HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1910-02-18, Page 5FIRST GLS3 TILE I have a large stpply of the very best tile On hauseferom 2t• in, to Aix blob, If you ne f any pall, write or telephoneto ohn Foster, Zur- ich, Brick and Tile yards. 7;1 tf. Moved! Moved! SHOP AND STOOK You will find this Establishment on MAIN. STREET directly West of Dominion House Ready to supply you with just a —little bit the Nicest— JEWELLERY for HOLIDAY GIFTS. )dings, Silver Thimbles, Fobs, Necklets, Watches Brooches, Bracelets, Veil Pins, Collar Pins. Everything in this Line. COME ALONG, We will try to PLEASE YOU. F. W. HESS, JEWELLER G. R. HESS, Assistant. gDOCT.OaDaZ/130yDctEMIOD C3•19.gmiZaDGD@i'DGDGE ea, 8 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 I R. N.DCUGLA ,. 8' General Merchant, B L A K E. 1 DOMIDaDDIZOIDeDU11@aOD01126]GDGUA.rODGIIS OCIMKg WE TAKE this opportu- nity of wishing our Customers a Happy and Prosperous New Year, and thank each and all for having made the past year our most prosperous year since we have been in busi- ness. We ask you again for your hearty support for 1810, and we will do our best to merit it, by giving you value for your money. 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 Cl 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 Zhu ICH M E AT MAR c E E keep in stock a full line o fresh pleats, hales, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. LUT HENSA14. The c wporat nnn aspassed an ordinance requiring all dogs to be triu:cZled • Mrs. Ti 0 Charlesworth of Blyth, has been visiting bore and at London, last week. • Duncan McEwen left last week for the West, to resume his ern• ploy Tient with the 0, P. Re Joseph Ellis is Still tfulte poorly and Miss Hagan of Iillsgreen, is employed as nurse. About seventy couple attended the assembly on Friday evening last. A number were in attendance from Zurich. Miss Annie Consit has oharge of Miss Ellis' room at the public school • • DASHW®0D Mrs. L K. Eidt, who has been at Lisbon attending the funeral of her father and later visiting friends at Berlin returned to her home on Monday evening. Mr. William Tiernan left Monday morning for Stratford to take up hls work at that place. Mrs. Twichen, "nee Miss Lydia Haugh" of London is spending sometime with friends in this vicinity. Rev. A. Y. Heist, of Berlin will conduot the sacramental service here on Sunday next. Several from this place attended the Rev. Sam Small's lecture on from•Bar room, to pulpit, at Exeter, on Friday night. They say the lecture was good and were highly interested in the same. The name contest for the Auto- graph quilt is still on in a friendly way. It is said that one of our young men 'men leen shortly- join the make of the benedicts. There is talk of having a rural telephone system established here• Such a project should meet with the approval of all and should receive every possible encourage- ment. Mr. E. M. Brokenshire was in Zurich, on Saturday afternoon. Some of the stock of Mr, Isiah Tetreau which was bit by a strange dog sometime ago have developed rabies and have had to be killed. An attack of the grip is often followed by a persistent cough, which. to many proves a great annoyance. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been extensively used and with good saecess for the relief and cure of this cough. Many oases have been cured after all other remedies had failed. Sold by J, J. Merner. This space will Pay l00% profit .:to the business in k1D c1:"Ar !t“-,; kp`•af ro ' — %.";7 1.- 11 tr*I. i -I. . •1"li`tr' [, , ,Nrr' , tt • • . , •: , ..n 1, ;1 ': a i t u ITS FOREST WEALTH, NOV; . SCOTIA TAKES MEASIMES TO. GET ACCURATE ESTIMATE, The - provinoe of Nova Scotia during the pest summer fnangrat, ed a survey aIts forest lands, thus .setting an example to the other provinces of the Doinieion in this regard. Thesouthwelstern part pf the province, from Rants county westward, was covered this past summer and it is eXpocted the survey will be completed next sui riser. Conditions allowed of only a rough survey, or "rec0nneissanCe," The survey was carried out under the direction of Dr. B. F.,Fcrnow, clean of the faculty of forestry of the University of Toronto.: Several trained foresters, along with the Chief Fire Warden of the. -province, were employed