockville, Ont. A case of suicide by drowning was narrowly avoided at St. John, N. B,, when a patient in the Provincial Hos- pital escaped, and, running a couple of hundred yards, bounded into a cove neat; the Reversing Falls. One of the attendants had followed close on his heels and jumped into the water after him, and with considerable ` difficulty managed to pull him out. A majority of the grocers of Peter- boro have petitioned the City Council to pass a by-law to have all groceries close at 7 o'clock in the evening. There is no regulation at the present time. In commemoration of the Shackleton expedition to the Antarctic regions, Dr. W. A. R. Mitchell, of Roncesvalles ave- nue, Toronto, surgeon of the expedition, has just received from King Edward a handsome bronze medal. Last week a well-dressed stranger, calling himself Davis, appeared in the Brockville G. P, R, office and obtained a waybill consigned to a firm in Ottawa. Once itt his possession, he lost no time in raising the figures to suit 'his own circumstances, and made the waybill, which was originally for two bags of oats, to read for a considerable amount of brass and rags. so he was 'able to ob- tain. from awa denamed. 1aplon $125 on its strength. A narrow ganaugeOttrailway isaler to be ova- structed to the site of the Garden of Eden, which Sir William Willcocks, Brit- ish advisor to the Turkish Ministry of Public Works, claim% to have located. According to Sir William's measure- ments the homestead of Adani and Eve WAS situated in the Earilab district, about 250 kilometres north of Bagdad. The spot is an oasis situatad in the cell. tre of a vast desolate plain wirieli is traversed by four arms of the Euphrates. PASSED AS NUNS. and started a door to door begging cam- paign. Their layout, however, was lack- ing in details, and they had not been on the beat more than a few hours be- fore they were spotted and arrested. They were brought before the Magis• torte to -day, where one gave the name of Mrs. James Robinson and the other Mrs. Jean Lacombe, both well over for- ty. Their husbands appeared in court, both working men, who stated they had recently moved irom llawkesbury, and that they knew nothing of their wives attempts to eke out the fancily income.. in view of the circumstances the women were let off with a sharp lecture and a fine of $10 and costs. Two Women. Arrested at Lachine For ,Begging. Montreal, Feb. 14. --Two women frons. Hawkesbury, Ont., were arrested yes- terday at Lachine, caught masquerading as nuns and travelling around collecting charity in that garb. Both were 'elder- ly women, one of thein a mother of four and tate other of thirteen children. They had fixed up imitation nous' clothing, UNLUCKY NUMBER. Thirteen Men on Thirte -ii Year - Old Bark. Halifax despatch: Thirteen men who sailed on the thirteenth. of the month in a thirteen -year-old bark, the Cal eium, landed in Halifax to -day un- alterably determined never to have anything to do with that number again. Leaking like a sieve, and ablaze from stem to stern, the Cal- cium was abandoned three days ago, and her crew taken off by a. lifeboat from the British steamer Syrian. For five days the hark's crew had slaved at the pumps in a desperate attempt to keep the water-logged craft a. ,oat, and when the Syrian bore down on them, in response to their distress flares, theemen of the Calcium had almost abandoned all hope. A. .terrific sea was running, which made the work of . rescue ex- ceedingly difficult, but it was accom= plished, although' one of the bark's crew had three ribs broken, and had to be put in the lifeboat with a sling. More difficulty was experienced in getting the men aboard the steamer on the return trip of the lifeboat, and so rough was the sea ,that the boat was smashed against the steamer's side, but not until after all who were in her had been hoisted on board in safety, The Syrian was bound to Manchester from Port Arthur, Texas, and put into Halifax this morning to land the shipwrecked men. • FANCY ENGRAVED WATCH DECORATED TEA SET This elegant watch, ladies' or gents' size, stem wind and set, fancy engra Td cases , FUULLY-GUARA5 TEED, will be sent to you AB - if you will sell only $3.00 worth of High grade collar buttons at 10e. per card (4 buttons on each card). These but- tons are very fast sellers. Write to -day and we will send you a package; sell them and retura the money and win -this IlANDSOML+ LIT- TLE WATCH. You can also win a lovely TEA SET FREE if you will help us enlarge our business by getting only 0 other agents and without having to sell any more goods. Only 88,00 worth—no more, no less, and you can win both these splendid premiums FREE. COBALT GOLD PEN CO Button Dept. Neerlire 9 Toronto, Ont '.tk. ... r.; e,krtr>`^ 7 .,,,t t. 5 ,. ... ts• I F 9�' t,.:..•.,.y..,,.,•C nc.• FREE LOCKET AND C 'il'O LADIiES AND, GIRLHAINS This beautiful Gold Finish Locket, mounted with precious stones, with this lovely neck chain is one of the latest ornaments. No dress is complete without an ornament of this kind. SEND NO MONET. Send your name and address and we will send you 4 boxes of Dr. Maturin's Farrow Vegetable Pills, the most powerful Tonic and Blood Purifier known, Sell them at 2s cents a box. giving free to each purchaser one of the pins sent you with the Pills, This helps you to sell rapidly. As soon as the Pills are sold, send us the$1.00 collected and we will scud you this handsome LOCKET & CHAiN FREE. Write to -day. ADDRESS The Dr. Malaria Ndadicine Co., Dept. 429 Toronto, Ont. SHIP TO US YOUR SS3rs c N•, ELT Fi Our Advice to Our IF)FieuatiEs, Shippers Was Correct So now would advise to ship goods to us and obtain the High Prioca which we aro now paying. Write for price list and shipping to se which will bo cheerfully furnished. References, Dominion Bank, Montreal A. & EA PIERCE & CO. 500 and 507 St. Paul Street, Montreal immaultai