on the survey, arm 1 under the plan of operations ad 8 opted each of these was assigned 9 a certain district and allowed eon- 1 siderable liberty in his ohotce of 8 the method of covering• this to the best advantage. Existing records and other information o secured from well informed persons 1 was utilized as far as possible and available, with aview of saving time and expense; the fieldwork consisted largely in checking the information study of forest types, eto The information obtained was 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ►asooapowstoreroaa gatrowanpwwoDensuro rqD The New Grocery Flour&Fees Sire have bought the business • rebently • conducted by the late S. &aJanie, and am, prepared to supply your wants with good goods at fair prices, Give me a -call or Telephone to No. for prompt delivery PRODUCE TKED AS CASHI. 6ASCftL : :ZURIC eie D<V&IDeDMED tlD®QD®iDGUtitmGD®GD1EIMGDMSMCDCDM/tl D(' )tINICE DGD4Y}DGD®G)OCICIMODGGSmDGDNT7ZOGD(BffiJG EXETER. The waterworks plantwas test. ed last week and everything seems plotted in the field directly on t satisfactory. maps of large scale (2 inches to the ! Joseph Senior leader of the choir mile) provided for the purpose. in the Presbyterian church was Among the points of greatest insPresented with a purse, in re- portance thus noted were the cognization of his service: extent. of the burned areas, the ii William Btvvden left last Thurs. degree of cutting on eut•over areas, j day for the Old Country to bring the composition of the forest, the in Misine horses. ss Hattie Willis left for South conditions of the reproduction i Bend, Ind., to visit her sister, Mrs. and the character of farming j P Luxton lands, meadows., ate., within the Dan Hartleib attended the farming country. Hamilton shooting tournament The cost of the survey is a point i made some good scores. the t cunsidera.ble note, as it ere i Canadian handicap he shot 2vn out e ed less thiin twenty cents pee r of 25 birds. square mile. The total area of the country covered was about BLAKE 8500 square miles. The future of the forest is the • Mr. and Mrs. Edgerton Farrell, point of greatest interest to the of Royal Oak spent tt few days forester,`and in this regard. Dr. with the former's sister, Mrs. Fernow has some interesting ob servations to make. He stays :— "Although the date on repruduc- tion and rate of growth are, not yet collated, it is safe to say that. if the fires are kept out (and ap- parently with the present organiza- tion still further perfected this can be done reasonably well) there is no difficulty' in re -stocking by natural means •most,of the nut over areas, if not tori severely culled ;teethe pure hesseeew'•.t'r:: spruce stands all that is neceesaxy is to remove the old hemlock thoroughly and cleanly to have the young growth of spruce. already estab- lished, on the ground, take its place. He takes occasion, however, to correct erroneous impressions as to the growth of spruce. While the white spruce, growing in compartively open situations, may, he says, make a saw]ogin sixty years, the forest spruce, which is mostly red spruce. Ernes mon, eltrwi' end '+ii rtt•,)heely not average a sttwlo , in loss than u hundred years. Itis found that to a large extent. the dilerent specie of trees are! localized. The white bine is formai for the most part in Shelburne) and part of Queen's, the hemlock most prominently in Annapolis nd the spruce in Digby (emetic:a Nova Scotia is to be heartily congratulated on taking this for- ward stop. One of the greatest needs in regard to the planning of a businesslike system of administ- I ering and caring for the forests of ; Canada is the acquiring of definite; information as to just where these areas ate located, their extent, the quantity of timber and species of trees >;o be found un them, their Clubbing rates. re We have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with Tier Hux LD : Daily Globe . $ 4.25 „ Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe . • 1.60 .,, Mail & Empire 1.60. Berliner Journal(German) 2.50 • Family Herald & Star 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.75 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun 1.75 Farmer's Advocate >.2fii i•riER,: IS BUT 0141'4 r,4rry t'tarnr.'r should know tout t,h`e Fritts offered by the drapers I or tat;, le, ,'tcs, etr., is a irt,r one. ilow earn he . 1' now this if he does trot, take a farm 1ruslat-ns paper? Whitt doctor or law-• yet of business ratan WOUid he Without his b t,illess papery 'there is hot- one farmers' business''and niiritet paper; that is The Weekly San. Starr{ 1910 right by eabaer;biil . r'L•A CO i Lnatl. s rr t,1 . .1 , n,•• t•i.. v, e, nee la t •.; Tweet,' rt: tee leave ulnen to be de.- eel, it at any rate substitutes dell,:lite (if only approximate) knowledge for guesses. Nova Scotia is to be congratulated on having led the way among the provinces of the Dominion in `thus substituting certainty for vagueness in regard to its forest areas and resources. LOOKED LIKE IT The visitor ran„ the bell and the door was opened dry the wild eyed youngsters who were towing the house cat around by a hose. "1 beard that your' mamma was up at the mothers' congress deliv- ering a lecture on 'How to Raise Children,' " announced the visitor "Am X right?" And the older boy., pointed to the overturned chairs, the scratch- ed wallpaper and the broken table, and said simply : ''Gee, don't it look like It?" stopped in `Zit rr>intttns sure with Dr. `whoop's s toltir Renrccly ())Fo test avlU +surely lsrol;a No vomiting, my drr• tress:. A osis and nleasingsyrov lik, ,Druggists . - ..avnnvira.,tx. aaw.a uov'autwl, train t{l,s toOUS pv. 1:17., -Acromio, xor prlee. William Finlay. Mr, Ross Johnston had the misfortune to lose a valuable brood mare this week. It seems the animal pulled on the do rope sufficient to allow her to get her head behind the stall post in which position she was found lifeless, next morning. Mr, Robert Allan Jr., disposed of a fine span of two year colts this week. One to David. Dewar another to Claris Hauch. Mr. John Johnston delivered a horse to Hensel], on Monday. Mr. George Douglas and Chris Sohrag are going halves on the wood contract for the aehool, their tenders being the same. rtr 11 he _Itspital for TORON � COLLEGE .3T., TORONS� Children TO. ;� i1S APPEAL IS TO Y i'e l° al'id l -1"Ol' veryacznPar- ents Cannot Afford to Pay for Treat- ment is Treated Free. The Hosl.itttl fur Sielt Children had list year in its c•ot:t and beds 1,155 patients --- 383 of these were from 207 places ;a t l:u i'r )wince. 5rxt,.y- lire p,.'r tient. were children c,f }' o 0 r hncolde K114 could nut atli,rd to pay. Sint'e its ur*gnniza- ttou the lust itut ate 1Wo 1 I.1 t. roar ?Agar, has tivitled 15,03 rs 1.1,,Alirk.it. children ; 11,5,-r) of thrwi a i.lI& to tiny ant] wet ti tl•r ate cl free. If �•on know of any tltiltl in your rleiglttulthoed n• h o ifj sick ut his eny Jeft'r•t, it semi the n,,:n c f the l treat to the Sec.ret:411'. l ]tr. 11 ,S,;it•al for :ler, Children ildren is not a lora) hilt a great, Provincial Charity .for 1hr sick child of 111e poor in any 00INO rtoM,. INA 1 EIM 1,i'rt of Ontario has upon its help tr.s the child Who 11ves e- thin the shadow o it,.= wails it. Torrud,,. ji rl� Th ere lxrb t •, o t t hub F ce 1, treat. d i r le;;;;;t • 4. There is no need or anyone sufler- ing long c: i..r this disease, for to effect a quick curer it is only neces- sary to take a few doses of fla g inti r ET e *sent- eta_ Dour Odes' awl a Ate 1111"iilg.,atioloq In fact, in most cases one dose is sufficient. It never fails and can be relied upon in the most severe and dangerous cases, at is equally val- uable for children. and is the means of saving the lives cf maw children each year. In the world': hist' ry no medicine has ever met with greater success.�p� TIUBIT.FIp v-e ° rte',. 1 r 4 -1A1 -9E44‘9 0140VagiFri; MAtSIGINt; A PATIi,.NT. the 11,,5;)i- tal lu'-t vt•r.r sari 0, Ir_u1 p° :'f'r•t col/cotton. nr:r'OriIC Arran Just think of it ---Your money ens ]relic the Hospital to do the „„;clod e ,rk of tstraightf rF t }, thy liodis and nlnh feet of lit tie children. l'Ina•,e help us Please Send Coiltribta Lions to ,? loss obertson, Chairman, or to Docr,glas Davidson, Seo Tr nss The He r'pital for Sick C::l.t x x:, :^r ttear..1:3L, Tv von to. k`i Find the Fly If you found a purse • impulse Would be to I' "Lost and Found "•' our papas y If you have lost you think the Mule aaorera:,_ If you wleh-t ee our...Cisme 1C NV/1.9 a ertt.teat tnvu.tUU ■va v _ A ,ay. e oR for, .i gem f as 0e. e, 0Mtt